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3600 Broadway Great Bend KS 67530-3692

Dominican Sisters

News for Families and Friends of Dominican Sisters and Associates

Grains of Wheat

Spring 2009

Grains of Wheat: The Final Chapter

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24 By Rebecca Ford Grains of Wheat began under the leadership of Sr Adele Konkel and Sr Levita Rohlman, and from 1976 to 1980, Sr Levita and Sr Cecilia Ann Stremel were the co-editors. Reflecting on how she became involved, Sr Cecilia Ann writes, Perhaps I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I would like to think I was in the right place at the right time! Sr Levita had worked with Grains of Wheat, and I was asked by the Leadership Council to work with her since we were both ministering in Garden City. I knew absolutely nothing about journalism or putting a paper together. I am not a visionary, but I can do what others vision. Sr Levita taught me everything I know about it. We put the paper together at night because she worked full time at Catholic Social Services and I taught 30 first graders at St Marys. As I recall, we talked about topics or themes to be written for each issue and were given suggestions by the Leadership Council. Ordinarily, Sr Levita contacted the persons who were suggested as writers and gave deadlines. She and I then cut, pasted, measured and arranged on our dining room table at our house in Garden City. We took the paper to Great Bend to get it printed, and then recruited any help we could get from the other sisters in Garden City to get the paper ready for mailingagain, at the same dining room table. We were all much younger and could accomplish this on a work night after supper. One of our favorite issues was the first issue in which all of the Sisters of our community were pictured. It took many hours to lay out all of the pictures artistically. It was in this issue that I did the calligraphy and most of the art work. There was much sweat and blood in this issue and we were pleased with it. Some didnt like the color green of the paper we chose, but I believe we chose it to symbolize Hope, and we liked it. I never dreamed Id be part of this project in this depth and would never have chosen it. However, it was a stretching experience for me in which I learned much and owe a great deal of gratitude to Sr Levita for the growth, knowledge, laughter and tears, and to the community for the trust and encouragement. In 1980-81, the year that Sr Celine Benoit and Sr Rene Weeks were co-editors, Grains of Wheat came out on newsprint for the first time, and with a new wheat logo created by
~ Continued on page 2

fter 36 years of publication, this will be the last issue of Grains of Wheat that you receive from the Dominican Sisters of Great Bend. One could say that this concluding paper is a testimony to what is inevitable for any individual or community who chooses to follow Christ: conversion, relinquishment of the self, death, and the hope of resurrection and new life. Grains of Wheat, named by Sr Judith Menke, was one of the fruits that came into being from the Dominican Sisters of Great Bend after Vatican Council II issued an invitation to open the windows of the Church and let in some fresh air. Sr Betty Jean Goebel, General Coordinator for the Community at the time, introduced the first issue in November 1972, saying: In these days of rapid social change and for the ultimate purpose of renewing all of societys segments and structures within our reach by putting them in contact with the leavening power of Christ, much emphasis is placed on each Sisters personal response in faith. Because of this emphasis on individual responsibility, our own communitys past structures are crumbling. The external patterns of conformity which formerly insured a kind of uniformity, sometimes only a mask for unity, have given way to a freedom which requires of each Sister an honest sensitivity of her own really internalized values, personal initiative for expressing these values concretely in the every day lived situation, which for her is not only to be expresssed as an isolated person doing her own thing but cooperatively in communion with other members of her religious congregation to which her life has been joined. Since then, Grains of Wheat has steadily told the stories of how the Dominican Sisters of Great Bend have emerged from the traditional and external habits and structures that formed and shaped their lives in the past, to cooperatively cultivate a new spirit of personal initiative, faith, responsibility, freedom, and values in the everyday lived situation. Over the years, many people have been involved in telling those stories.

Preaching with a New Fire

Dominican Sisters from Great Bend prepare for their first meeting as Dominican Sisters of Peace. See page 4.

Ohio Dominicans journey to Kansas

Dominicans from Ohio have recently begun new ministries in Kansas. Read more on page 5.

Thank you!
We gratefully acknowledge you, our donors, our friends, for your generous gifts which make our ministry possible! See pages 611.

Grains of Wheat
Continued from page 1

Spring 2009 Sr Martina Stegman. It was the International Year of Disabled Persons, and the paper featured articles on the Sisters in the community whose ministries involved them directly with handicapped persons. The year ended with a major flood in Great Bend. Eighty percent of of the town was under water, and 571 evacuees were sheltered at the motherhouse; it was a front page story in Grains of Wheat! For the next 16 years, Sr Irene Hartman and Sr Elaine Osborne were the editors for Grains of Wheat. For Sr Irene, like others before her, the paper was just one of many duties. During part of my time with Grains, she recalls, I was secretary for the Council, was on the Dominican Preaching team, served as chaplain in St Joseph Hospital in Larned, and began doing ministry in our parish. Nevertheless, she and Sr Elaine took the job of planning the paper seriously. At one point, both sisters attended a newsletter workshop in Kansas City. Two things I remember about that, Sr Irene recalls, First, be sure your newsletter has white space. Second, the instructor laughed at our Grains title and suggested we change it. We didnt. He couldnt have known that wheat is so precious to the Sisters on the Plains!!! Over the years, through changes in leadership and publication staff, the stalwart of the paper has been Sr Elaine. She writes: In the early days of the Grains of Wheat I helped in Garden City with the preparation of the paper for mailing. At that time it was an 11 x 17 newsletter, folded and stapled. We would gather as a group some evening and process the paper, an evening that accomplished the work of getting the paper ready for mailing, but also became a very enjoyable get-together for us Sisters who ministered in Garden City. With my job in communications came also more involvement with the paper. I have had some kind of consistent involvement in it since 1980 when I first came to Great Bend to do writing for the Community on the revision of our constitutions. My first duty for the paper after 1980 was to see to its folding, labeling, sorting, and mailing. I usually did this alone or with a couple volunteers from others who lived together with me in the first convent (then called the Pilgrim House of Praise). At that time I remember about 1500 on the mailing list which was not combined with any other of our mailing lists, e.g., Rosary Shrine, African Newsletter, etc. I remember having to call up the labels on the first computer that I had, one by one, and as each label came up separately having to reply Yes to print it or No not to print it. I dont remember when we first combined all our mailing lists, but when I first started the comparative report of Grains of Wheat in 1997 on the computer, the paper had already grown to a combined mailing list of 6,865. When I took the communications job in Great Bend I then had more direct involvement in the writing and soliciting of stories for the paper. This continued in some fashion with a co-editor, Sister Irene, until full-time personnel were hired in Communications. From that time on I was more involved in an advisory rather than writing capacity. My dream has always been to be a writer and editor of something. Grains of Wheat became that something for me. I loved the creation of the paper even though it was sometimes difficult to get the stories done on time by me or by others. I created the paper for several years by handthat is, typing all the stories, taking them to the Great Bend Tribune to be put into columns, correcting them when they came back, taking them back to the Tribune for corrections, getting the columns of type waxed at the Tribune, laying out the waxed paper columns on newspaper grids supplied by the Tribune, putting in waxed squares where the Tribune would later put in the negatives of the photos, proofing the sheets after the Tribune put in the photos and then waiting for the call that the paper was ready. In the early years, I also folded the paper when it came from the Tribune and then prepared it for mailing. Now we have the able assistance of Brenda Fish to manage the large database and to print the 7000+ labels very efficientlyall sorted by postal regulations and in groups by destination. Each quarter, twenty or more Sisters here at the Motherhouse gave over 240 cumulative volunteer womanhours to prepare the paper for mailing and we mailed over 30 mailsacks for each Grains of Wheat mailing. Now you have in hand the last issue of Grains of Wheat. In a way this is a sad time, certainly an experience of loss for me, for us. How many publications will come to all of you, our readers and friends, from the new congregation has not yet been determined. But there will be some way that we continue to greet each of you on a regular basis, and that is cause for anticipation and joyful planning. As each new aspect of our new congregation comes more in focus for us and as we plan the communication pieces that we will be sending you, we each have challenges to face that are changes for us and changes for you. With a new name and new policies, with new Sisters to learn to love, with a fresh new Leadership Team (elected in April 2009), with a future unfolding one day at a time, we Dominican Sisters of Peace will slowly but daily live into our new reality. We hope you will come along with us in this newness, rejoicing with each new bit of reality as it relates to you. Though transitions are not always easy, and are sometimes resisted, as we grow through each one as it comes, we become more and more open to whatever our personally unimaginable future will be. God is most wise in letting us know only bit by bit what a great future is in the divine plan for us!

Above: Over the years, twenty or more sisters at the motherhouse gave over 240 cumulative volunteer hours each quarter to prepare Grains of Wheat for mailing, and each mailing involved more than 30 mailsacks of papers.

Above: After the 7000-plus Grains of Wheat papers have been tabbed, labeled, sorted, and tied, they wait to be put into mail bags. (Below) The papers sit in the hallway for just a little bit until members of the the maintenance crew can take the bags to the post office.

