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The purpose of this lesson is to successfully log into and navigate within Pastel Evolution.

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Log into Pastel Evolution. Administer important operational and maintenance functions. Use the Utilities menu. Navigate within Pastel Evolution. Create User Defined Fields. Use the Help function. Use shortcut keys. Set up the Common module specifications.


The following procedure will assist you to successfully log into a company.

The objective of this activity is to log into a company database: 1. Open Pastel Evolution by double clicking on the shortcut that was created on your desktop during the installation process. The following Login screen displays: Click on the Locate button to locate a database. This database will display in the Company Databases window after it is located. Click on the Edit button to change database details. Click on the Remove button to remove the database from the Company Databases window. This does not delete the database, and the database can be located again. Click on the New button to create a new database.

2. 3.

Select the company you created in Lesson 1 and click on OK. To work in a company, you need an agent name (a user name), and a password. Only one person can access the company at a time using the same agent name. In addition, it is good security to give authorised people their own agent name and password. There are three reasons for this: You can assign access rights to each agent individually. You can group agents. The system tracks many processing functions by agent name.

2 Lesson 2

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution creates the following default agents: Agent Name: Password: Use: This agent has full control over every function. You cannot restrict the access of this agent in any way, nor can you delete this agent. This user initially has access to all functions on the system, but you can change access permissions for this user. Various functions default to this agent, which you cannot delete. You can use this agent to allow users who do not usually access the system to log in from time-totime. You should first restrict the access of this agent, since their default access is for everything. Usually, you prevent a guest agent from being able to make any changes to the system.







We will look at how to create Agents later on in this lesson. 4. 5. Enter the agents name as Admin and the password as Admin. Click on the OK button. Reflect back to the log in screen and identify the following tick boxes on the screen: Checkbox: Purpose: Tick the Save Password tick box if you want the system to remember the password you enter. You should only use this option if your computer is secure or you are training on the system. If you check this option, anyone who knows your Agent name can login to the system. Tick the Save Password tick box, then check the Default Profile check box if you wish the system to default the agent name as well. This is very insecure on a live, confidential, system.

Save Password

Default profile


If your Pastel Evolution package needs an upgrade or update, the system will prompt you at this stage by displaying the following screen:

7. 8.

The system will run the updates and prompt for a transaction session date. Select the options applicable to your company and click on the OK button.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 3


At this stage, the system might have identified the following: Status: Expected prompts: If there has been a program update, the system may need to upgrade the company database and/or the common database. If this is the case, the system issues an appropriate message and asks for confirmation. Once you provide the confirmation, the database upgrade executes. If you have not registered your system, you may receive a registration prompt. If your registration is about to expire, you will receive a reminder.

Program update / upgrade

Not registered Expiration

Note that only the Admin agent can process an upgrade. Other agents cannot process in this company until the Admin agent processes the upgrade.

We suggest that you make a backup of the company prior to performing an upgrade, as a power interruption during the upgrade can cause data loss and corruption.

End of Activity.


4 Lesson 2

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Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Agents are the users of the system. You login to a new company as an agent, Admin, which is a default agent created with the database. There are a few other default agents as well. Each person who works on the system has his or her own agent code. You will therefore create and remove agents for the life of the system. You access agent maintenance via the AdministrationAgent AdministrationAgents function.

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 5

The objective of this activity is to create your agents. 1. 2. Click on the Add button. The Add New Agent screen displays:


Enter the Agent Details and Password information in the designated fields. Notes

6 Lesson 2

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Create the following agent:


Click on the Contact and Address tabs to enter the agents contact and address details. Notes

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 7


Click on the Options tab:



Select the options that apply to your agent by making ticks in the appropriate tick boxes. These options allow you to restrict certain actions with regard to passwords and out of office responses. If you use the Pastel Evolution Contact Management add-on module, you can set Incident Options for the particular agent. If you use the Pastel Evolution Retail Point of Sale add-on module, you will set certain options under the Retail Options tab.

These tabs are only available when you have the aforementioned add-on modules registered on your server or workstation.


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Click on the Defaults tab.

