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INTRODUCTION Paragraph 1 Topic : English is the most commonly spoken language in the world today. Paragraph 2 Topic : Teenagers have their own histories about how they learn Paragraph 3
Topic : As a language teacher, we must know the exactly method in

studying a foreign language. Paragraph 4 Topic : Teenagers have their own histories about how they learn. Paragraph 5 Topic BODY Paragraph 6 Topic Paragraph 7 Topic : The only use for learn language is to help use to help use to check our spontaneous use check our spontaneous communication. Paragraph 8 Topic : Teaching teenagers arent easy because, becomes a teenager isn't easy. Paragraph 9 Topic Paragraph 10 : Some problems in dealing with classes are mixed ability. : Students must be involved in learning-teaching process. : If the teenagers are engaged in the teaching-learning activities, they will have a great capacity.


: The best approach in this problem is to get student talk to you, in private.

Paragraph 11 Topic Paragraph 12 Topic : The best approach in attendance and challenges student is to get student talk to you, in private. Paragraph 13 Topic Paragraph 14 Topic : Some tips for dealing with argumentative students and challenges to your authority. Paragraph 15 Topic : The great problem in teaching teenagers is in motivating student. Paragraph 16 Topic Paragraph 17 Topic : Motivation is some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something. Paragraph 18 Topic Paragraph 19 : We can divide motivation become two kinds. : There is no single magical formula for motivating students. : Inattention during class is caused many backgrounds. : The students have different in terms of their levels.


: To encourage students to become self motivated independent learners instructors can do the following:

Paragraph 20 Topic : You must know twelve things to keep in mind to help you answer the challenge of teaching teenagers in the English classroom. Paragraph21

Topic : We can use several methods to teach language.

Paragraph 22 Topic Paragraph 23 Topic: As an organizer, teacher has to perform is that of organizing students to do various activities. Paragraph 24 Topic : It is part of teacher must do as a tutor. Paragraph 25 Topic : Teacher as a participant in role teaching, we can ask teenagers might not appreciate to address learning issues directly. Paragraph 26 Topic : Using games to teach language. : To teach the teenagers, we can use the roles of a teacher.

CONCLUSSION Paragraph 27 Topic : We must know who teenager is, if we want teach the teenagers

Paragraph 28 Topic : We can give many methods to teach teenagers. Paragraph 29 Topic : The important thing to teach teenager is love.


Introduction English is the most commonly spoken language in the world today. Mostly people in the world use English in many areas of the globe. Braj Kochru (19585) suggested between 320-380 million people spoke English as a first language, and anywhere between 250-350 million as a second language. On the other words, David Crystal (1995 and 1997) takes 75 territories where English hold as special place (territories which include not only Britain, The USA, Australia, Canada, etc. But also places such as Hong kong, India, Malaysia and Nigeria) and calculates around 377 million speakers of English and only 98 million speakers of English of a second language. English is popular language. It used in many areas such as economic, travel and tourism, information exchange etc. Based on the statement above, many countries desire to learn the English language is growing at a steady rate. Teaching English as foreign language (TEFL) means teaching English to students whose first language is not English. Teaching a foreign language needs different method in teaching students of different ages. Each student of different age is an individual with different needs, competences, and experiences both in and outside the classroom. As far as we know, children learn languages faster than adults do. Children learn a foreign language more effectively under certain conditions. They are more sensitive to anything that touches the five senses. Different from children, teenagers and adults have more increasing capacities for abstraction as a result of intellectual maturation. As a language teacher, we must know whether students of different ages need different method or approach in studying a foreign language. Therefore a method which is considered affective for children should be reconsidered or redesigned when its used to teach teenagers or adults.

