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Differentiate among following

Respiration Photosynthesis 1. Respiration is a catabolic process in which compounds are broken down. 2. In this process the carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars. 3. The end of the products is CO2 and H2O. 4. Occur during day and night. Light is not necessary for this process. 5. Energy is released from food material. 1. Photosynthesis is an anabolic process in which compounds are formed. 2. In this process the carbohydrates are manufactured. 3. The end product of this process is simple carbohydrates. 4. Occur during day time only. Light is necessary for the process. 5. It is energy coming process. Renewable Resources of Energy Non-Renewable Resources of Energy 1. Renewable resources are used continuously and can be used again and again. 2. Examples are air, water, soil, wild life, forests, fish etc. 3. Renewable resources are constantly renewed by biogeochemical cycles of nature. E.g.: Animals take O2 and return to CO2 to environment. 1. Non-renewable resources of energy cannot be used again and again after their consumption. 2. Major examples include coal, oil, natural gas etc. 3. Non-renewable resources are being exhausted a day by day because their demand rise. Due to worldwide demand of fossil fuels; its supplies are declining. Artery Vein 1. Arteries are blood vessels which transport blood away from the heart. 2. The inside lumen or bore of the arteries is narrow. 3. Arteries carry oxygenated blood with the exception of pulmonary artery. 4. The walls of the arteries are elastic. 5. The blood is under great pressure in arteries Arteries are end in capillaries. 1. Veins are blood vessels which always carries blood towards the heart. 2. The inside bore or lumen of veins is wide. 3. The walls of vein are less elastic. 4. The blood under less pressure in veins. 5. Veins start from capillaries. Lymph Plasma 1. Lymph is the part of blood which comes out of the blood capillaries. 2. The lymph is in direct contact with tissues. 3. The lymph usually contains Bacteria. 4. Lymph moves slowly. 1. Plasma is that part of blood which remains inside the blood vessel. 2. The plasma doesnt have a direct contact with the tissue. 3. Plasma usually does not contain Bacteria 4. Plasma move quickly. Laser Light Ordinary Light 1. Laser light is disciplined light. 2. Laser light has photons of same length. 3. It can be focused on very small point. 4. It is coherent light. 5. It is used in medicine and for diagnostic purposes. 1. It is undisciplined light. 2. Ordinary light has no photons of the same length. 3. It cannot be focused on a very small point.

4. It is incoherent light. 5. It has no medical use.

Most repeated questions of EDS

Muslim Scientists
Ibne Rushd - 1987 Al Farabi - 1991 Ibn e Nafis - 1991 Al Kinidi - 1991 Ibn Hayyan - 1987, 2001, 2011 Ibn al Baitar - 1995, 2001 Abu Ali Sina - 1991, 2001, 2008, 2011 Biruni - 1995, 2005, 2010 Ibn Al-Haitham -1987, 1995, 2005, 2010, 2012 Muhammad bin Musa Al-Khawarizmi - 2008, 2012 Umer Al Khayam - 1991, 2001, 2009 Zakariya Al Razi - 1987, 2001, 2009

Balanced Diet
Balanced diet 1993, 1994, 2002, 2007, 2008,2012 Pasteurization 1987, 1995, 2001, 2008 Disease caused by deficiency 1987 Sources of Vitamins 1990 Vitamin A - 2012 Vitamin C - 2012 Iron - 2012 Calcium - 2012 Iodine - 2012

Software 1991, 2000, 2002 Registers 1998, 2000 Computers 1991 Microcomputers 1991 Peripheral uses 1991 Hardware 1991 CPU 1996 RAM 2000 Byte 2000 Mouse 2000 Icons 2000

Control Unit 2000 LAN 2000 Modem 2000 ALU 2000 Computer Viruses 2008 Millennium Bug - 2009 Internet - 2010, 2011

Renewable energy resources 1996, 2001, 2008, 2011 Geothermal energy 2005, 2008 Non conventional source of energy 1994 Magnetic resonance Imaging 2006 Tide energy 2006 Dam and barrage 2006 Voltage Stabilizer - 2010 Forms of energy - 2011 Types of energy- 2011

