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DRUGE ABUSE Drug abuse is the use of illegal drugs or the use of prescription or over-the-counter medications in ways other than recommended or intended. The following are many of the drugs that can commonly be abused such as alcohol, amphetamines, anabolic steroids, caffeine, cannabis, ecstasy, inhalants, nicotine and many others. Roxanne Dryden-Edwards writes for MedicineNet, said that cannabis is more commonly called marijuana. Major illness can threat force some patients to take drug. Other causes would be parental negligence. Some people would take drug because of their peer pressure. Ned Wicker the writer for Mission Enabled said that kid want to be cool. It begins the social action, to take the drugs to be a part of the group. Other causes would be depression, stress, genetic or inherited factor and many more. Addiction to drug has a reverse effect on ones health and has a negative effect on family too. Besides that, the addiction of drug has a bad affect on our society and countrys economy. The addiction can also affect the law and order of certain country. Anasathia Jenis write for Borneo Post, Wednesday July 27 2011, Death Penalty Affirmed for Drug Trafficking, the trafficker was sentenced to death by the high court. There are many alternatives to overcome drug abuse problem. The most important alternative is educating the public besides parents awareness. Other than that, choose good friends and get involve in healthy activities. In conclusion, people should know the good and bad types of drug. The good drug would the medicine that helps you get better or stay healthy. The study's lead author, Dr. Anthony J. Lembo, in the article of U.S News, said People who received the drug had improvement in symptoms, and the treatment was generally well-tolerated". While, bad drug are substances that can make you feel very poorly. Remember though, an overdose of either good or bad drug can be fatal.




References Jenis, A. (2011. July 27). Death Penalty Affirmed For Drug Trafficker. The Borneo Post. P.12 MedicineNet, Inc (September 24, 2009). Drug Abuse and Addiction. Retrieved from

U.S.News & World Report (August 10, 2011). Experimental Drug May Help Ease Chronic Constipation. Retrieved from Mission Enabled (2011). Drug Abuse Causes. Retrieved from

Mission Enabled (2011). Effects of Addiction. Retrieved from

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