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Saturday, August 24, 2013 5:29 PM

The Assignment planner

Starting on: 8/25/2013

Ending on: 8/30/2013 This means you have 4 days to finish.

Step 1: Analyse the question by Sunday August 25, 2013

be clear about the task - put the question into your own words is it an essay report or journal (pdf)? - portsessays.pdf bring your ideas together using a brainstorm - use the Learning Lab mind mapping online tutorial -
Step 2: Plan a preliminary structure by Monday August 26, 2013

'plan your assignment' - organise the information make draft headings and draw lines between ideas -- look at a sample plan (pdf) use iSearch to learn how to locate resources - use the Ask a Librarian service, or visit the service desk at your campus library Australia or Vietnam -
Step 3: Start your research - read on the topic (books, e-books, journals, commentary, news) by Tuesday August 27, 2013

keep all the details of your reading material (pdf), including page numbers for your references - g_reading.pdf check your Course Guide for the referencing style to use avoid plagiarism by minimising what you use from other texts - adjust your plan to reflect new ideas from your research
Step 4: First draft by Tuesday August 27, 2013

use your detailed plan check out assessment tasks to find a sample structure eg essay - get more help with English language or feedback on a draft -;ID=g2dn6b9jjquyz see some guidelines for paraphrasing (pdf)) or synthesising (pdf) information - ing.pdf read over the text to make sure it makes sense and links well look at the list of strong reporting verbs (pdf) - _verbs.pdf
Step 5: Continue your research - read more by Wednesday August 28, 2013

make sure you have enough ideas and evidence have you used the advanced functions in Google and Google Scholar ? - do you need 'peer reviewed' material? - use LibrarySearch or individual databases and watch the video --
Step 6: Redraft by Thursday August 29, 2013

look at structure and content look at a sample introduction -New Section 1 Page 1

look at a sample introduction - link words may be useful -- use a checklist (pdf) to revise your work
Step 7: Edit for logical flow by Thursday August 29, 2013

check topic sentences improve your editing skills (pdf) by visiting Learning Lab - riting.pdf check paragraphing and linking - check references - do you have all of the detail required?
Step 8: Proofread and format by Friday August 30, 2013

check spelling and punctuation (pdf) - use grammar and spell check on Word have you used an academic style in your writing? - check formatting and submission requirements for your School.

Resources to build your skills - at any time

improve reading efficiency through the Learning Lab book into an academic skills or library research skills workshop use iSearch to improve your library and research skills use the tutorials in to brush up on any necessary computer skills improve your time management collect a planner from your study skills area learn how to use Endnote view the library website for the referencing guides

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