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for Civil Engineering Works

The Overview of

The Overview of THE MALAYSIAN STANDARD METHOD OF MEASUREMENT for Civil Engineering Works
Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia

Mohd Najib Haji Mohd

INTRODUCTION 1. Committeememberscomprised representativesfrom:

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k)

JabatanKerjaRaya,Malaysia JabatanPengairan&SaliranMalaysia LembagaLebuhrayaMalaysia DewanBandaraya,K.Lumpur UniversitiTeknologiMalaysia UniversitiTeknologiMARA InstitutionofEngineersMalaysia InstitutionofSurveyorsMalaysia CharteredInstituteofBuilding,Malaysia MasterBuildersAssociation,Malaysia CIDB

METHODOLOGY 2.MalaysianCivilEngineeringStandardMethodof MeasurementwasdevelopedCESMM a) SettingofcommitteeinDec1999,spearheadedby CIDB b) DraftwasbasedonCESMM3UK c) Workingcommittesmeeting everyforthnight d) Adaptationofdocumenttosuitlocalpracticeand requirements modifytheguide e) Classesmodification suchasSoilInvestigation [Ground];SlopeStabilisation[Geotechnical]; f) Classintegration suchasConcreteworks[Insitu, ConcreteAnciliaries&Precast];Pipeworks[4classes]; g) Creatingclasses Drainage,EnvironmentalProtection &Enhancement,TrafficManagementandControl

h. i. j. k. l.

Industrycommentandfeedback2003before1st edition LaunchingbyMinisterofWorks Roadshows KL,Ipoh,Penang,Kuantan,Johor Bharu,Kuching&KotaKinabalu PublicationofGuidetoMalaysianCESMM2008 PromotionbyCIDB

3.MethodadoptedinpreparationofCESMM a) StudyexistingproceduresandpracticesbyJKR,JPS,LLM, consultantfirms,andetc. b) Discussionandworkshopwithvariousorganization includingcontractors,specialistandotherindustry players. c) Compilationofmostcommonstandardpracticesin preparationandmeasurementofBillsofQuantities. d) ProvisionoflatesttrendsadoptedbyJKR,includingtraffic managementandcontrolandenvironmental enhancement e) CESMM3UKisusedasaguideinpreparingthisCESMM. TheCESMMhasbeenpreparedwiththefollowingconcept: a) Userfriendlyandfamiliaritywithlocalcontext b) Flexibletosuitvarioustypesofcivilengineeringworks c) Relevantandacceptabletothe industrypractice

INTRODUCTION 4.AdvantagesofCESMM: a) Withonestandardmethodofmeasurementtobe referred theindustrywillbehavingone language whileimprovingthecommunication withinthepartiesinvolved b) Costbebettermanagedasitprovidescompilation ofdataandbeusedascostcontroltool c) Lessdisputesincethescopeofworksand measurementmethodareclearlydefined d) Computerizationcanbedonewithstandard phraseologyandcoding e) Bettersuittolocalconditionandmethodof workingonsite,providesmeasurement convention


CESMMisdividedinto8Sectionsasfollows: Section1 Definitions Section2 GeneralPrinciples Section3 ApplicationoftheWork Classification Section4 CodingandNumberingofItems Section5 PreparationofBillofQuantities Section6 Completion,Pricinganduseof BillofQuantities Section7 MethodRelatesCharges Section8 WorkClassifications

Section8isfurtherdividedinto18classesasfollow: ClassA GeneralItems ClassB SoilInvestigationWorks ClassC SlopeStabilizationandGroundTreatment ClassD DemolitionandSiteClearance ClassE Earthworks ClassF ConcreteWorks ClassG Roadworks ClassH DrainageWorks ClassI Pipeworks ClassJ PilingWorks

ClassK Brickworks,BlockworkandMasonry ClassL Timberworks ClassM Metalworks ClassN PaintingWorks ClassO RailTracks ClassP EnvironmentalProtectionandEnhancement ClassQ TrafficManagementandControl ClassR MiscellaneousWorks


Some of the key words are defined in this section,forexample:

Conditions of Contract means the conditions of contractusedforcivilengineeringworks. b) The word Work includes to be carried out, goods, materials and services to be supplied and liabilities, obligations and risks to be undertaken bytheContractorundertheContract c) The term expressly required means shown on the drawings, described in the specifications or instructed by the Engineer/Superintending Officer (SO)/ Project Director (PD) pursuant to theContract.

GENERALPRINCIPLES(SECTION2) Someofthesalientpointsunderthis sectionareasfollows: a) EXCLUSION: CESMM does not deal with the preparation for mechanical and electrical work, building work or work which is seldom encountered in civil engineering contract. Where such work is to be included in a contract for civil engineering work, they shall be measured in accordance with their respective standard method ofmeasurement.

The objective of the CESMM is to set forth the procedure for the measurement of the work according to which the Bill of Quantities shall be preparedandpriced.

