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I Love My Job

Thank you for all your prayers. Let me tell just in part what they accomplished. We began the summer with a VBS. We faced difficulties right away -- many of the regulars were gone that week. However, we ended up with quite a few kids but what I really praise God for is the way the kids connected with the summer missionaries who help. It was amazing. There was one boy at high school camp who had been at camp since he was old enough to go to camp. He had heard the gospel many times and he had rejected it many times. We had a great conversation and I told him that I would be praying for him. I asked many of you to pray for him. On my birthday he accepted Christ -- best birthday present ever. I cannot wait to see him next year. There were many who made the same decision that week. Jason, the camp director, asked me to be the missionary speaker at Junior 1 camp. It was a fun camp and the gospel went out. It also was valuable to connect with the summer missionaries who were there. We all had many opportunities to share the gospel and see young hearts change forever. The kids went home tired and happy. I was also asked to be the the missionary speaker at Junior High Camp. So I decided to introduce staff and campers to other people I minister with. One of those people is Hyon Fielding, a professional artist who I taught to do face painting. She shared about her ministry and later she and I painted faces on the rec deck. That was Thursday. On Tuesday cabin leaders brought two girls in their cabin to me because they were asking questions and the cabin leaders had run out of answers. I patiently answered their questions. When we were done I shared the gospel with them asked them to think about it and sent them on their way. The next day we met again and both girls had more questions. They did not want to go to hell but wanted God in a box so he would do only what they wanted him to do. I told them God does not play that game. I shared the gospel again and sent them on their way. I asked many of you to pray. On Thursday one of the girls sat down and I began to draw on her. She fidgeted and looked mournful. I let her squirm for a while and then I look at her and asked her: Do you believe God loves you? She said yes. I asked her if she believed God sent his son to die on a cross and pay the full price for all her sins? She said yes. I asked her if she believed God raised his son from the dead and has the same power to forgive all her sins and make her his child forever. She said yes. I asked her if she wanted to become Gods child forever and she said yes. My heart skipped a beat. We went and found her cabin leader and we prayed together. At that same time Hyon was sharing with a young man who made the same decision. I was overjoyed. Five minutes later one of the cabin leaders brought the other girl to me. She said she wanted to become Gods daughter forever too and not because her friend had made the same decision. We prayed together. I was in tears. More then a dozen others made the same decision that day. Thanks for praying.
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Jim & Chris Webb / 150 NE 9th Street / Hermiston, OR 97838 / 541-377-1351

Summer Missionary Report

We worked with 19 summer missionaries and 1 intern. It was very hard to keep track of all the places these wonderful people went serving Jesus. I was greatly encouraged when I read about one of the summer missionaries praying with a boy in his cabin as he put his faith in Jesus the first week of any camp. I think many if not all of the summer missionaries had the same experience. One of the most interesting was when we were on our mission trip to Portland eating lunch at Pioneer Square. Two of the summer missionaries had drawn on each other and one had a cross on her arm. A man waiting for a bus noticed the cross and walked up and asked if she could tell him about God since no one ever had. So she and two other summer missionaries shared and prayed with the man. The mission trip was extraordinary and I am glad I had enough summer missionaries for two teams. There are so many more stories of God working in and through us all that week.

Fair Report
We were involved in five fairs. We faced attacks. We are the most popular booth at any fair. Some people wanted to shut us down because we were unfair competition with those who charge to paint faces. We adjusted what we did and came to agreements that worked. At some fairs we could only draw on arms and others we could only draw on faces. The most interesting thing is even though we had fewer people at our booths due to these restrictions we saw more people come to Christ. At some fairs a lot more. God is greater then any obstacle. More then 140 people became Gods kids. An eleven year old girl sat down and even before I had said anything she said that she needed Jesus. Before I finished sharing the gospel she wanted to pray and give her life completely to Jesus. This happened many times. For example, a 19 year old who was living with her boyfriend sat down. She was full of guilt and her sins weighed heavy on her life. We talked and she was eager to receive forgiveness from a Savior and make changes in her life. I loved learning over and over again that we are just here to watch what only God can do for his glory; which is to bring many into his eternal kingdom.

Family Report
I love my family. I love my wife of 30 years. I love Daniel who is soon to be a father of two. The second one will be a GIRL! I love his wife she is a great wife and mother. I love their son who is a great and cute grandson. I love David who is working to make many changes in his life. He is a wonderful and learning and growing father to two great sons. I love Aaron who is maturing into an honorable man. He is in love with a wonderful woman. I love Tim who is in school and moving on with his life. I love my family.

Financial Report
Our support is about $300 per month short. So please pray. If you would like to send in a one time gift you can. Here is how you can help: Send a check to InFaith -- 672 Conestoga RD -- Box 379 -- Villanova, PA 19085. Put 03102 - work funds on the memo line. Thanks so much. I will give updates via email on a regular basis. If you would like regular updates then please send me your email address. Thanks.

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