Advanced Real Analysis (MA-109-1), Spring 2013: Course Syllabus

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Advanced Real Analysis (MA-109-1), Spring 2013

Course Syllabus
The instructor may make changes to this syllabus throughout the semester.

Course Class Web Instructor Oce

Location: Phone: Hours:


Advanced Real Analysis (MA-109-1), TTh 1:153:05 p.m., 4 units Russell W. Howell, Ph.D. Winter Hall for Science and Mathematics, Room 307 Refer to the campus map: (805) 565-6178; from on-campus just dial 6178 Tuesday through Friday: 3:305:00 p.m. (except on seminar or faculty meeting days); and any time you happen to nd me in and available.

Required Resources Varieties of Integration, by C. Ray Rosentrater Overview and Objectives The term move to the next level is often used to indicate substantial advancement. In some sense you can view this course as an invitation for you to move to the next mathematical level in two areas: in your ability to read mathematics on your own, and in your ability to engage in the practice of mathematics. Practically, the above goals will be pursued in conjunction with topics generally covered in a second course in real analysis with the following (tentative) schedule. Topic Overview and Cauchy Integration Riemann and Darboux Integration Dirichlet, Cantor, and others Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration The Guage and Stieltjes Integrals Putting the Pieces Together Time Frame Weeks 12 Weeks 34 Week 56 Weeks 711 Weeks 1213 Week 14

Written Work Of course, one of the best ways to engage in the practice of mathematics is by completing well-chosen writing assignments. For this course such assignments will occur regularly, and be due the following class day. The assignment schedule can be found at the following link: Class Participation This course will follow a seminar format, modeled after many graduate-level courses. You will be assigned reading (check the above link) for every class session, and your participation evaluation will be based on how well you were able to comprehend the material. In particular, you will nd that a fair amount of work will be involved in simply lling in gaps (a valuable skill to develop for the successful reading of advanced mathematical material). You will also be expected occasionally to take the responsibility of leading the class discussion.

Advanced Real Analysis

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Exams There will be two in-class exams (Monday, February 11; Friday, April 5) and a comprehensive nal (Thursday, May 2, 12:002:00 p.m.). Academic Dishonesty You are encouraged to work together on all assignments. The mere copying of someones work, however, is dishonest. If such an event occurs, all papers in question will receive a grade of zero. Dishonesty in any form on the tests, or nal exam will result in a failing grade for the course, whether for giving information or for taking it. Westmonts full policy relating to academic dishonesty is available at Students with Special Needs Students who have been diagnosed with a disability (learning, physical or psychological) are strongly encouraged to contact the Disability Services oce (Sheri Noble, x6186, as early as possible to discuss appropriate accommodations for this course. Formal accommodations will only be granted for students whose disabilities have been veried by the Disability Services oce. These accommodations may be necessary to ensure your full participation and the successful completion of this course. Final Evaluation Your written work, participation, and performance on exams will be evaluated as follows. Item Writing assignments Participation In-class exams Final exam Percent 30% 30% 20% 20%

Note: Getting acclimated to mathematical reading can actually be a very enjoyable experience. At times throughout the semester you may feel like the person depicted in the cartoon below. Remember, though, true growth in just about every eld only comes from a good deal of perseverance.

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