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This is my request

Inspirational quotes on book distribution from the conversations, lectures, and writings of

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupa da

Founder-crya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Published by The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International BBT Global Contact Korsns Grd 14792 Grdinge, Sweden Please contact us.

This is my request
Inspirational quotes on book distribution from the conversations, lectures, and writings of

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupa da

Founder-crya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

This publication is a free promotional item and is not for sale. Photo on back cover: from film footage taken during rla Prabhupda's arrival address in Los Angeles, June 20, 1975.

Copyright 1966 1977, 2005 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc. w w w. k r i s h n a . c o m ISBN 0-89213-360-0

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust


(18741937), began translating the texts into English. Their clear presentation inspired millions inside India, but despite their prolific outpouring, the literature remained practically unknown to the greater world. In 1965, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupda next in succession after Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvatarrived in America. He had bravely left India at age sixty-nine to translate and distribute Indias wisdom texts in the West. He departed this world twelve years later, and in that short period managed the astonishing feat of writing more than fifty volumes of translation and commentary. It was a remarkable achievement that has led to the establishment of more than three hundred centers for Ka consciousness around the world. Scholars hail rla Prabhupdas books for their accuracy, devotion, and ease of understanding. Even readers unfamiliar with spiritual practices can grasp their meaning, as rla Prabhupdas personal style guides readers to the heart of scriptural truths with simple explanations and fascinating observations on their application in daily life. The present volume honors rla Prabhupdas lifework by matching photographs with quotes from his lectures and writings. Unifying these diverse images and thoughts is a single consistent message: Kindly help me. This is my request. He knew his time was limited and wanted others to take up the mission of distributing Indias most sacred teachings. Bringing their lifetransforming message to light was also an honor, one he wished to share. Offering someone a sacred text qualifies as bhakti, an act of devotion. Ka followers worldwide have discovered the satisfaction of presenting rla Prabhupdas books to a public hungry for reliable information on God and the soul. In the pages that follow, readers will find encouragement in rla Prabhupdas own words to join this worldwide initiativea unique opportunity to be part of spiritual history in the making. The Publisher

Tradition holds that Indias sacred teachings entered the world as pure sound at the dawn of time. Over the millennia, self-realized sages added their commentaries, and eventually this vast oral tradition was codified into a library of written Sanskrit textsthe most extensive body of spiritual literature in history. This literature was safeguarded from one generation to the next by a succession of teachers whose duty was to maintain its purity and expand its content. For centuries, these brilliant works never left the Indian subcontinent, and their central messagelove for Ka, or God, as the ultimate fulfillment of human liferemained buried within the complex Sanskrit language and misrepresented by scholars outside the tradition. Within the past 150 years, representatives of the teacher-disciple succession such as Bhaktivinoda hkura (18381914) and his successor, Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura

Now I am trying for printing arrangement and this book also can be nicely printed provided you take charge of distribution. I am very much anxious for sale of my books. It has to be organized; please think over this matter. If the books are not properly sold how I can print so many books?
L ette r to K r ta n n a n da , 2 7 A p r il 1 9 6 7

Although I am practically on the path of death, still I cannot forget about my publications. I wish that if I live or die you should take very serious care for my publications.
L ette r to H a y ag r va , 1 0 J u n e 1 9 6 7

When these books arrive to your Montreal temple, it will be great service if you can help your god-brothers in arranging for widespread sales of these books. We are writing so many literatures and this is very good, but also we must make arrangement for distribution to the public at large.
L ette r to J a y apatka , 1 D ece m be r 1 9 6 8

widespread sales of these books

ou are trying for the new Temple, but our main business is Sakrtana and distribution of

literature. If Ka gives us a better place,

propagating our Sakrtana movement.
L ette r to Madhud v i a , 2 6 Ma r ch 1 9 7 0

main business
at any place never mind hell or heaven; but we shall be only very cautious about

that is all right. Otherwise, we can remain

And then we take the books and publish them in French and German languages. My Guru Mahrja liked the publication of books very nice. He liked publication of books more than construction of Temples.
L ette r to T a m l K R I S H Na , 1 5 Ma y 1 9 7 0

people hear more about Ka

I am very glad to know that your sales of our literature and books are very good and improving more. It is natural that such distribution of literatures should increase as the people hear more about Ka Consciousness Movement, so distribution of our books and literatures is our major propaganda program.
L ette r to H a sad ta , 2 9 J u n e 1 9 7 0

