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Maximum Marks : 90

Time : 3 hours

Instructions :
The question paper is divided into four sections. Section A Section B Section C Section D : : : : Reading Writing Grammar Literature 20 marks 20 marks 15 marks 35 marks

All questions are compulsory. Marks are indicated against each question.

SECTION - A (Reading 20 Marks)

1. Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow by writing the options that you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet : The biggest travesty of this generation is that families do not dine together, says Jean K Hopper, a noted American etiquette and protocol consultant, adding, Dinning together not merely fosters good table manners but good social skills as well. Theres an awareness of the other that comes from sitting together. Sitting together and having a family meal, generally the evening meal, curbs our natural savagery and animal greed. It cultivates the feeling of sharing and consideration for others. Indeed, table manners are one of the subtlest lines separating civility from barbarity. Dinner rituals have little to do with the income or the social class of a family. Its not important whether you sit at a dining table or squat on the kitchen floor. Even the food you have hardly matters. What really counts is the grace with which food is served and accepted. Its through the practice of family sitting at meals and observing the attendant convention that youngsters learn the art of human companionship, the culture of giving and receiving. The ideal family meal calls for undistracted dinning, not sitting in front of the T.V. Research reveals those families who watch T.V. during dinner time tend to develop poor eating habits, putting kids at risk from obesity or malnutrition. (a) The biggest travesty of the generation is that ____________. (i) families have no dining table. (ii) families do not dine together. (iii) families dine together. (iv) families have no enough food to dine. Dinning together fosters ____________. (i) good table manners (ii) good social skills (iii) an awareness of others (iv) All of the above Page 2 of 9 5



The more important thing in dinner rituals is ____________? (i) what food is served (ii) how much costly is the food (iii) the grace with which food is served and accepted (iv) All of the above The ideal families do not sit in front of T.V. because _________. (i) there is risk of developing malnutrition and poor eating habits. (ii) it develop poor eating habits (iii) they forget eating (iv) they eat a lot The word from passage which is antonym of harmless is ________. (i) ritual (ii) harmful (iii) obesity (iv) travesty 5




Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow by choosing the correct alternatives from those given : Smoking is the major cause of mortality with cancer of the lung and is one of the factors causing death due to cancers of throat, mouth, food pipe, kidney, stomach and coronary heart diseases. Nicotine is the major substance present in the smoke that causes physical dependence. The additives do produce damage to the body for example, ammonia can result in a two fold increase in the ability of nicotine to enter into the smoke. Levulinic acid, added to cigarettes to mask the harsh taste of the nicotine, can increase the binding of nicotine to brain receptors, which increases th e kick of nicotine. Smoke from the burning end of a cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals and 40 carcinogens. It has long been known that tobacco smoke is cancer causing. The lungs of smokers collect an annual deposit of 1 to 1 pounds of the soft and sticky black material. Invisible gas phase of cigarette smoke contains nitrogen, oxygen and toxic gases like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, acrolein, hydrogen cyanide and nitrogen oxides. These gases are poisonous and in many cases interfere with the bodys ability to transport oxygen. (a) ____________ in a cigarette makes people addicted to it ? (i) Ammonia (ii) Nicotine (iii) Laevulin (iv) Lung cancer ____________ in cigarettes helps the user to cover up the unpleasant taste of nicotine. (i) Smoke (ii) Ammonia (iii) Levulinic acid (iv) None of the above. The word ____________ in the first para means a death. (i) lung (ii) coronary (iii) stomach (iv) mortality The kick of nicotine means its ____________ . (i) harsh taste (ii) smoke (iii) effect (iv) unpleasant smell. The word in the passage that means take something from one place to another is ____________ .





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(i) (iii) 3.

transport receptor

(ii) (iv)

interfere bind 1x5=5

Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow : LET US BE HUMAN Two hungry dogs lingered behind me, I thought they wanted a meal. My friend shooed them away, They went; but slowly, in dismay. I told my friend that it was wrong, As they trotted and strayed along. As the dogs went away, They stopped to talk and pray They seemed to be lost deep in thought. What nature and destiny for them had brought. I wondered what they were thinking of us, The masters of the world, the conquerors of the earth. Cant we love and live with nature ? Cant we help these speechless creatures ? As I stood there awed and dazed, I read their faces, Transfixed and amazed. It dawned upon me that they were beautifully made. I imagined that they were talking. About us and our doings. They thought that we were aliens on earth, Who had been killing and conquering since birth. They could do nothing against a man. I watched the dogs enter a street, I knew that they were searching for meat. Why do we rob these innocent dogs ? Of basic food for which they long ? That day to me was a thickening fog, Should we humans continue to hog ? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What was the wrong done to the dogs ? Why did the two dogs follow the poet ? Who cant love and live with nature ? What message does the poet convey through the poem ? Which word in the passage means the same as fate / lot ?


Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in our days work. The early riser has done a large amount of work before other men get out of bed. In the early morning, the mind is fresh and there are few sounds and other distractions. So the work done at this time is generally well done. The early riser also finds time to take some exercise in this fresh morning air, and this exercise supplies him with enough energy that will last until the evening. By beginning early, he knows that he has plenty of time to do thoroughly all the work he is expected to do and he is not tempted to hurry over any part of it. All his work is finished in good time and he goes to bed early. He gets several hours of sleep before midnight when sleep is the most

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refreshing. After a sound nights rest, he rises early next morning in good health and spirit for the labour of a new day. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) How does early rising give us a good start ? Why is the work done in the morning generally better ? What is the advantage of exercise ? Why does the early riser not have to hurry up ? Which word in the passage means completely ?

SECTION - B (Writing 20 Marks)

5. You are Ankit / Ankita living at A405, Old Rohtak Road, Delhi. Your friend Sandeep / Sandhya has recovered after long illness. Write a letter congratulating your friend on his / her recovery. (100 words) OR You are Rohit / Reena living at 59, Rana Pratap Bagh, Delhi. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily requesting him to bring to the notice of the authorities the problem of frequent breakdown of electricity in your locality. (100 words) Drug addiction is becoming very common among our youth. Perhaps some of the young find this life too burdensome. To escape from this they take to drugs. Write an article in about 120 words on the topic, The Evil of Drug Addiction. Use the following verbal input. (Drug addiction very common among youth_____ causes_____ parents too strict_____ neglect them_____ no employment after 50 -20 years of education _____ frustrated _____ start taking drugs _____ keep our youth away _____ employment based educational system _____to be evolved.) OR The population of India is increasing at a very fast rate. At present it is about 110 Crore. In 1951, it was about 51 Crore. Due to this population explosion, India is facing many problems. Write a speech in about 120 words telling the problems caused by Population Explosion and also suggesting some methods to check it,. Use the following verbal input. (Population in India _____ increasing _____ causes_____ problems _____ poverty _____ no progress _____ unemployment _____ crime _____ unavailability of resources _____ checked _____ family planning _____ birth control etc.) The teacher asked the students to write a story. Anil could not complete the story. Help him to complete his story on the basis of the beginning given below. (80 words) One day a wood cutter was felling a tree at the bank of a river. By chance his axe fell into the river. He began to weep. The god of water appeared and said __________ OR Rohan and Nitesh are meeting after a long time. They discuss what they have been doing since they parted. Write a dialogue between them. 8



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SECTION - C (Grammar 15 Marks)

8. Choose the most appropriate options from the list to complete the following passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole passage. Without the mothers (a) __________ touch no family (b) __________ grow properly. The father (c) __________ be the formal head (d) __________ the family, But bit is the mother (e) __________ brings up the family and (f) __________ the young. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 9. (i) love (i) Can (i) should (i) in (i) who (i) train (ii) loved (ii) Could (ii) may (ii) to (ii) which (ii) trains (iii) loving (iii) may (iii) must (iii) of (iii) that (iii) trained (iv) to love (iv) should (iv) Could (iv) into (iv) what (iv) training 1x3=3 x6=3

Complete the news item given below by choosing the appropriate options from the list given. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole passage. People killed in earthquake in Gujarat Thousands of people (a) __________ in the earthquake in Gujarat last month. Many villages (b) __________ completely. Now new houses (c) __________ for the homeless. (a) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) (i) (iii) were killed is killed are destroyed had been destroyed is built are being built (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) was killed had been killed were destroyed destroyed are built have built




Read the dialogue given below and then complete the report that follows. Write your answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the dialogue and the report. Ravi : Please give me some assignment on G. K. Anil : Why do you want assignments ? Ravi : I have to prepare for examination. Ravi requested Anil (a) ______________________________________ . Anil asked him (b) ______________________________________ . Ravi told Anil that (c) ______________________________________ . The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number in your answer sheet as given in the example. Ensure that the word forms your answer is underlined. Incorrect correct One day, Nawab sent words words __________ word to his minister that I wanted (a) __________________ a entire earth measured from (b) __________________




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side to side and of end to end. He would also great appreciate it, if the minister count the stars in a sky as well. 12.

