Ika Prasetiani (07420253)

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Submitted as one at the requirements for the writing for academic purpose assignments.

Presented by : Ika Prasetiani 07420253 5F


Topic : Learning teaching process. Title : Learning Teaching process Uses Community Language Learning Outlining I. Introduction Learning teaching process uses represents the use of counseling learning theory to teach foreign language. a. Introduce the community language learning to students. English as the window of international communication has an important role in doing international affairs, especially in education affairs. Realizing the importance of english, government of Indonesia stimulated that english must be tough as a compulsory subject from Junior High School up to senior High school even in the elementary school or under garden. As we know that language learning is very important for us. the language learners never feel isolated and alone because everybody belongs to the group and everybody sits in a Community and sense positive regard of everyone else CLL represents an attempt to put the insight from psychology to work in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. the method emphasizes on community learning as apposed to individual learning as some other traditional teaching does. b. Concept of Community Language Learning. In community language learning there are four concept consist of the first is community, the second is relationship, the third is procedure of CLL and the last is the principles of CLL. The concept of community has been used in this method because when such relationship mentioned above is applied specifically to groups with the task of learning a second language, a very special kind of community results. Using community language learning is expected to stimulate the students to open minded her psychology to work in the teaching and learning of foreign language based in the description above community language learning learners are encouraged to attend to the overhears they experiences between other learners and their knowers. The result of the overhear is that every

member of the group can understand what any given learner is trying to communicate. Another language teaching tradition with which community language learning is linked is a set of practices used in certain kinds of bilingual education program and as a language alternation. II. Body A. Introduces the community language learning to students. 1) Who Introduces. Community language learning (CLL) is the name of method for the first time introduced and developed by Charles A. Curran and his associates. Curran was a specialist in counseling and a professor of psychology at Loyola University in Chicago. It is no doubt that this method has been inspired by the application of psychological counseling techniques to learning, which is called counseling learning theory to teach foreign languages. His application of psychological counseling techniques to learning is know as counseling learning. As the name indicated community language learning derivers its primary insight, and indeed its organizing rationale from counseling. In lay terms counseling is one person giving advice, assistance and support to another who has a problem or is in some way in need. Community language learning draws on the counseling metaphor to redefine the roles of the teacher as the counselor and the learners as the clients in the language classroom. 2) Teacher function. For the English teacher, community language learning is media for teaching engish for the every grade. The teacher functions as the counselor and the learners as his or her clients. as we know that the teacher as the counselor gives advice, assistance and support to his /her clients who have a problems. In community language learning this kind of relationship is considered basic to learning a foreign language. community language learning

sees a language learners as the whole person including his /her psychological aspects such as emotions and feeling. The learners knower that everything the teacher does and can becomes knower for a new learner. So, there are ration ship between the counselor who gives advice to his clients who have a problems. The process of learning a new language, then is like being reborn and developing a new person with all the trials and challenges that are associated with birth and maturation. the students and their language teacher build an intense atmosphere of warmth. This kind of method and almost the exact opposite of the atmosphere in the schooling setting so the students never feel isolated, alone and boring when they are studying in the classroom. 3) Techniques Community language learning techniques also belongs to a larger set of foreign language teaching practices sometimes described as humanistic teachniques.humanistic techniques means as those that blend what the students feels, thinks and knows woth what he is learning in the target language. Rather than self denial being the acceptable way of life, self actualization and self esteem are the ideas the exercises pursue. The techniques help build rappoort, coherensiveness and caring that far tranced what is already there. In sum, humanistic techniques engage the whole person, including the emotions and feeling ( the affective realism) as well as lingusitic knowledge and behavioral skills.another language teaching tradition with which community language learning is linked is a set of practices used in certain kinds of bilingual educationprograms as language alternation. Community language learner are encpouraged to attend to the overhears they experience between other laerners and their knowers.the result of ht overhear is what every memberof the group can understand whatany given learneris trying to communicate.

