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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter September 10, 2013

Pastors Notes: Tomorrow will mark the 12th Anniversary of a terrible day in American History. Planes flew into the Twin Towers in New York City. Another plane flew into the Pentagon. Still another crashed into the ground after a few passengers charged the cock pit. That day has forever changed us. Or has it? Churches were full for a few weeks following September 11th. We came together as Americans and as Christians and called out for help to the God of our Salvation. But it wasnt long until everyones normal routine resumed. We have reminders of that day when we visit the airport or some national monument, but for the most part, life has gone back to the same way it was. This happens in churches too. We have tragedies or spiritual highs that drive us to encounter God but before you know it, weve gone back to life as usual. That is when we need to one more time, call out to God and seek His face. What this country needs and what the church needs is R-E-V-I-V-A-L!!!!!! We need to humble ourselves, seek His face, repent and turn to Him and HE WILL HEAR US!!!!! I want to say a special THANK YOU to all who volunteered Saturday for the Community Cookout! We may not have had the whole community to turn out, but it was a wonderful time. Some of our choir came to sing as well as some of our soloists. It was a great day of Christians working together for the good of our community. As a result of the Community Cookout, there were 8 new people in our church Sunday. HALLELUJAH!!!!! We have a new ministry that wed like to announce to everyone! Our media ministry now has our service streaming live via the internet. This is NOT meant to be a substitute to you coming to church. This is an outreach to those who may not go to church but surf the web looking for church services. It also will benefit those who may be sick and cannot come to church that Sunday. You can also view should you be on vacation and want to worship with your church family. The following is the link you need to go to in order to view the service. In the search bar, type Woodruff Church of God and you should find us there. You can sign up by creating a login and password and you will be sent reminders via email when the service goes live. There is also an app for you to use on phones and tablets. Simply search for Ustream. You will have to watch a 30 sec commercial before the service comes one (we are using a free site to show the service so this is part of what we have to put up with). We would appreciate some positive feedback as to how this is beneficial to you and your family or how it meets some need in your life. FALLFEST DATE: October 5-6 MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!!! Sunday afternoon singing under the tent at 4:00 PM. Its going to be a great weekend!

This weekend, our Hispanic Ministry will be celebrating their 1st Anniversary as Woodruff Iglesia de Dios. They will be having special services on Friday and Saturday nights in the Main Sanctuary at 7:00 PM. Then on Sunday night, we will combine our services together for a multicultural worship experience. You are cordially invited to attend any or all of these services. It is going to be WONDERFUL!!!!!! We recognize that food is only one issue that our children & youth face. There is also the issue of clothing & hygiene. With that being said, we are trying to accumulate some things that can be kept in hand when the need arises. The following list has been given by Ms. Donna and Pastor Jason. Would you join with us as we continue to press forward in our HOME MISSIONS giving and ministering to our community? These are the items needed: 50 wash clothes Snickers or Tennis Shoes: 50 towels boys or girls size 0-13 50 bars of soap preteen/teen girls size 5 to 1 and boys size 6-12 We will have our yearly church meeting to give our financial yearly report Sunday, September 22 at 5:00 PM. This meeting is for member and/or financial reporters (tithers). Were still look for another 3 couples or 5 individuals that would like to serve on a Benevolence Committee 1 Thursday a month from 9-12 (those hours may change). If you would like to learn more about what this entails, please email the church office at and leave your name. Well have a meeting shortly to give the information as to what will be expected of you. If you have a heart for this community and spreading the love of Jesus through the means of benevolence, this is your opportunity.

