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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter September 17, 2013

Pastors Notes: Last Thursday morning, I attended the Woodruff Ministerial Association Breakfast. There were 13 or 14 ministers along with the Mayor of Woodruff. During the course of the meeting, Sis. Deborah Williams from the Lanford Grove Holiness Church, gave a wonderful illustration concerning the issues with our community & nation. She said Shaquille ONeil and Spud Webb both shoot and dunk from the same basket (For info they both played professional basketball. Shaquille is 71 tall and Spud is 57 tall). Sis. Williams went on to say, they dont let the goal down so that Spud can shoot and dunk the ball. They both shoot and dunk from the same goal. Her point was that the problems we are facing in the community and nation is due to the letting down of standards. We just do not have the same standards, morals and values any more. When there is no clear line of right and wrong, sin and righteousness, good and evil.. we become just like everyone else. Yet, as Christians, we are not called to be like everyone else. We are called to come out from among them and be ye separate. I want to encourage you to tighten up the standards. Do not go to church less.go more. Do not give less, give more. Do not worship less, worship more. Do not witness less, witness more. Do not blend into the background, stand out. Lets be salt and light in this world. Lets show this community and this nation what true believers in the Lord Jesus look like. Im ready to make a difference. Anybody with me? This coming Sunday Morning, we are excited to have our Children leading us in worship. What a wonderful time we always have when they come into our service and lead us in worship. We enjoy singing their songs, hearing them pray and being challenged by testimonies, the puppets, and hearing the Word of God brought to us by Rev. Donna Burdette. It is going to be a GREAT time. I look forward to seeing each of you in the service Sunday morning at 10:30 AM. Better come early to get a good seat!!! CHURCH MEETING.. Sunday afternoon at 5:00 PM, there will be a church meeting of church members and/or financial supporters (tithers). This is our yearly meeting to give an accounting of our finances for the past fiscal year. PARKNG.. Now that the parking lot has been sealed and the parking spaces have been clearly marked, we are asking you to help us with two things. 1) park only in marked spaces. Please do not park in areas or places that are not marked as a parking space. This is for safety reasons as well as helping when cars are pulling into and out of the parking lots. 2) there is to be NO parking on drive that runs behind the church. This is per the Fire Department who considers that a FIRE LANE which needs to remain clear in case of fire. Please understand that we are not

trying to make life hard for you. We are simply doing everything within our power to keep you and your family safe! Thank you for your understanding and for your support in these requests. We have a new ministry that wed like to announce to everyone! Our media ministry now has our service streaming live via the internet. This is NOT meant to be a substitute to you coming to church. This is an outreach to those who may not go to church but surf the web looking for church services. It also will benefit those who may be sick and cannot come to church that Sunday. You can also view should you be on vacation and want to worship with your church family. The following is the link you need to go to in order to view the service. In the search bar, type Woodruff Church of God and you should find us there. You can sign up by creating a login and password and you will be sent reminders via email when the service goes live. There is also an app for you to use on phones and tablets. Simply search for Ustream. You will have to watch a 30 sec commercial before the service comes one (we are using a free site to show the service so this is part of what we have to put up with). We would appreciate some positive feedback as to how this is beneficial to you and your family or how it meets some need in your life. FALLFEST DATE: October 5-6 MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!!! Sunday afternoon singing under the tent at 4:00 PM. Its going to be a great weekend! We recognize that food is only one issue that our children & youth face. There is also the issue of clothing & hygiene. With that being said, we are trying to accumulate some things that can be kept in hand when the need arises. The following list has been given by Ms. Donna and Pastor Jason. Would you join with us as we continue to press forward in our HOME MISSIONS giving and ministering to our community? These are the items needed: 50 wash clothes 50 towels 50 bars of soap Snickers or Tennis Shoes: boys or girls size 0-13 preteen/teen girls size 5 to 10 boys size 6-12

Were still look for another 3 couples or 5 individuals that would like to serve on a Benevolence Committee 1 Thursday a month from 9-12 (those hours may change). If you would like to learn more about what this entails, please email the church office at and leave your name. Well have a meeting shortly to give the information as to what will be expected of you. If you have a heart for this community and spreading the love of Jesus through the means of benevolence, this is your opportunity.

Prayer List

AMERICA, Curtis Culpepper, Robin Erwin, Raymond Lowman, Kim Roberson, Kaye Brandanburg, Mary Ann Cox, Rhonda Rhodes, Ashley Layton, Tammy Pierson, Alicia Landurm, Megan Laster, Judy Mary Roddy, Rick & Angie James, Etta Mitchell, Dennis Seay, Loretta Kelley, Cindy Cox, George Crocker, Kelly Right, Charles & Ethel Cooper, Joyce Murray, Becky, Floyd Coffey, Robin Irwin, Bea Granger, Martha Downs, Nancy Cassels, Emily Robinson, Jimmy Hall, Nancy Smith, Donald Patterson, Darryl Crowe, Bobby Teague, Michael Edmond, Kathy Arellano, Christina, Misty, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

The choir will not be singing this Sunday because of the children's service. We will, however, have practice on Wednesday! No band/praise team practice this Sunday morning. See Todd/Vickie about the practice time for Sunday afternoon!