Solar System - 1999, 2002, 2003, 2008 Planets 1986, 2002 Lunar Eclipse 1994, 1999 Solar Eclipse 1999 Hovering Satellite 1994 Steroid 2002 Mercury 2004 Plato 2004, 2011 Communication satellite 2005 Satellites 2007 Artificial Satellite - 2011 Supernova 2008 Synchronous satellite - 2009 Big Dipper - 2009 Nebula - 2009 Big Bang Theory - 2011 Galaxy - 2011

Hazards of Sciences
Water pollution 1995, 2000, 2001, 2005 Global warming 1998, 2004, 2006, 2010 Green house effect 1998, 2001, 2009 Acid rain 1990, 2002 Environmental pollution 1988 Reclaim a saline soil 1989 Water logging 1989 Salinity 1989 Ozone depletion - 1996

Earthquake 1989, 1998, 2008, 2012 Heavy water 1989, 1985 Structure of earth 1997, 2003 Minerals 2002, 2009 Lightening 1985 Seasonal variation 1991, 2010, 2012 Movements of the earth and its atmosphere 2000 Seismograph 2004 Tsunami 2005, 2012 Sedimentary rocks 2007, 2012 Days and nights 1991 Volcanoes 1999, 2012 International Date Line 1998 Deforestation 1995 Igneous rocks - 2009 Typhoons - 2011 Tornadoes - 2011 Physical characteristics of earth - 2012 Ocean Tides - 2012 Floods - 2012 Metamorphic rocks - 2012

Pollination (cross) 1988, 1991, 2001, 2003 Photosynthesis 1987, 1988, 1998, 2001, 2012 Ecosystem 1994, 2000, 2001, 2002 Positively and negatively phototropic parts of plant 1987 Nitrogen cycle 1992, 2012 Structure of animal cell 1994 Cellulose 1992 Viruses 1994 Osmosis 1997 Transpiration 1997 Important parts of flower 2001 Fertilization 2001 Animal cell 2008 Producers and consumers of ecosystem 1989 Balance of nitrogen in atmosphere 1985 Glycolysis 1997 Phototaxis 1997 Root tubers 1987, 1992 Food chain 1987 Symbiosis 1987 Biochemical cycle 1992 Diffusion 1994 Catabolism 1995 Epiphytes 2007 Similarities and differences between animals and plants - 2009 Amphibian - 2009

Vertebrates - 2010 Invertebrates - 2010 Flying mammal 2010 Bird 2010 Ribosome - 2011 Mitochondria - 2011 Lysosomes - 2011 Chloroplasts - 2011 Golgi apparatus - 2011 Nucleic acids - 2011

Human Biology
Endocrine glands 1990, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2007 Human eye 1985, 1990, 2002 Hemophilia 1987, 1989, 1992 Excretory system 1995, 2000 Human brain 1990, 1994 Principle of immunization 1987, 1995 Chromosomes 1988, 1989 Composition of blood 1995, 1999 Hormones 2001, 2008 Human kidney 1988 Human blood 1988 Clotting 1988 Heredity 1989, 2010 Hereditary disease transferred from parents to offsprings - 2010 DNA 1990, 2012 Digestion 1991 Feedback mechanism of human system 2000 Characters transmitted from parents to offsprings 2007 Blood pressure 1987 Immunity 1987 Blood groups 1998 Ovulation 2003 Gene 2006 Biotechnology 2003 Receptors and receptor organs in human body - 2009 Genetic Engineering - 2009 Coronary artery - 2010 Sino- Auricular Node - 2010 Aortic valve - 2010 Auricle - 2010 Reflex Action - 2010 mRNA - 2012 Proteins - 2012

Polymer (synthetic) 1994, 2001, 2002 Heavy water - 2011 Soft water

Hard Water - 2011 Carbon cycle 1992, 1998, 2000 Suplhide Cynnabar (Hgs) 2003 Catalyst 1992 Fermentation - 2009 Aqua Regia - 2009 Enrichment of Uranium - 2009 Allotropy - 2009 Isomers - 2010, 2011 Isotopes - 2010, 2011