So I can see that there is very good potency at the present moment for spreading this movement as was desired by my Guru Mahrja, and I am simply trying my best to carry out His desire. And if some of my students adopt this attitude, without any other motivation, surely Krishna will fulfill our desire. So push on with book publication and distribution, and I am very glad that you are now distributing to schools and libraries.
L ette r to B hagav n , 2 2 S epte m be r 1 9 7 0

word from other centers that our literatures are very well received and often they are being used as course textbooks in the schools and colleges. You are already preaching on the university campuses, so you add this book distribution to your program and make it complete with preaching, chanting of Hare Ka Mahmantra, distribution of Prasdam and literatures. I know how well this program is received by the students because they are very intelligent. You are also very intelligent boy and devotee of Ka and Ka will give you even more intelligence in proportion to your endeavor to serve Him faithfully.
L ette r to Na y a n bhi r m a , 2 6 O ctobe r 1 9 7 0

lease also try to introduce our books in the colleges and schools as well as local libraries. I have received

I want that each and every one of my centers should be fully stocked with all of my books.
L ette r to S ats va r pa , 4 No v e m be r 1 9 7 0

supreme absolute truth

Yes, we are fighting impersonalism and voidism with pure devotional service. Impersonalism and voidism kills the natural aptitude of devotion which is lying dormant in everyones heart. Therefore we are printing books like our KA book so that people may know it that the supreme absolute truth is a person. The perfection of every living creature is to render transcendental loving service to to Godhead. Krishna has said in Bhagavad-gt that whoever explains my transcendental glories to others is most dear to me in this world and never will there be one more dear to me than he.
L ette r to B hagav n , 2 4 No v e m be r 1 9 7 0

that Supreme Person and thereby go back home, back

So go on with your organization for distribution of my books through press and other modern media and Krishna will certainly be pleased upon you. We can use everythingtelevision, radio, movies, or whatever there may beto tell about Krishna and outside of devotional service all these modern paraphernalia are just so much rubbish.
L ette r to B hagav n , 2 4 No v e m be r 1 9 7 0

use everything

My Guru Mahrja used to say, Dont worry about money. Do something nice for Krishna and money will come. So we should always be thinking how to distribute the message of Krishna, and surely he will give us facility. Even an ordinary man, if he wants publicity, then he gives so much money for the propaganda work. Similarly, Krishna is not poor. He can supply any amount for the devotees engaged in broadcasting his glories.
L ette r to K a r A n dha r a , 3 0 No v e m be r 1 9 7 0

Our book distribution program is most important work. Anyone reading our KA book, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavadgt As It Is, is sure to become a Krishna Conscious person. Therefore somehow or other we must push on this literature distribution program, either through schools, colleges, libraries, life membership program or ordinary sales.
L ette r to J a n a n i vsa , 5 Ma r ch 1 9 7 1

Yes, my order still stands. Please organize BTG distribution and do it nicely. Sakrtana Party and distribution of our magazines and books is our real program. Other things are secondary. So during the summer time you should utilize this program of Sakrtana and book distribution vigorously.
L ette r to S ats va r pa , 2 1 J u n e 1 9 7 1

If you simply push on this one activity of distributing my books, your all success will be there. I have hatched this transcendental plot for getting money by selling my books, and if we stick only to this plan and use our brain for selling books, there will easily be sufficient money.

transcendental plot
L ette r to L alita K u m a r , 1 5 No v e m be r 1 9 7 1

Many fanatic spiritual movements have

come and gone, but without the flawless

philosophy of Krishna, they cannot stand.

