7 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Pay Heed To What People Talk About You

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7 Reasons Why You Shouldnt Pay Heed to What People Talk About You

Most people do not know how to spend time creatively. In fact, they have problem killing the time. So, the best way for them to pass it is to talk it away. And there is no juicier way than discussing the private lives and affairs of the friends and acquaintances. Someone in the company also makes it a point to convey to the hapless victim the whole proceedings of the party to win their sympathy and good will and also, may be, to provoke them to vent out their angry reactions and thus fuel the fire. But the problem with most of victims of the slander is that they eagerly, almost greedily listen to such reporters even if they know that what was discussed was pure and simple falsehood and malicious enjoyment at their cost. They also try to forcefully put forth their point of view to negate the charade. The matter, however, does not close after the vigorous denial. The worse part of the exercise starts thereafter. Instead of ignoring the gossips as the waste of time and energy, they spend hours and hours mulling, ruminating, meditating over it. They almost derive a kind of masochistic delight in fretting and fuming, planning their defence or launching an equally aggressive counter attack. This is the most negative even harmful way of responding to rumours and gossips. Here are 7 reasons why you should not pay heed to what people talk about you. 1. Do not try to explain your side of the story or justify your stand. The rumour mongers are not interested in your perspective. Your explanation would only provide more substance to creative juices. 2. Your happiness should be your sole concern regardless of what people think Of course, you should not try to be happy at the cost of others. If your source or pursuit of pleasure does in no way affect others, go ahead and lap it up. Ignore what people say. They probably talk derisively about you because they are jealous of you and do not have the courage to take the kind of step you have taken. There are true stories of kings, princes and princesses who gave up their kingdoms for even the common people they loved. The example of King Edward VIII of England who fell in love with a married and divorced American lady, Mrs Wallis Simpson and abandoned the British throne is quite well-known. Above all he did not pay any heed to the millions of his British subjects. He lived his life the way he loved. 3. What would have happened if the scientists had heeded to the peoples talk about their pursuits? There are examples of several eminent scientists who

pursued their interests despite wide-spread ridicule and opposition. Two glaring examples are of Galileo and Robert Goddard. Galileo, the scientist, physicist, mathematician, astronomer and inventor of telescope, called spy glass in those days, was not only ridiculed, but was accused of heresy and put to trial by inquisition, notorious in those days for ruthless persecution of its victims. Robert Goddard, known as the visionary and pioneer of the space science and rocketry was widely ridiculed as the Moon Man. 4. You lose focus on your own life and pursuits If you pay heed to public opinion, you are most likely to lose focus on a pursuit that is close to your heart. The world would have been deprived of priceless inventions and discoveries if those involved in them wasted their time in listening to the public talk. Heeding public opinion may confuse and distract you from your path 5. True leaders and path-breakers usually swim against the massive tide of public opinion. They are decried, insulted, jeered and hooted and yet they stick to their views and ultimately prove their point. 6. You cannot fight out with everyone Generally you have to walk a lonely path in pursuit of your interests. People wallow in stories of scandals and character assassinations. They generate rumours which work like epidemic of viral diseases. The more you try to fight them out, the more they work with a vengeance. They are more likely to subside if they are left alone and ignored. Doesn't matter what you do, or how you do it, your neighbors are gonna talk about you ANYWAY.- Felder Rushing 7. There is a popular axiom which says that the favourite pastime of the public is to talk. They will talk about you with or without reason. Creative thinking is a painful process which most people loathe. Slanderous and spicy talk is what most common people love. In the words of William Shakespeare, they love to stuff the ears of men with false reports. Remember what Socrates said Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and weak minds discuss people. Socrates Post your suggestions and comments here. About me: I am a student of Life, the hard taskmaster. I try to share whatever I have learnt from it for the benefit of the readers. I think it is always better to learn from others experiences than to suffer the pain of learning them yourself. You are welcome to go through my blog Peace and Happiness through Self-Empowerment and find out fresh insights and lessons churned out of the grinding mill of life.

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