Above and below: Since 2002, Grains of Wheat has been printed by The Spearville News in Spearville KS. (Below left): Sr Elaine Osborne looks on with anticipation as a new freshly printed issue arrives at the motherhouse.

with a New Fire

By Sr Elaine Osborne Dominican Sisters from Great Bend attended a pre-chapter assembly in St Louis, October 31 November 2, 2008, for their new congregation, the Dominican Sisters of Peace. The pre-chapter meeting prepares and inspires the sisters and generates excitement for the chapter (general assembly) meeting that will be held this coming April. It was a meeting that had an important impact on the members and their planning because the Chapter meeting in April will initiate the first acts of the new congregation which will be founded during Easter 2009. The pre-chapter assembly was at times very exciting, often hard work, and always interspersed with fun and laughter. It was exciting to hear Sr Carol Zinn CSJ, the keynote speaker, so interestingly and competently highlight some of the gifts of Dominican life which she perceived could help us with the challenges for Dominican mission in todays world. Dominicans often invite challenging speakers who are not Dominican to help them reflect, as an outsider, what they see in Dominican life and mission. Sister Carol is one of these inspirational speakers whose expertise is the observation and analysis of charism how the gifts of a religious tradition impact the world through their ministry.

derstanding. We realize there isnt anything we cannot do; we sense progress and achievement. Then we begin to understand the meaning of togetherness. We grow into understanding that absolutely everything is connected, and finally that everything is interconnected. By growing in this consciousness of all things being this closely related, we realize the needs of others and offer our care and our gifts. The Common Good is the sum total of the social conditions which allow people to reach their fulfillment more fully and easily. Individualism is subjected to the common good while still valuing the individual gifts within the group. We transform our thinking and our presence in the world, acknowledging that everything lives in everything else and depends on everything else. The challenge for our new congregation and for each member is to be about the common good for sake of the worlds needs and hungers. Culture is about what holds us together. In religious life this is the learning and the teaching of the mission of Jesus. Our way as religious of communicating this message of Jesus is through our commitment to the vowed life, putting our ears to the heart of Christ, and living out what we hear. As religious we organize ourselves through community life; we are one with one sense of purpose to witness to the world that the journey to Jerusalem is worth it. The life, death, and resurrection journey always changes us. The needed changes that lie ahead of us will have a cost. Reconfiguration (forming our new community) will not change the basic culture of religious life but our joining with other women religious will enlarge the breadth of our response to needs and that is the one great reason for our reconfiguration. Even though we subject individualism to the common good, we believe the extent that Dominican life brings gifts to the world depends on each Dominican woman. If each Sister passionately lives out her religious life, then Dominican life as a whole can feed the world in ways that people are most hungry for: unity, interdependence, justice, wholeness, reverence, a sense of the sacred, and wisdom. Sister Carol concluded her talk by showing how the elements of Dominican life prayer, community life, itinerancy, preaching, ministry, truth, and study meet these hungers of the world. Sister
(Above) Sr Peggy Martin OP, Canon Lawyer from Great Bend, addresses the assembly of Dominican Sisters about the proposed governance plan and directives that will guide the Dominican Sisters of Peace after Easter 2009. Most of the Dominican sisters from Great Bend, including Sr Nancy Jane Kuntz and Sr Charlotte Unrein (2nd and 3rd from the left, below), attended the pre-chapter assembly in St Louis. Thanks to modern technology, sisters who were not able to travel were also able to participate in the assembly from their respective motherhouses. For example, a few Dominican sisters watched the opening session of the pre-chapter assembly in the motherhouse auditorium in Great Bend (bottom).

Grains of Wheat

Spring 2009

From Buckeyes and Aviation to Sunflowers and Wheat:

Ohio Dominicans Find a New Home in Kansas

By Rebecca Ford

Sr Carol Zinns address focused on the theme of the gathering, Preaching with a New Fire. She noted that reconfiguration (our seven communities uniting into one community) truly is for the life of the world. This journey of becoming a new community is not principally about efficient ways of doing things or about good use of resources. It is about how to enhance and broaden the presence and mission of religious life in the world and for the world. Sr Carol first spoke about three important Cs Consciousness, Common Good and Culture and related them to the presence and gifts of Dominican women in mission. We grow in Consciousness first through our concern about our personal safety, security, and our belonging, through the realization we have power and control. Then we begin to realize that there is an order in Gods mind beyond our own un-

Carol helped us recognize where we personally and communally have bridges to build to meet current realities. Who we are called to be is truly awesome, and when we are who we are meant to be, we can truly be a power for good. We have all that we need for now and for this reconfiguration process the energy is among us. Gratitude for knowing this is true can be our first response.

Some of the hard work of the pre-chapter meeting involved coming to an acceptance of the governance plan and the directives for the Dominican Sisters of Peace. Much discussion and many suggestions were given to the committee who writes and rewrites these documents. In the end, most of us agreed that it is best to just begin to live the proposed governance plan and revisit it in several years when living it would give us a more realistic perspective for suggestions. This seems truer to the realization we have come to believe that we will be shown our unfolding reality one day at a time, one transition at a time. The assembly also approved some procedures for chapter, looked at qualities for the Leadership Team positions to be elected in April, received a timeline for the election process for our first Leadership Team, and discussed some parts of direction- setting for the chapter.

his past summer, while attending an intercongregational gathering of Dominican Sisters that will soon be known as the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Sr Andre Kravec remembers lamenting that she still didnt have a job. From across the elevator, Sr Teresita Huse called out: I have just the job for you. Theres an opening in Kansas if you would be interested. Okay. Be sure to give me your name and number before you go, okay? Okay. Afterwards in her hotel room, Sr Andre, a Dominican from Akron OH, looked at her friend and asked, Do I want to go to Kansas? What is out in Kansas?! From her very first phone call with Fr Charles Mazouch, the pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish in Claflin KS, Sr Andre knew she was coming to Kansas. It just clicked, even from the phone conversation. I met him and the two of us went out to eat. I had my interview and then met the parish council and that was it. It was a done deal. With more than 35 years of experience in about 15 different parishes, and family blue-collar roots that go back to coal mines and Goodyear Tire and Rubber in Ohio, the move to Claflin hasnt been a big shift for Sr Andre. On the other hand, she has just moved from the largest (1,2001,400 families) to the smallest church (150 families) that she has ever worked at. Its a change that she welcomes: In early December I had to go to a doctor in Michigan, so I went back to the parish I had come from. Well the church building itself is enormous because youve got seating for 800 to a 1000 people. I look at the inside of that church and then I look at little Claflin here, and I think we could put this one in there three times if not more just because of seating capacity. I came away with the feeling that I dont belong there any more. This is where I belong. I could hardly wait to get back here! Here in Kansas, Sr Andre relishes the opportunity to be involved with parishioners who have already impressed her with their strong work ethic, their care and ownership of their church, and the centrality of the farming rhythm in their daily lives. In addition to looking after the facilities, scheduling liturgical ministers, and de-

veloping the youth and adult religious education programs a little bit more, Sr Andre understands her ministry to be one of being involved with the people, including the children. Already, she has begun a regular schedule of reading to children in elementary classrooms, eating lunch with the high school students and going to their games. Its those kinds of connections and those kinds of relationships that are going to help, she explains. Theyre going to feel theyre special. Today, after just four months on the job, Sr Andre observes: Everybody seems to think that Kansas is just way out there! Well, we are way out there but I tell my own community, Youve got to come out here! You cant believe the spirit here! Sr Jane Belanger also traveled from Ohio to Kansas this past October. After working for several years at Shepherds Corner, an eco-justice ministry sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of St Mary of the Springs in Columbus OH, Sr Jane has brought much experience and wisdom to the Heartland Farm Community. Both sisters have been a temendous blessing, said Sr Diane Traffas. If they are any indication of the spirit of the other communities who are becoming part of the new congregation, the Dominican Sisters of Peace, then we know this merger is the right thing.

Sr Jane Belanger (above) and Sr Andre Kravec (below) are Dominicans from Ohio who have recently begun new ministries in Kansas. Sr Jane has begun working with the community at Heartland Farm, a ministry of the Dominican Sisters in Great Bend. Sr Andre is the new Pastoral Assistant at Immaculate Conception Parish in Claflin.

Pray the Rosary

Our next Rosary Novena is March 14 to May 9, 2009
Let us all join our hearts in prayer for peace in our troubled world. Send your petitions to be united with others at our Rosary Shrine. We offer the Eucharistic Liturgy each week at our motherhouse for all our benefactors and for our Rosary Shrine clients. Praying for you always. . . Ever since the Rosary Shrine was founded in the 1930s, our sisters consistently remember you, your families, and your special needs in prayer. We pray for you whether we know your special needs or not, and we always enjoy the letters from you which tell us of your special needs.

Dear Rosary Shrine clients, Even though this is our last issue of Grains of Wheat you will notice that we are continuing the perpetual Rosary Novena. Since the Dominican Sisters of Great Bend are now part of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, all the names in our database (including current Rosary Shrine Clients) will be transferred to the larger database in Columbus OH. Your names will remain on the mailing list for the publications of the Dominican Sisters of Peace which are sent to all our family, friends, benefactors, etc. You will also receive a letter from the Rosary Shrine, from us here in Great Bend. How often both this letter and the publications from the Dominican Sisters of Peace will come to you has not yet been determined, but they will come! We are happy to relate to you our decision to keep the Rosary Shrine ministry (which was begun in 1938) as a local ministry here in Great Bend! The future of the Rosary Shrine is secure, and we hope that you will continue to stay in touch with us by sending your requests for prayer and votive lights. Our motherhouse has always been a powerhouse of prayer and intercession for family, friends, and the needs of our world, and our sisters look forward to hearing from you and remembering your needs in prayer. Peace to you from all the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Sister Geraldine Eakes OP Director of the Rosary Shrine

FUN . . .
Throughout the weekend the sounds of laughter, sisters greeting and meeting one another, and the fun of Halloween evening brought a lightness and gentleness of spirit to the seriousness of the matters under consideration. The healthy balance of intense consultation and listening to one another intently was often lightened by the characteristically Dominican value of celebrating and enjoying our life together.

