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For: Hotel Operations of NCL

HelloHotel Operations ofNorwegian Cruise Line. Please have a peitence and read this letter to the end, because its very important for your company. Its addressing you and writing you Job Selection, Kouzon andEmployment Poweryour company autorized agents for hiring hotelcrew for your ships from Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia. Many Romanian, Croatian, and Serbian hotel crewin the recent years since the start of the global economic crisis,has complain to us, that your higher position supervisors like Hotel Directors and F&B Managers on your ships dont respect them at all, they threat them like animals,and verbally and sexuallyharrase them no matterwhether is working for male or female persons. After countless reporting on ships and in your company, nothing changed, nothing happened.So now your company has more choice for white and beautiful hotel crew from Western European countries because of the crisis there,and that is a thanks to us for sending you all this years, white, beautiful and qualafied hotel crew. So If your cruise line dont stop this, we Job Selection , Employment Power and Kouzon deal between us thatwill jointly destroy Norwegian Cruise Line. If your cruise line think that we cannot do that, or that we are jerkin around, than your company will have to ask herself twice. Your company can check in their HR department for crew ships how many Romanian, Croatian and Serbian crew we send you in the past 15 years in the hotel department likehead waiters, restaurant waiters,ass.waiters, room service attendants,bar supervisors, bar waiters, bar tenders, cabin attendants, etc. Well all of that crew are endlessly thankful to us, because of course they came through us, and that means a lot for them especially now in this global economic crisis. So they will do anything in cooperation with us, especially now after this incidents occurs on your company ships in recent times. So we - Employment Power, Kouzon and Job Selection, together with our your cruise line hotel crew, started to coordinate attack, to sabotage your fuckin black monkey crew ships, and your fuckin black monkeycruise line. Your cruise linedont need to be surprise at all, if any of your ships in the following months catch food or drink poisoning, because our yourcruise line hotel crew no matter female or malewill put any kind of poison in the food or drinks for their guests which they serve on your company ships.And Royal Caribbean, Celebrity Cruises and Princess Cruises didnt respect our their hotel crew at all, and then their ships started to catch food and drink poisoning too often. So your company knows very well how destroying is this for cruise line company, especially like NCL, when the public will read in the news thatNCL is poisoning their own guests.And your cruise line dont need to doubt at all in us, because we Croatians,Romanians and Serbians are the nastiest of all as your company can see from the latest news about the meat and milk poisoning affairsin Europe from Croatia, Romania and Serbia.Your cruise line just need to type in Google, Croatian and Serbian afla toxin milk affair and Romanian horse meat affair to see what happened this spring in Europe from our countries. Your company can see what kind of people we are, like example from our food and milk companies that poisoned our own people and half Europe, and not some fuckin black jipsy monkey cruise line. And our partner Kouzon on their training sessions is teaching the future employees of NCL, how to better put the poison unnoticed in meals and drinks which they will serve for their guests on your company ships. We have and other methods for destroying your company, like we and our - your cruise line restaurant waiters and bar tenders, willpost pictures and videos on the best world cruiseline vacation web sites and forums off all the food and drink utensils and equipment from your older ships, like where they keep all of that, and how clean is all of that. And than how many guests will have your cruise line, after the future potential guests will see on these internet web sites and forums from how much clean silver and glass ware they will eat and drink. So for this what happened, to our beautiful and white Romanian, Croatian and Serbian hotel crew, your fuckin black gypsy monkeycruise line will pay, but if this or something else happens against usand our your cruise line hotel crew in the future, or your company breaks business with us, the damage to your company will be far, far, greater, we will destroy your company completly. And we have, even far more destroying methods, to destroy your company whole, which we will not tell you of course.And your cruise line dont need to doubt at all in this letter whether is authentic from us or not, or from where is sent, because we deal our partner Kouzon to put his seal and signature to convince your companythat this letter is originally from our 3 agencies. So its time for your cruise lineto start to respect their own hotel crew, and your company needs to take thisdeadly serious because we are not jerking at all, as your company will convince forherself in the following months.

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