Virus 1987, 1994 Meningistis 2000 Pollen allergy 2006 Bird flu 2006 Short sightedness 1998 Dengue Virus - 2009 Swine flu - 2010

Nuclear fission 1986, 1987, 1998, 2001 Fusion 1986, 1998, 2001 Radioactivity 1989, 2008 Law of gravitation 1992 Conductor 1998, 2012 Resistor 1998 Transistor 1998 Escape velocity 1999 Optic fiber 2003 Insulator - 2012 Semiconductor - 1990, 1998, 2000, 2008, 2011, 2012 Superconductor - 2012

Inventions of Science
Laser 1986, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2012 Pesticides 1990, 1995, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2010, 2012 Antibiotics 1989, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2011, 2012 Antibody 1998, 2011 Ceramics 1996, 2001, 2007, 2008 Telephone 1990, 1994, 2000 RADAR 1986, 2001 Vaccine 1990, 1996, 2001, 2011, 2012 Television 1999, 2001 Plastics 1986, 2008, 2011 Fertilizers 2002, 2004, 2011 Microwave oven 2001, 2008, 2010, 2011 Immunization 1995

Transmistor 1998 Escape velocity 1999 Photovoltaic Cell 2001, 2012 Tape recorder 2001 Camera 2008 Teleprinter- 2009 Vacuum Cleaner - 2009 Microwave oven 2001, 2008 Pace Maker 2010 Antiviral Drug - 2012 MMR Vaccine - 2012

Ultrasonic waves 1986, 2005 Plaster of Paris 1998, 2006, 2010 Radio waves 1990 Scavenger 1998 Superconductivity 2004 Night Vision Technology 2004 Supersonics 2006 Short circuit 1998 Shockwaves 2005 Second barrier 2005 Solar cell 2005 Reaction time 1998 Quartz 2003 Allele 2002 Pressure cooker 2001 Paramagnetism and diamagnetism 2001 CNG 2001 Super fluid 2005 Photovoltaic cell 2005 Theodolite 2006 Hygrometer 2005, 2010 Role of Nitrogen and phosphorous in plant 1990 Modulation 1995 Saponification 1997 Nuclear reactor 2007 Hydrometer 2010 Plaster of Paris 2010 Perimeter 2010 Telemeter 2010 Microscope - 2011 Telescope - 2011 Ultrasonics - 2011 Infrasonics - 2011 Antigens - 2011

Part-II Attempt only FIVE Questions Q.No.2. (a) The flood disaster in Pakistan is caused by the follies of humans.comment (5) (b) State the message of The Earth Hour Movement. (5) Q.No.3. (a) Porifera is an ancient group of animals from Cambrian period. What is the cause of their survival/success? (5) (b) How heavy water differs from ordinary water and what is its use in Atomic Reactor? (5) Q.No.4. What part do antibiodies play in allergic reaction? How vaccination can be helpful in its control/prevention? (10) Q.No.5. (a) Differentiate between Renewable and Non-renewable sources of energy. Give examples of each one of them. (5) (b) Why Nuclear Energy is being preferred in developed countries and why are we lagging behind in this important source of energy? (5) Q.No.6. (a) What is Nanotechnology and what are its use? (5) (b) Briefly explain the differences between Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. (5) Q.No.7. Write Comprehensive note on: (a) LASER and their use (5) (b) OPTIC FIBRES and their importance in modern telecom system (5) Q.No.8. Write all that you know about Pesticides. How are they classified by agronomists? (10) Q.No.9. Write note on: (a) Biotechnology (5) (b) Global Warming (5)

Q2: Write briefly about two or more major achievements of each of the following two famous Muslim scientists:a) Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Musa Al Khwarizmi (05) b) Abu Ali Al Hassan Ibn Al Hassan Al Haytham (05) Q3: a) List four or more physical characteristics of the Earth. (05) (b) Briefly explain how seasons and ocean tides are produced on the Earth? (05) Q4: (a) Very briefly explain the difference between Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and tsunamis. (05)