Therefore I want especially that my books and literature should be distributed profusely. This is our substance, real philosophical information, not some weak sentiments. So try for this, to give all men this Krishna philosophy, and many real devotees will come with us back to Home, back to Godhead.
L ette r to L alita K u m a r , 2 7 No v e m be r 1 9 7 1

I want that you, all my students, shall very vigorously try for this book distribution.
L ette r to K r t I r ja , 2 7 No v e m be r 1 9 7 1

Do not hesitate to use your American and European brains to increase, that is Krishnas special gift to you, now use it. Any activity which will please Krishna should be accepted favorably, this is our guiding principle. Now apply it in this way, by doing everything and anything for spreading this Krishna Conscious literature, and this is really pleasing to Krishna, know it for certain.
L ette r to K r t I r ja , 2 7 No v e m be r 1 9 7 1

pleasing to Krishna

Just maintain our strong position of purity of routine work and preach and distribute literature, that's all.
L ette r to G i r i r ja , 2 8 D ece m be r 1 9 7 1

Distribution of books and magazines is our most important activity. Without books, our preaching has no solid basis.
L ette r to C y ava n a 2 6 D ece m be r 1 9 7 1

These books are the best advertising, they are better than advertising. If we simply present Krishna Consciousness in a serious and attractive way, without need to resort to fashionable slogans or tricks,

unique asset that is sufficient. Our unique asset is our purity. our purity
L ette r to Yoge va r a , 2 8 D ece m be r 1 9 7 1

The sufferings of humanity are due to forgetfulness of Ka as the supreme enjoyer, the supreme proprietor, and the supreme friend. Therefore, to act to revive this consciousness within the entire human society is the highest welfare work.
B hagavad - g t A s I t I s 5 . 2 5 , P u r po r t

highest perfection
Anyone who makes a gift of this great work [rmad-Bhgavatam] on a full moon day attains to the highest perfection of life by returning to Godhead.
r m ad - B hgavata m 1 . 1 . 1 , P u r po r t

The more such literatures are read and distributed, the more auspicity will be there in the world.
L ette r to L lvat , 2 6 Ma r ch 1 9 7 2

The real preaching is selling books. You should know the tactic how to sell without irritating. What your lecture will do for three minutes, but if he reads one page his life may be turned. We dont want to irritate anyone, however. If he goes away by your aggressive tactics, then you are nonsense and it is your failure. Neither you could sell a book, neither he would remain. But if he buys a book that is the real successful preaching.
L ette r to B ali - m a r da n a , 3 0 S epte m be r 1 9 7 2

hese books and magazines are our most important propaganda

weapons to defeat the ignorance of mys army, and the more we produce such literature and sell them profusely all over the world, the more we shall deliver the world from the suicide course. So your work is the most important preaching work, may Krishna bless you more and more. Thank you for helping me in this way.

L ette r to J a y d vaita , 1 8 No v e m be r 1 9 7 2

If he buys one book his life may be turned, that is best preaching work.
L ette r to J agad a , 1 8 No v e m be r 1 9 7 2

The brhmaas are always truthful, even to their enemies. There is sufficient merit in our books that if you simply describe them sincerely to anyone, they will buy. That art you must develop, not art of lying. Convince them to give by your preaching the Absolute Truth, not by tricking, that is more mature stage of development of Krishna Consciousness.
L ette r to r G o v i n da , 2 5 D ece m be r 1 9 7 2

That is advancement in Ka Consciousness, to stick tightly to the desire or orders of the spiritual master; because my Guru Mahrja ordered it, and I am also ordering it: Go on preaching, spread this Ka Consciousness all over the world.
L ette r to T r ai , 2 7 D ece m be r 1 9 7 2