If the agent needs access to certain Sales Reps and Projects, specify them in the designated areas on the screen. If you have the Pastel Evolution Contact Management, Point of Sale and/or MultiWarehousing add-on modules registered, you will need to set certain default settings here as well.

These tabs are only available when you have the aforementioned add-on modules registered on your server or workstation.

10. Click on the Batch Defaults tab to set cashbook and journal batch defaults. 11. Click on the Purchase Order tab. This tab is used when you have the Pastel Evolution Procurement add-on module to set whether the agent needs authorisation before processing purchase orders and so on. Notes

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 9

12. Click on the Groups tab to allocate your user to an Agent Group.

13. Click on the New button to create a new agent group. Click on the Select button to select an existent group. To edit or remove a group, click on the Edit or Remove buttons. Notes

10 Lesson 2

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14. Click on the Access Permissions tab. This screen allows you to set specific access permissions for the agent. This allows you to restrict access and maintenance functions for each agent according to their job descriptions or job roles.

This screen allows you to set up permissions for agents. This will determine what the agents can and cannot access in Pastel Evolution. The permissions screen consists out of 5 columns. The following table explains each column: Column Function Description Description The first column, Function Description lists all of the registered Pastel Evolution modules that are available for Mzanzi Construction and Projects. The Add column allows you to set permissions for agents to add and/or create new accounts, customer, suppliers, etc. The Edit column allows you to set permissions for agents to edit existing data in Evolution. The Delete column allows you to set permissions for agents to delete data. The Access column allows you to set permissions for agents to access certain functions in Evolution.





Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 11

Notice that the blocks are filled. These filled blocks mean that no permissions have been set and the agent has full access and functionality to Pastel Evolution maintenance settings, processing and reporting. In order to set strict permissions, you need to amend these permissions by making ticks in the appropriate boxes next to the respective function of each module listed. The right side of the window contains tick boxes. Unlike usual tick boxes, which are on or off (two states), these tick boxes have three states: If the tick box is ticked, access is on. If the tick box is unticked, access is off. If the tick box is blue, access is set at a higher level.

Use your mouse to make ticks in the tick boxes next to the functions that the agent will be allowed to perform in Pastel Evolution. Ensure that you make ticks in the correct tick boxes and remove ticks (blank box) in the tick boxes that the agent has no access or permissions. 15. Click on the System Tree tab to view the system tree for the agent after taking into account the permission settings you have changed or assigned. Notes

12 Lesson 2

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16. Click on the OK button to save your settings.

To set the system default permission settings, you will use the System Wizard. To access the System Wizard go to Administration...System Configuration...System Wizard.

Click on the Access Control tab at the bottom and assign the access rules. Click on the Default System Tree to view the system tree that everyone will see. Click on the Finish button to save your settings.

End of Activity.


In some instances, you will first create your agent groups, but in other instances, you will first create your agents and then link them to the groups at a later stage. You can link agents to their selective groups at any time by going back to the agent and click on the Groups tab.

The objective of this activity is to create your agents. 1. 2. 3. Click on the Agents Administration tab in the main menu or system tree. Select Agents Groups. Click on Add.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 13


The following screen displays:

5. 6. 7. 8.

Enter the group name in the Group Name field. Create a Financial Department group. Click on the Members tab, and then click on the Select button. The system might prompt you to save the group, before selecting or linking agents to the group. Click on the OK button. Notes

14 Lesson 2

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A list of agents display. Select the agent that you want to link to the group. Link Luke Fikile to this group.

10. Click on the Assignment tab to indicate whether incidents will be directed to agent groups or agents. 11. Click on the Defaults tab to set your cashbook and journal batch permissions for the agent group. 12. Click on the Purchase Order tab to set whether the Agent Group will need authorisation when processing purchase orders. This is used for the Pastel Evolution Procurement add-on module. 13. Click on the Access Permissions tab. You will set specific permissions for your groups using the same method in the previous activity.

Agent Group permissions override agent permissions. Thus, if you link agents to a group with different permissions, the agent will inherit the groups permission settings.

