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Message Description A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0030: Column 'Project Access Number' has a name

that A2SS0030 Warning might cause problems for the message: Access application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0030: Column 'Project Access Name' has a name that might A2SS0030 Warning cause problems for the message: Access application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0030: Column 'Type of Access Study' has a name that might A2SS0030 Warning cause problems for the message: Access application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0030: Column 'Output Access Type' has a name that might A2SS0030 Warning cause problems for the message: Access application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems


Message Description A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration A2SS0030: Column Assistant for 'Deliverable Type' has a name Access that might cause problems for A2SS0030 Warning the Access application to message: function correctly against Identifier SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration A2SS0030: Column 'Output Assistant for Actual DateTime' has a name Access that might cause problems for A2SS0030 Warning the Access application to message: function correctly against Identifier SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0030: Column 'Time Access Taken' has a name that might A2SS0030 Warning cause problems for the message: Access application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration A2SS0030: Column Assistant for 'DPSchedulex.EWNID' has a Access name that might cause A2SS0030 Warning problems for the Access message: application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems


Message Description A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration A2SS0030: Column Assistant for 'DPSchedulex.Task' has a Access name that might cause A2SS0030 Warning problems for the Access message: application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration A2SS0030: Column Assistant for 'DPSchedulex.Questionnaire Access EWN Date' has a name that A2SS0030 Warning might cause problems for the message: Access application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration A2SS0030: Column Assistant for 'DPSchedulex.Analysis Plan Access EWN Date' has a name that A2SS0030 Warning might cause problems for the message: Access application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration A2SS0030: Column Assistant for 'DPSchedulex.Interim Data Access EWN Date' has a name that A2SS0030 Warning might cause problems for the message: Access application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems


Message Description A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration A2SS0030: Column Assistant for 'DPSchedulex.Final Data Access EWN Date' has a name that A2SS0030 Warning might cause problems for the message: Access application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration A2SS0030: Column Assistant for 'DPSchedulex.EMPID' has a Access name that might cause A2SS0030 Warning problems for the Access message: application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems A2SS0030: SQL Server Migration A2SS0030: Column Assistant for 'DPSchedulex.EnterTime' has Access a name that might cause A2SS0030 Warning problems for the Access message: application to function Identifier correctly against SQL Server. name might cause problems


ID Message Description A2SS0033 A2SS0033: A2SS0033:

ID SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access Error message: Aggregate function is not supported A2SS0033: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access A2SS0033 Error message: Aggregate function is not supported A2SS0033: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access A2SS0033 Error message: Aggregate function is not supported A2SS0033: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access A2SS0033 Error message: Aggregate function is not supported A2SS0033 A2SS0033: Aggregate function First is not supported and cannot be converted.



A2SS0033: Aggregate function First is not supported and cannot be converted.

A2SS0033: Aggregate function First is not supported and cannot be converted.

A2SS0033: Aggregate function First is not supported and cannot be converted. A2SS0033:

ID SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access Error message: Aggregate function is not supported A2SS0033: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access A2SS0033 Error message: Aggregate function is not supported A2SS0033: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access A2SS0033 Error message: Aggregate function is not supported Aggregate function First is not supported and cannot be converted.



A2SS0033: Aggregate function First is not supported and cannot be converted.

A2SS0033: Aggregate function First is not supported and cannot be converted.



Synchronization Error

Synchronization Error

Synchronization Error

Synchronization Error

Synchronization Error

Synchronization Error Synchronization Error Synchronization Error Synchronization Error Synchronization Error

Synchronization Error

Description Column 'CRDC_new.dbo.Login.username' is not the same length or scale as referencing column 'OtherDetails.Associate Name 1' in foreign key 'OtherDetails$LoginOtherDetails'. Columns participating in a foreign key relationship must be defined with the same length and scale. Could not create constraint. See previous errors. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid object name 'TimesheetData'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid object name 'EffortSpent'. Invalid object name 'EffortSpent'. Invalid object name 'EffortSpent'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid object name 'EffortSpent'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid object name 'EffortSpent'.

Synchronization Error

Synchronization Error

Synchronization Error

Synchronization Error

Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid object name 'EffortSpent'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid object name 'EffortSpent'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'EWN'. Invalid column name 'sharp_ofSlide'.

A2SS0029: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0029 Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0029: SQL Server A2SS0029 Migration Assistant for Access Info message:

A2SS0029: Foreign key name 'LoginTimesheet' was changed during conversion.

A2SS0029: Index name 'Activity' was changed during conversion.

Identifier name was changed A2SS0029: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0029 Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0029: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0029 Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0029: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0029 Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0029: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0029 Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0029: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0029 Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0020: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0020 Access Info message: New timestamp column created A2SS0029: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0029 Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0029: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0029 Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0029: SQL Server A2SS0029 Migration Assistant for

A2SS0029: Index name 'Activity Code' was changed during conversion.

A2SS0029: Index name 'Associate id' was changed during conversion.

A2SS0029: Index name 'LoginTimesheet' was changed during conversion.

A2SS0029: Index name 'OutputID' was changed during conversion.

A2SS0029: Index name 'Sub Activity code' was changed during conversion.

A2SS0020: New timestamp column 'SSMA_TimeStamp' created.

A2SS0029: Primary key name 'PrimaryKey' was changed during conversion.

A2SS0029: Index name 'Activity Code' was changed during conversion. A2SS0029: Index name 'Associate id' was changed during conversion.

Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0029: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0029 Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0029: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0029 Access Info message: Identifier name was changed A2SS0020: SQL Server Migration Assistant for A2SS0020 Access Info message: New timestamp column created

A2SS0029: Index name 'OutputID' was changed during conversion.

A2SS0029: Index name 'Sub Activity code' was changed during conversion.

A2SS0020: New timestamp column 'SSMA_TimeStamp' created.

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