Grains of Wheat

Spring 2009
Michael & Eleo Beth Brown Tom Brown Catherine Brungardt Glen & Evanna Brungardt Linus & Angela Brungardt Cynthia Bryan Bryant Funeral Home Great Bend Michael & Shelley Vogel Buch David & Wilma Buchanan Geraldine Buehler George & Jo Sue Burenheide Richard & Annette Burghart Connie Burkholder Paul Burmeister Kenneth & Kathleen Buyle C V Cale Inc Great Bend Marita Campbell Glenn & JoAnn Carlson Karla Carrender Kate Carroll OPA Tom & Mary Casey Leo J & Helen Caspar Joseph & Jean Cech Martin & Kathy Chacon Thomas G Christoph Gary & Barbara Clark Agnes M Clasen John & Christina Clemente The Color Clinic Great Bend Dorothy Congrove Charles & Joyce Cookson Richard & Rosemary Corbett Marty & Jenae Cornejo Len & Maryanne Couture Virgil & Avril Craig Ralph Cramm Eulanda Rankin Criser Mark & Beverly Cross Charles & Jean Crouse Elaine Crouse Cindy Cunningham Dr Tom & Rhonda Cure Florence Curtis Dairy Queen Great Bend James & Judy Damm Paul & Laura Darinds Dirk Daveline Clay & Alyce Davis OPA Mark & Shannon Davis OPA Frank & Virginia Debes Margaret Joyce DeBord Harry Dechant Virgil & Ann Dechant James & Laurie DeGarmo Jack & Norma Delaney Delgados Restaurant Great Bend James & Jane DeLong Joan Demel Lawrence & Sidone Demel

Thank you, our benefactors

. . . for gifts you gave in memory of your deceased loved ones,

or in honor of your living family and friends.

This list represents gifts received from October 1 to December 30, 2008. We will list gifts given In Memory Of or In Honor Of in each issue of Grains of Wheat. Once a year we list all our donors. Please let us know if you notice any omission or incorrectly listed name.
October 1 December 31, 2008

In Honor of

U.S. Military Jodi Baltazor & Family Nichole Berry David & Terri Bertel Evelyn Biernacki John Fredrick Biernacki Marilyn Bolton OPA Lillian Brown Sr Virginia Burgardt OP Sr Joel Christoph OP Culanag Family All Dominican Sisters Derrol & JaNeva Dvorak Ricky Flax Jeff Franks Sr Jean Glach OP Grandchildren of Francis & Coleta Haberman Sr Markita Haefling OP Sr Louise Hageman OP Sr Irene Hartman OP L D Henry Ed Hommertzheim Mathew & Martha Horsch Mary Ellen Huschka Sr Joan Ice OP Martin Klitzke John, Shirley & Tina Koochel Rosaline Koster Bertha Mans Sr Coletta Masterson OP Alex McCormick Pat Meyer Daniel & Gabriel Ney Joe Oeding Kristen Ostmeyer Luella E Paine Sister Amata Pantel OP Lorraine Petz Ray Petz Lorene Pfannenstiel Louise Rohr & Family Russell & Sandra Schartz Linus & Luverna Schmeidler Sr Imelda Schmidt OP

Sr Anita Schugart OP Sr Rita Marie Schwarzenberger OP Diane Sheeran Virginia Sheeran Children of Evelyn Smith Harold & Theresa Stark Family Sr Rose Mary Stein OP Sr Petrona Stockemer OP Sr Cecilia Ann Stremel OP Richard Strohl Family June L Vsetecka Sr Stella Weber OP Kirk Williams Richard Wozniak Joseph R Wright Jr Thomas Young
October 1 December 31, 2008

In Memory of

Dorothy Albers John Albers Mandi Alexander Fr Philip Allen Agnes Appel Dorothy Archer Dennis Axman Paul & Rose Bahr Earl Baker Barger Family Bill & Esther Basgall Aaron & Grace Bates Ted & Cecilia Batt P J Bauer Family Sr Camillus Bayer OP Sr Carolyn Ann Bayer OP Wayne Becker Becker Family Vern Bellendir Christopher Berry Pete Berscheidt Family Ray Berscheidt Family Fred Berscheidt Family Anthony L Billinger Birzer Family Blasi Family Bob & Mary Bock Alvin J Boeckman Michael J Bogner Sr Lorena Bolte OP John & Josephine Boor

Nadine Brown Leo J & Lucille Caspar Keith Chadd Glenn Chinn Marie Cofer Bernard & Marie Conroy Charles Converse Shawn Cook Ralph Dawson Berniece Dechant Delores Dechant-Riedel Louis R Dietz Gary P Dinkel Isabel Dixon Paul Dolechek Tom Doll Stanley & Wanda Drew Sam Ebenkamp Jack Ebenkamp Francis Ebenkamp Leo & Elizabeth Ebenkamp Jerry Fikes II Sr Joan Forward OP Wilmer Freund Randy Funk Donaciana Galvan Sr Ignatius Galvan OP Marcella Geist Leo H Gerke Tony & Alice Gerritzen Mary Graham Edward Grob Mary Margaret Guilfoyle Carmen Guilotte Sr Edna Haefling OP John Hahn Jr Robert & Mayola Haley Mike Hand Dorothy Hand Crystal Harris Alvin Hartman Hauser Family Judy Heimerman Charles Helfrich Joe & Rose Henning LeRoy Henning Sr Juliana Henning OP Sr Celestine Henning OP Sr Clara Henning OP Sr Romana Henning OP Henry & Irene Herman Hogan Family

Alvin Holopirek Irene Hommertzheim William P & Katherine Hommertzheim Horsch Family Leota Howard Steve & Gertrude Humann Isabel Jacobs Ken & Marge Jacobson William & Theresia Jansen Frank Kaiser Kaiser Family Bob Keenan Connie Kennedy Sr Clarissa Kinzel OP Frank N & Ellen Marie Klepper Edward Knoll Richard Koster Sr Mary Gregory Kraus OP Victor & Theresa Kreutzer Family Michael Krier Edmund Kunkel Martin J Landwehr Lee Landwehr Leona Leiker Joan Leiker Bernardine Leiker OPA Lichter Family Nancy Lightcap Henry & Josephine Luebbers Tony & Anna Luebbers Leonard & Lennie Maneth Edward & Eleanor Martin Mark McGrath Richard McGrath Francis Meier Dale Meyer Robert C Micheli Martin Miller Frances C Miller Robert & Theresa Miller Irene Mitchell Joe Modica Moran Family Louise Newacheck Sr Christian Ney OP

Floyd Norwood Michael L Nuss Pauline Obholz Gladys Oeding Sr Hermina Oeding OP Sr Regina ORourke OP Kevin Orth Dr William Winston Paine John Patterson Ralph Pauly Bill Payne Ken Payne Eleanor Payne Donald Peintner Loren Peterson Frank & Julia Petrik Frank Petz Eddie Petz Ralph W Pfannenstiel Dennis Pfannenstiel Robert Pfannenstiel Adolf Pfannenstiel Elvin & Mary Pierce Frank Pochop Joe Polzin Al Prusa Marvin & Margaret Purkeypyle Rabenseifner Family Adelaide Rasmussen Edwin Reichuber Don Riedel Rita Robben Anton Rohr Tony Rohr Nick Rohr Ed L Roth Mr & Mrs B I Routh William J Schartz Don Schartz Clara Scheopner John F Schiltz Jr Parents of Mary Schmidtberger Leon Schmidtberger John & Dora Schmittker Margaret Schneider Marion J Schneider Paul J Schneider Raymond A Schneider Michael A Schneider Sr Salesia Schneweis OP

Sr Pauline Schneweis OP LeeRoy Schraeder Sr Theodosia Schulte OP Bill & Anne Sheehan Raymond Sheeran Sandra Sheets Viola Shenefield Michael Sipes Bob & Margaret Smith Paul Smith Marie Staley Brad & Laverne Stecklein James & Mary Steed Janie Stein Steinke Family Sr Geraldine Steinke OP Sr Charitas Steinke OP Sr Mildred Steinke OP Lynn Stramel Stela Leitano Swanson Brian Thielen Joe Thieme Leo Thieme Sr Alfreda Thieme OP Tony & Hattie Tinkel Tom Tomberlin & Family Gilbert Ulbrich Anthony Urban Carl J Urban Charles Vierthaler Mark Vigil Rosalie Vigil Juanita Vigil Ned Vogel Stanley Vogel Sam Von Lintel B F Vsetecka Tony & Leocadia Walt Inez Wasinger Tony & Rose Weber Fred & Lidwina Weigel Don Wells Ron Wells Mary Wendel Lawrence & Pearle Willson John & Rose Wolke Thelma Wood Clarence Younger Gilbert Zerr Ben & Mary Zimmerman Zink Family Elenora Zogelman

