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Avaya Desktop Wallboard

Enhancing Agent Performance with a New Approach to a Traditional Capability
Contact center managers have a variety of time-tested methods to help keep center performance at desired levels. Two of these best practice techniques are of particular importance when managing and coaching center personnel:
Ensuring that each agent has a clear understanding of performance objectives Providing rapid feedback when an agents performance exceeds or falls below commitment For decades, overhead wallboards have been a central fixture in call centers that have enabled management to display performance targets, statistics, and motivational messages. Although a reasonably effective performance management tool in its time, traditional wallboards have several significant limitations. Since standard wallboards display information for the center as a whole, they are not a suitable mechanism for giving needed feedback to individual agents. As a result, a supervisor wanting to give immediate oneon-one coaching typically faces two lessthan-desirable choices: going to the agents work station and reducing center capacity by having the agent switch to unavailable, or delaying real-time feedback until sometime later in the shift. The speed that agents become aware of the information displayed on traditional wallboards can also detract from performance. Since wallboards are typically mounted overhead or on one of the walls of the center, agents may not be immediately aware when important information is posted. Then, when agents do notice, they must turn their attention away from their desktop to do so.

The marquees on each agents desktop can display information using any desired perspective from targets and performance actuals for the individual agent, to statistics for groups of agents or the center as a whole. As added reinforcement, the Desktop Wallboard can also color code messages and send audible alerts to agents when their performance has exceeded or fallen below target. In addition to displaying performance data, center supervisors can also use the Avaya Desktop Wallboard application to send motivational or general information messages to specific agents or the entire center.

A Better Approach Bringing the Wallboard to the Desktop

As a long-standing contact center market leader, Avaya has had the opportunity to help tens of thousands of businesses choose and implement customer support solutions that drive stronger center performance and higher levels of customer satisfaction and retention. For centers wanting to overcome the limitations of traditional information displays, we recommend Avaya Desktop Wallboard a highly effective solution for sending real time performance data and instant messages directly to the workstations of individual agents, teams, or the entire center. Using the Desktop Wallboard application, center managers can equip on-site and remote agent desktops with scrolling message marquees that are linked to the centers Avaya Operational Analyst (OA) and Call Management System (CMS). Through an easy-to-use web-based interface, center administrators can choose to display the performance statistics for any metric that the center utilizes, such as Average Answer and Talk Time, or Length in Queue and Calls Abandoned.

The Core Components of the Solution: Application Software and Expert Support Services
The Avaya Desktop Wallboard is a comprehensive solution consisting of application software residing on agent workstations and a central server, as well as expert professional services support that provides the customer with end-to-end project management, solution design, configuration, implementation and comprehensive knowledge transfer.

Project Management
The Avaya Technical Integration Engineer assigned to your project will oversee the total effort and will: Coordinate project logistics with your single point of contact Work with your SPOC and other members of Avaya team to develop a preliminary project plan Lead a project kick-off meeting to review and ensure concurrence on the project plan, methods and procedures, roles and responsibilities and project deliverables


Solution Design, Configuration, Testing and Deployment

At this stage of the project, the Avaya Technical Integration Engineer will: Validate the solution functionality with your Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Configure the final solution based on documented requirements Remotely install the Desktop Wallboard application on the server you provide Train your designated contact in the installation and testing of the marquee application component that resides on the agent desktops. Perform application testing to verify functionality based on your defined configuration Review ongoing solution support needs and options with the your SPOC

If you want additional support in designing and integrating the solution in a mixed vendor or Computer Telephony Integration environment, Avaya also offers an optional Business Process Intelligence Service. When this support is requested, the Avaya team will conduct a thorough review of your business intelligence and data display requirements, including identification and documentation of the data elements to be included in scrolling marquees. As a final step, Avaya will then configure, test and demonstrate the functionality of each skill and data element, followed by deployment in a controlled test environment or direct production rollout.

Unlike traditional wall-mounted displays that require agents to periodically look up from their work in progress, the Avaya Desktop Wallboard application allows agents to receive needed information directly on their desktop with no loss of attention. Avaya Desktop Wallboard supports remote agents as well, providing them with the same information and motivational reinforcement as their in-office colleagues. Consequently this application can be an important component in your overall green strategy, facilitating effective remote contact center agents and helping to reduce corporate real estate costs as well as the environmental impact associated with commuting employees. While rapid access to performance data is an essential part of helping agents improve their performance and productivity, the same holds true for employees in other areas of the business that require continuous access to changing information. If your company needs to communicate essential data to management or knowledge workers in real time, Avaya Technical Integration Engineers have the expertise to design and implement a desktop solution that meets your exact requirements.

The Bottom Line

The Avaya Desktop Wallboard can play an important role in enhancing contact center operations particularly in helping ensure peak agent performance. As a software-based solution, the Avaya Desktop Wallboard eliminates the need for maintenance-prone wallboard hardware, and also has none of the physical issues of traditional wallboards such as mounting arrangements or high cubicles that block the wallboard view or make the displayed information difficult to read. From an interoperability perspective, the Desktop Wallboard solution integrates readily in most infrastructures, and relies on existing Avaya Operational Analyst and Call Management System components to provide the needed performance statistics.

Knowledge Transfer
Prior to the completion of the project, the Avaya team will conduct an end-user train-the-trainer briefing as well as a comprehensive workshop for your System Administrators that includes: Configuring the OA/CMS scrolling marquees Use of the web-based administration interface On-going administration of the application Tips on daily operation and troubleshooting Complete documentation

Learn More
To learn more about contact center applications from Avaya and other services that can help enhance and support your business communications, please contact your Avaya Client Executive, Authorized Avaya BusinessPartner, or visit us at

About Avaya
Avaya is a global leader in enterprise communications systems. The company provides unified communications, contact centers, and related services directly and through its channel partners to leading businesses and organizations around the world. Enterprises of all sizes depend on Avaya for state-of-the-art communications that improve efficiency, collaboration, customer service and competitiveness. For more information please visit

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