Bahrain Media Roundup: Read More Read More

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19th September 2013


Bahrain opposition no. 2 held for 30 days on charge of inciting terrorism
The deputy leader of Bahrain's largest opposition party will be held for 30 days while being investigated for inciting terrorism in a series of speeches, the public prosecutor of the Gulf Arab kingdom said. The detention of Khalil alMarzouq on Tuesday angered his Al Wefaq party, an Islamist group which says it advocates nonviolent methods, and could complicate faltering efforts to end 2-1/2 years of political deadlock on the strategically vital island. In a statement, Bahrain's Head of Public Prosecution, Nayef Yous, said police investigations showed Marzouq had spoken at many forums promoting terrorism, the most recent of which was a speech at Saar district west of the capital Manama on September 6. Read More

Opposition suspends role in Bahrain talks after deputy leader held

Bahrain's largest opposition party on Wednesday suspended its participation in talks with the government aimed at ending 2 1/2 years of political turmoil in protest at the arrest of its deputy leader. Al Wefaq was responding to an announcement by the

public prosecutor of the Gulf Arab kingdom that Khalil al-Marzouq would be held for 30 days while being investigated for inciting terrorism in a series of speeches. In a statement, Al Wefaq, an Islamist group that says it advocates non-violent methods, said it would temporarily boycott a socalled national dialogue aimed at resolving a crisis that began with mass prodemocracy protests in February 2011 Read More The decision deepens the showdown over Khalil alMarzooq, a former deputy parliament speaker, who is under investigation for allegedly encouraging antigovernment violence. His supporters claim he was targeted by Bahrains Western-backed authorities in attempts to punish the opposition after recent criticism from European ofcials about government crackdowns on dissent. Read More

Bahrain ties opposition leader to terrorism

A prosecutor in Bahrain said Wednesday a leader of the opposition al-Wefaq coalition is afliated with a terrorist organization. Human rights groups expressed concern last year when authorities in Bahrain revoked the

citizenship of 31 people considered a threat to national security. At least one of the people stripped of citizenship belonged to the opposition al-Wefaq movement, which the government blamed for some of the unrest in the country. More than a dozen protesters died during an uprising against the Sunniled monarchy in Bahrain in 2011. Read More

Bahrain opposition groups boycott government talks after top figure detained
Bahrains main Shiite groups suspended participation in reconciliation talks with the Sunni-led government Wednesday after the detention of a top opposition gure in the violence-wracked Gulf nation.

Bahrain opposition leader arrested, charged with inciting terrorism

A leading opposition gure in Bahrain has been jailed after being charged with "inciting and advocating terrorism," Bahrain's Public Prosecution Ofce said. Activists in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom, however, insist the charges against Khalil Al Marzooq are politically motivated and accuse the country's leadership of attempting to stie dissent. Al Marzooq, secretary general of Al-Wefaq, the main Shia opposition party, was arrested

Tuesday after being interrogated about a speech he delivered last week. According to BNA, Bahrain's ofcial news agency, he was summoned to a police station, questioned and then referred to the Public Prosecution Ofce. In a statement, the ofce accused Al Marzooq of being "afliated with the terrorist organization" and added that he had been "speaking at many forums, inciting and promoting terrorist acts, advocating principles which incite such acts, supporting violence committed by the terrorist coalition, and legally justifying criminal activities." Read More

Bahrain opposition to boycott national dialogue talks

Bahrain's main Shia opposition groups are suspending their participation in talks with the government in protest at the arrest of a Wefaq party leader. The detention of Khalil Marzook on terrorism

charges on Monday showed the Sunni-led authorities' contempt for the political process, a statement said. National dialogue talks begin in February in an effort to end the unrest that has plagued Bahrain since 2011. Earlier, ofcials said a policeman had been killed by a bomb explosion. Read More the arrest of a prominent Shiite ex-MP.

accused of instigating violence andhaving links to bombings andother attacks.

Bahrain Shia groups quit reconciliation talks

Bahrain's main Shia Muslim groups have suspendedparticipation in reconciliation talks with the Sunni-led governmentafter the detention of an important opposition gure. Bahrain's publicprosecution said Khalil al-Marzooq, a former deputyparliament speaker, was detained on Tuesday

Marzooq, a senior member of Al Wefaq, the main Shia political bloc,was ordered to be held for 30days during the investigation. His supporters claim he was targeted in attempts to punish the opposition after recent criticism from European ofcials about government crackdowns on dissent. Read More Marzouq was questioned by prosecutors in the presence of his attorney and has been ordered held for 30 days for further investigation, Nayef Yousif, head of public prosecution, said in a statement. Marzouq served as deputy speaker in the 40-member parliament before 18 MPs from the opposition bloc Al Wefaq walked out in February 2011 protesting the killing of demonstrators. Read More while he is being investigated for inciting antigovernment violence, the public prosecutors ofce said yesterday. The arrest comes just days after several new regulations were imposed on political groups, including restrictions on contact with foreign diplomats and organisations. Read More

