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Role of A Facilitator

1. Lord CM sending Haridas Thakur and Nityananda Pr to go house to house/ room to room. So, we are teaching people how to chant, worship, preach about Krishna. 2. Goal of our preaching:- 2. Convincing people means to inspire them to take up the process of chanting. Also, they should know clearly why they should chant. So, knowledge as well as devotion. So, both Krishna Siksha and naama Jap. 1. First thing in preaching is to preach to yourself Duties of Facilitators:- Exemplary in following aspects of Krishna Consciousness 3. 1.Sadhana:- Means first you should develop exemplary behaviour only then your preaching will have effect on someone. If u r not attending mangala arati, Bhagavatam class you are preaching to the people that dont attend these programs it is boring. And also enthusiastically participating in these programs. Not that these programs are for the juniors. Making Notes. 4. 2.Dealings with one another (Genuine, Loving & trustworthy Vaishnava relationship):- Lord Vishnu to Pracetas- I m most pleased with you all because u r jointly performing tapasya. Lord appreciates the co-operation among the devotees. When a boy will come to bace he will note that how you love each other, how you trust each other, how you co-operate with one another. In the absence of a devotee you should praise another devotee. I learned it from him., learning from one another., Whenever you are glorified u can glorify those who are not glorified and are hidden. 5. Respect- Glorifying Each other- Genuine mutual respect for one another:- Knowing the values of the devotees, With all these diff still we can love the devotess. Hwo? By seeing that how rare they are, our devotees are real heroes because they are balancing material and spiritual life, We should never criticise each other. 6. Love- Having genuine love for each other. We also should learn to express our love for each other. Most of the faults we dont even need to correct them only Krishna will correct. Only if it is hurting many people then we need to take action. Distance increases by correcting each other. They are tolerating me and I am tolerating them. 7. Trust- Trust over each other- Maintaining confidentiality- We have give up duplicity if you want to develop trust with each other. Hold the confidence. Revealing mind means having trust. Sharing the good qualities of others to the people- their respect for you will increase. 8. Expert in Balancing various Duties - Menial services (grocerries, vegetables, chapati making and sabji cutting), Management services (Maintenance of the BACE, Cleaning of the BACE, preparing reports, taking responsibilities of verious departments) as well as Preaching/Leadership services (giving lectures, follow up, spending time with the boys, Yatras and camps, etc.), Academic studies (Going to college, study quota, assignment submission on time, etc.). 9. Giving up our material tendencies:- Lazy and lethargic- Taking service and passing it unto others rather than doing myself, loosing temper in small small things, somebody too lazy and slow- need to increase efficiency become more productive. 10. Filling up Sadhana card 11. Enthusiasm:- If u dont feel enthusiasm try to behave enthusiastically, boys will see that how the seniors are so enthusiastic about the activities of Krishna consciousness, Then every individual will become like a magnet.

12. FAITH- (1) in the process of Krishna Consciousness and (2) your speech should come from your heart. If you dont have faith dont preach. Better first develop it. Preaching means transfer of faith which we have in our heart to others heart. Faith that simply by following 4 RPs and chanting hare Krishna we will go back to godhead. 13. Obeying the Authority:- Ex- reaction of a bc when a policy was changed in IYF, One boy asked boldly that prji do you have faith in RSP and your counsellor, If one dont have faith in the authority one should go and honestly tell the authority that prji I dont have faith in IYF authorities. If you dont have faith you will not be able to give faith in other people. IYF Syllabus- OTP- DYS- MMC- PT- SM- PL-PD and all the camps Sankalpa, Sphurti, Utkarsha, nistha, Ashraya, etc. System of IYF is already proven so we must have faith. You should not only have faith in Director but also the local preachers, OC, etc. Bad talks among devotees- Prji I have fully brainwashed him. Now his life is completely in my grip. He cant do anything other than joining the BASE. Such kind of talk is very bad. Some deviant people they discourage others to join the bace because they themselves feel that they are stuck up. So, first of all you make sure that you are very happy in KC. Then only you can make others happy in KC. 14. Missionary Spirit:- Sacrificing personal comfort, time, energy, wealth, interests for the interest of the mission. Giving care and attention and pushing to raise KC commitments on the strength of relationship- both father(facilities) and mother(care and attention). Helps to develop deep relationship. Highly effective follow up. Serve them personally. Then he would talk how many rounds you are chanting? Only two. Can you increase? Yes prji. Hari bol. Krishna Consciousness is a pushing movement but it should be done out of love and very gently. We should know whom to push how much. Even if you are not available make sure that some other strong boy must go for MMC. 15. Empowering others: to call and collect the boys: Not that you are only doing everything. The most serious ones can be engaged in services. Each facilitator should have at least 4-5 very strong boys under them. If you have 12 boys at least 2 pairs of them should be very strong and intimate relation with you. Actually these are the 4 boys who will join the BACE. So, six of you have 4 boys each then 24 boys will join the BACE. Engaging everyone in some service and appreciate them in public. Beginning put them as assts. Create services to develop them. Be aware about their movements. What do we talk with them when we meet them personallyStudies, Health, Chanting, Reading SP Books. If they know that u r available for them then they will open up to you.

Developing Genuine, Loving & Trustworthy Vaishnava Relationships Seeing Good Qualities Respect for Each Other Love for Each other Trust for Each other

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