14. Click on the System Tree tab to update the agent groups system tree according to their permissions. 15. Click on OK to save the agent group settings.

End of Activity.

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 15

To generate Agent Reports follow the following process: 1. Go to the Administration menu option from the main menu or system tree.

2. 3. 4.

Click on the Agents Administration. Select Reports. The following reports are available: Report Agent Groups Contents This report details the different agent groups you have set up in your system. This report lists all the different agents that use or have access to the system. This report details the agents that are currently logged into the system.

Agent Listing

Agent Sessions


16 Lesson 2

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During this section of the lesson, the following processes will be explained: Changing the Regional Settings on your system. The Evolution Database Management: o Restore process o Back-up process o Remove company database process o Delete company database process o Attach and detach databases Copy company database process.


To change your regional settings, go to your computers Control Panel. Language Options. Select the Regional and

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 17

The following screen displays:

Click on the Customize this format... button.

18 Lesson 2

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Set your decimal, currency, time and date specifications. Click on the Apply button and then on the OK button.

1. To back up, restore, delete, attach and/or detach databases, start the Pastel Evolution Database Management console via Windows by going to Start...Programs...Pastel Evolution...Pastel Evolution Database Management.


You can access the Pastel Evolution Database Management console via the shortcut on your desktop. Notes

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 19


The Pastel Evolution Database Management screen displays:


Select the database (not the common database) and right click on the database. Select the action that you want to perform.

20 Lesson 2

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The following table explains each action. Action Attach When to use? Select Attach Database if you want to move a specific database to another server or workstation. Select Detach Database if you want to save the Attached Database to the selected server or workstation. Select Backup Database to make a backup of the database for security reasons. Select Restore Database if you want to open a database that you have backed up. Select Delete Database if you want to permanently delete a database from a server or workstation. Please note, once you have selected this option, this database will be deleted and not be able to be relocated or restored.







In the Destination block, depending on what your action is, browse and select the applicable database that you wish to restore, delete, attach, detach etc., as well as select the final destination for the database. Click on the OK button.

You can create a new company database by copying some or all elements of an existing database. You may want to do this for three reasons: 1. This feature can save you a lot of time if, for example, a related new company may need the same general ledger structure as a current company. Alternatively, a branch may use the same inventory items and suppliers. At year-end, you can make an exact security copy of your company. You can then produce year-end reports at your leisure in the copied company. Testing purposes or support purposes. We cannot stress enough that copying a company is not another way to do a backup. You need to put backups onto removable media, and at least occasionally take a backup to another geographical area for added security. Copying a company onto the same network as the original company data is insufficient.

2. 3.

The objective of this activity is to copy a company: Follow the process below to copy a company database: 1. Go to the Pastel Evolution Login screen and select the company you wish to copy. In our case we, will use our course company Mzanzi Construction. Make sure you have entered your agent name Admin, and password Admin.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 21

2. 3. 4. 5.

Click on the OK button. Select the correct options on the Transactions Session Date screen. Click on the OK button. From the main menu bar select Administration... System Tools...Copy Company:


The following screen displays:

22 Lesson 2

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Because we registered Mzanzi Construction as an Educational version, the name of the company will display as Pastel Evolution Educational Version. 7. Enter Mzanzi Construction in the New Company Name field.


Click on the Options tab.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 23


There are two ways to copy the company. Full Copy (including transactions)

To copy a complete company database, for example, at year-end, choose the Full Copy option. The whole company copies, including transactions. To copy a company on a selective basis, choose the Selective Copy option. In the table, choose the elements you need to be included in the new file. You can click on All to select all elements, and None to de-select all elements. Note that choosing the Selective Copy option and then choosing All is NOT the same as choosing the Full Copy option. In the Full Copy option, the system copies transactions and balances. In the Selective Copy option, the system never copies balances or transactions, only master file records.

Selective Copy (without transactions)

10. For this activity, select the Full Copy option. 11. Click Next to continue the process. The Create New Database window opens:

12. Click on the Next button.

24 Lesson 2

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13. The Create New Pastel Evolution Database screen displays, select the SQL Server Name as well as rename the New Database Name.