B. Concept of community language learning. 1) Community The conceptof community has been used in this method because when such relationship mentioned above is aplied specifically to groups with the taskof learning a second language, a very special kind of community involvement result.if the term counseling is traced back it refers to the idea that there is a raltionship between counselor and a clients. As we know that the function of counselor is gives advice, assistance and their language teacher build an intense atmosphere of warmth. In this part called security and support from one another in the group is really typical in this method. Almost this concept is oppiste of atmospherein the scholling setting exactly.so the real of the language learner never feel isolated, boring and feel alone in the classroom because everybody belongsto the froups and everyone sits in a community and everybody feels positive regard of everyone else.community language learning represents to put the isnight from psychology work in the teaching and learning of foreign language.this method emphasized on :community learning, as with most methods, CLL combines innovative learning tasks and activities with conventional ones.they include : 1. Translation, learner from a small circle, A learner whispers a message or meaning he or she wnatsto express, the teacher translates it into( and may interpret it in ) the target language and the learners repeat the teachers transaltion. 2. Group work learners may engange in various group task, such as small group discussion of atopic, preaparing a conversation, preparing a summary of a topic for presentation to another group, preparing a story that will be presented to the teacher and the rest of the class. 3. Recording, students record conversationsin the target language.

4. Transciprion, student transcribe untterances and conversations they have recorded for practice and analysis of linguistic forms. 5. Analysis students analize andstudy transcriptions of target language sentences in order to facus on particular lexical usage or on the applicationof particular grammar rules. 6. Reflections and observation learners reflects and report on their experience of the class, as a class or in groups.this usually consist of expressionsoffeelings-sence of one another, reactionsto silence concern for something to say and so on. 7. Listening students listen to a monologue by the teacher involving elements they might have elicktedor overheard in class interactions. 8. Free conversations, students engage in free conversation with the teacher or with other learners.this might include discussin of what they learned as well as feelings, they had about how they learned. Learner roles in CLL are well defined, learners become members of a community their fellow learners and the teacher and learn through interacting with the community. learning is not viewed as an individual accomplishment but as something that is achieved collaboratively learners are expected to listen attentively to the knower, to freely provide meaning they wish to express to repeat target utterances without hesitation, to support fellow members of the community, to become counselor of other learners, CLL learners are typically grouped in a circle of six to twelve learner with the number of knowers varying from one per group to one per students. Learner roles are keyed to the five stages of language learning outlined earlier. the view of the leraner is an organic one, with each new role growing developmentally out of the one preceding.these role changes are not easily or automatically achieved. They are in fact seen as out comes of affective crises. opposed to individual learning as some other traditional learning. Generally the specifically to groups

with the task of learning a second language a very special kind of community involvement results. 2) The Relationship The concept of counseling and all of application in community language learning are compared. So the language teaching tradition of community language learning represents the underlying concept all of the client counselor relationship in psychological counseling. The relationship in psychological and community language learning In psychological counseling, client and counselor agree to counseling than in community language learning is learners and knower ( teacher) agree to language learning. Clients articulates his /her problems in language of affect than in community language learning learner presents to the knower ( in Li) a message he /she wishes to deliver to another. Counselor listen carefully than in CLL knower listens and other learner overhear. Counselor restates clients message in language of cognition than in CLL knower restates learner message in L2. Clients evaluates the accuracy of counselor message restatement than in CLL learner repeat the L2 message form to its addresses. Clients reflects on the interaction of counseling session than in learner replays ( from tape or memory ) and reflects upon the message exchanged during the language class. A language teachers behavior also adapt to the culture but may bit be proper in another culture. Ways of teaching are also different among students of different levels due to different ways of learning. The suggested procedure may be casily implemented in language classes in western countries, which consist of fewer students than those in Asian countries, particularly in Indonesia. The procedure may be

