Hut Ims Ws Agenda

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HUT - FOKUS 1st 2008 IMS Workshop

(In the framework of the GVNext project between Hanoi University of Technology and Fraunhofer FOKUS Berlin)

Date: Afternoon Monday, June 2nd 2008

Venue: German - Vietnamese Cooperation Center - Hanoi University of Technology - No.1 Dai Co Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam
Chairman: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Radu Popescu-Zeletin

Start End Topic Presenter Content

13:30 13:40 Registration
Welcome speech from Hanoi University of Prof. Ha Duyen Tu -
13:40 13:45
Technology Vice President of HUT
Dr. Pham Huyen -
Welcome speech from Ministry of Science and
13:45 13:50 Ministry of Science - Introduction about Vietnam - Germany science and technology cooperation policy
and Technology
Dr. Chu Ngoc Anh -
13:50 14:00 Keynote State Agency for - Technology transfer policy in Vietnam
Technology Inovation
- Business drivers: PSTN Emulation, FMC, Tripe Play, IPTV, Web 2.0 Telco Integration
Prof. Thomas - The new value chain of convergence: Netcos, Service Cos, SalesCos
Motivation for IMS as common control platform for Magedanz - Head of - IMS Basics: Control (Intelligent Networks) + Internet (SIP) = the better Internet = IMS
14:00 14:45
converging networks NGNI, Fraunhofer - IMS Architecture and Standards review
FOKUS - IMS vs. Service Delivery Platforms vs. Web 2.0

Prof. Thomas - IMS Show stoppers - missing applications

The need for open / independent IMS technology Magedanz - Head of - Challenges of the telecommunications world
14:45 15:00
testbeds and toolkits NGNI, Fraunhofer - Lessons learned from the Internet
- Fraunhofer Mission - high quality communications in face of convergence
Prof. Thomas
- The FOKUS R&D ecosystem - strategic cooperation is key
Magedanz - Head of
15:00 15:30 Fraunhofer FOKUS Overview - FOKUS R&D topics
NGNI, Fraunhofer
- The FOKUS open technology playground concept
Mr. Ngo Tuan Dat -
VTN, the VNPT's NGN subsidiary, will talk about the situation and progress of NGN deployment in
15:30 15:45 NGN deployment in Vietnam Vietnam Telecom
National (VTN)
15:45 16:00 Coffee break
- Getting started with IMS - The Open Source IMS Core and the Open IMS Playground
Prof. Thomas - Integration of IMS with Web 2.0 - The Open SOA Telco Playground
FOKUS expertise and components for testbed set Magedanz - Head of - Integration of IMS with IPTV = interactive TV - The Media Interoperability Lab
16:00 16:30
up around the globe NGNI, Fraunhofer - Integration of IMS with eGovernment - Towards innovative services for Citizens

On this session, we would like to demonstrate the working of IMS basic functionalities, like core
HUT's demonstration of IMS basic functionalities Dr. Ng Huu Thanh &
16:30 17:00 signaling, charging and AA functions as well as the advanced IMS services: click-to-dial, inter-realm
and services Dr. Ng Tai Hung
calls, and IPTV interaction .
Note: In order to participate in the Workshop, please contact the following people before 26 May 2008: Dr. Nguyen Huu Thanh | Mobile: +84 9 1252 3624 | Email: or Dr. Ng
Tai Hung | Mobile: +84 9 0321 7248 | Email:

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