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July 2009

Inside this
issue: N.ORG
 Petition hand-
over at 10

Hampshire Against Fluoridation take


 Judicial Re-
view of South
Central Stra-
fight to No. 10
tegic Health
Authority On Tuesday 9th June members
decision to of Hampshire Against Fluorida-
fluoridate tion travelled to London to present a
petition with over 15,300 signatures
 Southampton to Gordon Brown at 10 Downing
MPs voice Street. The petition called on the
concerns Prime Minister to intervene to ask the
about the Strategic Health Authority to reverse
SHA decision its decision and honour his pledge
that it was for local people to decide.
 Ombudsman
considering The activists were joined by Hamp-
action over shire MPs Chris Huhne, Julian Lewis
complaints and Sandra Gidley as they handed
over the signatures urging Gordon
 HAF Social Brown to personally step in and order
health chiefs to reverse their backing
 Join HAF
of fluoridation.
The 40 campaigners then delivered a
letter to Andy Burnham the new Sec-
retary of State for Health calling on
CONTENTS him to instruct South Central Strate-
gic Health Authority to reverse its
HAF go to 1 plans to add fluoride to 200,000
Downing Street
homes in Southampton, Eastleigh,
The petition 2 Totton and Netley.
Caroline Place, one of the petition
Andy Burn- 2 HAF members Caroline Place, Anna Peckham, John Spottis-
organisers, said: "We are hoping that
ham—new Sec- woode, Mandy Clarke and Myra Metcalfe with MPs Sandra
retary of Health the policy will be changed, that they will Gidley, Julian Lewis and Chris Huhne at 10 Downing Street
promotes water change the law . Overwhelmingly, as you
fluoridation can see from 15,000 people who have attendance by Alan Whitehead to challenge the SHA decision
spoken by signing to say they don't want MP who, although in favour of and answer questions from
Judicial review 3
it, there is a majority against." fluoridation, felt that the SHA HAF members and supporters.
Southampton 3
MPs call for After the petition handover John had not achieved the necessary The whole day was covered by
SHA to review Spottiwoode chaired a meeting in local support. Over 40 protes- reporters from the Echo, BBC
decision Parliament with campaigners and tors attended the meeting to and Meridian and received
HAF 4 local MPs Julian Lewis and Sandra listen to the MPs talk about widespread local news cover-
membership Gidley. Protesters welcomed the what action they will be taking age.

www.hampshireagainstfluoridation.orgWebsite: hampshirea-
Taking our protest to 10 Downing Street
HAF Member At 9am on Tuesday 9th June 26
Stephen Peckham protesters (and reporters from
said: the Echo and BBC) met at
Not only did we get Southampton Central station to
take our protest and petition
the chance to take
to the Prime Minister at 10
15,000 local people’s
Downing Street. We were in
signatures to 10 good spirits and arrived in Lon-
Downing Street but we don to be met by another film
also forged some really crew from ITV and supporters
good alliances and this from the NPWA and groups
is a platform for taking from other parts of the country
things forward. and Ireland!
Having made our way to
Downing Street we met with
three of our local MPs Sandra HAF campaigners make themselves known as they take
their case to Parliament and the Prime Minister
Gidley, Julian Lewis and Chris
Huhne. Bearing our box full imposed. Then we were on
of signatures HAF members our way again to the Houses of
Anna Peckham, Caroline Parliament where we gathered
Place, Mandy Clarke, Myra in a committee room to listen
Metcalfe and John Spottis- to Sandra Gidley and Julian
woode went into Downing Lewis as well as Southampton
Street with the MPs and de- Test MP Alan Whitehead who
livered the petition to No 10. supports fluoridation but is
Then it was across the road unhappy with the lack of local
to the headquarters of the support.
Department of Health — It was a great day for making
newly occupied by Andy new alliances and we certainly
Burnham where we handed in made an impact. After refresh-
a letter asking him to honour ments in the House of Com-
MPs Sandra Gidley, Julian Lewis, Chris Huhne and HAF his own words about needing mons cafeteria, it was back
supporters give the decision to fluoridate the water supply local support before any home to watch ourselves on
a thumbs down outside Downing Street! water fluoridation scheme is the news.

Wasting NHS money

Health Secretary urges more
Southampton City PCT
spent over £30,000 on pro- water fluoridation
motional material and
committed substantial
staff resources to persuade Andy Burnham the new Secretary of State for Health has called for more water
local people to support fluoridation schemes to be introduced in his first national speech to the NHS. He
water fluoridation. The urged the NHS to be bolder on public health and stated that water fluoridation is
SHA spent over £200,000 “safe and effective”—clearly he has not read the York Review. The next day, fol-
on meetings and publicity
and as much again on staff lowing enquiries from the Times Newspaper he resigned from his post as vice-
costs on what was sup- president of the British Fluoridation Society—a post that he had not declared in
posed to be an unbiased the MPs Register of Interests. Burnham has long standing connections with the
consultation. What a BFS and the BFS has recently moved its offices to the Primary Care Trust covering
waste of scarce NHS funds.
Burnham’s constituency.