(b) Briefly explain the difference between Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks. (05) Q5: (a) Very briefly explain the difference between an Insulator, a Conductor, a Semiconductor and a Superconductor. (05) (b) Briefly explain the difference between a LASER and a Photovoltaic Cell. (05) Q6: (a) Briefly explain the difference between an Antibiotic, an Antiviral Drug, a Pesticide and a Vaccine. (05) (b) List any two of the three things that the MMR vaccine protects against. List any two other vaccines given to children. (05) Q7: (a) Briefly explain how Photosynthesis works? (05) (b) Briefly explain the Nitrogen Cycle in nature. (05) Q8: (a) Differentiate between the following: (05) DNA mRNA (Messenger RNA) Proteins

(b) Explain how DNA, m RNA and Proteins are interrelated to each other? (05) Q9 a) Explain what is mean by a Balanced Diet? (05) b) Give the major function of the following micronutrients: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium and Iodine. (05)

Everyday Science Paper 2011

PART II Q2: Write a short note on the following Muslim scientists by giving their exact life span and contribution to the field of science:a) Jabar-bin-Hayan b) Bu Ali Sina Q3: Differentiate between any Five of the following pairs:a) Typhoons and Tornadoes (b) Microscope and Telescope (c) Ultrasonics and Infrasonics (d) Hard water and Heavy water (e) Isotopes and Isomers (f) Antibodies and Antibiotic (g) Antigens and Vaccine Q4: (a) What is galaxy? The Earth belongs to which galaxy? (b) Briefly describe what is big bang theory. (c) Do you think that Pluto is still ninth planet of our solar system? If yes, how and if not why? Q5: (a) Basically how many forms of energy are there? Also name these. (b) Enlist different types of energy.

(c) What is renewable energy source? Quote three examples of renewable energy sources. Q6: Is plastic a natural or an artificial polymer? Describe various types of plastics and their uses. Q7: (a) What do the following abbreviations stand for? i) LAN ii) HTTP iii) HTML iv) PDF v) URL (b) Differentiate between natural and artificial Satellite. For what purpose artificial satellites are used? Q8: (a) What is the main function of: i) Ribosome ii) Mitochondria iii) Lysosomes iv) Chloroplasts v) Golgi apparatus . (b) Give habitats of following animals: i) Rattle Snake ii) Ostrich iii) Platypus iv) Rhinoceros v) Chimpanzee. Q9 Write note on the following:a) Nucleic acids b) Fertilizers c) Semiconductors d) Microwave oven e)Internet

Every Day science Paper 2010

Part - 2
Attempt only five questions. All questions carry equal marks. (50 Marks) Question # 02 : Write shot note on the following by giving their exact life span and contributions to the field of science. ( Accurate fact will be appreciated) (10) a) Al- Beruni b) Ibn- al - Haitham Question # 03: What do you know about hereditary disease ? Comment how they are transferred from parents to offsprings ? (10) Question # 04: Write briefly any five of the following: (Answer in three or four sentences) (10) a) Plaster of Paris b) Reflex Action c) Pace Maker d) Swine flue e) Microwave oven f) Internet g) Voltage Stabilizer Question # 05: A) What is global warming ? Is there any a sunny side to global warming ? If yes , explain. (5)

B) What makes the seasons happen ? (5) Question # 06: In which region of the world , the following animals are found? Give two main characteristics of each. (10) a) Blind dolphin b) Kangaroo c) panda d) Kiwi e) Penguin Question # 07: A) In which organ these parts are present in animals or human body ? (5) B) Describe the function of each briefly : (5) 1. 2. 3. 4. Coronary artery Sino- Auricular Node Aortic valve Auricle

Question # 08: Differentiate between the following pairs: a) Hydrometer and Hygrometer b) Perimeter and Telemeter c) Isotopes and Isomers d) Flying mammal and Bird e) Vertebrates and Invertebrates Question # 09: A) What are pesticides? Explain how these are dangerous to human beings? B) What do the following scientific abbreviations stand for? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) STP LORAN SONAR MAF MeV MASER AWACS CCTV FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2009

