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HR solutions for every colour of HR problem

Getting to know us
Are you the best employer you can be? Is your business compliant with the latest legislation? Are you getting the most out of your people?
Many small-business owners in London and the southeast may underestimate the importance of taking care of their staff. Lotus HR is the best place to turn for t angible help, if you are a small to medium sized business. We train your managers to understand the benefits of proper HR procedures, keep you up-to-date with ever-changing HR legislation, and help you get the most out of your employees and develop their capabilities.  ere are some of the HR issues weve resolved recently, for businesses H just like yours: Designed a recruitment and selection assessment centre Conducted training needs analysis for NHS Trust P  roject managed a new absence management system for a local authority Provided selection training for 130 managers Produced an equality impact assessment for a public body A  cted as interim manager of learning and development function for an employer with 11,000 employees

Case studies
We invite you to judge us by some of our notable successes:

Pinnacle-psg: Interim manager for major government agency with 2,700 employees
R  edesigned the learning and development function to secure cost savings and deliver greater efficiency, quality and relevance I nitiated an effective marketing approach resulting in a three-fold increase in the take-up of learning and development services I nitiated performance improvement through developing the coaching skills of line managers

TDA RegionalCentre forLondon

W  orked as part of a team to plan and deliver training events to support the Every Child Matters agenda P  rovided coaching and mentoring to support colleagues in effective implementation planning C  onducted research and analysis to prepare a document for schools, to help self-evaluation in relationship to the deployment and development of their workforce

Tower Hamlets
Implemented an attendance management policy D  evised internal communications strategy to bring line managers on board Worked closely with line managers to reduce absenteeism.

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What our clients say

Who we are
Lotus HR is headed by Yvonne Foster, who founded Lotus Training Consultancy in 1995. She is trained to doctorate level, has worked as an interim manager and head of learning and development, is CIPDqualified, and is a professionally trained f acilitator and coach. Her network of associates are equally experienced and qualified, so the Lotus HR team can provide whatever HR solutions you need.

Dont just take our word for it! We are proud that our clients consistently praise the way we work and the results we achieve:
 Yvonnes input was exceptional. As a facilitator she was able to help the school recognise for itself the underlying issues that were blocking progress. Her clear no messing approach made her an ideal role-model for a leadership team that was constantly being side-tracked by fire-fighting issues and not getting down to the business of actual change. Her excellent people skills enabled her to work positively and productively at all levels. Most importantly, she enabled the school to move forward in a way that was within our school ethos. We cannot recommend Yvonne highly enough.
Gabriella Nieland, Headteacher, Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Who we work with

We work with c ompanies both large and small in the public, private and voluntary sectors, mostly in London and the southeast.

 Yvonne Foster and her team have the ability to tackle diverse organisational and operational challenges, in a s tructured and effective manner. This is due to her rare quality of combining clear focus on her brief with solid management experience and fresh thinking to produce results that are clearly understood within and outside the organisation.
Deborah Moonasar, London Borough of Lambeth

 Over the last decade or more, Lotus Human Resource Consultancy has produced exemplary reports and undertaken a number of trainings which have been favourably received by our clients. Yvonne is able to combine two important consultancy attributes: a keen, research-based mind and a highly professional approach to delivery.
Professor Chris Mullard, Chair/CEO, Focus Consultancy Ltd

 Yvonnes experience as a researcher and her familiarity with Ofsted criteria ensured that she produced a well-received, high quality guidance document. She is a great team member and has excellent presentation and communication skills.
Rebecca Nelson, TDA RegionalCentre forLondon

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