The choir will be singing at First Baptist in Spartanburg on Oct. 18. There will be a music/media/sound picnic on Oct. 26 at Cleveland Park in Spartanburg from 11-1. The music department is sponsoring a special night for the community this year at Christmas. We're calling it Miracle on Poole Street. We need lots of help! We are also in need of donations of small gifts. We are going to start collecting small bottles of lotion, shower gel, shampoo, etc. These need to be the small travel size. If you would be willing to help, there will be a collection box in the foyer starting this Wednesday. Thank you in advance for your support of this Christmas community outreach project! If you have any questions, please see any choir member or Todd/Vickie!

JOY CLUB MEETING: Our September meeting will be held on September 26 at 6:30 PM. If you have not yet signed up to attend please go by the SAM Bulletin Board and do so this week. We are providing the entree and we want to make sure we have enough but do not want to pay for more than we need. COUNTRY STORE: SAM is taking care of the Country Store at the Fall Fest this year. There will be a meeting this Wednesday at 6 PM for any and all who are willing to help us with this important project.

Toy Closet items for this week: Art supplies/Bibles This year we want to include a small gift for the parents who request Christmas Assistance for their children. We would like to include a full size Bible in these gifts. You can purchase them at Walmart or Target at a good price. Thanks for all of your help. Ladies Fun Friday-Fall Wreath Class is this Friday at 6:30 in the CLC. Bring a tray of finger foods. $20 is due by Wednesday night. All those who have paid by Wednesday will be guaranteed supplies for their Wreath. Come expecting to have FUN, FUN, AND MORE FUN.

Mainstream Ministries will be showing a movie along with a cookout and bon fire at the new church property on Saturday September 28th. We will be having fajitas around 6:30 and the movie (title to be announced) starts around dark on a big screen. There will be horse shoes, ladder ball, and corn hole to play. Bring chairs, friends and family. The cost is $5 per person and there is a sign-up sheet on the Mainstream Ministries bulletin board in the hallway at church.

Youth Bowling - September 28 @ 6:00pm Upcoming Events Sep 15 Drama Practice @ 4:30pm o SNL Movie Night @ 6pm Sep 18 Super Hero Night o P&W Practice @ 5:45pm Sep 22 Drama Practice @ 4:30pm Sep 25 ACTS Spirit Night o P&W Practice @ 5:45pm Sep 28 Bowling @ 6pm Sep 29 Drama Practice @ 4:30pm

No Drama or Praise and Worship Practice this Sunday, September 22nd We would like to invite you to the Extreme Kidz service on Sunday September 22! The kidz will lead us in Praise and Worship, Perform dramas, and much more. We hope that you will join us on this special day. After Service is a fundraising lunch for the Extreme Kidz adults $7.00 and Kidz 2-12 $5.00

Extreme Kidz Praise and Worship and Drama Team will practice Saturday at 10:00 in the main sanctuary. Sunday September 22 the 2-5 year old drama team will need to wear all black. Sunday September 22 the 6-12 year old drama team will need to wear blue jeans and your Extreme Kidz Tshirt. For Sunday September 22 we are asking all the Extreme Kidz, Workers, and adults who have Extreme Kidz Tshirts to wear them for the service on Sunday. Upcoming Events: September 22 Extreme Kidz Service & Lunch Fundraiser September 28 Derby Car Race please see Mr. Garren to register your car for the race. October 19: 2-6 year old Extreme Kidz to Pumpkin Patch & Picnic Lunch. Will leave the church at 9:20 AM October 30: Trunk or Treat- this is a church wide event. We would like to invite you to either park your car in a parking place or you can put chairs out in the parking place to hand out candy. We would the parking lot of the CLC parking lot to be filled with cars handing out candy to the Kids and fellowship with their parents. Please see Ms. Donna to Reserve your parking pace! Thank you for your support to the Extreme Kidz.

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone that came out to support the Hispanic anniversary, also to pastor Eduardo Nieves, Edgar Cabrera, Alex Giron and most of all Pastor Curtis Terry for allowing God to use you. We love you all, God bless and have a wonderful Week. Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- John & Jeanne Nemitz Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Bobby Brown Usher Team #2 Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, Walter Housand, Paul Lundberg, John Nemitz, Paul Nichols, & Phillip Pruitt Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip and Robert Bus Take Home: Clint and Ramona Van 1 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian Van 1 Take Home: Garren & Thomas Van 2 Pickup: Richard and Buster Van 2 Take Home: Tim and Robert Wednesday Late Workers: Paul Lundberg & Donna NurseryWednesday- Izzy Nichols

AM Tanya & McKenzie Baumgardner PM- Ann Knight Kiddie Church: Donna & Garren (Christmas Play Practice 6-12) Kiddie Church: Katie & Faith (Christmas Play Practice 2-5) Music Wednesday- Allen Durham PM-Lisa Terry Praise Team- Maroon Computer Chas Guitar Korey, Freddie, Greg

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