Bahrain opposition boycotts talks after ex-MP's arrest

Bahraini opposition groups said Wednesday they have suspended their participation in national reconciliation talks aimed at ending the kingdom's political impasse, following

The ve groups, including the main Shiite Al-Wefaq formation, "have decided to suspend their participation in the national dialogue," a joint statement said, a day after the arrest of Al-Wefaq political chief Khalil Marzooq on charges of inciting terrorism. Read More Wefaq party ofcial, was detained and charged with inciting violence and being afliated with a terrorist organisation. His arrest followed the death of a policeman on Tuesday in a bomb attack outside the capital, Manama. Running battles between anti-Government protesters and security forces continue daily in Bahrain, which hosts the US Fifth Fleet and is a longstanding ally of the West. Read More (subscription needed)

Bahrain opposition figure held for "promoting terrorism"

Former opposition MP Khalil al-Marzouq has been detained on charges of "promoting terrorist acts," authorities said on Wednesday, in a move slammed by the opposition as a "dangerous escalation."

Bahrain opposition leader held in crackdown on terrorism

The arrest of a senior politician in Bahrain on terrorism charges as part of a fresh crackdown by state security forces was denounced as baseless and dangerous by the countrys main opposition party yesterday. Khalil al-Marzooq, a former Speaker of the Bahraini Parliament and senior Al

Bahraini opposition pulls out of national dialogue

Bahrains opposition suspended participation in reconciliation talks with the government and other political groups yesterday after the second-highest ranking member of the Shiite political group Al Wefaq was arrested. Khalil Al Marzouq will remain in prison for 30 days

Bahrain opposition to boycott national dialogue talks

Bahrains main Shia opposition groups are suspending their participation in talks with the government in protest at the arrest of a Wefaq party leader. The detention of Khalil Marzook ( pictured) on terrorism charges on

Monday showed the Sunniled authorities contempt for the political process, a statement said. National dialogue talks begin in February in an effort to end the unrest that has plagued Bahrain since 2011. Earlier, ofcials said a policeman had been killed by a bomb explosion. Read More

Opposition boycotts Bahrain dialogue to protest PMs arrest

Bahraini opposition groups said Wednesday they have suspended their participation in national reconciliation talks aimed at ending the kingdom's political impasse, following the arrest of a prominent Shiite ex-MP.

The ve groups, including the main Shiite Al-Wefaq formation, "have decided to suspend their participation in the national dialogue," a joint statement said, a day after the arrest of Khalil Marzooq on charges of inciting terrorism. "This decision will be continuously revised," the statement said. Read More

Bahrain must immediately release opposition leader

The arrest of the prominent opposition leader Khalil alMarzouq in Bahrain last night is the authorities latest move to tighten the noose on political opposition in the country and silence anyone seen to be critical of the authorities, Amnesty International said. Khalil al-Marzouq is a prisoner of conscience, imprisoned only for of his

vehement criticism of the government. He must be immediately and unconditionally released, said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui Middle East and North Africa Deputy Director at Amnesty International. His arrest is yet another blow to the National Dialogue which the Bahraini authorities have been aunting as a reason to cancel the visit of the UN expert on torture to the country. However harsh his speech towards the authorities, he should not have been arrested for expressing his views. Read More explosion that was sharply condemned by Bahraini societies and by several countries as an unjustiable kind of violence. Germany, the next day, urged community leaders to speak out against violence clearly and unambiguously, stressing the need for them to exert their utmost efforts in order to rebuild trust, stop violence and reach a political solution. Read More

Bahrain opposition leader sent 30 days in custody over terror acts

A top Bahraini opposition leader and former lawmaker has been arrested for 30 days on charges of having links with outlawed terrorist group. Public Prosecution head, Nayef Yousif, said they launched an investigation

against Khalil Marzooq, the political assistant to the largest opposition group Al Wefaq National Islamic Society 's secretary-general Shaikh Ali Salman. He accused Al Marzooq of having links with The Coalition of Feb. 14 Youth, a radical terror group, and supporting the group in several speeches that promoted terror acts. Read More

Bahrain to shut clerics council

The government has led a lawsuit against a popular Shia council for being illegal organisation. The Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments on Monday

Policeman dies from August explosion wounds

Bahrains interior ministry on Tuesday said that a policeman who was a victim of the terror explosion in Dair, a coastal village on the island of Muharraq, on August 17, has died of his injuries. Five on-duty policemen were injured in the

led the case, requesting the termination of all activities of the Ulama Islamic Council, liquidation of its assets and the shutting down of its ofce for being established in violation of the Constitution. It said the move was in light of the continuation of the illegal activities outside the scope of the law. Read More

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