SHA Decision set for Judicial Review

An application has been held by the court, the SHA will be their powers in relation to these
HAF Chairman
filed with the High Court for required to quash its decision. complaints.
a judicial review of the deci- The application has been made by John Spottiswoode
There is no doubt that the con-
sion made in February 2009 a resident living in the area to besultation papers were biased and welcomed the
to fluoridate the water sup- fluoridated, legally represented bymuch important evidence was news of a judicial
ply of Southampton. The Leigh Day & Co Solicitors clearly simply ignored by the
decision was made by the ( review. This would
SHA Board. Of particular con-
South Central Strategic Hampshire Against Fluoridation cern is the insistence by the SHA add another point
Health Authority (SCSHA) was approached by the legal rep- that everyone should have sent
of the National Health Ser- of pressure on the
resentatives to submit a witness them full copies of any articles or
vice. The legal challenge statement to clarify certain as- documents that were referred to
SHA on top of our
argues that the SHA failed pects of the consultation process. when people responded to the public campaign
to have regard to the Gov- The statement was prepared by consultation. These were not
ernment’s policy that mass and complaints to
HAF member Stephen Peckham . asked for during the consultation
fluoridation of drinking wa- It set out: examples of misleading but we are now told that the the Health Om-
ter should only go ahead in information put forward by SHA SHA did not look at any evi- budsman. We need
any particular area if a ma- during and after the consultation dence that was not supplied to
jority of the local people are to keep pressure
process and examples of evidence them. This seems absurd and is
in favour of it. put forward in response to the really moving the goal posts to up locally and it is
The application challenges the consultation that was not prop- suit themselves. Amazingly the
decision on the grounds: that it important that we
erly considered by the SHA. SHA has set aside another
is Government policy that fluori- £400,000 of public money to
keep writing to
dation should only go ahead if HAF, like local MP Julian Lewis
and County Councillor David contest the legal case. This is on our local council-
the local population is in favour top of the £100,000s wasted
and clearly it is not. The regula- Harrison, has submitted a com- lors, MPs and to
tions for the consultation under- plaint to the Health Ombudsman already on the flawed consulta- the SHA. Please
taken by the SHA required an about the conduct of the consul- tion. If the SHA is instructed to
tation and bias in the use of evi- rerun the consultation then this continue to sup-
assessment of the cogency of will involve even more NHS
the arguments for and against dence and the final decision port our local
fluoridation and this did not reached. The Ombudsman is cur- money at a time when we know campaign.
rently seeking legal opinion about that NHS funds are under in-
occur. If the application is up- creasing pressure!

Southampton MPs call on the

SHA to put fluoride decision on hold John Denham
MP says:
Following months of silence with fluoridation against the wishes Their change of view also ech- I think it would
about the SHA consultation and of too many people. I think it oes that of Southampton City be better if the
wide spread protest at the deci- would be better if the SHA were to councillor Jeremy Moulton who SHA were to
sion to approve water fluorida- place the implementation of its supported water fluoridation in
place the
tion in Southampton, Eastleigh, decision on hold.” the City Council vote but has
Totton and Netley, the two since expressed concerns about implementation
Alan Whitehead MP attended
Southampton MPS have finally the SHA’s decision. Perhaps it is of its decision
our meeting in Parliament and
joined with other local MPs to promised to work with Julian time for other councillors to on hold.”
call on the SHA to rethink its Lewis, Sandra Gidley and Chris stand up and give their views? If
decision. John Denham MP, Huhne to put pressure on the they truly represent their elec-
newly appointed as Communities Department of Health and the torate then the Council should
Minister, wrote in the Daily Echo SHA to put their decision on examine this issue again and
“The SHA took its original decision hold. While both MPs have take more notice of the evi-
knowing that fluoridation had not stated their support for water dence and local people. Contact
been popularly supported in either fluoridation, HAF welcomes your councillor to find out what
the consultation or opinion polls. … their support as it will force the they think about this issue. HAF
There is a real danger of proceeding SHA to re-examine their deci- have details of how all the city
sion. councillors voted.

Make sure you vote in the Echo Poll

Hear the experts’ views HAF Social 12th July

HAF is holding a social event for It will be a chance to catch up
If you want to find out more about the issues in-
all members, friends and sup- on news about HAF activities
volved in water fluoridation , HAF has a stock of
porters on Sunday 12th and meet other members and
excellent DVDs called Professional Perspectives on July at 5pm in the Church supporters. New members
Water Fluoridation. Leading experts including a Hall at St Boniface welcome.
Nobel prize winner, explain why they think water Church in Shirley.
Contact Caroline Place for
fluoridation is a bad idea. If you can, please bring some details: 0788 2240009.
food to share. Drinks will be
Contact HAF for details. provided.

Contact HAF:
Chairman John
Join Hampshire Against Fluoridation
02380 789230 We want to build up our open to anyone or any local Please send membership
membership to ensure that we groups or organization that form to:
can continue to play an active support our objectives of keep-
Membership Ann Richards
role locally challenging the de- ing our water fluoride free. We
Secretary: Ann 4 South Road
cision to fluoridate the water welcome people who would
Richards: Hayling Island
but also to start to build links like to help our campaign so let
02392 463761 with groups in other areas of us know if you have particular PO11 9AE
the country who are now skills that could help us with Tel: 02392 463761
Local contacts: threatened with similar consul- publicity, campaigning activities,
Caroline Place tation proposals. Please join accounts etc. Check our web-
Cheques payable to Hampshire
0788 2240009 or renew your membership site and blog for information Against Fluoridation
now. Membership of HAF is about HAF.
Anna Peckham
02380 493776 Membership: Join HAF
Hampshire Against I wish to join/renew my membership:
Fluoridation is a vol-
untary group and re- Name: ………………………………………………………………………….
lies on subscriptions Address: ……………………………………………………………………….
and donations.
Membership dona-
tion for one year is Post code:……………………………………………………………………...
£5.00. Please send a Email address:………………………………………………………………….
cheque together with
Tel. number: ………………………………………………….
the form or pay by
Paypal through our Membership donation £5 Donation to HAF funds: £
website. If you have I would like to help HAF by ………………………………………….
been a member for
one year or more
please renew your Please send me a free Professional Perspectives DVD…….YES/NO


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