PART II (Subjective)

NOTE: (i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks. (ii)Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted questions will not be considered. Q.2. Write short note on the following by giving their exact life span and contribution to the field of science (Accurate facts will be appreciated) (5x2) (a) Umer Al Khayam (b) Zakariya Al Razi Q.3. Differentiate between ANY FIVE of the following pairs. (2x5) (a) Umbra and Penumbra (b) Heavy water and hard water (c) Smog and Smoke (d) Myopia and Hypropia (e) Lava and Magma (f) Periscope and perimeter (g) X-rays and Gamma rays Q.4. Sun is glorious star in our sky. Write down its characteristics with reference to the following date: (a) Distance from earth (b) Mean distance from center of galaxy (c) Velocity around centre of galaxy (d) Revolution period around centre of galaxy (e) Equatorial diameter (f) Rotation period at the equator (g) Core temperature (h) Solar wind (i) The lovely Diamond Ring effect (j) Future of sun Q.5. Write briefly (not more than three to four senetences) about ANY FIVE of the following: (2x5) (a)Allotropy (b) Nebula (c) Enrichment of Uranium (d) Aqua Regia (e) Greenhouse effect (f) Igneous rocks Q.6. (a) Define GENETIC ENGINEERING. In how many ways Genetic Engineering can be applied in different fields of life? Does it benefit society ? Discuss. (1+3+2) b. What do the following abbreviations stand for? (1/2 each)

i. SONAR ii. CNS iii. PTFE iv. LDL v. SARS vi. GUT vii. BASIC viii. BTU Q.7. (a) What are MINERALS? Discuss ANY TWO physical properties thereof. Also mention the names of four precious minerals of high commercial value. (b) Define the following: (1 each) (a) Amphibion (b) Synchronous satellite (c) Big Dipper (d) Fermentation (e) Millennium Bug Q.8. (a) Define RECEPTORS in man. Name different receptor organs in human body. Also discuss ANY TWO of them briefly. (b). Give Scientific reasons of the following: (1 each) i. The dogs pant, the birds open their mouth and the elephants move rapidly their ears. ii. The manholes covers are generally round. iii. A geostationary satellite appears standstill to a viewer on the equator of earth. iv. We never see birds urinating. v. Pasteurized milk has more nourishment than the ordinary boiled milk. Q.9. (a) Highlight the similarities and differences between animals and plants. (3+3) (b) Write short note on ANY TWO of the following. (2 each) (i) Teleprinter (ii) Dengue Virus (iii) Vacuum Cleaner


TIME ALLOWED: 100 MINUTES..........Maximum Marks: 50 NOTE: (i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions. All questions carry EQUAL marks. (ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered. Q.1. Write briefly about the life and scientific contributions of the following Muslim Scientists: (5+5) a. Muhammad bin Musa Al-Khawarizmi

b. Abu Ali Sina Q.2. Differentiate clearly between the following pairs: (2 each) a. Fission and fusion b. Star and Planet c. Pollination and Fertilization d. Telescope and Microscope e. Antibiotics and Vaccines Q.3. a. Discuss briefly the SOLAR SYSTEM. (6) b. How are EARTHQUAKES caused? (4) Q.4. Write briefly (not more than four to five sentences) about any FIVE of the following: (2 each) a. Supernova b. Radioactivity c. Laser d. Semiconductors e. Geothermal Energy f. Computer Virus g. Pasteurization Q.5. a. What are HORMONES? Name four important hormones and describe their functions in the human body. (2+4) b. Explain the structure and function of an ANIMAL CELL with a labeled diagram. (2+2) Q.6. a. What are the essential nutrients of BALANCED DIET? Describe one such nutrient in detail explaining its role in the metabolism. (2+4) b. What do the following scientific abbreviations stand for? (1/2 each) i. PVC ii. BCG iii. ECG iv. CFC v. LPG vi. DNA vii. AIDS viii. TNT Q.7. a. Define ENERGY. Name four renewable sources of energy. How can our country come out of Energy Crisis? (1+2+3) b. Write a brief note on CERAMICS. (4) Q.8.