(c) __________________ (d) __________________ (e) __________________ (f) __________________ 1x3=3

Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. day / the / happy / wish / you / returns / many / of / I I wish you many happy returns of the day. (a) feared by / snakes / are / in our / worshipped and / many people / country (b) a day / an / doctor / away / apple / the / keeps (c) injurious / smoking / is / health / to


13. (a) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : He came and sat down on things, just when they were wanted to be packed, and he labored under the fixed belief that, whenever Harris or George reached out their hand for anything, it was his cold damp nose that they wanted. He put his legs into jam, and he worried the teaspoons, and he pretended that the lemons were rats, and he got into the hamper and killed three of them before Harris could land him with the fryingpan. (i) Who came and sat down on the things ? (ii) What did Harris or George touch when they reached their hand for packing ? (iii) Where did he put his legs ? (iv) What did he do the lemons ? Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : Because I was so young, I used to go to bed at 8 p.m. The other tennis pupils would come in at 11 p.m. and wake me up and order me to tidy up the room and clean it. Instead of letting that depress me, I became more quietly determined and mentally tough. I learnt how to take care of myself, I never thought of quitting because I knew what I wanted. When you come from nothing and you have nothing then in makes you very hungry and determined. I would have put up with much more humiliation and insults than that to steadfastly pursue my dream. (i) Why did Maria go to bed so early ? (ii) What would the other pupils ask her to do ? (iii) Did she ever think of quitting the game ? (iv) What did she become after suffering this humiliation ? 4



Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate options from those given. [Any two extracts] (A) Said the Duck, As I sat on the rocks, I have thought over that completely, And I bought four pairs of worsted socks Which fit my web feet neatly. And to keep out the cold lve bought a cloak, And every day a cigar Ill smoke,


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All to follow my own dear true Love of a Kangaroo! (i) The Duck bought four pairs of worsted socks __________ (a) for the kangaroo. (b) to wear in her wet feet. (c) to open a shop of socks. (d) to sit on the rocks after wearing them. (ii) The Duck bought __________ to keep out the cold. (a) socks (b) a clock (c) a cloak (d) a cigar (iii) The word, worsted means __________ (a) made of firmly twisted yarn (b) worst (c) cotton (d) woolen (B) It takes much time to kill a tree, Not a simple jab of knife Will do it. It has grown Slowly consuming the earth, Rising out of it, feeding Upon its crust, absorbing Years of sunlight, air water, And out of its leprous hide Sprouting leaves. (i) __________ help a tree grow stronger (a) Water (b) Sunlight (c) Air (d) all of the above __________ is harmful to kill a tree. (a) Water (b) A simple job of the knife (c) Slowing consuming the Earth (d) Not a simple job of knife The phrase leprous hide means __________ (a) roots of the plant (b) rough bark of the tree (c) sprouting leaves (d) a job of knife




He glides through the water away from the stroke. O let him go over the water Into the reeds to hide Without hurt. Small and green He is harmless even to children. (i) He in the first line stands for the __________ (a) snake (b) poet (c) man (d) children The snake is __________ (a) harmless (b) green (c) small (d) all of the above Page 8 of 9



The snake is going into the water __________ (a) to swim over it. (b) to drink water (c) to hide into the reeds (d) to dive 2x3=6


Answer any three of the following questions in 40 50 words each. (a) Why does the Intruder choose Gerrard as the man whose identity he wants to take on ? (b) What incidents during the Everest expedition show Santoshs concern for her team-mates ? (c) What was Jeromes real intention when he offered to pack ? (d) Write a brief character sketch of Santosh Yadav. Answer the following question in about 80 words. Why was Baba sent to Mysore Zoo and how was he taken back ? OR Compare and contrast the atmosphere in and around the Baudhnath Shrine with that of the Pashupatinath temple. Answer the following question in about 80 words. How did Prashant help children and women of his village ? OR What was the doctors diagnosis about Johnsys ailment ? What were the chances of her recovery ? Answer any two the following questions in 40 50 words each. (a) How does Bill Bryson end up in a crash position in the aircraft ? (b) How did his old teachers encourage the author to adjust in his new school ? (c) How did Olga save Lushkoff ? -oOo-





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