As a language teacher, we must know the exactly method in studying a foreign language. So we can teach them effectively. The methods for teaching children should be fun and natural. In the case love discovering things and respond well to being asked to use their imagination. Not talking about classroom where children spend all their time sitting still in rows or talking only to the teacher (Susan Halliwell, 1992:18). Thats way, we may divide them become several group. Give them different activities and change their activity every ten or fifteen minutes. We may involve them in puzzle-like activities, in making things, in drawing things, in games, in song etc. Most adults can learn a language without studying it, providing they are in the right and contact with it. They may have mare trouble with pronunciation and grammar than younger learners. They may still be able to communicate fluently. To teach a new language to adults, we must encourage the student to use their own experience in the learning process. So, how about teenagers? In the section we will discuss. CHARACTERISTIC TEENEGERS IN LEARNING The greatest difference between adults and younger age is that the format comes to lesson with a long history of learning experience. Teenagers have their own histories about how they learn. If we teach teenagers, we will find out some problems about less motivated and discipline problem. Why were they show much less motivated, they asked. And why did they present outright discipline problem? (Puchtia and Schratz 1993: 1). There are several of reasons why students (teenagers) may provoke disruptive in class. As a teacher, its so crucial to give them more attention. They (teenagers) may dont have a desire to learn something, but they are much happier if they meet challenges. If the teacher actually manages to control them and if this is done in a supportive and constructive way so that her or she helps later than shout (harmer 1998:2). Actually, if the teenagers are engaged in the teaching-learning activities, they will have a great capacity to learn, a great potential for creativity, and a passionate commitment to which interest them.

TEACH ING LANGUAGE TO TEENAGERS Students must be involved in learning-teaching process. If the language teachers management activities are directed exclusively at involving the learners in solving communication problems in the target language, then the language learning will take care of it self(from R Allwright :1979 : 170). In the course which followed, teaching language arent just teach about studying about grammar, explaining vocabulary, or teaching paragraph organization but develop all of efforts to exposing students in English and getting them to do use it. On the other hand student must be involved in learning-teaching process. Students were given tasks to do outside the classroom (such as interviewing people and searching for library books) which involved them in speaking and reading. In the addition, if you just talk, they will forget. If you show, they will remember. If you involve them, they will learn. Stephen Krashen writes a short time later. He divides language learning into acquisition and learning. He claimed that we can use language easily spontaneous conversation because its instantly available when we need it. Language is learn; on the other hand, thought and studied as grammar and vocabulary is not available for spontaneous use. Indeed, it may be that the only use for learn language is that the only use for learn language is to help use to help use to check our spontaneous use check our spontaneous communication. Teaching teenagers aren't easy because, becomes a teenager isn't easy . Just think back to your teenager when you were going through all those changes, changes in your body and in your mind: habits and opinions, tastes in clothes and music, relationships with parents and teachers. In Self, Booker Prize winning author Yann Martel writes about growing up as a new universe where notions such as success and failure, will and sloth, appearance and reality, freedom and responsibility, the public and the private, the moral and the immoral, the mental and the physical, replace the simpler guiding notion of fun.

THE PROBLEM TO TEACH TEENAGERS IN THE CLASS Some problems in dealing with classes are mixed ability . The characteristics of such classes are:

While some students follow the lesson and are able to answer questions and do well in tests, others fall behind, dont seem to understand and do badly in tests.

While some students pay attention and are cooperative, others misbehave and seem disinterested.

Teachers feel concerned that they are not challenging the high-achievers enough and at the same time are not giving enough help to those who are not doing as well.

Teachers find it hard to pitch their lessons at a level where all students can be engaged. The students have different in terms of their levels. This different are

attention, interest, motivation, learning styles, Types of intelligences, Physiology needs, speed, Maturity, World Knowledge, Knowledge of and about English. And you can probably think of other areas in which they different e.g. girls and boys who in their class may be the same age, but may behave and respond very differently, because girls generally mature more quickly than boys .In order to give all students the chance to benefit from their lessons it is vital to take into account their differences and plan lessons or activities within the lesson accordingly. PROBEMATIC STUDENT BEHAVIOR There are some common problems encountered by teacher: Attendance and Assignment problems Problem with attendance and assignments may be indicative of other issues in students lives for example poor adjustment to college live, depression, and other personal concerns. (T. sri Suwarti,TEFL 1:44) . The best approach in this problem is to