14. Click on the Next button. 15. Select the common database:

16. Click on the Next button.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 25

17. A confirmation screen displays. 18. Click on the Finish button.

This might take a few minutes. 19. The following screen displays:

20. Click on the Finish button. 21. The database will now be copied.

26 Lesson 2

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22. The system will inform you that no errors were found.

23. Click on the Yes button to view the log file.

24. Close the log file. 25. You will be redirected to the system tree of Mzanzi Construction. 26. To open the copied company, click on the Exit and Log off menu option.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 27

27. This takes you back to the Login screen. Log in as normal into an existing company or click on Locate to find the copied company. The following screen displays:

28. Click on the Next button. 29. Select the common database:

30. Click on the Finish button.

28 Lesson 2

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31. The Login screen displays, listing the copied company that you have located.

32. Click on the OK button to log into the copied database. You are able to start processing in this company. 33. Exit and Log off again. End of Activity.


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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 29


The Utilities menu is only available from the main menu bar.

This menu allows you to administer the following actions in Pastel Evolution: Option Contents You can customise each form you work with. For example, you can customise the menus and/or toolbars of that form. These customisations remain in place once you save them. If, however, you wish to revert to a forms default setting, use this menu option while the form is open. When you next open the form, your customisations will no longer be there. Use this to recreate or refresh the icons of Pastel Evolution on your system. You use this menu to configure general personal settings per agent. If you are connected to the Internet, this option checks to see whether you have the latest version of the software. You are able to download the latest version of Pastel Evolution. Use this option to register your product. Use this option to change your password from time to time as a security measure. If an Agent will not be in the office for a certain amount of time or days, you can set a message here for the system to prompt other agents. To change the processing date of the system.

Reset Form Defaults

Rebuild Icon Cache Explorer Options

Check for Updates

Registration Change Password Set Agent Out of Office Change Session Date

These functions are normally done by the System Administrator. Let us look at a few of these functions.

30 Lesson 2

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If you select the Change Password option from the Utilities menu the following screen will display:

Change your password here, confirm your password by re-typing the password and if you want the characters to show, tick the Show Password Characters tick box. This screen allows you to record a hint for in case you forget your password. As it states on the screen, do not enter your password here, just enter a hint or tip that will help you remember it. Click OK to save your new password.


When you or an agent is out of the office for lunch or a meeting, you can record a message that will pop up when other users are looking for you.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 31

Tick the tick box Agent is Out of the Office and the fields will become active for you to record the reason and specify the date or times you or other agents will not be available. This is very handy when you have the Pastel Evolution Contact Management add-on module.

Once you have logged into the company the System Manager screen will display:


32 Lesson 2

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The core Pastel Evolution modules: Icon: Name: Description: This icon represents common or standard company details. This module will assist you to keep you company details up to date and create other standard master files such as branches, banks and so on.


General Ledger

This icon will open the General Ledger module. You will use this module to process all your cashbook and journal transactions.

Accounts Receivable

This icon will open the Accounts Receivable module. This module will assist you to maintain and process customer transactions.

Accounts Payable

This icon will open the Accounts Payable module. This module will assist you to maintain and process supplier transactions.


This icon will open the Inventory module. This module will assist you to maintain and process your stock or inventory requirements.

Order Entry

This icon will open the Order Entry module. This icon will assist you to process your purchase and sales order documents.

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 33

Study the following table and familiarise yourself with the different menus and navigation options within Pastel Evolution. Options: Main Menu Bar Module Toolbar Display:

Navigation Toolbar

This refers to the icons displayed in the work area when you log into Pastel Evolution. These are the modules available in Pastel Evolution and are displayed as large icons. Work Area The work area refers to the white area where the dialogs will display when you drill down into a specific module.

System Tree

The system tree displays on the left of the System Manager screen. It outlines the modules that you have available in Pastel Evolution.

You have two program functions, namely: Node Dialog A node displays on the system tree and executes in the work area. A dialog does not display on the system tree and they execute in separate windows.