developed in different ways, depending on the culture the proficiency level and the classroom setting language learner from different cultures seem to have different ways of acquiring a foreign language. Language teachers have to develop the principle of community language learning by considering conditions and situations where language learners are learning a foreign language. 3) Procedure of community language learning. Community language learning course is in a sense a unique experience, description of typical CLL procedures in a class period is problematic. the following description attempts to capture some typical activities in CLL classes generally, the observer will see a circle of learners all facing one another. The learners are linked in some way to knowers or a single as teachers. the first class ( and subsequent classes) may begin with a period of silence, in which learners try to determine what is supposed to happen in their language class. In later classes, learner may sit in silence while they decide walk to talk about. The observer may note that the awkwardness of silence becomes sufficiently agonizing for someone to volunteer to break the silence the knower may use the volunteered comment as a way of introducing discussion of classroom, contacts or as a stimulus for language interaction regarding how learners felt a bout the period of silence. the knower may encourage learners to address question to one another or to the knower. Those may be questions and answer may be taperecorded for later use as a reminder and review of topic discussed and language used. The teacher might then from the class into fating lines for 3 minute pair conversation. These are seen as equivalent to the brief wrestling sessions by which judo students practice. Following this the class might be reformed into small groups in which a single topic, chosen by the class or the group, is discussed. In an intermediate or advanced class, a teacher may encourage groups to prepare a paper

drama for presentation to the rest of the class. A paper drama group prepares a story that is told or shown to the counselor finally the teacher ask learners to reflect on the language class or in groups. Reflection provides the basis for discussion of contracts or in groups ( written or oral contracts that learners and teacher have agreed upon and that specify what they agree to accomplish within the course). Personal interaction feeling toward the knower and learner and the sense of progress and frustration. After practicing the story dialogue and preparing the accompanying picture, each group presents its paper drama to the rest of the class. the students accompany their story with music, puppets, and drums as well as with their picture. 4) The principles of community language learning. The basic principles of CLL can be described in processes by which language learners acquire a foreign language. the processes can be considered as stages in language learning. Stages in language counselor-client relationship from counselor dependency to independence. Stage 1. The client is completely dependent on the language counselor, it means that he expresses only to the counselor and in his mother tounge what he /she wishes to say to the group. Each of group member overhears this English exchanges, but is not involved in it. then the counselor reflects those ideas book to the client in the foreign language in a warm. accepting tone, in simple language in phrases of five or six words. the clients turns to the group and presents his ideas in the foreign language. This is the clients maximum security stages. Stages 2. Same as above, the client turns and begins to speak the foreign language directly to the group. Then the counselor aids only as the client hesitates or turns for help. These small independent steps are signs of positive confidence and hope.

Stage 3 The client speaks directly to the group in the foreign language. this presumes that the group has now acquires the ability to understand his simple phrases and same as(3) above. Stage 4 The client is now speaking freely and complexly in the foreign language. Presumes groups understanding. The counselor directly intervenes in grammatical error, mispronunciation or where and in complex expression is needed. the client is sufficiently secure to take correction. Stage 5 Same as IV The counselor intervenes not only to offer correction but to add idioms and more elegant constructions. At this stage the client can become counselor to group in stage I, II and III Language learners need to identify the sounds they are hearing the meaning of the words they have learned and the grammatical usage. Without conscious processes of discrimination language learners may think they know what they have learned when in fact they still do not. III.Conclusion. According to the writers experience when she learn English. Grammar course she found many difficulties so I think that the students who has many difculties or some problems in one of course so they have to combined to the groupd and everybody sits in a community and sense positive regard of everyone else. the students can feel isolated and alone because they can learn about the study with her friends that has a same problem with together. The students with the teacher can learn together so it can increase grammar ability community language learning represents attempt to put the insight from psychology to work in the teaching and learning of foreign language. This method emphasizes on community learning as opposed to individual learning

as some other traditional teaching does. Community language learning places unusual demands on language teacher. they must be familiar with and sympathetic to the role of counselor in psychological counseling. the must resist the pressure to teach in the traditional senses. The teacher must also be relatively non directive and must be prepared to accept and even encourage the adolescence aggression of the learner as he or she strives for independence. the teacher must operate without conventional materials, depending on students topics to shape and motivates the class special training in community language learning techniques is usually required. Critics of community language learning question the appropriateness of the counseling metaphor on which it is predicated. question also arise about whether teachers should attempt counseling without special training. Other concerns have been expressed regarding the lock of syllabus, which makes objectives unclear and evaluation difficult to accomplish and the focus on fluency rather than accuracy, which may lead to inadequate control of the grammatical system of the target language. Supporters of CLL, on the other learner and stresses the humanistic side of language learning and not merely its linguistic dimensions.

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