Sisters Mary Ellen Dater, Gemma Doll, Betty Werner, and Ann Metzen. Holy Mountaineers Northglenn Jo Ann Houston Ed & Cathy Humann Dave Humann Mary Ann Jacobson Lawrence & Norma Lee Kinzel Donna Krei Thomas & Betty Lantzy OPA Tom & Darlene Mahoney Donald & Lynn May Leo & Mary McGee Lynda McNeive Bernard & Barbara Meyer Louise Meyer George & Roma Lea Michel K T Miller Robert & June Miller Kenneth & Tamara Montoya Dennis & Ellen Olin Lillian ORourke Conrad & Carol Ouellette Rozanne Penka Kenneth & Irene Phillips James & Dolores Pierce Dave & Shirley Plymale Eileen Quaney Scott & Margaret Richards Glen & Theresa Robertson Martha Rodacy Craig & Bonnie Rose Joseph Rusk Mr & Mrs Dan Ryan LeRoy & Michelle Salazar Trent Schoenberger Mike & Ida Schwarzenberger Virginia Sheeran Cecilia Sherwood Marlene Sherwood Evelyn Smith St Columba School Durango Steffens Foundation Bert & Hope Steffens-Nett Mary Steffens-Schweitzer Gene & Doris Steinke Eugene & Phyllis Stieben Geraldine Swanson Most Rev Arthur N Tafoya DD James & Sonya Thieme Joe & Barb Tierney Robert & Maricarmen Tobin Linda Urban Ida Valdez David & Kathleen Van Buskirk Stacey Veil Lance & Norma Verhoeff Margaret D Vigil Jerold & Stacy Wagoner R J & Magdalen Walker Charlotte E Ware Jim & Rosie Weis Blaine & Judy Wells Richard & Kathy J West Russ & Marge White David & Sharon Wienecke William & Evelyn Worker Robert & Kathryn Zielinski C Marie Zimmerman CONNECTICUT Jean Budd Lawrence & Marie Desena Darrel & Lisa Loyd FLORIDA Clarence & Cheryl Burgardt Frank J Lewis Foundation Inc Bill & Eileen Meurer Jim & Pat Murray Paul & Marlene Von Merveldt GEORGIA Robert & Darlene Dinges Sue Hinderlider IOWA Charles Brungardt Fr Dan Krettek Dorothy Thoma IDAHO George & Jeanette Jackson Joseph & Rita Martin Paul Schweitzer Bob & Bobbie Strahler ILLINOIS A J & Sue Boeckman Karen Kunkel Mary Ann Malartsik Rev Gregory Moore OP Fred & Dolores Nienke Terry & Janet Payne Mary Powers Most Rev Stanley G Schlarman DD Stephanie Schweitzer Jeanette Skaar INDIANA Dr Lyle & Nora Anderson Julie Doll Donald & Elizabeth Gramman KANSAS Maxine Ackerman Rita Adams Gary & Joan Adelhardt Leora Adelhardt Rita Adelhardt Donald Albers Gene & Sharon Albers Josephine Albers Louis Albers Family Steve & Mary Albers Coleen Albert Elizabeth Alexander John & Sandra Allard Archie & Ivajean Allen Maynard & Betty Alley Christina Amerin Kenneth R Anderson Esther Andra Helen Andra Elmer & Lorena Angell Carl & Dr Amy Antle Pat Antonelli Earlene Appelhans Jim & Kathi Armatys Evelyn Armour Fred & Rosemary Ashford John & Marcia Ashmore Thelma Ast Dennis & Mary Avery Ron & Kathy Avey Alicia Avila OPA Betty Axman Gerard Axman Vickie Axman Eleanor Aylward Angeline Baalman Tom & Rosemary Bachman Alberta Bahr Bill & Vicki Bahr Henry Bahr Joe & Carolyn Bahr Marion & Marian Bahr Michael & Terri Bahr Mike & Jane Bahr Patricia Bahr Paul & Jenifer Bahr Tim & Tammi Bahr Bill & Virginia Baier Betty Lou Bailey Bernard & Theresa Baker Vanessa Banh Andy Banman Paul & Roseline Barbeau Tom & Connie Barnes Isabel Barrera Clarence & Mary Barta Raymond & Kathryn Basgall Lawrence & Eleanor Bauer Michael & Diana Bay Bernadine Bayer Daniel & Mary Bayer Leonard & Shirley Bayer Jane Anne Beachner Al & Diane Beck Fred & Karlynn Beck Terry & Claire Beck Becker Tire & Treading Inc Great Bend Leo & Mary Lee Beckman Rita Beckman Isabelle Befort Elvira M Bellendir Jane Bemis Robert & Mary Bergh William & Margaret Bergkamp Bryan & Treva Bergquist Albina Besperat Irene Betschart Jay & Sharon Bezdek Sal & Armella Bianchino Richard & Carol Bieber Ron & Paula Bieberle Josephine Bieker John F Biernacki Marietta Billinger Wanda Billinger Michael & Kathleen Bishop Paul & Karen Bishop Rita Bixby Anita Blackwell & Family Albert & Lillian Blahut Bill & Verna Blanchat Paul & Mary Dolores Blasi Don & Debbie Blazek Clarissa Blessing Maurice & Judy Bleumer Michael F & Ruth Blick Eunice Bodine Mark & Terrie Boguski Richard & Edith Bollig Larry & Marilyn Bolton OPA Lisa Bonds Mary Boone David & Glenna Borho Eldon & Beverly Boucher OPA Barry & Monica Bowers Dolores Boyd Zelda Brack Mary Braden Delmar & Christina Brady Melvin Brake Dr William & Carlotta Brenner Warner & Margaret Brockson Charles & Susan Brown Mary E Brown

We gratefully acknowledge you, our donors, our friends, for your generous gifts which make our ministry possible!
Anonymous ALABAMA LTC Patricia Krause OPA Paul & Ruth Pikell ARKANSAS Harold & Marilyn Bell Mr & Mrs Lynn Davis Gary & Karen Finkeldei Marge Nelson Stella Pantel Stan & Shirley Rohr Scott & Barbara Turner ARIZONA Frank & Rita Cardello Rev Donald J Fiedler Dale & Anna Hammond Lillian McGrath Jerome & Karen Otter Charles Routh Robert & Vivian Sulzman William R Wasinger CALIFORNIA Lawrence & Joan Adler William & Carol Backer Georgine Beat Lew & Donna Boitano Mae R Bottger Robert & Donna Brown OPA Cecilia Chinn Katherine Frates Elaine Gamez Pat & Olivia Goemann Donald Hallam Michael Hassett OPL Don & Roberta Hejny Mary Klein Tyrone & Toni Mandala Harry Matheny Debra Pacheco Michael & Shirley Parks Jane Penka Rosemary L Ramstack Richard Schwarzenberger Burt Smith Angelo Stagnaro Thorene Turner Ron & Nancy Turner Mary Ann Unruh Katherine Younger COLORADO Doris Baker Keith & Gloria Barlow Bob & Millie Bennett Al J & Genevieve Billinger Bob & Gerry Blazich Earl & Deanna Bley Charles & Christine Brennan Leon & Loretta Brittain Gerald Brown Norma Jean Brown Katherine Cain Catholic Daughters of the Americas Durango Dale Coski OPA Don & Carolyn Crowell William & Helen Davis Edward DePiesse Diocese of Pueblo Dorothy Dreiling Freda Dreiling Josh & Leanne Dunworth Jack Duran Durans Hobby Acres Inc Longmont Jean Erickson Vera Espinoza Aniseta J French Alice Fritz OPA Don & Barbara Gamble Donald Geist Marvin & Donna Giersch Lorraine Glach Patricia Gonzalez Barbara Grob Edwin W & Anna Belle Gutentag Mary Harrington Russell & Susan Haskell Richard & Carmen Herman Frederick & Deanna Hoff

Donor List for 2008

Maurice Demel Robert & Rosemary Demel Linda Denning Dr Frank & Celestine Depenbusch Don & Connie Desbien James & Paula Desbien John & Helen Detmer Lonnie & Trevlyn Detmer Rus & Jane DeVore Marilyn Dewell Rose M Dietz Dillons #51 Great Bend Clara Dinkel Danny G & Carol Dinkel Iona Dinkel Leroy P Dinkel Diocese of Dodge City Diocese of Salina Diocese of Wichita Janice Dixon John & Kathleen Dohm Teresa Dolechek Emanuel & Catherine Doll Eric & Shelley Doll Rita Doll Dollar Tree Great Bend Jean Domann Dominican Associates Great Bend Dominican Sisters Great Bend Larry & Marjorie Donahue Kevin & Sue Donnelly Dove Buick Olds Cadillac Inc Great Bend David & Debby Dowdle DPI Benefits Manhattan Joan Drees Joan Dreher Anna Dreiling David & Vickie Dreiling John & Verna Dreiling Ralph & Juanita Dreiling Tom & Linda Duckworth Joe & Ruth Dunnaway Gladys Durand Derrol & Pat Dvorak Joe Dvorak Ric & Bonnie Dvorak Roch & Debra Dvorak Carol Dwyer Dan & Jamie Eakes Evelyn Eakes Larry & Debbie Eakes Ron & Kim Eakes Dolores Ebenkamp Pat Ebenkamp James & Carolyn Eck Sarah Eck Maxine Egner Darrell & Anne Ehrlich Shirley Eilers George Eisele Stephanie Elder Charles & Marita Elliot Joe & Edna Elmenhorst Roland & Mary Jane Elpers