34 Lesson 2

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Important functions to take note of: Function Name Add Purpose This button allows you to add transactions, customers and so on. This button allows you to edit transactions, customers and so on. This button allows you to delete the unnecessary transactions and so on. This button is not always available. This button allows you to add notes. This button allows you to search for transactions and so on. This button allows you to preview any transaction, reports and so on. This button refreshes the screen. This button allows you to save the view of the work area in another format, such as Excel, HTML and so on. This button allows you to open related or history documents. This button allows you to create a new document. This button allows you to close the window. This button allows you to view transactions in the enquiry screen.



Notes Search

Preview Refresh Save Grid

Open New Close View


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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 35


The following table outlines the different main menu bar options together with their functions: Menu Name File View Administration Function This menu allows you login and logout, close the program, and open a copy of the explorer. This allows you access system tree functions. This menu contains administrative functions, some of which are covered in this course. This menu allows you create master files and other records for each application. Examples of these master files are customer, inventory, fixed asset records, discount pricing, and so on. This menu allows you create printed reports. You have powerful filtering and ranging tools. In addition, you can customise the report layouts and save the layouts for later use. This menu is where you perform the day-to-day entry of transactions. Examples would be order entry, customer contacts and purchasing. You use this menu to conduct detailed screen enquiries. You can filter and sequence your data using powerful tools, customise the fields you wish to see as well as save the filters and screen layouts. This menu shows information in graphic format. This is only available for certain modules. This menu allows you reset some defaults, register your system, and change your password. The menu gives you access to the online help. In addition, you can link to Internet sites that contain additional support information and program update information. For easy access to the Pastel Evolution Help, press F1 on your keyboard.









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Using the System Tree, the following options become available. They are exactly the same as in the previous menus, namely: Maintenance Transactions Enquiries Reports Charts (not available in all of the modules)

As you select an option, the applicable dialogs will be displayed in the work area.

We will use the system tree as the main navigation method during this training course.


It might happen that you accidentally closed your system tree and do not know how to retrieve it. The system tree allows you to adjust the width, hide and / or close it. Let us take a look at how to perform these functions.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 37

ADJUSTING THE SYSTEM TREE Move the mouse cursor onto the border between the system tree and the work area. The cursor changes shape to a resize icon. Hold the left mouse button down, and drag the border until the system tree is the size you require. Release the mouse button. HIDE THE SYSTEM TREE

Click on the bar to hide the system tree. When you would like to restore the system tree, click on the bar again and the system tree re-appears.

CLOSE AND RETRIEVE THE SYSTEM TREE To close the system tree click on the x, displayed at the top of the tree:

To retrieve the system tree go to the main menu bar, select ViewShow System Tree.

38 Lesson 2

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You can create custom fields and add these fields to key master file records such as customers and suppliers. Once you create fields, you enter values for them in the Additional Fields tab of the relevant maintenance screens. You access this option via the Administration...System Configuration...User Defined Fields function. When you select this option, the window that displays contains two sections.

On the left is the list of master files into which you can add fields. When you select a master file, the right side of the window shows user defined fields. You can enter default values for each field on the right side. If you have not created any fields, the list on the right is blank. Click on the Add button to add new fields.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 39

When you create a record, the Add User Field window displays.

The fields in this screen are: Field Content This is the name of the field. It must be unique in the database. The program will prefix the name you enter with uc. This name must be unique for all master files in the company. This description appears in the maintenance screen where you enter the data. You can create tabs (pages) on which you group related data fields. For example, you may group additional contact information for a customer in a page which you name "Contact". You can then create another page called, "Credit", where you keep credit information fields. Page Name / Page Index To create pages, enter a page name. If you enter an existing page name, the system places this field on the same page as other fields that have the same page name. Note that you must enter the name exactly the same in order to have multiple fields on one page. If you have multiple pages, you can set the sequence in which the pages display by using the Page Index field. The system displays the pages in the sequence in which you order them with this field.

