Adjusted Present Value

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Copyright 1999 President and Fellows of Harvard College

Adjusted Present Value Valuation

Contents Introduction Analysis


This sheet Data input and output report sheet

Overview The Adjusted Present Value method is conceptually similar to WACC. Cost of capital is calculated taking into account the benefits of the interest tax shield, enabling the manager to discount expected cash flows and to estimate their present value. Under the APV method, however, all cash flows to capital are discounted at a rate determined by the asset beta that is, the discount rate that would apply if the company were financed entirely through equity. Then, the value of the tax shield is calculated separately and added to the NPV of the investment. The APV tool adds an additional feature, allowing the user to consider a company with a tax loss carryforward benefit. Since this benefit results in a direct reduction of taxes, it adds to the value of the company, but some of this benefit must be discounted since it may not all be applied in a given year. The model applies all of the allowable benefit (up to the total tax bill) in a given year until it has been fully utilized.

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Jon B. DeFriese MBA `00 and Chad Ellis, MBA `98 developed this software under the supervision of Professor Steven Wheelwright as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either the effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation.

Copyright 1999 President and Fellows of Harvard College

Adjusted Present Value Valuation



Asset Beta RiskFree Risk premium Discount Rate Long-Term Rate Starting Debt Debt Interest Rate Tax Loss Carryforward

$ $

0.7 6.00% 7.80% 11.46% 5.00% 150 8.00% 50

Numbers of Columns to show Year Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Tax EBIT at rate of: Profit After Tax Capital Expenditures Depreciation Change in Working Capital Free Cash Flow (Net Cash Flow) Net Present Value of Cash Flows Net Present Value of Perpetuity NPV Cash Flows + Perpetuity 40.00% 1998 100 40 60 30 20 20 30 87 515 603 1999 134 54 80 40 28 27 39 2000 134 54 80 40 28 27 39

Interest Tax after interest Profit after Tax and Interest Free Cash Flow (Net Cash Flow) after interest Ending Debt Tax Shield Value Additional Tax Shield Discounted Value Tax Loss Carryforwards Tax Loss Carryforward Discounted Value Adjusted Present Value

12 35 53 23 127 5 10 35 45 658

10 50 74 33 94 4

8 51 76 35 59 3


Copyright 1999 President and Fellows of Harvard College

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