Sister Bertilla Brungardt

Sisters Dominic Haug and Kathleen Andrews

Grains of Wheat
Wilfred & Marjorie Hommertzheim Betty Honas Rev Jim Hoover James & Virginia Horn Mathew & Martha Horsch Martin & Mary Ellen Huschka Fred L & Sue Huse Rod Huse Kenneth & Jean M Huser Marcus & Caraleta Huslig Drs Marc & Teri Turkle-Huslig Leverne Huslig William & Marie Ice William & Leanne Irsik Pauline Irsik Wesley & Joan Jackson Randy & Lisa Jacobs Mr & Mrs Alfred James III Albert & Marlene Jansen Bertha Jarmer Dr Eugene & Lucille Jarus Michael & Jean Jay JC Penny Co Inc Great Bend Luetta Jenisch Dorothy Jewell Patricia Jimenez Dan & Jo Ann Johnson Jim & Judy Johnson Johnston & Eisenhauer Pratt Gary & Marilyn Jones Terry & Janice Jones Rev Frank Jordan OPA Robert & Marcella Joy Dr Mark A Judd OD John & Terria Judge Reta M Juilians JoAnn Juno OPA Helen Kaiser OPA Joe Kaiser Marvin & Bernice Kaiser Melvin & Frances Kaiser Virginia Kaiser Jun & Pat Kampling Kansas State University Foundation Manhattan Darrell & Elsie Karlin Theresa Kasper Donald & Doris Keeler Dennis & Eileen Keenan Dorothy Keenan John R & Ersa L Keenan Larry & Patricia Degner Keenan Levi Keenan Tom & Betty Keenan Keenan Law Firm Great Bend Pauline Kehr John & Kathy Keller Keller Real Estate & Insurance Agency Inc - Great Bend Dennis & Carolyn Kelley
OFFICE OF MISSION AND MINISTRY DONORS' DESIGNATION OF GIFTS January 1 - December 31, 2008 Total $465,746.37

Spring 2009
Dale & Sherri Kennedy Rosemary Kennedy William & Faye Kennedy Michael & Jody Kenney Jerry & Kayleen Kern Kern Floor Service Great Bend Jim & Alice Kerr Greg & Colleen Kerschen Loretta Kerschen Martha Kerschen Robert & Anita Kesler KFC - Great Bend Rev Merlin Kieffer Kathleen Kimpler Sally King M B Kirkham Robert & Jacquelin Kirmer D L & Joyrene Kitsmiller Fred & Alberta Klanke Judy Klanke Bill & Margaret Klassen Cindy Klepper Hogan Maurice & Evelyn Klepper Virginia Klepper Matilda Kleymann Stanley & Janet Kliesen Mary Klinge OPA Mary Klitzke Bill & Joan Klug Rhonda Klug Larry & Patricia Klusener Jeff Knighton Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Dodge City Knights of Columbus Council 7422 Lyons Knights of Columbus Council 862 Great Bend Dale A & Janice M Knipp Rosie Knoll KO Beef Russell Regina Kobuszewski Greg Koerner Herb & Jo Ann Koerner Vernon & Remigia Koerner Joyce Koester Delmer & Marie Kolbeck John & Shirley Koochel Phillip & Camille Korenek Richard & Luella Korth Rosaline Koster Melea Kraemer Mr & Mrs Joe Krafft Kathryn Kraus Paul & Deb Kraus Rev David Kraus Victor & Theresa Kreutzer Dennis & Karen Krier Joan Krier Kirby & Kathy Krier Darryl Krug Jim & Rita Krug Ardyce Kuhn Keith & Connie Kuhn Tom & Mary Helen Kummer Josephine Kuntz Dr Loren & Arlene Kutina Jack & Sandra LaFay Marvin & Carol Lamatsch Roberta Lampe Landmark National Bank Great Bend Florence Landwehr Joe & Dolores Lane Clyde & Cheryl Lang Melinda Lang Michael & Carol Lang Nancy Lang Sharon Lang Larry Kutina DDS Mike Lavigne OPA Ron & Marlene Lawless Steve & Barbara Lawson David Ledesma Jesse & Beatrice Ledesma Joe & Linda Leikam Arthur Leiker Irvin & Terry Jo Leiker Joe & Erlene Leiker Mary Jane Leiker Theresa Leiker Dr Charles & Angela Leins Dave Leis Marjorie Leis Paul & Margie Leis Laverne & Anna Lessor C J Lett Alvin & Marietta Lichter Donald & Mary Kay Lies Marie Lies Margaret Lightcap Melvin & Pat Lindell Janice Link Kathleen Link Thomas Link Harvey & Rosemary Linn S J & Virginia Lipke John & Ruth Liston Larry & Marlene Lohmann Regis & Kathy Lopata Robert J & Clara B Love Thomas & Kathlene Loyd Mary Lucas Andrew Luebbers Gus & LaVerne Luebbers John & Joan Luebbers Bruce & Anita Luehring Charles & Rebecca Luntsford Philip & Barbara Lutz Betty Lynch M & F Plumbing Inc Great Bend Joan Mages Esther Maher Thomas Makens Bob & Boots Maltby Bill & Kay Maneth OPA Bob & Dorothy Maneth Jim & Carla Maneth Marcella Maneth Melvin & La Roe Maneth Paul & Teddi Maneth Ray & Geraldine Mann Michael & Judy Manning Larry & Judy Mans Karen Marcum Mitch & Carla Markovich Marmie Ford Inc Great Bend Marmie Motors Inc Great Bend Genevieve Martin John & Ann Martin Pauline C Martin Virginia Martin Mary Massey Ruth Matisek Albina Mattas Mike & Colette Maune Gerald R & Teresa Maxwell Francis & Carolyn May Richard & Margaret Mayer Chris & Julie Mazouch Eugene & Mary Ann Mazouch Brian & Leslie McCaffrey Dr & Mrs Russell McCaulley Richard McCormack Wanda McCormick Rory & Regina McCoskey OPA Mike & Jennifer McDaniel John & Marie McGuire Mike & Pattie McGurk Charles & Leona McIntosh Mary Kay McNeive Cindy McNutt OPA John & Cindy McQuillen Medical Park Pharmacy Great Bend The Medicine Shoppe Great Bend Joseph Medve Mary Ellen Meier Melvin Meis Florine Meister Victor & Olga Mencos Doris Meng Rodney & Frances Mense Larry & Deanna Metro LeRoy Metzen David Meyeres Rose Meyeres Viola Meyeres Edward & Gloria Michel Joann Micheli Midwest Rentals Great Bend Midwest Hearing Aids Inc Great Bend Bruce & Marcella Mignano Terry & Barbara Millard Abbie Miller Cheryl Miller Jaime Miller Linus & Laurinda Miller Loretta Miller Mary Miller Margaret Miller Paul & Augusta Miller Susan Miller Edna Mills Michael & Linda Miner Mark & Leslie Mingenback Betty Mintener Shirley Mitchell Bernadine Moeder Richard & Geraldine Moeder Ken Moeder Janet Molitor Montana Mikes Steakhouse Great Bend Glenn & Elaine Moore Robert & Suzette Moore Christine Morales Cassilda Moran Anita Moreno Rev Jerome L Morgan Loretta Morgenstern Robert & Janice Morgenstern Thomas J & Audrey T Mueting Bernard & Ann Mulcahy Florence Mulhern Ilene C Munoz Jennifer Munsch Andrew & Megan Murphy Rev Ultan P Murphy Roger & Mary Lou Murphy Tom & Jana Murray Gary & Maria Musick OPA Keith & Elaine Myers Frank Nall Leon Neher Robert & Martha Neidhart Florence Neises Lucille Nelson Wesley & Sharon Nelson Janice Nemechek Richard & Carol Nemechek Edward & Diane Nemnich Robert & Rose Mary Neuwirth Karl A Newacheck Ruth Ann Newsum Jerry & Lisa Ney John & Roberta Ney Oanh Nguyen Bill & Pattie Nicholson Dr Mark & Myra Niederee James & Patricia Nieman Kenny Nieman Charles & Patricia Niernberger Rev Kerry Ninemire Mary Kay Nocktonick Tom Noel Northview Nursery Great Bend Janice & Charles Nunn Alice Joan Nuss Ed & Margaret Oborny Edmund & Carol Oborny Pauline Oborny Tim & Patricia Oborny Richard & Judy Ochs Dennis & Darlene Oeding Joseph Oeding Lawrence & Pamela Oeding Office Products Inc Great Bend Ted & Marie Olivier John & Pat Oltmanns Mr & Mrs K A Orem Orscheln Farm & Home Great Bend Dwight & Debra Osborn Kenneth & Dorothy Ostmeyer Leila Ostmeyer Lloyd Oswald