GENERALPRINCIPLES(SECTION2) TheobjectivesoftheBillofQuantitiesare:
(a) To provide such information of the quantities of work as to enable tenders to be prepared, analysed & managedefficientlyandaccurately; (b) When a contract has been entered into, to provide standardisation for the use of the priced BQ in the valuationofworkexecutedand (c) Whenacontract has been entered into, to provide for a basis in valuing variations, in accordance to provisions oftheConditionsofContract

In order to attain these objectives, Work should be itemized in the Bill of Quantities in sufficient detail for it to be possible to distinguish between the different classes of work, location etc which may give rise to differentconsiderationofcost.


ThissectiondealswiththeitemdescriptionintheBillof Quantities,modeofdescription,unitsofmeasurement, Measurementrules,definitionsrules,coveragerulesand additionaldescriptionrules.


The Work Classification divides work commonly encounteredinto18mainclasses(ClassAtoclassR). Each class comprises up to three divisions which classify work at successive levels of detail (First division, second division and third division). Each division comprises of a list of 8 descriptive features of work. Each item description in Bill of Quantities shall identify the component of work covered with respect to one feature from each division of the relevantclass.



ItemdescriptionforWorksshallgenerallyidentifythe component of the Works and not the tasks to be carried out by the Contractor, for example: an item should be described as Mild steel bar reinforcement, 6mm diameter not as Supply, deliver, cut, bend and fixmildsteelbarto6mmdiameter. Measurement rules in the Work Classification set out the conditions under which the work shall be measured and the method by which the quantities shallbecomputed. Definition rules in the Work Classification define the extentandlimits of the class of work represented bya word or expression used in the Work Classification andintheBillofQuantities.




Coverage rules in the Work Classification provide that the work stated is deemed to be included in the appropriateitems. Where additional description is given under additional description rules in the Work Classification a separate item shall be given for each componentofthework. Rules printed on the right hand page above a double line apply to all work in the class. Other rules on the right hand page apply to a particular groups of items asshownbytheclassificationtable.



Measurement Rules
How to measure

Definition Rules Coverage Rules Additional Description Rules

Clarify what items are included. They are not a complete check lists of coverage, rather explanations to clarify the nature of description. Set out additional information that must be included in description, beyond the three division clauses, to comply with the CESMM.

Lay down the When to measure meaning of words and terms for the What to measure purpose of this method of measurement

FIRST DIVISION 1. Ground Treatment

SECOND DIVISION 1.Consolidat ion Method

THIRD DIVISION 1. Verticle Drains


MEASUREMENT RULES M1 Mobilisation and demobilization for ground treatment plant and machineries shall be itemized separately.

DEFINATION RULES D1 Ground treatment using consolidation method is carried out in soft / fine grained soil such as silt and clay.

COVERAGE RULES C1 The item for vertical drain shall be deemed to include any geotextile wrappings used.

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 Item description for vertical drains shall state type and cross-sectional dimensions of drainage tube, wrapping material and depth of treatment. A2 Item description for dynamic compaction shall indicate the weight of the drop hammer, height of drop and depth of treatment.


2. Vacuum Consolidation

2.Compactio n Method

1. Dynamic Compaction


M2 Surcharge material used with vertical drains and vacumn consolidation shall be measured separately under Class E 3 2 0

D2 Ground treatment using compaction method is carried out in loose coarse grained soil such as sand and gravel. Dynamic compaction is achieved by impacts. Vibro compaction is achieved by vibration

2. Vibro Compaction


M3 Any filling required to act as working platform shall be measured separately under Class E 3 1 0

A3 Item description for vibro compaction shall indicate the diameter of column, type of granular material infill, feed system (top or bottom) and depth of treatment.


Coding For convenient of reference and computerization each item in the Work Classification has been assigned code number consisting ofaletterandnotmorethan3digits. E.g.:CodeE111identifiesas; ClassEEarthwork firstdivision1Excavation seconddivision1Stripping thirddivision1Topsoil Item Numbers Code numbers may be used to number the items in the Bill of Quantities, the items within the Bill of Quantities being listedinorderofascendingcodenumber Coding of unclassified items Where a feature of an item is not listed in the Work Classification the digit 9 shall be used in appropriate positions in the code number. Where there is an item to which a division of classification does not apply for which fewer than 3 division the digit 0 shall be used in appropriate positions in the code number




d) Numbering of items with additional description where code numbers are used as itemsnumbersasuffixnumbermaybeusedto distinguish items which has the same code numberbutdifferentadditionaldescription.

e.g.:E111.1 for earthwork item where stripping of topsoil requiredtostatewhetherreuseordisposal.

This section deals, mainly in the preparation of the bill of quantity, preambles, daywork schedule, description of work item, Prime Cost items, Provisional Sum, Quantities, Unit of Measurement.

ThePreambleshallstatethemethodofmeasurementusedis CESMM and /or other method of measurement in which have been adopted in the preparation of Bill of Quantities. Any amendment to the CESMM shall also be stated. Whereveramendmentsaremadetheamendmentsshalltake precedenceovertheCESMM. All item shall be described in accordance with the Work Classification but further itemization and additional description may be provided if the nature, location or any special characteristic of work is thought likely to give rise to specialmethodconstructionorcostconsideration.