As soon as I see such increased book distribution figures, I take that to mean that all other programs are successful.
L ette r to J agad a , 5 J a n ua r y 1 9 7 3

In order to change this materialistic society and prevent them from gliding to hell, first thing is to educate them. All decent men want to give service to humanity, only thing is they do not have information really what is that service. Hospitals, feeding the poor, Red Cross, these are service to the bodies only, not to the man. Service to humanity means jna. By giving people knowledge, jna, that is the highest service to humanity. So we are performing the actual welfare work of society by informing everyone through our literatures who is God, who they are, and what is the relationship. In this way everyone who hears our message gets the opportunity to fulfill his actual position as human entity and become delivered from the clutches of my.
L ette r to R m e va r a , 9 J a n ua r y 1 9 7 3

comparison. There is no competition. Every word is for the good of the human society. Every word, each and every word. Therefore we stress so much in the book distribution. Somehow or other, if the book goes in ones hand, hell be benefited. At least he will see, Oh, I have taken so much price. Let me see what is there. If he reads one loka, his life will be successful. If he reads one loka, one word. This is such nice things. Therefore we are stressing so much, Please distribute book, distribute book, distribute book. A greater mdaga. We are chanting, playing our mdaga. It is heard within this room or little more. But this mdaga will go home to home, country to country, community to community, this mdaga.
L ectu r e o n r m ad - B hgavata m 1 . 1 6 . 8 , L os A n geles , 5 J a n ua r y 1 9 7 4

here is no comparison. There is no literature throughout the universe like rmad-Bhgavatam. There is no

all blessings
Your emphasis on book distribution is quite it is very cold now, and yet you report they are still going out for sakrtana party. Please convey that I extend all blessings to those boys and girls who are trying to distribute our books even under difficult conditions.
L ette r to J agad a , 8 J a n ua r y 1 9 7 4

right. I can understand in the northern centers

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 4/1/74, along with the new publication in Swedish of my English work, Ka Consciousness the Topmost Yoga System. Of course I cannot read Swedish, but looking through this book has given me unlimited bliss. After all, this is my prime duty, to publish books on Ka consciousness. The printing of the book appears excellent, and that you are profusely distributing the book all over Sweden is the crowning success of our movement. We will conquer Europe with these books. I can only thank you again and again in sincere gratitude for producing this literature, and pray to Ka to bless you with all spiritual advancement.
L ette r to A jita , 7 A p r il 1 9 7 4

So far as I understand, our book business is sufficient to support our movement.

L ette r to T a m l K R I S H Na , 1 3 A ugust 1 9 7 4

you have
Whenever I get report of my book selling I feel strength. Even now in this weakened condition I

Krishna's blessings

have got strength from your report. You should know that in this work you have Krishnas blessings.
L ette r to S ats va r pa , 8 S epte m be r 1 9 7 4


again and again

The book sales are very encouraging, news. Thank you, I want this. Record selling is temporary.... A book sold becomes a permanent matter for enjoyment. We read the scriptures again and again and it is still fresh; when there is time, I go on reading my own books.
L ette r to H a sad ta , 1 O ctobe r 1 9 7 4

increasing, increasing. It is very good

Whatever progress we have made, it is simply due to distributing the books. So go on, and do not divert your mind for a moment from this.
L ette r to R m e va r a , 1 1 O ctobe r 1 9 7 4

Regarding Sakrtana and book distribution, book distribution is also chanting. Anyone who reads the books that is also chanting and hearing. Why distinguish between chanting and book distribution? These books I have recorded and chanted, and they are transcribed. It is spoken krtanas. So book distribution is also chanting. These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing. Book distribution must not be neglected.