Sisters Teresa Orozco, Kathy Goetz, Marietta Urban, and Cecilia Ann Stremel. Joseph E & Esther M Enslinger Delbert F Erhart Larry & Laurel Erickson Marian Ertl Edward Escareno Luz Escobedo Terry & Jerry Esfeld TR & Tina Esfeld Juanita Espinosa Everything Under the Son Great Bend Faith Youth Group Wellington Almeda E Faker Lester & Janet Fangman Doris Farmer Teresa Farmer OPA Farmers Bank & Trust Great Bend Hugh Faulkner Jr Larry & Kay Fechter Bob & Shirley Feck Marlene Feist Tom & Marie Feist Sharon Feist C Feit Vernon & Ruth Felder Cletus N & Lois Feldt Jared & Sarah Fenske Phyllis Figger Corrine Finger Helen Finger Leonard & Agnes Finger First National Bank Pratt Mike & Jocile Fisher Gary & Mary Fitzsimmons Norbert & Loretta Flax Dale & Angela Forge Thomas & Marcella Forster Freedom Claims Management Inc Great Bend Mardella Freund Rosemary Freund Daniel & Teresa Frieb Marion & Rose Marie Frieb Neil Frieb Bernard & Marlene Friess Patrick Friess Dr Luther & Ardis Fry Berneice Funk Julia Furbeck Frederick & Nancy Fure Harold D Gabel Alex & Wanda Gabel Harold D Gabel Florence Gales Jean Galliart Frances Garcia Dr Carlos & Lisa Garcia Mike & Teresa Gardiner Ida Belle Gassman Magdalen Gassmann Alma Gegen Marian Geist Richard & Donna Gerber Loyde Gerber Jerome & Maggie Gerstenkorn Gibbs Electric Great Bend Patrick & Terri Giebler Tom & Sheryl Giessel Norman & Catherine Giles Rev Msgr John Gilsenan Ray & Donna Girardo Marvin & Carolyn Gleason Kathryn Gleissner Randy & Denise Glenn Johanna Gnad Mike & Linda Goebel Goebel Family-Star Lumber Charitable Foundation Rita Goertz Golden Belt Printing Great Bend David & Karla Gonzales Gloriann Goodman Tim & Julie Gottschalk Julius & Isabel Govert Ted & Darlene Graff Frieda Graff Leo & Marilyn Grasser Great Bend Feeding Great Bend
OFFICE OF MISSION AND MINISTRY SOURCES OF INCOME January 1 - December 31, 2008 Total $465,746.37

Great Bend Packing Great Bend Great Wall Buffet Great Bend Mark & Helena Grinter Don & Marilyn Grommesh Delbert & Marilyn Grover Stephen Gugleta Don & Anne Guilfoyle Elizabeth Gunn Virgil & Josephine Gunter Alphonse Haas Francis & Coleta Haberman John & Joyce Haberman Lila Haberman Raymond & Roxanna Habiger Merven & Ruth Hageman Richard & Virginia Hageman Barbara Hahn Joe & Charlotte Hahn Roberta Haley Leo & Jane Hall Leon & Lea Hall OPA Arthur Halsig Mick & Carol Halter Robert & Sharron Hamilton Maurice & Norma Hammeke Richard Hammeke Vernon & Louise Hammeke Cletis Hammerschmidt Mr & Mrs Alfred Hammersmith John & Florence Hampel Ed & Ann Haremza Harper Industries Inc Harper L F Harper Family Foundation Dr David J Hart Connie Hartman Harold & LuAnn Hartman Ladine Hartman Norbert Hartman Dan & Bev Haselhorst Eugene & Betty Hauser Robert & Sue Haymaker

David Hays Tim & Cecilia Haywood Kelvin Heck John & Michelle Heckele Lisa Hecker Theresa Heier Gerald Heim Eugene & Clarine Heiman Eugene & Judy Heimerman Murray J and Dixie A Heinrich Margaret Heinz George & Dixie Hejny Larry & Billie Hejny Greg Hekele Larry & Brenda Hekele Robert & Bernie Helget LaVone Helms Marguerite Helten Kenneth L & Mary Jane Henderson L D & Marlinda Henry Mary Ann Herl Marvin Herman Lucy Herrmann Dan & Dort Hertel Jeff & Shari Hertel Jerry & Linda Hessman Jo Ann Hetrick David & Betty Hewes Kenneth & Carol Hickel Tom & Rita Hickel M L Higgins Shirley Higgins Ross Hildebrand DDS Bill & Mary Hill Janet Hipp Curtis & Kathy Hitschmann Everett & Marge Hitschmann Joseph & Justina Hlavaty Judy Hoffman OPA Vic & Evelyn Hoffman Elsie Hogan Clarice Holmes Irene Holopirek Home Lumber & Supply Co Great Bend

Sisters Mary Martin Weaver and Betty Werner. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church 6th & 5th Grade PSR Goodland Diane Palmer Dean & Delores Panzer Paul L Parsons Anita Patterson OPA Doris Pauly Jean Pauly Stephen & Janet Pechanec Will & Cecilia Peltier OPA Rev Michael Peltzer Ted & Linda Peltzer Gilbert Penka William & Joann Penka Allen & Kathleen Pennock Perkins Restaurant Great Bend Janice Perkowski Jeanette Peroli Daniel & Nancy Peschka Martha Peschka Abe & Ellen Peters Mary R Peterson Lorraine Petz Claretta Pfannenstiel Eric & Carol Pfannenstiel Keith & Paulette Pfannenstiel Lorene Pfannenstiel Raymond & Nancy Pfannenstiel Verlin & Elaine Pfannenstiel Kim Thuy Thi Phan Tom & Carol Pitner Rita Pivonka Pizza Hut - Great Bend Playa Azul Mexican Restaurant Great Bend Elizabeth Pochop Dr Rodney Poe Jack Poling Dorothy Polzin Jean Polzin Dee Poppelreiter Brian & Michelle Powell L Robert & Genevieve Price Pro-Green Total Lawn Care Inc Great Bend Lorena Prusa Willard & Rita Pulliam Randy & Susan Puls John & Marcie Putnam Patrick Quaney R & S Digital Great Bend James & Marian Rajewski Ralph & Frances Hageman Trust Dennis & Shirley Raney OPA David L Rausch Bill & Janie Rausch Mari Jo Ray Jeff Ray Kent & Annette Reece Arnold & Eleanora Reichuber Leon & Marilyn Reichuber Margaret Reichuber Richard & Mary Jane Reichuber Eleanor Reidl Genevieve Reif Dorothy Reinert Bradley & Kelly Reinhardt Reinhardt Dentistry Great Bend Rosalee Reitcheck PJ & Kara Renz Gerald & Cheryl Resner Pat Bligh Rettenmaier Beatrice Ricke Marilyn Ricke Elmer & Helen Ridder John & Marilyn Riedel Dolorine Riedel Odilia Riedel Terry & JoAnn Riese John & Jane Riggs Dr Heather Robben W R & Yvonne Robbins Eldon & Doris Roberson Rodney & Kimberly Roberson Joseph Rocha Bill & Virginia Rockers JoAnn S Rogers Helen Rohlman Mark & Shirley Rohlman Martha Rohlman Allen & Kim Rohr Alvin Rohr Dan & Cindy Rohr Louise Rohr Blanche Rome Mike & Debbie Rome Jr Mark & Michelle Rondeau Dr Maureen Roos Caroline Ross James & Betty Rossman Bob & Rosalee Roth Irene Roth Kent & JoAnn W Roth LaVaughn Roth Quenton, Tabor & Victoria Rucker John & Carrie Rueger Lane & Mary Ruehlen Warren & Jennifer Ruggiero LeRoy J Rupp LeRoy & Levita Rupp Sally Rychlec Jim & Jolene Rziha Sacred Heart Parish Park Sage Products Salina Helen Sappington Tom & Gloria Sauer Karl & Norma Savage

Special Gifts 26.1% Foreign Missions 50.2%


Grants 13.7%

Unrestricted 38.7%

Bazaar 12.9% . Grains of Wheat 12.5% Ministry to the Poor 7.8% .

Annual Appeal 7.7%

Other 1.7%

Mission Appeals 5.5%

Retirement 1.6% Memorials 3.6%

















NOTE: All contributions received in the Office of Mission and Ministry are used as designated by the donors. Contributions are not used for operational expenses.