ITS A GIRL! You are invited to a baby shower celebrating Sophie Seay, daughter of Keith & Stephanie Seay, granddaughter of Danny & Ann Knight, Saturday, September 21st from 2:00-3:30 pm in the Christian Life Center Sophie Gift Ideas: Diapers- Sizes 1 & up, Baby Wipes, Enfamil Prosobee Liquid Formula

Clothes Closet: We need volunteers to help organize and hang up clothes. The seasons are changing and we need to change out Summer clothes to Fall and winter Clothes. If you would like to volunteer to help please see Ms Donna. Once We have a list of volunteers we will set a date. Thank you for your support! Prayer List

AMERICA, Curtis Culpepper, Robin Erwin, Raymond Lowman, Bobby Godfrey, Kim Roberson, Kaye Brandanburg, Mary Ann Cox, Rhonda Rhodes, Ashley Layton, Tammy Pierson, Alicia Landurm, Megan Laster, Taylor Baston, McKailey Smith, Judy Mary Roddy, Paul Nichols, Don Colburn, Linda Lida & Family, Carol Hopson, Judy & Leroy Arrington, Thomas & Gladys Wallace, Conni Holcomb, Javin, Shannon Boyd, Buddy & Ann Gilliland, Samantha Peeler, Rick & Angie James, Etta Mitchell, Phil Jolley, Ronnie Rogers, Kimberly Sisk & Baby Ryleigh, Dennis Seay, Jim Polson, Lamia Shahoud, Todd, Sherry, & Brianna Smith, Paula, Roger, & Alex Beck, Bethany, TJ, & Drew Nabors, Gail Turner, Abigale Smith, Loretta Kelley, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, ShutIns, & Those in nursing homes

The choir will wear robes this Sunday! The choir will be singing at First Baptist in Spartanburg on Oct. 18. There will be a music/media/sound picnic on Oct. 26 at Cleveland Park in Spartanburg from 11-1. The music department is sponsoring a special night for the community this year at Christmas. We're calling it Miracle on Poole Street. We need lots of help! We are also in need of donations of small gifts. We are going to start collecting small bottles of lotion, shower gel, shampoo, etc. These need to be the small travel size. If you would be willing to help, there will be a collection box in the foyer starting this Wednesday. Thank you in advance for your support of this Christmas community outreach project! If you have any questions, please see any choir member or Todd/Vickie!

JOY CLUB MEETING: Our Joy Club will hold our regular meeting on Thursday September 26 at 6:30 PM in the Christian Life Center. We are expecting a great crowd and a great time together. There have already been more than 60 who have signed up to attend and we are more than two weeks away from the event. Sandra Tucker and her team have planned a wonderful meal and program for us and you don't want to miss it. The sign up sheet is on the SAM Bulletin Board so make sure you sign up as soon as possible. AMISH TRIP: All of those who are taking this trip need to have your complete payment in no later than September 29. We must make our group payment by that time. If you know anyone who might be interested in going we still have room for a few more but they need to call Pastor Shealy as quickly as possible. COUNTRY STORE: We are already gathering our items for the Country Store so come on and help us make this the best effort ever. See Pastor Shealy for directions or help. If you would be willing to help run the store please let Pastor Shealy know as soon as possible.

Toy Closet: Cars & Trucks Ladies Fun Friday---September 20. Stephanie Harrell will be teaching us to make a Fall Mesh Wreath for our front door. The cost will be $20 and all the supplies will be provided. If you want your initial on your wreath you will need to go to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, or JoAnn's Fabrics to purchase one. They come unpainted. Stephanie will have the paint for these. Plan to bring a tray of finger foods. We will meet in the CLC dining room. Sign up and pay your money No Later than September 18. Expect Fun, Fun, Fun!

