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Edition: 01 MIGRATION PROCEDURE FROM SW 1.2.0 A - 4.1.

Date: 22/06/2012


1.1 Scope
The document describes the procedure to migrate from the SWP releases 1.2.0.A to the SWP release 4.1.0 The actions must be executed in order to limit out of service and time lost.

1.2 Abbreviations
SWP NE Software package Network Element

1.3 References
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 9500 MPR User Manual 3DB 18528 AAAA SWP 1.4.0 9500 MPR User Manual 3DB 18749 AAAA SWP 2.1.0 9500 MPR User Manual 3DB 18793 AAAA SWP 3.0.0 9500 MPR User Manual 3DB 18961 AAAA SWP 3.3.0 9500 MPR User Manual 3DB 18981 AAAA SWP 3.4.0 9500 MPR User Manual 3DB 19901 AAAA SWP 4.0.0 9500 MPR User Manual 3DB 19901 ABAA SWP 4.1.0

1.4 Release notes

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 9500 MPR Release Notes 3DB 18601 AAAA SWP 1.2.0 A 9500 MPR Release Notes 3DB 18715 AAAA SWP 1.4.0 9500 MPR Release Notes 3DB 18650 AAAA SWP 2.1.0 9500 MPR Release Notes 3DB 18755 AAAA SWP 3.0.0 9500 MPR Release Notes 3DB 18887 AAAA SWP 3.3.0 9500 MPR Release Notes 3DB 18976 AAAA SWP 3.4.0 9500 MPR Release Notes 3DB 19016 AAAA SWP 4.0.0 9500 MPR Release Notes 3DB AAAA SWP 4.1.0

Edition: 01

Date: 22/06/2012


In the network different versions of SWP are present. They are 1.2.0.A, 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 2.1.0.X, 2.1.0.Z to be updated to version 4.1.0 Some NEs could come from SWP 1.2.0A, probably causing out of service during the upgrade process to SWP 4.1.0 The problem is related to the presence of NOMDPAR file inside flash card. To avoid out of service, the file, must be removed before starting the upgrading process. Please proceed as described in the procedure below.


Open a terminal session ftp XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX NE local IP user: ftp; PSW: ftp cd /home/adm-lc-ng/debug RETURN ls check if NOMDPAR is present.


Open a terminal session ftp XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX NE local IP user: ftp; PSW: ftp cd /home/adm-lc-ng/debug RETURN ls rm NOMDPAR ls

check if NOMDPAR is removed.

Edition: 01

Date: 22/06/2012


Follow the operation in order to migrate from the actual SW version to the final SW version 3.4.0 W 1) FROM SWP 1.2.0 A to SWP 4.1.0 The procedure is also described in the User Manual (1.3 References) The migration is performed in 9 Steps Download SWP 1.4.0 Active the SWP Download SWP 3.0.0. without letter (used just for migration scope. To be upgraded ASAP; no data base change can be done with this swp active) Active the SWP Download SWP 3.3.0 L Active the SWP Download SWP 3.4.0 W Active the SWP Forced -> Download SWP 4.1.0

2) FROM SWP 1.3.1 to SWP 4.1.0 The procedure is also described in the User Manual (1.3 References) The migration is performed in 7 Steps 3) FROM SWP 2.1.0 to 4.1.0 The procedure is also described in the User Manual (1.3 References) The migration is performed in 7 Steps Download SWP 3.0.0 B Active the SWP Download SWP 3.3.0 L Active the SWP Download SWP 3.4.0 W Active the SWP Forced -> Download SWP 4.1.0 Download SWP 3.0.0. without letter (used just for migration scope .To be upgraded ASAP; no data base change can be done with this swp active) Active the SWP Download SWP 3.3.0 L Active the SWP Download SWP 3.4.0 W Active the SWP Forced -> Download SWP 4.1.0

Edition: 01

Date: 22/06/2012

4) FROM SWP 3.0.0 to 4.1.0 The procedure is also described in the User Manual (1.3 References) The migration is performed in 5 Steps Download SWP 3.3.0 L Active the SWP Download SWP 3.4.0 W Active the SWP Forced -> Download SWP 4.1.0

5) FROM SWP 3.1.0 to 4.1.0 The procedure is also described in the User Manual (1.3 References) The migration is performed in 5 Steps Download SWP 3.3.0 L Active the SWP Download SWP 3.4.0 W Active the SWP Forced -> Download SWP 4.1.0

6) FROM SWP 3.2.0 to 4.1.0 The procedure is also described in the User Manual (1.3 References) The migration is performed in 3 Steps Download SWP 3.4.0 W Active the SWP Forced -> Download SWP 4.1.0

7) FROM SWP 3.3.0 to 4.1.0 The procedure is also described in the User Manual (1.3 References) The migration is performed in 3 Steps Download SWP 3.4.0 W Active the SWP Forced -> Download SWP 4.1.0

Edition: 01

Date: 22/06/2012

8) FROM SWP 3.4.0 to 4.1.0 The procedure is also described in the User Manual (1.3 References) The migration is performed in 1 Step Forced -> Download SWP 4.1.0

9) FROM SWP 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 The procedure is also described in the User Manual (1.3 References) The migration is performed in 1 Step Forced -> Download SWP 4.1.0

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