a. Describe very briefly the working of a CAMERA. How does it resemble in its function with that of the HUMAN EYE? (3+3) b. What are PLASTCS? Describe briefly their characteristics and Limitations. (1+3)

Everyday Science Paper 2007 FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMISSION COMPETATIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUMENT TO POSTS IN BPS 17, UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2007 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, PAPER I (EVERY DAY SCIENCE PART I (SUBJECTIVE) PART II (MCQ TYPE) Question paper bearing 50 marls will be given to you at 10:40 AM which is to be solved on OMR sheet TIME ALLOEED :100 MINUTES MAXIMUM MARKS :50 NOTE: (i) Attempt ONLY FIVE question. All questions carry EQUALL marks. (ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered. (iii) canidate must draw two straight lines(================) at the end to separate each question attempted in Answer Book. Q.1. write short notes on any two of the following (5 each) (a) Laser (b) Nuclear reactor (c) Ceramics Q.2. Write briefly (not more than three to four sentences) about any five of the following ( 2 each) (a) Asteroids (b) Black Hole (c) Aurora (d) Sedimentary Rock (e) Epiphytes (f) Ionosphere Q.3 Differenitate between the following pairs: (2 each) (a) BIT and BYTE (b) RAM and ROM (c) Epidemic and endemic (d) Photosynthesis and respiration (e) Herbivores and carnivores Q.4 (i) What are the endocrine glands? Name any Two. (2+2) (ii) Name the parts of human body from where the following secreted: (6) (a) Insulin

(b) thyroxin (c) adrenalin (d) oestrogen (e) cortisol (f) Testosterone Q.5 (a) Briefly discuss the classification of plants giving suitable examples: (6) (b) define the following: (4) (1) Vaccine (2) Antibiotic (3) Solar eclipse (4) Exothermic Q.5 Give scientific reasons of the following: (2 each) (a) Why climbers get their food by climbing on other trees ? (b) Mars is called red planet. (c) Vitamin D is the essential component of the bidy. (d) The weight of the oblect is less at the equator than at the poles. (e) Why do some people snore? Q.7 Give description of satellites and also give their functions. (10) Q.8 (a) What is balance diet? (5) (b) How are characters transmitted from parents to offspring? (5)

Federal Public Service Commission Exams 2006 General Knowledge, Paper -1 Every Day Science Time alowed 3 hrs Max.Marks 100 Note: (I) Attempt ONLY TEN questions. All questions carry equal marks. (ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the question will not be considered. (iii) Draw diagrams where necessary and write clearly. Q.1. Write short notes on only TWO of the following: (5 each) (a) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (b) Tidal Energy (c) Supersonics Q.2. What is Pollen Allergy? What preventive measures are to be taken to avoid it? (4, 6) Q.3 Name. (1 each) 1) The alloy consisting of metals copper, zinc and nickel. 2) The instrument specially designed for recording earthquake waves, 3) The electrical device which converts sound energy into electrical energy. 4) The ore of mercury metal. 5) The device with which variation of blood flow can be heard. 6) The element, which is abundantly present in the human body.

7) The scientist who discovered penicillin. 8) The astronaut who first landed on the surface of the moon. 9) The desert mammal, which does not drink water. 10) The mode of heat transfer from the sun to the earth. Q.4. Write briefly (not more than four to five sentences) about only FIVE of the following: (2 each) (a) Plaster of Paris (b) Theodolite (c) Bird Flu (d) Gene (e) Thermistor (f) Thermostat (g) Pedometer Q.5. Which physical quantities are measured by the following units? (1 each) (a) Foot-Pound (b) Torr (c) Slug (d) Guass (e) Acre Foot (f) Becquerel (g) Erg (h) Dyne (i) Gilbert (j) Dioptre Q.6. What is the difference between Dam and Barrage? What benefits are obtained by constructing a big dam? (2, 8) Q.7. Which of the following statements are True and which are False: (1 each) 1) Pitch of the dog sound is greater than the pitch of the cat sound. 2) Ultraviolet light is visible but infrared light is not visible. 3) Earthquakes are the lamps illuminating the structure of the earths exterior. 4) Electricity does not move through the wire but through a field around the wire. 5) A guava contains more vitamin C than an orange. 6) Sound travels faster in iron than in air. 7) Wheat Bridge is the name of an electrical circuit. 8) Morphine can cause constipation and lowering of blood pressure. 9) A concave lens is used for the correction of the Hyperphobia. 10) The nucleic acids are responsible for proteins synthesis in the human body. Q.8. Differentiate between the following pairs: (2 each) (a) Telemeter and Multimeter (b) Perimeter and Altimeter (c) Periscope and Microscope