get student talk to you, in private . If you give student patience and understanding, they are more d about and to tell you if something them. It means you can give suggestion, solution or motivation, so the students confide a problem to you. It is helpful to let that students know of school resources. Inattention During Class Inattention during class is caused many backgrounds. For the example, noisy roommates, excessive partying on weeknights, the bored materials, and the atmosphere of the class is unattractive, students arent getting enough rest because of jobs which require late night hours, etc. Thats way students do something such as shuffling papers, falling sleep, talking with others, or off- task behaviors such as reading the newspaper, comic, or novel. During the class, walking around the room and standing near offending students may discourage their behavior. Argumentative and Challenging students Sometimes students express disagreement in an overly aggressive manner. Here some tips for dealing with argumentative students and challenges to your authority: If the student confrontational, listen calmly, carefully, and respectfully to the students comments. Listening carefully to what the student has say shows that you value that students as an individual and are committed to responding constructively to their concern. Do not take the students attitude or hostility personally. Speak deliberately in a slow, calm voice in order to lower the tension in the room and set a reasonable tone for discussion. Ask clarifying question that help to define the issue. If the student challenges you on assignment or exam scores, calmly explain your reasons for grading the question the question you did.

If the student display a consistently a negative attitude, try to learn what the problem is as soon as possible. If a students attitude or behavior in class is disrespectful, meet with the student and, without anger, make the student aware of the specific behaviors that are problem for you and tell that student specifically how the behavior is having a negative impact on the classroom learning environment.

Comment that disturb the class or hurt others feeling should be dealt with right away. (T. Sri Suwarti, TEFL:47)

TEENAGERS MOTIVATION Commonly, the great problem in teaching teenagers is in motivating student. Teenagers may have very weak motivation to learn something. Alan Rogers points out, .we forget that initial motivation to learn may be weak and die; alternatively it can be increased and directed into new channels(Rogers 1996 :61). One of the problem why the student have less motivation to learn language is perhaps the student love the subject but they dont like the teacher s methods. Thats way they dont appear their ability maximally. Unfortunately, there is no single magical formula for motivating students. Many factors affect a given student motivation to work and to learn (Bligh, 1971; Sass, 1980): interest in the subject matter, perception of its usefulness, general desire to achieve, self-confident and self-esteem, as well as patience and persistence. And of course, not all students are motivated by the same values, needs, desires, or wants. Some of students will be motivated by the approval of others, some by overcoming challenges. Motivation is some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something. H Douglas Brown points out,a cognitive view of motivation includes factors such as the need for exploration, activity, stimulation, new knowledge and ego enchantment (Brown 2000:160166). Marion Williams and Richard Burden suggest that motivation divide is a

state of cognitive arousal which provokes a decision to act as a result of which there is sustained intellectual and/or physical effort. So that the person can achieve some previously set goal (Williams and Burden 1997:120). In discussion, we can divide motivation become two kinds . There are extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. Extrinsic motivation is caused by s caused by outside factors, for example: the need to pass exam, the hope of financial reward or the possibility of future travel. Intrinsic motivation is caused by inside factors. A person might be motivated by the enjoyment of learning process itself or by desire to make themselves feel better. Researchers have begun to identify those aspect of the teaching situation that enhance student self motivation (Lowman, 1984; Lucas, 1990; Weinert and kluwe, 1987; Bligh, 1971). To encourage students to become self motivated independent learners instructors can do the following: Give frequent, early, positive feedback that supports students belief that they can do well. Ensure are neither for students success by assigning task that are neither too easy nor too difficult. Help students find personal meaning and value in the material. Create an atmosphere that is open and positive. Help students feel that they are valued members of a learning community.

Twelve Things to Keep in Mind when Teaching Teenagers You must know twelve things to keep in mind to help you answer the
challenge of teaching teenagers in the English classroom.

Mostly teenagers are interested in songs, so give those materials through music that can be expressed through using songs into the classroom.

Bring in topics of current interest from IT, sport, entertainment and media, and English-speaking cultures that are personally relevant to your learners.

