Subsidiary Ledgers It Includes

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General Ledger: General ledger provides details regarding expenses and asset not covered under subsidiary books and also contains the control accounts of subsidiary books.

Subsidiary Ledgers It includes:

(a)Receiving Cashiers Counter Cash Book; (b)Paying Cashiers Counter Cash Book; (c)Current Accounts Ledger; (d)Savings Bank Accounts Ledger; (e)Fixed Deposit Accounts Ledger (f)Investment Ledger; (g)Cash Credit Ledger; (h)Loan Ledger; (i)Bills Discounted and Purchased Ledger; (j)Recurring Deposit Accounts Ledger; (k)Fixed Deposit Accounts Ledger; (l)Customers Acceptance, Endorsement and Guarantee Ledger etc.;

Other Registers and Memorandum Books It includes:

(a)Bills for Collection Register; (b)Share Security Register; (c)Jewellery Register; (d)Demand Draft Register; (e)Safe Custody Register; (f)Standing Order Register; (g)Dishonored Cheque Register; (h)Letter of Credit Register; (i)Lockers Register etc.;

Special Features of Bank Accounting The following are the features of bank accounting;
1.Banking companies have to maintain books of accounts under D o u b l e - E n t r y System. 2. It has to maintain all books of accounts, as required under the p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e Banking Regulation Act. 3.The posting of transactions in the ledger will be based on debit /credit slips. (That is, slip system of ledger posting is followed in banking companies). 4.Self-balancing system of ledge is followed in accounting, by banking companies . SOME IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF THE BANKING REGULATION ACT, 1949I. SHARE CAPITA :

(a)A banking company can issue only equity shares. (Section 12). (b)The subscribed capital of a banking company (carrying on business in India) must be at least one-half of the authorised capital; and the paid-up capital must be at least one-half of the subscribed (Section 12) (c)The total of paid-up capital and reserves must be at least the amount specified in Section 11,which have been given below:
1. For banking companies incorporated outside India(i.e., Foreign Banks) (a)If it has place of business in Mumbai or Kolkata; or both (b)If it has place of business other than in M u m b a i o r Kolkata; 2. For Banking Companies Incorporated in India (a)If it has place of business in Mumbai or Kolkata; or both(b)If it does not have place of business in Mumbai or Kolkata; but have place of business (I) in more than one state(II) in only one state- I f t h e r e i s o n l y o n e place of business-If it has more than one place of b u s i n e s s e s For principal place of businessFor every other place of business, in the same districtFor every other place of business outside the district( T h e t o t a l , i n t h i s c a s e h o w e v e r , n e e d n o t e x c e e d Rs. 5,00,000)(c)If it has place and business in one state and also have placeof business in Mumbai or Kolkata; or both(I) for place of business in Mumbai or Kolkata; or both(II) for each place situated outside the city of Mumbai andKolkata(The total in this case, however, need not

exceed Rs.10,00,000)

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