Sisters Yvonne Clark, Louise Hageman, and Jean Glach


Grains of Wheat
Marcia A Schremmer Robert & Lori Schrock Ray & Dorothy Ann Schroeder Patricia Schuette Alvin & Dolores Schugart Larry & Kathy Schugart Mrs Louis J Schulte Marge Schulte Ralph & Helen Schulte Virgil & Laverna Schulte Alberta Schwartz Carlos & Dorothy Schwartz Maurice & Marie Schwartz Wayne & Marita Schwartzman Luke & Verena Schwieterman Mark & Donnell Scott Rita Seay Ronald & Clara Seay Paul Seib Jr Mr & Mrs James Seiler Bernie & Lisa Seiwert Steve & Anthony Sell Ben & Florence Shaffer Daniel Shaffer Cal & Carol Shara Michael & Gretchen Sharp Don & Mary Jo Sherrill Emerson & Jeanette Shields Patricia Showalter Ann Showalter OPA Catherine A Silhan Jerry & Lucretia Silvers Rose Ann Sipes Paul & Cheryl Skalsky Adrin & Linda Small Bob & Bertie Smith Doris Smith Garry & Betty Smith John & Debra Smith Dr Thomas & Lois Smith Society for the Propagation of the Faith Kansas City Nancy Soeken Coletta Soellner OPA Dennis & Delores Sooby Roy & Carol Soukup Joe & Loretta Southard Raymond & Carol Spangler Ellen L Spaulding Eugene & Linda Spencer Leo & Marcella Spexarth Marian Spittles Bernadette Spradling St Cecilia Altar Society Haysville Daniel & Lois Stafford Ermina J Stark Milton & Betty Staudinger Eddie & Lydia Stecklein Rev Warren Stecklein Daniel & Gayle Stegman Alfred & Evelyn Steimel Kim & Mary Steimel Ethelrita Stein Melvin & Shirley Stein Dr Richard & Peggy Stein Helen Steincamp Barbara Steiner Jim Steiner John & JoAnn Steiner Hubert & Loretta Steiner & Family Duane & Joleen Steinert Mary Margaret Steinhaus Urban & Pauline Steinke Cyrilla Stenzel Mr & Mrs Al Joe Sterneker Lester & Mary Lou Stewart Stockemer Charitable Trust Stone Sand Inc Great Bend James & Frances Stover Gary & Arlene Stramel Marilyn Strecker Larry & Eleanor Strecker Monty & Catherine Strecker Ronald & Yvonne Strecker John & Constance Strobel Josephine Strohl Lucy Strohl OPA Anna Strothman Marsha Strothman Calista Stuart Terry & Mel Eesa Stueder Sylvester & Joan Stuhlsatz Edward & Penny Sturr Steve & Marge Suchsland Clarence J & Mary L Suppes Primus Suppes Denis & Wilma Sweat John & Jeanne Swindler Kenton & Barbara Swingle Ronald & Joleen Tammen George & Judy Tate Leona Tate Robert & Louise Tatro Betty Tauscher OPA Taylor Supply Salina Elizabeth C Terry Dan & Pat Theis Rita Theis Karen Thielen Marjorie Thielen Dale & Susan Thieme Ida Ann Thieme Jerry & Marilyn Thieme John Thieme LeRoy & Sharla Thill Rev Don Thissen Dr Harry A Thomas Debbie Thome Carolyn Thompson Maurice & Maxine Thul Janice Tidall Ruth Timmermeyer ASC Laura Tinkel Helen Mae Tomberlin Keith Toon Ted & Katherine Toon Leon & Carol Torline Charlie & Brenda Traffas Karin Traffas Tim & Patricia Traffas Myrtle L Triplett Jeannine Truan Joleen Tustin Eugenia Uhrich Christina Ulbrich Gary & Doris Unruh Bernadette Urban Donald & Sharon Urban Gilbert & Carolyn Urban Katherine Urban Ellen Vanhorn Donna Venso Lloyd & Erma Verhage Cynthia Vick Benny & Ardis Viegra Charles & Lucille Vierthaler Nancy Vogel Inez Katherine Vohs Josephine Volosin Jim & Kathy Vopat Ronald & Patricia Vratil June Vsetecka Frieda Waldman Albert & Alberta Walt Regina Walters Jack & Patty Walton Mickey Wasinger Terry & Edwina Waterman Waters True Value Hardware Great Bend William & Norita Watts Robert & Margaret Waugh Michael & Susan Way Aloysius & Annunciata Weber Jacqueline Weber Mr & Mrs Paul Wegener Silvenus & Esther Weber Victoria Weber Dr Wallace N Weber Alvin Wehkamp Fred & Joan Weigel Jr Dale & Elizabeth Weixelman Drs Lauren & Maura Welch Ralph & Patty Wellbrock R MacGregor Wellman Dean & Sue Wells Evelyn Wells Randy & Marilyn Wells Wells Furniture Inc Great Bend Leo & Mary Welters Jerry & Theda Jo Wendel Leroy Wendel John & Louise Wendling Wendys - Great Bend Luke & Joanne Wenzl Maxine Werner Clifford & Helen Werth Linus Werth John & Karen Wertin Western Truck Equipment Company Great Bend Charles E & Barbara A Wetzler Don Whelan Bob & Jill Whippo Dr Ronald & Jo Ann Whitmer Nick & Ann Wieland Steve & Wanda Wilkinson Phillip & Marla Williams Patsy Wilson Dr Robert Wilson Verlene Wilson Mrs Virgil Windholz William & Jane Winslow Robert & Susan Wisdom Eleanor Witchey Mary Wondra Mary Ann Wondra Teresa Wondra Gordon & Rita Wood Keith & Sharon Wood Mike & Dianna Woodard Elfrieda Woydziak Helen Woydziak Russell & Anne Wright Ted & Christine Wright Leona Wyant Rose M Yakshaw Ernest & Ellen Young Gary & Sharon Younger Ray & Colleen Youngers John & Mary Ellen Yox David & Linda Zecha Helen Zecha Paul & Diana Zecha Francis & Julia Zeller Carolyn Zerr John Ziegler Julius Ziegler Leo & Mary Jo Ziegler Leroy & Joan Ziegler Pius & Ilona Ziegler Eugene & Mary Ellen Zimmer Robert & Judy Zimmer Roman & Ruth Zimmerman Rev Dennis & Karen Zimmerman Rev Donald Zimmerman Virgil & Diane Zink Zips Service Great Bend Lenora Zoeller Raymond C Zogleman Arlene Zorn Elmer & Emily Zorn Jerry & Loretta Zorn Alice Zurbuchen Dale Zwickl KENTUCKY Literary Society of St Catharine of Siena Marjorie K McGlinn Jeanne Moore OP David & Patricia Vogel C Wrighte LOUISIANNA Ivan & Mary Biernacki MASSACHUSETTS Chris & Christine Brungardt Rita Monovich Frank X & Connie B Sheehan Dr James J Sheehan James F Sullivan Thomas H Wagner MARYLAND Gabe & Jackie Beck Norman & Carol Birzer Federation of Dominican Sisters USA Joseph A Hauser Dennis & Faith Mauro-Huse LaVern McDonald MICHIGAN Dominican Sisters of Oxford Paul & Lori Fisher Ken & Carol Krohn Jerome & Caecilia Sarnowski Gary & Ruth Thesing Jim & Joyce Young MINNESOTA Delores Bogner Mike & Susan Farmer Patricia Lund Gerald B & Joanne S Maloney Mary McAuliffe Clarissa Rownd MISSOURI Rita Armstrong OPA Frank Blazek Thomas & Dorothy Cacioppo Val Campbell Norbert & Shirley Duello Eric & Resa Eastwood Fluech Family Cecilia Gerke Charles & Beverly Gerke Patricia Haefling Norman & Linda Hageman Barbara Heng Charlotte F Husmann John & Ruth Mencl Alfred & Darlene Orth Geneva Plassmeyer Donald & Diana Rehagan Chad Riddle Ray & EM Rothermich Dennis & Gail Schmidt Norman & Elizabeth Schopp Lawrence & Maxine Schroeder Walter & Mary Smith Janell Thome Rev Bill Walter CPPS Alice Wondra MONTANA Mary Kay Latta John & Janet Peters NORTH CAROLINA Michael & Susan Schmidt NEBRASKA Chris & Kimberly Bilder Bernice Bolte Bill & April Bolte Leonard & Rosalia Buschkoetter Butch & Allyn Harper Ronald J Herrman Darwin & Marie Hinrich Dr Rob & Lora Messbarger Ted & Mary Schlick Kathy Tubbs Union Church of Hardy NEW JERSEY Ruby Cribbin Robert & Mary Kay Queen OPA Robert Wozniak Sr L.E. & Mary Ann Yori NEW MEXICO Patrick & Cecily Bolte Rick & Darlene Hiltabidle Kay Main Pamela Paine John & Bonnie Schoenberger Pat R Vigil NEVADA Lois Ann Kimminau NEW YORK Sr Dolores Bachman SSJ William Barina Roseale Brisuda Dominican Monastery Elmira Gloria A Emmanuel FSC Foundation Kim Nguyen Donna Nicholson Margaret Shuttic OHIO Robert & Rose Agnes Bastian Betty A Conroy Dr & Mrs James Dahmann Sr Juliana DAmato OP Jim & Elizabeth Dodd Sr Elaine Eggert OP David Flosi Joe Genet Walter & Dorothy Goetz William & Margie Ice Norbert & Julia Lisak Marlene Mohnickey Dennis Reidy William & Patricia Santos Sr M Virginia Schreiner SFP Daniel & Marilyn Siefker Evelyn Sweeney Joseph Werner Mary Zinkovich OKLAHOMA Virginia Albert Shirley Beesley Johanna Befort Celine Benoit Josephine Blacksten Donald & Helen Caughlin Bernard & Kathleen Demel Robert & Gail Hamilton Greg & Marge Hargrove Nellie Hicks Joyce Higgins Fred Isenbart Michael Joseph Mildred L Keller Bernice Leiker John Leslie Charles & Sheila Michie Linda Sheeran Steve & Kay Ternes Wayne & Eileen Willson OREGON Peter & Sharon Kelly Paul & Julie Martin Mrs Lorraine McCormick Robert & Rowena Traffas Delbert & Barbara Youngers OPA PENNSYLVANIA Dr Christopher Canino Cathy Joslyn Emilia Olsow Roland & Virginia Rabenstein PUERTO RICO Joseph Bergkamp RHODE ISLAND Mary Botelle Cassmira Koromi TENNESSEE Phillip & Joan Brown Mark Gerke Bob & Dolores Neidert TEXAS Gail & Frances Bauer Frank & Donna Burke James & Ellen Carlstead Paul & Sonja Chuprinko Dody & Mike Cortner Florence Dean Pam Deffibaugh