Field Name


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Content The data type determines what type of field this is. For example, is it numeric or text? Depending on the data type, you may also be able to set the size of the field. The following table shows all the options: Data Type String Integer Description Text Numbers with no decimals Numbers with decimals Date Check box Creates a list box with entries Field Size 1-250 10 digits

Data Type / Field Size

Double Date True/False Lookup

17 digits Fixed Fixed Fixed

If you set a field to be a certain size, you can edit the size to a larger value. However, you cannot decrease the size of an existing field. This field lets you determine the sequence in which the fields display on the edit screen. The lowest number appears first. If you use multiple pages (see the previous field), you set the order per page. Check this check box if agents have to enter a value in this field for each record. If you uncheck the check box, entry is optional. If you create a Lookup field, you enter the values for the list box here. A semi colon (;) separates each value. For example, you can create a lookup field called "Colour", and then create a list "Red;Yellow;Green;Blue". Data Values Tip: You can use the Lookup field for string and / or numeric values with validations. For example, you can create a field for customers called Delivery Method, and create values Courier, Expedited Post, and Normal Post. The user cannot enter other fields or misspell a field. You can optionally enter a default value for this field. If you do so, the system defaults this value for a new record.

Sort Order

Force Value

Default Value


Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 41

To add the user defined field, click on the Add button. Enter the name of field you want to add in the Field Name and Description fields.

Click on the OK button. The added field will display in the User Defined Fields Maintenance screen.


42 Lesson 2

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Add another user defined field.

Click on the OK button.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 43

To view these added user defined fields, go to Accounts Receivable...Maintenance...Customers. Click on the Add button. Click on the Additional Fields tab.


You can create user defined fields for documents such as invoices, credit notes and so on. You will follow the same process as discussed earlier, but ensure that you select the transaction master file. Notes

44 Lesson 2

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Let us create an invoice line user defined field:

Click on the Add button and create your field. For example, Shipping Dates are important for Logistic Companies and so on.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 45

The added field displays in the User Defined Fields Maintenance screen:

To view the new field, open an invoice:

46 Lesson 2

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The Evolution Help file is only available on the main menu bar of Pastel Evolution. 1. The most important function you must remember is that if you press F1 at any stage when you are working in Pastel Evolution, the online help will direct you to the help files associated with the area you are working in at that moment.

2. 3.

You can use the online help from the menu bar and search for your query by typing in the key words. The last important option is when you go to HelpAbout. The screen that displays outlines the following important information about your system: Version Registration Status Company Name Server Name Database Name A list of all the registered add-on modules

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 47

The following table lists the most used short cut keys: Keys Alt + X Ctrl + F5 Alt + arrow keys F5 F7 F9 Ctrl + N Action Exit. Refresh the entire system tree. Allows you to navigate to different menus and menu options. Refresh the current window you are working in. Invokes the Notes function. Process the transaction you are working in. Opens a new window.


48 Lesson 2

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The common settings within Pastel Evolution include the following: Banks Cost Centres EFTS File Layout EU Countries Foreign Currency Notes Priorities Branches Projects and sub-projects States Tax Types Company Details

Some of these options are reliant on Pastel Evolutions add-on modules, such as MultiCurrency, Branch Accounting and Contact Management.

The common elements that you set up here do not affect your general ledger, customers or suppliers. The information set up here is for reference purposes only.

You can create multiple bank accounts using this common element. The banks that you set up here do not affect your general ledger in any way. This is merely to record the amount of active bank accounts your company has. To access this element, go to Common...Maintenance...Banks.

The objective of this activity is to create a bank account. 1. 2. Go to MaintenanceCommon in the main menu or CommonMaintenance from the system tree. Select Banks from the list that displays.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 49


Click on the Add button.

4. 5.

Enter the banks name in the Bank Name field, for example, ABC Bank. Enter the banks branch code in the Branch Transfer Code field, for example, 900000.

6. 7.

To activate the bank account, tick the Active Bank tick box. Click on the OK button to save.

End of Activity.

You use this function to set up EFTS parameters for electronic funds transfers. You can use this function to customise the EFTS layout to a limited extent. You access this function via the Maintenance...Common...EFTS File Layout menu option, or via the system tree Common...Maintenance...EFTS File Layout function.