that is also chanting and hearing

L ette r to R p n uga , 1 9 O ctobe r 1 9 7 4

If there is any credit to my activities of translating, it is all due to His Divine Grace [Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura]. Certainly if His Divine Grace were personally present at this time, it would have been a great occasion for jubilation, but even though he is not physically present, I am confident that he is very much pleased by this work of translation. He was very fond of seeing many books published to spread the Ka consciousness movement. Therefore our society, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, has been formed to execute the order of r Caitanya Mahprabhu and His Divine Grace rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura.
C o n cludi n g wo r ds to r C aita n y a - ca r it m ta

books of our Ka Conscious philosophy in so many languages we can actually inject our movement into the masses of persons all over the world, especially there in the Western countries and we can literally turn whole nations into Ka Conscious nations.
L ette r to H da y n a n da , 2 1 D ece m be r 1 9 7 4

rint as many books as possible, this is my real pleasure. By printing these

verything within this material world will be destroyed, and therefore one should use everything

for good purposes. If one is advanced in knowledge, he must always be prepared to sacrifice anything for a better cause. At the present moment the entire world is in a dangerous position under the spell of a godless civilization. The Ka consciousness movement needs many exalted, learned persons who will sacrifice their lives to revive God consciousness throughout the world. We therefore invite all men and women advanced in knowledge to join the Ka consciousness movement and sacrifice their lives for the great cause of reviving the God consciousness of human society.

reviving God consciousness

r m ad - B hgavata m 6 . 1 0 . 6 , P u r po r t

We are printing so many books. For spreading this knowledge, they must be distributed. Home to home, place to place, man to man, this literature must go there. If one takes one book, at least one day hell read it: Let me see what is this book I have purchased the other day. And if he reads one line his life will be successful, if he reads one line only, carefully. This is such literature. So therefore book distribution, I am giving so much stress. Somehow or other, small book or big book, if it is given to somebody hell read someday.
L ectu r e o n B hagavad - g t A s I t I s 1 6 . 9 , H awaii , 5 F eb r ua r y 1 9 7 5

I have no personal qualification, but I simply tried to satisfy my guru. Thats all. My Guru Mahrja asked me that If you get some money, you print books. So there was a private meeting, talking, some of my important Godbrothers also there. It was in Rdh-kua. So Guru Mahrja was speaking to me that Since we have got this Bagh Bazaar marble temple, there has been so

many dissensions, and everyones thinking who will occupy this room or that room, that room. I wish, therefore, to sell this temple and the marble and print some books. Yes. So I took up this from his mouth, that he is very fond of books. And he told me personally that If you get some money, print books. Therefore I am stressing on this point: Where is book? Where is book? Where is book? So kindly help me. This is my request. Print as many books in as many languages and distribute throughout the whole world. Then Ka consciousness movement will automatically increase.
A r r i val add r ess , L os A n geles , 2 0 J u n e 1 9 7 5

will be

In spite of war,


will be distributed. We dont care about war, our preaching business will go on.
L ette r to Rdhvallabha , 2 1 A ugust 1 9 7 5


Simply read my books and repeat what I have written then your preaching will be perfect.
L ette r to K r odaka y , 4 septe m be r 1 9 7 5

I think our books will never keep us in a poverty-stricken condition. This is the blessings of His Divine Grace r rmad Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat Gosvm Mahrja Prabhupda. He is very pleased that you are distributing so many books.
L ette r to B hagav n , 1 4 No v e m be r 1 9 7 5

I am very pleased with your activities. Now continue and increase. Everyone will want our books. We will always have customers. This is Caitanya Mahprabhus mercy.
L ette r to G ha n a y m a , 2 0 No v e m be r 1 9 7 5

field work of book distribution, Krishna has immediately recognized them as true servants. Just like during war time, a farm boy or ordinary clerk who goes to fight for his country on the front immediately becomes a national hero for his sincere effort. So Krishna immediately recognizes a preacher of Krishna consciousness who takes all risks to deliver his message.
L ette r to U tta m aloka , 1 1 D ece m be r 1 9 7 5

he Sakrtana devotees are very very dear to Krishna. Because you are doing the

Books are the basis of our Movement. Whatever appreciation we are getting on account of our books, it is because we are following the path chalked out by exalted devotees. We are not writing something whimsical.
L ette r to T u a - k a , 9 J a n ua r y 1 9 7 6

distributed unlimitedly.
L ette r to R m e va r a , 1 8 J a n ua r y 1 9 7 6

The results show that there is Our books are qualified to be


no limit to our book distribution.