Our First Annual Band Of Brothers Season Kickoff was a huge success and I want to send out a huge "Thank Yall" to all of our brothers who made it happen. The attendance was great and I was well pleased. Thanks to Garren Burdette for making our "Real Men" sign, you are a blessing to all of us. Brother Wayne Bishop did an outstanding job on the hash ( as usual ), You are THE MAN my brother. Some of our ladies helped preparing the food so a big thank you to Trudy Skinner for the best baked beans this side of the Mississippi. To my second mama June Grubbs for second to none slaw. Thanks to Lana Kay Arnold and a personal thanks to my Mama Mary "Sis" Durham for preparing the "nanner puddin", Cant nobody make it like yall two. A very special thanks to my son, Jared "Ninja" Durham for sharing his accomplishments in Karate and providing our half time show, AWESOME job bud. To our speaker Trey Bailey, everything you said was "spot on" and it is an honor to call you our brother. You are a true example that "REAL MEN" are Christians! Last but not least, thanks to our Board of Elders and most of all to "REAL MAN" Pastor Curtis Terry for having the heart and vision for this event. From the Band Of Brothers to WCOG, thanks to each of you for helping to make this event a huge success. -Allen

Mainstream Ministries will be showing a movie along with a cookout and bon fire at the new church property on Saturday September 28th. We will be having fajitas around 6:30 and the movie (title to be announced) starts around dark on a big screen. There will be horse shoes, ladder ball, and corn hole to play. Bring chairs, friends and family. The cost is $5 per person and there is a sign-up sheet on the Mainstream Ministries bulletin board in the hallway at church.

Youth P&W Practice - Wednesday at 5:45pm Youth Bowling - September 28 @ 6:00pm

Upcoming Events Sep 11 Hat Night o P&W Practice @ 5:45pm Sep 15 Drama Practice @ 4:30pm o SNL Movie Night @ 6pm Sep 18 Super Hero Night o P&W Practice @ 5:45pm Sep 22 Drama Practice @ 4:30pm Sep 25 ACTS Spirit Night o P&W Practice @ 5:45pm Sep 28 Bowling @ 6pm Sep 29 Drama Practice @ 4:30pm

Praise and Worship Practice @ 4:45 & Drama (ages 2-12) @ 5:15 this Sunday, September 8th Extreme Kidz Lunch fundraiser, Menu Fried Chicken, Green beans, mashed Potatoes, roll, Homemade desserts, and Tea. $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for kidz 2-12. Upcoming Events: September 22 Extreme Kidz Service & Lunch Fundraiser September 28 Derby Car Race please see Mr. Garren to register your car for the race. October 19: 2-6 year old Extreme Kidz to Pumpkin Patch & Picnic Lunch. Will leave the church at 9:20 AM October 30: Trunk or Treat- this is a church wide event. We would like to invite you to either park your car in a parking place or you can put chairs out in the parking place to hand out candy. We would the parking lot of the CLC parking lot to be filled with cars handing out candy to the Kids and fellowship with their parents. Please see Ms. Donna to Reserve your parking pace! Thank you for your support to the Extreme Kidz.

Woodruff Iglesia de Dios would like to invite everyone out to our anniversary, September 13, 14, and 15. Friday the service starts at 7 p.m., Saturday at 5 p.m. and Sunday at 6 p.m... Come out and join us in worship as we thank our Lord for giving us the victory.

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- Pat Chappell & Robbie Gwinn Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Bobby Brown Usher Team #1 Brian Arnold, Michael Brown, Harold Chesney, Dennis Crocker, Rick Priester, & Kenny Waddell Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip and Daniel Bus Take Home: Clint and Daniel Van 1 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian Van 2 Pickup: Richard and Buster Van 1 Take Home: Garren & Craig Van 2 Take Home: Tim and June Wednesday Late Workers: Deanna & Wayne Burgess NurseryWednesday- Randi Roberson AM Ann Knight & Alison Arnold PM- Ann Knight & Savannah Fowler Kiddie Church: Donna & Garren (Christmas Play Practice 6-12) Kiddie Church: Katie & Faith (Christmas Play Practice 2-5) Youth workers for Extreme Kidz Church: Noel, Josh, & Zack Music Wednesday- Lavonda Stonell AM-Adam & Brooke Jones Praise Team-Gold Computer Patrick Guitar Freddie, Duck, & John

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