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ExcITEMENT seeker


To be a better sales person, you need to be aware of your own personality type as well as the positive and negative attributes associated with your personality. As an excitement seeker, your personality features a number of characteristics....some of the key characteristics are listed below. You should also be aware of how to deal with customers who are excitement seekers in order to successfully sell to them.

Characteristics to embrace.....
You are creative and original with your ideas You are articulate You are enthusiastic and like to have fun You like to entertain people You have a desire to help people You can be emotional You have an optimistic outlook You like involvement You have good persuasive skills You like being with people You like to take risks You are spontaneous

Characteristics to be aware of.....

You are often disorganised and scattered You tend to jump from one activity to another You tend to be lazy You can be a fickle listener You tend to exaggerate and generalise You are often inattentive to detail You tend to jump to conclusions You are often impractical

Dealing with excitement seeker customers....

Be lively, energetic and stimulating Present new ideas, something unique Give incentives Give examples and testimonials Allow them time to talk Be expressive and entertaining Bring up new topics openly Be clear and direct Tell anecdotes and personal stories Use words or phrases like great fun, exciting flavours easy drinking, glamorous

detail seeker


To be a better sales person, you need to be aware of your own personality type as well as the positive and negative attributes associated with your personality. As a detail seeker, your personality features a number of characteristics....some of the key characteristics are listed below. You should also be aware of how to deal with customers who are detail seekers in order to successfully sell to them.

Characteristics to embrace.....
You are sensitive You think critically You comply with authority You are accurate and a perfectionist You like to ask questions on specific details You follow directives and standards You like to be fair, prudent and deliberate You are logical, rational and objective You like to be ordered and business like You like to adhere to structure

Characteristics to be aware of.....

You are a cautious decision maker and can sometimes be indecisive You can be overly cautious You like to be in control You can be seen as overly serious and rigid You like to work slowly and precisely alone You like to be right You will measure your competence by time spent on a project

Dealing with detail seeker customers....

Be exact, specific and detailed Speak slowly Be precise and informative Provide examples Present both sides of the issue Be well organised, logical and formal Do not be over-friendly Do not be domineering Give them time to make decisions and follow up with gentle persistence Use words or phrases such as perfect, thoroughly recommend, complex flavours

results seeker


To be a better sales person, you need to be aware of your own personality type as well as the positive and negative attributes associated with your personality. As a results seeker, your personality features a number of characteristics....some of the key characteristics are listed below. You should also be aware of how to deal with customers who are result seekers in order to successfully sell to them.

Characteristics to embrace.....
You tend to make bold statements You like to take risks You are highly competitive and like to play to win You accept challenges You tend to have a substantial ego You embrace change You use facts to make decisions You are a purposeful listener You are pragmatic, assertive and confident You like to be in control You are independent You are reliable under pressure You like action

Characteristics to be aware of.....

You do not consider long term responsibilities You seek status You tend to act first, think later You lack trust in others You like to tell others what to do You tend to be domineering You can come across as abrupt You tend to be impatient You can be hard nosed You do not tolerate mistakes You tend to disregard feelings or advice of others

Dealing with results seeker customers....

Be prepared and brief Be fast paced and get to the point Be able to back up any suggestion or recommendations Keep things professional and business like Provide two or three options and let them make the decision Focus on value for money Be assertive Talk in terms of results Be efficient Use words like efficient, good value, for the ultimate experience, this has proven to be

harmony seeker


To be a better sales person, you need to be aware of your own personality type as well as the positive and negative attributes associated with your personality. As a harmony seeker, your personality features a number of characteristics....some of the key characteristics are listed below. You should also be aware of how to deal with customers who are harmony seekers in order to successfully sell to them.

Characteristics to embrace.....
You like to maintain relationships and develop friendships You tend to be a counsellor or mother type You tend to own the worlds problems You are a calming influence on excitable people You are loyal and caring You like people You are patient You are an excellent listener You are respectful and agreeable You are empathetic You achieve objectives by using understanding and mutual respect

Characteristics to be aware of.....

You tend to over personalise You can be sentimental You tend to postpone tasks You tend to take sides You tend to rely on direction from others You tend to hold grudges You dislike interpersonal conflict You are a slow decision maker You do not like to take the initiative

Dealing with harmony seeker customers....

Speak slowly Be friendly and informal Be warm, caring and attentive Offer personal assistance Offer compliments Be non-threatening Develop trust Be consistent Do not rush or be pushy Give them your personal guarantee Use words or phrases such as I feel that, for your satisfaction, comforting

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