The main thing is to distribute books more and more.

lette r to B alava n ta , 4 O ctobe r 1 9 7 6

Preaching means book distribution.

r oo m co n v e r satio n , B o m ba y , 3 1 D ece m be r 1 9 7 6

This, our book distribution, is the most important task in our society. Therefore I am giving so much stress and I am working so hard on this. Because this is my life and soul according to the order of my Guru Mahrja. And by his grace it is to some extent successful. And I took it seriously. I take it seriously still now. That is my life and soul. I never tried in India to construct big temples or even in your country we didnt. I never tried. But I was selling personally books. That is the history.
r oo m co n v e r satio n , B o m ba y , 3 1 D ece m be r 1 9 7 6

I want that every respectable person has a full set of Bhgavatam and Caitanya Caritmta in his home.
L ette r to D hav r ata , 2 4 J a n ua r y 1 9 7 7

Be assured that there is no more direct way to preach than to distribute Ka conscious books. Whoever gets a book is benefited. If he reads the book he is benefited still more, or if he gives the book to someone else for reading, both he and the other person is benefited. Even if one does not read the book but simply holds it and sees it, he is benefited. If he simply gives small donation towards the work of Ka consciousness he is benefited. And anyone who distributes these transcendental literatures, he is also benefited. Therefore sakrtana is the prime benediction for the age.
L ette r to G e r m a n disciples , 6 Ma y 1 9 7 7

So I'm insisting you about That is a service. If you

this distribution of the books.

can do some pushing on these books some way or other, you get material profit; at the same time it is service.
r oo m co n v e r satio n , V n dva n a , 6 J ul y 1 9 7 7

The word kriysu, meaning by manual labor or by work, is important in this verse. One should engage in practical service to the Lord. In our Ka consciousness movement, all our activities are concentrated upon distributing Ka literature. This is very important. One may approach any person and induce him to read Ka literature so that in the future he also may become a devotee. Such activities are recommended in this verse. Kriysu yas tvac-cararavindayo. Such activities will always remind the devotees of the Lords lotus feet. By fully concentrating on distributing books for Ka, one is fully absorbed in Ka. This is samdhi.
r m ad - B hgavata m 1 0 . 2 . 3 7, pu r po r t
where thousands of people worldwide find rla Prabhupdas teachings and books
Its all about Krishna. And sharing Krishna consciousness with others. Learn how you can use to grow congregations, increase book sales, follow up with an interested person to whom you gave a book. Want to get online and give Krishna consciousness to others? Have a talent you can use to help maintain and develop this site? Want to contribute in any other way? Its the BBTs site. Email us at and get involved!

rla Prabhupdas books are available in 79 languages.

Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Belarusian, Chinese, Chuvash, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Khmer, Kirgiz, Korean, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Mongolian, Nepali, Newari, Norwegian, Oriya, Pidgin English, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Sindhi, Singhalese, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Turkmen, Udmurt, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbekh, Vietnamese, Zulu
If you would like to know more about how you can be a part of distributing rla Prabhupda's books, write to or send a letter to BBT Global Contact, Korsns Grd, 14792 Grdinge, Sweden (fax +46-8-53025062). We will connect you with your local devotional contact.

So kindly help me. This is my request. Print as many books in as many languages and distribute throughout the whole world. Then [the] Ka consciousness movement will automatically increase.
A r r i va l a d d r e s s , L o s A n g e l e s , 2 0 J u n e 1 9 7 5

w w w. k r i s h n a . c o m

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