Spring 2009
Dcn Belvin & Sylvia Dollins Ted Domitrovich Rev Austin Green OP Leon E Heinen Craig & Donna Hertel Rick & Sharon Holman Jan Knott Don & Phyllis Lightfoot Vernon & Charlotte Mastin Maxine McCormick JD & Roberta Cline-Merwin OPA Arthur A & Maria V Miller Glenn & Phyllis Montgomery Roger & Agnes Norwood Paul & Betty Peck Mary K Porter Edward & Mary Alice Renner Donna Kelly Repman Robert & Zona Sanders Carol A Schauf Marilyn Sheahan OPA Benjamin Simon Vassil & Karen Tchokoev Roger & Julie Thompson Dorothy Towne-Fleck Ronald & Lydia Watts Paul & Judy Wiechman Dr Julio Wong


Greg & Susan Saville Berniece Scanlan Angela Scantlin George & Susan Scantlin LeRoy Schad Lorena B Schaechtele James Schafer Bertha A Schaffer Estate Vernon A & Brenda Schaffer John & Barbara Jean Schartz Mary Schartz Mike & Tammy Schartz Russell & Sandra Schartz Thon Schartz Carol Schaub Edna Schauf Magdalene Schauf Edwin & Rita Scheck Melvin & Maxine Scheck Bill & Ginny Scheer Eugene & Joan Scheer Gregg & Kathy Scheer Bernard & Mary Jo Schenk Mary Lou Schenk Larry Schenkel Ray & Ann Schenkel Clarence & Judy Scheopner Ruth Scherr Rita Schilling Norlene Schiltz Ms. Anna Schlagel Emilie Schmalzried Alfred & Theresa Schmeidler Cyril J & Alice M Schmeidler James F Schmeidler Linus & LuVerna Schmeidler Mike & Cheryl Schmeidler Phil & Brenda Schmeidler James F Schmeidler Joseph Schmidt Mary Schmidtberger Paul & Vera Schmidtberger Bruce & Jane Schnedier Dorothy Schneider Mary B Schneider Beatrice Schneweis Bernard & Dolores Schneweis Bob & Kathy Schneider Doug & Kim Schneweis Edwin & Lucille Schneweis Francis & Florena Schneweis James & Lorraine Schneweis Jim & Janet Schneweis Mike & Ethel Schneweis Ray Schneweis Robert & Erma Schneweis Ron Schneweis Vernon Schneweis J C Schnittker Tom & Kay Schnittker Lydia Schoenberger Vic J Schoenberger Carolyn Schoenhofer Viola Schrader Mary Ann Schreiber Rick & Jane Schreiber Robert & Denise Schreiber

UTAH James & Francine Dailey Doug Kirmer VIRGINIA Gayle & Terry Galvan Joan Mason WASHINGTON Luke & Josefa Culanag Jo Ann Douglas Martin & June Harshberger Dan & Pat Higbee Daniel & Lorraine Huffaker David & Rita Johnson Arlene Johnson Eddie Schweitzer Mike & Mary Beth Segawa WISCONSIN John & Patricia Kilian Racine Dominican Mission Fund WYOMING Marvin & Jerene Keller

Sister Hermina Oeding OP

December 7, 1916 - November 27, 2008
After 1993 when she returned to Great Bend, she served as driver for the sisters, happily taking them to doctors and other eventseven at long distances from Great Bend. She would also list days on the bulletin board when she could provide time to take the sisters shopping. Sister Hermina had been in the convent infirmary since 2002. She was 91 years old when God called her home on Thanksgiving Day, 2008. We, her sisters, rejoiced and celebrated her release from suffering and her completed journey of 78 years among us. She can now be given rest for her soul and body in which she carried the heavy burden of illness so well. Indeed Jesus is saying, Come to me, and I will give you rest. By Sister Elaine Osborne OP Sister Hermina Oeding was born in the U S although her parents were both born in Altenberge, Westphalia, Germany. She entered our Community in 1931, made her first profession in 1934 and had celebrated 70 years of religious profession in 2004. She began a life-long ministry as a teacher in 1934 in Fowler, Kansas. She taught grades first through eighth, for nearly sixty years in 17 schools: Fowler, Sharon, Seward, Dubuque, Odin, Garden City, LaCrosse, St. Leo, Great Bend, Beaver, Magdalen and St. Joseph in Wichita, Larned, Hoisington, Haysville, Schulte, and Lawrence, Nebraska. Few Sisters could boast of ministering in so many different locations. In many of these parochial elementary schools she was both teacher and principal.

Sister Crescentia Peschka OP

July 12, 1913 - January 17, 2009
By Sister Elaine Osborne OP Sister Crescentia was one of ten children born and raised in Odin, Kansas. She entered our Dominican Community in 1928. She was 95 years old when she died, having celebrated silver, golden, diamond, and seventy year jubilees, and in 2006 she celebrated 75 years of religious profession. Her wake service and funeral Mass were attended by many, many nieces and nephews from her large number of siblings. Her only living sibling, Cynthia, was also in attendance. It was obvious that her family was close and that they participated in church events with gusto; both men and women filled the Chapel with beautiful singing and touching stories at the services. Sister Crescentia began a lifelong ministry in education in elementary parochial schools in 1932. In the next 60 years she taught grades 18 in fourteen different schools in Kansas (Schulte, Willowdale, Sharon, Garden Plain, Beaver, Clonmel, Strong City, Dubuque, Belpre, Seward, LaCrosse, Haysville, Great Bend St. Rose, and St. Leo) and Sapulpa in Oklahoma. In seven of these schools she was also the principal. Her first teaching assignment was the call finally came, folded the tent of her in Schulte, Kansas, where she taught the first earthly city, and went to the everlasting Home four grades in one room. She was to return not made by hands. to Schulte three more times. She also taught more than once in Clonmel and Haysville. After slowing down in 1988, she still taught part time. At the wake service Sister Irene Hartman, reflecting on Sister Crescentias life, said, Who can count the many children whom she touched with a gracious sense of mission, leaving behind a long-lasting impression of one of Gods chosen teachers? It was a sad day in 1993 when Sister Crescentia had to give up teaching and retire to the Motherhouse. But one more mission awaited her the call of her God to come Home. She died in the year dedicated to St. Paul by the Holy Father. St Paul was a great teacher of the ways of Jesus. Like St. Paul, Sister Crescentia followed Gods call to teach the ways of God. And like St. Paul who spoke of the earthly tent that is being folded up, and like St. Luke who said, Keep your lamps lit, she had her lamp lit during long years of waiting for the Bridegrooms arrival. She opened the door to her God when

Working the Mission Bazaar check-out stand are Sisters Amy McFrederick, LeAnn Probst, Peggy Martin, Renee Dreiling, and employee, Brenda Fish.

Is God Calling You to be a Dominican Sister of Peace?

In the busy world of everyday life there are many choices. The call to ones vocation, however, comes not from the outside, but rather from within ones heart. It is the Baptismal call that is more than a career. It is a life choice, an answer to God: Whom shall I send? I will go, send me. For more information, contact Sr Teri Wall OP Vocation Minister 3805 W Walsh Pl Denver CO 80219 303-922-2997 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Great Bend KS Permit #39

Grains of Wheat
Dominican Sisters
3600 Broadway Great Bend KS 67530-3692

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Vol. XXXVII, No. 1 Spring 2009

Grains of Wheat

is published quarterly by the Dominican Sisters and Associates of Great Bend, Kansas.
Editor: Rebecca Ford, Communications Director Consultant and Contributing Writer: Sr Elaine Osborne OP Printing by The Spearville News

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Impelled by the Gospel of Jesus Are the Holy Preaching

We Dominicans of Kansas

2009 - A Time of Transition

April 12 - Founding Day of the New Congregation: The birth of the new congregation will be celebrated in conjunction with the Easter celebration of Christs resurrection and new life. April 14 - Founding Event: A celebration of the founding of the new congregation.
Founded aN e by St Dominic on the pillars of prayer, study, community, and ministry, Dominican Sisters continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ through art, music, teaching, spiritual enrichment, care for the poor and the sick, care of creation, housing ministries, advocacy for justice, and much more.

Preaching with

April 15-21 - First General Chapter of the New Congregation: An assembly of sisters from all seven of the former Dominican communities will gather to elect a leadership team (prioress and councilors), and to carry on the business of the new congregation. August 8 - Installation of the New Leadership Team for the New Congregation: The elected prioress and Councilors will assume their respective duties with offices at the new central house in Columbus, Ohio.

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Is God calling you to be a Dominican Sister?

Dominican Sisters of St Mary of the Springs, Columbus OH For 36 years, the editors and staff of Grains of Wheat Dominican Congregation of St Rose of Lima, Oxford MI est, support, letters, and donations, and we dont want 3600 Broadway Sisters of St Dominic of Akron OH to lose you! As the sisters make their transition into
have been grateful to you, our readers, for your inter-

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Great Bend KS 620-792-1232

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come to you from Columbus; if you no longer receive them and still wish to, please let us know. Again, we appreciate you, and we dont want to lose you!

becoming a new congregation, files will be transferred

Dominican Sisters of St Mary, New Orleans LA Eucharistic Missionaries of St Dominic, New Orleans LA

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