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Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Note that the system contains a number of standard layouts. Usually, these layouts are sufficient, and you do not need to make any changes to the actual file layouts. If there is a minor change in layouts that the bank requires, you can copy the existing layouts to new layouts and then make changes. You cannot make layout changes to the standard shipping layouts. You can only change layouts you create. Usually, you would copy an existing layout. Besides the changes to layouts, there is some information that you have to enter for each file layout you use. Once you set up the layout in this function, you then have to tell the system which layout to use. You do this in the Supplier EFTS Transfer Defaults function. To change a file layout: 1. Create a new layout as a Copy of the existing layout you wish to modify. 2. Each layout displays several tabs. The number of tabs is dependent on the particular layout. The last tab, the File Detail tab, contains non-layout information you have to enter. We look at this tab later in this section. Each tab besides this one works in the same way. 3. Once you copy an existing layout to a new one, you can customise the layout as outlined below. 4. Layout tabs contain a Source List and a Destination List. The Destination List is the layout the system uses for the export files. 5. To add or remove fields in the Destination List: To add a field from the Source List, select it and click the single right arrow button. To remove a field from the Destination List, select it and click the single left arrow button. To add all fields from the Source List to the Destination List, click the double right arrow button. To remove all fields from the Destination List, click the double left arrow button. 6. The output file contains each field in the Destination Field in the sequence in which they appear. To rearrange fields in the Destination List: To move a field up select the field and click the up arrow button. To move a field down select the field and click the down arrow button. 7. Each field has columns that define its format such as its length. You can adjust the parameters by clicking on them and changing them. You must be extremely careful about this editing. If you make an error, the output file will be unusable by the bank. 8. Go to the EFTS layouts and select the FNB Bankit/BIS layout.

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 51

9. In the File Detail tab, you set up some options specific to your company. 10. The following table explains the different options: Option Name of Output File / Extension of Output File Purpose Enter these fields to set up a default file name. When you perform an actual transfer, you specify where to save the file. You can change the default file name at that time. Pastel Evolution displays the output file name above these fields. The output file is a text file, and it contains confidential information, especially if you are paying employees. Do not write the file to a publicly accessible folder. You can choose how Pastel Evolution should separate fields in the same record. It is unlikely that you will ever change this from the default value. You can choose how Pastel Evolution should separate each record. It is unlikely that you will ever change this from the default value. Some banks require this number. You obtain the number from your bank and enter it here. If the particular layout you are using does not require this field, the system disables it. Enter the maximum number of records you expect to output. This is an additional validation tool. If the export contains too many records, it would point to some error in the export process. Some banks allow, or even insist, on a test run. A test run is a run whereby you provide the bank with output information, but no transfer of funds takes place. You use the test run to ensure that you are providing the bank with the correct layout. If you tick this tick box, the agent can choose to produce a test run when they actually export the data. Creation and Action Date Difference In this field, you specify how many days in advance you are preparing the data. For example, if you usually provide the bank with a file on the 20th of each month, but you only wish to transfer data on the 25th of the month, then enter five here. If processing runs late for any reason, be sure to adjust this field. Using the above example, if you only send the file to the bank on the 24th of the month, and you leave this value at five, the transfer only occurs on the 29th. Automatically Increment File if Exist If the file name that you write to already exists when you process payments, the system can increment the file name automatically. If you wish to do this, tick the tick box. If you untick the tick box, and the file exists, Pastel Evolution asks whether you wish to overwrite it. 11. The Header Records, Transactions Records and Trailer Records will automatically update in accordance with the selected layout. You do not have to amend anything under these tabs.


End of Line Character Seed Number

Max No of Transaction Records Allow Test Run

52 Lesson 2

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

This allows you to record your company details. If you entered your company details during the installation and registration process, it will automatically update the information under this common element. If you registered your company as an Educational version, the fields are not available and you will only have a Student Number field. This is because the Educational version is only for training purposes and this eliminates the possibility of companies running their companies in Educational mode. The Educational version displays the words Educational on any document or report and the system locks down after 5000 transaction lines.

