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By: ABIDAH BT SARAJUL HAQ English Language Excellent Teacher , Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Sekolah Kluster , Ipoh

What is a Study Group?

A study group is a group organized by students of the same form who are interested in learning from and helping each other.

Purpose of a Study Group

To enhance your performance in the academicfield To develop a support network. To develop communication and teamwork skills.

How to Organize a Study Group

Contact a few other motivated students in your class and ask them to participate. Limit your group to 3 to 6 people so that the group will not be too crowded

How to Conduct a Study Group

Meet regularly, several times a week Elect a group leader to keep your group alert Set an agenda for the study session.

Why Study in Groups?

Study groups offer several benefits. Many students find that working together makes studying more efficient and effective and also, simply more fun. Study groups provide you with opportunities : to discuss the subject content you are weak in to develop and express your ideas to others to understand and choose which study skills are relevant to you.

Study Group Tips

If you decide to form a study group, you will need to establish some rules or guidelines to keep the group from losing itsinterest.

Limit the size of your group to three to six students for best results. If you have eight or more students who are interested in group study, simply form two groups and mix the membership from time to time. Do not feel you have to limit yourself to study only with your friends. Pick smart students who can help you with your homework if your objective is to improve your grades. Establish a regular meeting place and time and encourage each other to be punctual. Give your group a name. This will give the group a stronger identity and encourage participation. At your first meeting, encourage each member to talk about his/her strengths that will help the group. Take turns acting as group the moderator, to keep the conversation on topic. The moderator should speak up if the conversation drifts too far from the desired topic. Predict test questions and quiz each other.

Tips for Forming Study Groups

Be Aware of Your Study Group Expectations. Before you join or form a study group, consider what you hope to get from this experience. Students join study groups for different reasons. Your reason for joining a study group should be clear to the other members in your group. Be Aware of the Benefits of Study Groups. These benefits include having a better understanding on a certain topic , opportunity to learn from your peers, getting support from peers and thus , increases your confidence in your academic performance.

Study Groups Are Not Necessarily For Everyone. Think whether you have any positive study group experiences or have participated in successful group projects in the past. If you have not had any productive study group experiences, consider whether you need to join one. Set an Optimal Group Size. The size of the group is important. It can involve as few as three individuals, but an optimal group size is about three or four people. This group size will allow participation and discussion, yet also allow the group to function if one member cannot attend a meeting. Establish a Schedule of Meetings and Assignments. Having weekly meetings and following a regular schedule will allow you to keep up with your revision of a certain topic. This will also prevent cramming for tests because there will be consistent studying and revision. It is also important to agree on the guidelines for meetings. Select a Proper Place for Meetings. Avoid meeting in places that are too comfortable or full of disturbances that can be distracting to the group. Establish Study Group Objectives. A study group should be formed by students who have similar goals. Different goals among members of a study group can lead to confusion, anxiety, and tension. In addition, an agenda should be established for each meeting so that time is not wasted trying to figure out what the group should be doing.

Prepare for the Meetings. A study group is most beneficial when members are prepared with topics to discuss. Study groups should be used to revise on certain topics and to test the understanding of that material. Additionally, time should be set aside during each group meeting to discuss topics that students do not understand. Evaluate the Group. If the study group is not meeting your objectives, discuss your problem with the group and try to come up with suggestions for improvement. If you decide to leave the group, explain the reason to your group.

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