The estimated price of Work to be carried out by Nominated subcontractor shall be given in the bill of quantities as a Prime CostItem.EachPrimeCostItemshallbefollowedby; i.Itemforattendanceinconnectiontherewith, ii. Item expressed as a percentage of the price of the CostIteminrespectofallotherchargesandprofit.



Provisional Sum for specific contingencies shall be given in the WorkClassificationoftheBillofQuantities. Quantities in the Bill of Quantities shall be computed nett usingdimensionfromthedrawingunlessotherwisedirectedby a measurement rule in CESMM or by the contract and no allowanceshallbemadeforthebulking,shrinkageorwastage.



a) Rates and prices shall be inserted in the rate column of the Bill of Quantities in RM withsenasdecimalfraction. b) Each part of the Bill of Quantities shall be totalled and the totals carried to the Grand Summary

METHOD R ELATEDCHARGES(SECTION7) MethodRelatedCharges a) Definition MethodRelated Charge means the sumofaniteminsertedintheBillofQuantitiesbya tenderer to cover items of Work a relating to his method of construction, the cost of which are not proportional to the quantities and he has not allowedforintheratesandpricesforotheritems. Each item for a MethodRelated Charge inserted in theBillofQuantitiesshallbefullydescribedsoasto define precisely the extent of the Work covered and toidentifytheresourcestobeused.



Paymentwhenmethodnotadopted In the event of satisfactory execution of any part of theWorkswhichhasbeenthesubjectofanitem for a methodrelated charge using a method other than that described in the Bill of Quantities the contractor shall nevertheless be entitled to the paymentofthemethodrelatedcharge. The amount of a methodrelated charge shall be neitherincreasedordecreasedbyreasononlyofany change in the method made by the contractor, unless such change has been instructed by the Engineer/SO/PD. Then in which case the appropriate variation clauses of the Condition of Contractapply.

y Projek :

Supply,Laying&Commission700mm/600mm/ 450mmdia.SteelPipes,SpecialsAndAncillaryWorks FromMasai 1ReservoirToTaman Scientex,YTLand Felda Cahaya Baru InMukim Plentong,Johor Bahru


Class D Demolition & Site Clearance Site clearance,secondary jungle areas Code D 100 Unit ha Trees, girth 0.5 -1m Code D 210 Unit - nr

Class E Earthworks
Cut to dispose

Excavation and backfill for drain and pipe in trenches not more than 1.5m deep [included in Class I]

Excavation, Cut to dispose earth, Code E141 Unit m3 Excavation general, earth Code E 121 Unit m3

Class E Earthworks Landscaping, Close Turfing Axonopus Compressus Code E 510 Unit m2

Class I Pipes

Excavation exceeding 1.5m deep [included in Class I]

700mm nom. dia. spigot & socket ended mild steel pipes to MS , In trenches depth exceeding 1.5m Code - I 122 Unit m

Class I Pipes Code - I 126 Unit m 1.2m nom. dia. Concrete pipe 700mm dia. X 5m long plain ended pipe with puddle collar

Class I Backfilling Code I 320 Unit m3 Backfilling, sand Backfilling with sand in pipe trenches

Class I Pipes Code - I 444 Unit m 700mm nom. dia. spigot & socket ended mild steel pipes Not in trenches

Class I Crossings
Measured where streams exceeds 1m width

Code I 633 Unit nr Crossings River, 55m width for 700mm nominal dia. pipe

Class I Fittings
M11- fittings of diamater more than 100mm shall be measured

Code - I 421 Unit nr 700mm nom. dia. mild steel fittings Fittings, Horizontal bend

Class I Fittings Code - I 421 Unit nr 700mm nom. dia. mild steel fittings Fittings, Vertical bend

Class I Fittings Code - I 422 Unit nr 700mm nom. dia. mild steel fittings Junction & branches - Tee

Class I Fittings Code - I 486 Unit nr 700mm nom. dia. mild steel fittings 700mm dia. Plain ended barrel with 100mm. Level concentric flanged branch tee for air valve

Class I Fittings Code - I 422 Unit nr 700mm nom. dia. mild steel fittings 700mm dia. plain ended x 700mm dia. plain ended Y branch

Class I Fittings Code - I 423 Unit nr 700mm nom. dia. mild steel fittings 700mm dia. plain ended x 500mm dia. plain ended taper

Class I Fittings Code - I 425 Unit nr 700mm nom. dia. mild steel fittings Flanged adaptor

Class J Fittings Code - I 481 Unit nr Valves and penstock 200mm dia. gate valve, hand operated

Class J Fittings Code - I 484 Unit nr Valve and penstock 600mm dia. butterfly valve, hand operated

Class I Manholes and Chambers Code I 512 Unit nr Chamber, Bricks 1.5m x 1.2m int. dimension brickwall chamber, depth 1.5-3 m

Class I Special pipe laying methods Code I 736 Unit m Special laying methods 1200mm dia. reinforced concrete pipe jacking

Class I Pipework Ancilliaries Code I 812 Unit nr Concrete stools and thrust blocks Volume 1 -2m3, for 700mm dia. pipe

Class I Pipework Ancilliaries Code I 850 Unit sum Pressure testing to 700mm dia. mild steel pipe

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