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By : ABIDAH BT SARAJUL HAQ English Language Master Teacher Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman , Ipoh

Summary Writing Guidelines

Summary just simply means "to sum up". The test on summary is in Paper 2 of the PMR English Language paper 10 marks are allotted for summary writing which is in Section B The time recommended for you to complete this section is 30 minutes

Summing-up is a technique that follows strict rules: 1. The original text is cut to about one third. 2. You are required to pick out the main points related to the question. 3. No examples or repetitions should be given. 4. You must write in a continuous form and not in note form. 5. Choose only the relevant information that answers to the requirement of the question. 6. Try to use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning. 7. Begin your summary with the line given . This usually consists of 10 words. This means that you need to only summarise the remaining 50 words. 8. Finally , your summary should not be more than 60 words.

When you have to sum up the given passage, follow these guidelines:

1. Read the text quickly in order to find the main ideas by skimming the passage. Skimming means reading through it quickly. 2. If necessary look at topic sentences in the text. This is to make sure that you have got all the main ideas through by scanning. Scanning means reading through to get specific details. 3. Take a pencil or a different coloured pen from the black print to underline or bracket the important points. 4. Write down key-words, i.e. words that sum up the meaning of the text. 5. Sum up the key-words in simple sentences . 6. Combine the simple sentences by using conjunctions like "as, though, because, since" or use sequence connectors when necessary e.g. First, As a result , Next, Afterwards 7. Compare the original text with your summary to find out that you have the relevant information needed. 8. REMEMBER that the summary should be written in ONE paragraph.

PMR Summary Practice 1

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follows.

The pineapple is a tropical plant known for its juicy, fragrant fruit. It probably received its name because the fruit looks like a pine cone. Many people enjoy drinking the juice of the pineapple and eating the fruit as a dessert or in fruit salads. Thailand grows more pineapple than any country .Farmers there produce about one-fourth or the worlds pineapple The pineapple plant grows from about 60 to 90 centimetres tall, and the fruit weights from about 2 to 4 kilograms. The ripe fruit has a greenish-orange, yellowishgreen, or dark green shell[skin].At the top of the fruit is a group of small leaves called crown. The flesh of the pineapple is firm and pale yellow, through it may be white .The most widely grown kind of pineapple, Smooth Cayenne, is seedless but some varieties have small brown seeds beneath the shell. A pineapple plant has blue-green ,sword-shaped leaves that grow around a thick stem . The edges of the leaves of most varieties of pineapple have sharp spines.

Write a summary on the characteristics of a pineapple plant. Your summary must : not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below be in continuous writing ( not in note form) bee written in ONE paragraph

Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning. Begin your summary as follows : The pineapple plant is popular for its juicy fruit which ..

PMR Summary Practice 2

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follows.

Almost every dog can be trained to be an obedient, reliable, and well-adjust companion .But you must establish and maintain a dominant relationship with your puppy to make such training possible. When you get your puppy, train it to come whenever you call. You should also teach it what no means right away. Repeat this command in a stern voice every time the dog does anything that displeases you. Never let your dog misbehave in any way or it may become uncontrollable. Never strike a pup for being disobedient or aggressive. However ,you may find it helpful to mimic some of the actions that a mother dog uses to discipline a pup. If your puppy plays too rough , for example , growl bad dog pin its snout to the ground with one hand , and shake of its neck with other hand. Obedience training should begin when your puppy is 8 weeks old. First, get the dog used to wearing a collar and lead, which will be a helpful tool in training. You can then start to teach your pet such basic commands as heel ,sit, stay and down.

Write a summary on the ways of training a dog. Your summary must : not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below be in continuous writing ( not in note form) bee written in ONE paragraph

Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning. Begin your summary as follows : In order to train a dog to be obedient , we

PMR Practice 1 Content points : grows from 60 to 90 centimetres fruit weighs from 2 to 4 kilograms a ripe pineapple has many colours at the top is a group of small leaves / crown the flesh is firm has sword- shaped leaves the edges of the leaves are like spines

Choose any 5 points to get 5 marks for content. Suggested answer The pineapple plant is popular for its juicy fruit which grows from 60 to 90 centrimetres. The fruit weighs from 2 to 4 kilograms. A ripe pineapple has many different colours. At the top of the fruit is the crown. The flesh of the pineapple is firm. It also has sword - shaped leaves like spines that grows around a thick stem. ( 60 words ) PMR Practice 2 Content points : train to come whenever you call teach what no means repeat command in stern voice do not strike a pup for being disobedient mimic some actions of a mother dog put a collar and lead teach basic commands

Choose any 5 points to get 5 marks for content. In order to train a dog to be obedient , we must train it to come whenever we call. Teach what no means. Repeat this command in a stern voice. Do not strike a pup for being disobedient. You can mimic some actions of a mother dog. Put a collar and lead on a dog. Lastly teach some basic commands. ( 59 words )

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