AOE 5104 Assignment 6 Solution: Ground

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AOE 5104 Assignment 6 solution

1) An airfoil in ground effect: Airfoils behave a little differently when they fly near the ground during take off and landing. There are some planes that are design to always fly near the ground. Modify your MATLAB program that calculates the flow around a NACA0012 airfoil so that the leading edge is one-half chord above the ground and the center line of the foil makes a 10o angle with the horizontal. Calculate the flowfield including the loads and make a graphic showing the velocity field around the airfoil. (Suggestion: modify the function vpan so that it calculates the velocity from the panel on the actual wing as well as from the mirror image of this panel below the ground. The velocity field will show the nopenetration condition to be satisfied along the ground, because of the symmetry, as well as on the surfaces of both the actual airfoil and its mirror image.)


In Problem 1, when adding the contributions to the disturbance velocity field from the panel on the image to those from the panel on the actual airfoil, you must add components in the same reference frame (the global frame works for this). One needs to pay attention to the direction of the vorticity in the image: is it the same as on the airfoil ?

Additional suggestions and hints: Answer to requests to furnish an algorithm for calculating loads: %**************** calculate lift and drag **************************** Gamma = sum(ucp.*dl) Lift = 2*Gamma % only good in an infinite flowfield % velocity component tangent to the surface at the control points ucp = 0.5*( G1(1:n) + G1(2:npts) ); % pressure coefficient on the surface at the control points Cp = 1 - ucp.*ucp; % pressure at the control points x the unit vector normal to the surface x the length of the element -- recall % the normal vector used here is not a unit vector; it's multiplied by the length of the panel Fx = 0; Fy = 0; for i = 1:n Fx = Fx + Cp(i)*nx(i); Fy = Fy + Cp(i)*ny(i); end lift = Fy*ca - Fx*sa % ca is the cos (alpha) and sa is the sin (alpha) drag = Fy*sa + Fx*ca Note: here the addition of forces is carried out in the same (global) reference frame; the contributions of each element are given in the same x- and y-directions for all elements.

% stream lines for a doublet, with and without a freestream, with and % without a vortex clc clear % input grid-generation parameters [x,y] = meshgrid( -5:0.02:5, -4.6:0.02:4.6 ); % input the values of psi on the desired streamlines v = [ -2:0.2:2 ]; % input the freestream A = 1; % 1 for the freestream, % input the strength of the vortex B = 2.5; % input the orientation of the doublet's axis % and the direction of the freestream to align

0 no frestream

% with the doublets axis alpha = 0 % degrees % convert to radians alfar = alpha*pi/180; % compute a common factor so that the calculation of the % exponent doesn't have to be repeated numerous times facdb = exp( i*alfar ); % factor for the doublet facfs = exp( -i*alfar ); % factor for the freestream % combine x and y to form the complex variable at the % grid points z = complex( x,y ); % compute the imaginary part of the complex potential (the % stream function) at the grid points psi = imag( i*B*log(z) + A*z*facfs + facdb./z ); % plot the contours; i.e., the lines of constant psi, % with the values v contour( x,y,psi,v,'b','linewidth',1.2 ); % use the same scale on both axes to eliminate distortion axis equal axis([ -5,5, -2.5,2.5 ]) % label the axes xlabel( '\itx', 'fontsize',14 ) ylabel( '\ity', 'fontsize',14 ) % rotate the ylabel set( get(gca,'YLabel'),'Rotation', 0.0 ) title(['doublet streamlines for \alpha = ',num2str(alpha),... ', vortex strength = ',num2str(B)],'fontsize',14) % optional grid

2) Doublets et al.: Using complex arithmetic and the MATLAB module contour, write a program to plot the streamlines for a doublet with its axis aligned with the x-axis, with line at 45o from the x-axis, and with the y-axis. Make three graphics showing the streamlines. (see special topics three singularities)

3) a) Add a uniform freestream to the flow around a doublet. b) Then add a vortex at the origin to the flow around a doublet and the freestream. In both cases have the uniform stream be parallel to the x-axis. Select the strength of the vortex to be such that a rear stagnation point occurs 30o below the x-axis. Doublet, no vortex (B=0), + freestream (A=1)

doublet + vortex (B=1) + freestream (A=1)

doublet + vortex (B=1), no freestream (A=0)

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