Enter your student number or student name in this field. Notes

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 53

If you have a registered company, your Company Details screen displays as follows:

Here you will enter the companys contact details and tax details in th e respective fields. Notes

54 Lesson 2

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Click on the Accounting Periods tab. This tab allows you to set your accounting periods for processing purposes. You can block certain periods as required.

To block periods, tick the tick box in the Blocked column. The following function activates on the right hand side of the screen, allowing you to select agents or agent groups to allow or block from the period selected.

Click on the OK button to save.

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 55

Click on the General tab to set you home currency. This is more applicable to international companies. Click on the Bank tab to enter your trading bank details.

This bank resembles the bank that you will deposit monies in and receive monies from other sources. If you use the EFTS function, enter your company code / name together with a reference, so that recipients can recognise your payment and allocate it correctly on their side.

Click on the OK button to save.

56 Lesson 2

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Study the following table about the rest of the functions in your Common settings. Option Cost Centre Purpose You can create different cost centres for your company. Cost centres are analysis codes for a company. If you use European Union (EU) processing, you need to define your own country code, and the country codes of your customer and suppliers. You need to create a currency record before you can use the currency. You use this function to maintain currencies and enter exchange rates. You can view all notes for all records at once. This option only becomes available when you use the Branch Accounting add-on module. This allows you to set up and configure your branches to the head office. When you create an incident you assign a priority to it, and you can report and see incidents in priority sequence. You can change the priority of an open incident at any time. You can create as many priorities as you wish. You use project codes to group transactions together and then report on them. You can use this to analyse projects, jobs, cost centres, and so on. You can produce a profit and loss report per project. The use of projects is optional. You use this option to list your different states or provinces you do company with. Here you can view all the default tax types of the system as well as create new tax types that are applicable to your company.

EU Countries

Foreign Currency Notes Branches



States Tax Types

Here is a generic procedure to access and create the abovementioned options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You will access all of the abovementioned options under MaintenanceCommon in the main menu or CommonMaintenance from the system tree. Click on Add to create a new option or Edit to amend information on existing options. Complete the screen with the necessary information. Click on Delete if you want to delete options. Remember you can only delete inactive options. Click on the OK button.

For more information on these elements, press F1 on your keyboard to invoke the online help file for Pastel Evolution.

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 57

This lesson showed you how to create and register a database, as well as how to perform a copy company. The most important learning point from this lesson is to know how to navigate within Pastel Evolution using the menus and system tree. You were introduced to the common elements.


Indicate whether the following statements are true or false: Statement 1. 2. 3. You can back up your database by copying the company. A full copy company includes all of the companys transactions. A selective copy company does not include the companys transactions. Agent Group permissions override the individual agents permissions. You can link unlimited agents to an agent group. Agents are the people or users that will be accessing your companys data. Administrator is the only agent that can change passwords and edit other administrative tasks. You cannot hide or close your system tree. You can create user defined fields for document lines. Your F11 function on your keyboard invokes the Evolution Online Help. Your Common module allows you to record specific company details such as banks, company details and so on. The Common modules information does not have an effect on general ledger, customer and/or supplier processing. True False


5. 6.


8. 9. 10.



End of Assessment.

(12 marks)

58 Lesson 2

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011


Indicate whether the following statements are true or false: Statement 1. 2. 3. You can back up your database by copying the company. A full copy company includes all of the companys transactions. A selective copy company does not include the companys transactions. Agent Group permissions override the individual agents permissions. You can link unlimited agents to an agent group. Agents are the people or users that will be accessing your companys data. Administrator is the only agent that can change passwords and edit other administrative tasks. You cannot hide or close your system tree. You can create user defined fields for document lines. Your F11 function on your keyboard invokes the Evolution Online Help. Your Common module allows you to record specific company details such as banks, company details and so on. The Common modules information does not have an effect on general ledger, customer and/or supplier processing. True False


5. 6.


8. 9. 10



End of Solutions.

(12 marks)

Softline Pastel Accounting 2011

Pastel Evolution: Practitioner

Lesson 2 59

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