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ICTJ World Report

9/19/13 8:19 PM



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ICTJ World Report

September 2013

In Focus
ICTJ Forum: Facing the Past in Lebanon
In this edition of the ICTJ Forum, we speak with Lynn Maalouf, one of the primary authors of a new report by ICTJ entitled Lebanons Legacy of Political Violence. The report compiles information on hundreds of incidents of serious crimes that took place from 1975 to 2008 in all parts of Lebanon.
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World Report
AFRICA A US Circuit Court of Appeal dismissed the South Africa Apartheid Lawsuit, arguing that the Alien Tort Statute did not reach the extraterritorial conduct in this case. The ruling referred to a judgment of the US Supreme Court of Appeals in the Kiobel v Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. case, which was handed down in April 2013. In Cote dIvoire, lawmakers have approved new laws to ease access to citizenship and improve state regulations of land ownership. These conditions were addressed in the first peace agreement signed between the government and rebels in 2003. Kenyas Deputy President William Ruto has pleaded not guilty to charges of crimes against humanity at the opening day of his trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, a landmark case for both Kenya and the ICC. The ICC has expressed concern over the alarmingly high rate of witnesses who have withdrawn from Kenyan cases.

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ICTJ World Report

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AMERICAS The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is holding its 6th National Event this week in Vancouver for dialogue and reflection about aboriginal families who were impacted by the residential school system. Colombia is working to create a system that would enable as many as 8,000 fighters of the FARC to face alternative justice, allowing their reintegration into society. After almost 50 years, a major Brazilian media group apologized for having openly supported the military dictatorship, admitting it had made a mistake. On the 10th anniversary of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Peru, hundreds marched in Lima to commemorate the victims of the countrys armed conflict, and to demand justice and accountability. On September 11th, Chile marked the 40th anniversary of the CIA-backed military coup that ousted the democratically elected government.

ASIA Human rights and civil society groups in Nepal marked the International Day of the Disappeared, calling for accountability for perpetrators of disappearances committed during the 1996-2006 conflict. In early September, the Myanmar army and a government-backed militia have encountered deadly gun battles with ethnic Kachin rebels. More recently, Myanmar draft a new law to form court monitoring groups. The UN and Human Rights Watch have criticized Cambodia for failing to pay their share of the costs of the UN-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal. The tribunal, which seeks justice for atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge, agreed that it was the responsibility of the government to pay the salaries of Cambodian employees.

EUROPE In The former Yugoslavia, an EU rule of law mission has announced an investigation of the jail massacre that took place in north-western Kosovo, where an estimated 90-130 prisoners were killed by Serbian security forces. Alexandru Visinescu, the commander of a Communist-era prison, was charged with genocide in Romania for subjecting prisoners to beatings, denying them food and medical treatment and exposing them to cold temperatures. In The Netherlands, the supreme court ruled that the country was liable for the deaths of three Bosnian Muslim men killed in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre.

MENA Journalists in Tunisia went on strike as media members continue to express concerns over what they consider government efforts to limit press freedoms. Many of these concerns have persisted since the formation of the government in 2011. After the resignation of the head of the Special Tribunal for

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Lebanon's trial chamber, the timely opening of proceedings scheduled for January 2014 has been thrown into question. In Egypt, the government has decided to dissolve the NGO registered by the Muslim Brotherhood, claiming its possession of stores of weapons and explosives on its premises. A United Nations rights panel presented detailed evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity still being committed by both sides in Syria in its 30-month-old conflict. Their final report was presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.

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