Modules For Undergrad Grad N PHD

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Brief Description of the Event

(Undergraduate, Graduate, PhD. Level)

Research Paper presentation

Research Paper Presentation is an effort to combine the researches going on in different
universities to a single platform to evolve innovative ideas from minds of the people thinking in
different and unique dimensions.

This module will add the catalysts to the research work and prosperity of the country.

Seminar “Motivation and Ways to Solve Industrial Problems”

Research Institute and Industries have no common path to encounter each other’s problem but
they both need each other. This module will create a road for the industries to make their move
on the researchers to explain them that how industries are facing problems in some of the areas
and how they want their problems to be solved.

There will be a very well known speaker from a renowned organization to deliever this seminar
plus workshop. This will be greater interest for those who wants to make the links between
institute and industry.

After the seminar, groups will be made and Real Life industrial problems would be given to the
researchers to solve or at least give the pathway that how it will be solved to the industries
present there.

Workshop on Material Selection and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

Workshops are usually done in the lecture halls but this innovative module will gain you in hand
lab experience workshop, first of its kind.

After attending this workshop, you will surely be able to address problems regarding material
selection confidently and testing of the samples and materials without breaking or damaging it.
Uniqueness of the module makes its desirable for all faculties of engineers

Project Presentation
The solved problems given one night before will be presented in front of the country’s huge
entrepreneurs and industrialists. This will be great for the internships and hiring purposes.

Mattech 09 is designed to overcome the recession burden from the companies which will
eventually result in the expansions of the companies and organizations and it will be positive for
the engineers and scholars and the students and most importantly FUTURE of the country.


Evening Arrival and Registration of Teams

Night Lodging


10 AM – 12 PM Research Paper Presentations

12PM – 1 PM Lunch Break

1:15 PM – 3:15 PM Research Paper Presentations (Continued)

4 PM – 5 PM Seminar on ‘Solution to Industrial Problems’


10 AM – 12 PM Workshop on Materials Selection/NDT/ Advanced Materials

12 PM – 1 PM Lunch Break

1:15 PM – 3:15 PM Project/Paper Presentations


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