Makes a group work to interact with different classmates in a less stressful, collaborative atmosphere. Use role teacher activity to devoid bored. Part of growing up is taking responsibility for one's acts and, in school, for one's learning, so a choice can measure of learner autonomy and individual be helpful for teenagers.

Let individual students bring their outside interests and knowledge into the classroom through cross-curricular work. Use surprise and humor to make classroom life. Giving students an opportunity to move around during class. Because teenager is active. Teaching in secondary school often means teaching multi-level classes, but effective classroom management can help even with very large classes.

Use of the mother tongue can not only steer a whole class activity away from misunderstanding, confrontation and potential discipline problems (always a risk with teenagers), but also help avoid pressure on an individual by removing the impression that one person is being tested and put on the spot.

use games in leaning teaching activity Project work offers each individual a chance to use their individual talent to do something personally meaningful and motivating with the language they are learning. We can use several methods to teach language. They are







Suggestopedia, ESA. Community Language Learning is the most of the methods we have reviewed in term of its sensitivity to learner communicative intent is constrained by the number and knowledge of fellow learners. The other we can use the audio-lingual method that stresses the mechanistic aspect of language learning and language use. Suggesstopedia is a specific set of learning recommendations derived from suggestology, which Lazanov describes as a science.concerned with the systematic study of the nonrational influences and /or nonconcious influences that human beings are constantly responding to (Stevick 1967:42).Or you can popular method to teach teenager, there is ESA. In the ESA ( Engage, Stands, Active) model, three components will usually be present in any teaching sequence, weather of five, fifty or hundred minutes. USING ROLE OF TEACHER To teach the teenagers, we can use the roles of a teacher. Its an aim which is designed to help students learn. One of the most important roles do teaching-learning activities for teenagers is teacher as a organizer, tutor, and participant. As an organizer, teacher has to perform is that of organizing students to do various activities. This involved giving the students information, telling them how they are going to do activity, putting them into pairs or group, and finally closing things down when it is time is stop. A good organizing makes the teaching- learning activity interest and resource. Thats way, the teacher need to make sure that he/she dont introduce either too much (which will impede learner autonomy) or too little (which will be unhelpful). Its one of the major keys to motivation the students in learning. Teaching just stand in front of class is not affectively because the teacher doesnt know the students problem. When the student gets exercise in group or they have some problem, the teacher must help them to solve the problem.

Another motivated, the teacher can ask the student to do something. It makes the students feel that they are needed. It can increase the students motivation. It is part of teacher must do as a tutor. Teacher as a participant in role teaching, we can ask teenagers might not appreciate to address learning issues directly. So, how can we do to teach them? We are able to discuss abstract issues with them. Indeed part of our job is to provoke intellectual activity by helping them to be aware of contrasting ideas and concept which they can resolve for themselves. Group and Classroom Games to Promote Communication Skills Games are a great way to help teenagers learn skills for working together. Skills can be learning and practiced in fun, non-threatening way.

CONCLUSSION We must know who teenager is, if we want teach them. We must know how old is teenagers begin, the motivation, the behavior which improve in learning activities. Thats way we should learn anything about teenagers begin we teach them. So we can use exactly method to encourage their ability in learning language. We can give many methods to teach teenagers. There is Communicative Language Learning, the Audio-lingual, Suggestopedia or ESA. But you should combine with role of teacher to get best result. In addition, the important thing to teach teenager is love. First of all love can change anything. You must recognize the individual of your students. You should use love because child or teenager has same needs as an adult and they need attention to. So think of you are teenager when you teach them.

Freemanher, Donald and Jack C. Richards. 1996. Teaching learning in Language Teaching. United states America: Cambridge University Press. Richard, Jack etc. 2006. Cooperative Learning and Second Language Teaching. United states America: Cambridge University Press. Richard, Jack C and Theodore S. rogers. 1986. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. United states America: Cambridge University Press. Suwarti, Sri T. 2005. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL 1). Semarang: CV Ajeng Semarang. Http:// http://www.teaching http://www.langugeactivities_for

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