(d) Nucleon and Photon (e) Cusec and Comet Q.9. Fill in the blanks: (1 each) 1) The branch of zoology, which deals with the study of insects is called __________ 2) The disease _________is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine). 3) Oil rises in a wick of oil lamp because of a property of matter, called ________ 4) The production of generally identical reproduction is called as ________ 5) ___________ is the fastest planet of the solar system. 6) Mercury metal is _________ times heavier than water. 7) Relative density of milk is measured by an instrument known as __________ 8) The temperature of a human body is measured by an instrument known as _________ 9) Gold and silver are known as _________ metals. 10) The amount of ozone in the atmosphere is expressed in __________. Q.10. What is global warming? Is there a sunny side to global warming? If yes, explain. (4, 6) Q.11. Give scientific reasons of the following: (2 each) a) Why do some people snore? b) Why do we sometimes sleep walk? c) Climber bends forward while climbing a mountain. d) The manhole covers are generally round. e) Roads are bent inwards on curves. Q.12. What are vitamins and minerals? Which vitamins and minerals play major role in the development of bones? (4, 6) Q.13. what do the following scientific abbreviations stand for? (1 each) (1) CRO (2) SARS (3) BOT (4) AMU (5) EMF (6) ADH (7) STP (8) GeV (9) NTP (10) CRT Q.14. Compare the columns A and B and write the correct answer from the column B corresponding to the column A (serial wise) in column C. (1 each) Column A Column B Column C (1) Geiger Muller Counter Semi Conductor (1)

(2) Newton Magnet (2) (3) Addison Electricity (3) (4) Bardeen and Brattin Radioactivity (4) (5) Weber Fehners Law E.M Induction (5) (6) Benjamin Franklin Lightening Conductor (6) (7) Decibel Gravitation (7) (8) Dr. Gilbert Water (8) (9) Henry Cavendish Sound (9) (10) Faraday Non-conductor (10) Q.15. Choose the best choice in the following statements: 1) One of the countries through which equator passes is: (a) Kenya (b) Malaysia (c) Malta (d) Pakistan 2) Copper can be converted into gold by: (a) Artificial radioactivity (b) heating (c) Electroplating (d) Chemical reaction 3) The three elements needed for healthy growth of plants are: (a) N, P, K (b) N, C, P (c) N, K, (d) N, S, P 4) Clocks, which moves with the velocities compareable with the velocity of light, run: (a) fast (b) slow (c) equal to the velocity of light (d) with zero velocity 5) Max Planck received the noble prize in Physics in 1918 for his discovery of: (a) electron (b) energy quanta (c) photon (d) positron 6) Bronze medal is made up of metals: (a) (copper,nickel) (b) (copper, tin) (c) (copper, silver) (d) (copper, zinc) 7) Addisons disease is caused by the excessive secretion of: (a) Antiduretic Harmone

(b) Luteinising Harmone (c) Melanophore stimulating Harmone (d) Adrenocorticotrophic Harmone 8) Development of calf muscles in ladies who wear high heels is a common example of: (a) Natural Selection (b) inheritance of acquired character (c) Use and disuse of organ (d) Artificial selection 9) Margalla Hill is a branch of: (a) Karakorum range (b) Hindukash range (c) Himalaya range (d) Nanga Parbat range 10) Humming bird belongs to a category called: (a) Ectotherm (b) Endotherm (c) Exotherm (d) Heterotherm.

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