Case Study Loreal

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Moreover Case Study: L'Oral USA

Moreover is fast, current, and reliable. Thats why weve been a customer for over 8 years.
- Caitlin Larwood, Corporate Communications Manager, L'Oral USA

About the company:

L'Oral USA, based in New York, NY, is a subsidiary of L'Oral, headquartered in Paris, France. L'Oral develops and manufactures haircare, haircolor, skincare, color cosmetics and fragrances for the consumer and professional markets.


Keep employees fully informed with the latest industry news

The ultra-competitive cosmetics market moves at a furious pace. Such a great brand as L'Oral is continuously in the news with frequent coverage in many different publications, while the competition is never far behind. With such high media exposure, it was imperative for the corporate communications team to keep employees fully informed of the latest industry trends and competitor news. Corporate Communications Manager Caitlin Larwood required a media intelligence service that was fast and had great media coverage. But it also had to provide accurate filtering options - with so much press, not all mentions of L'Oral are necessarily important to the executive team at HQ.


Targeted business news across the intranet with Newsdesk

The L'Oral communications team partnered with Moreover Technologies for its Newsdesk service. Through the interface, the team set up a number of highly targeted news feeds that automatically update with the latest industry headlines. Using the tool, Caitlin can hand-pick selected articles and posts the links directly on to the corporate intranet Newsdesk helps us quickly find and track relevant news articles, which we then share across the group, says Caitlin Larwood. The interface is clean and easy to use, and the cool thing is we can select individual articles and post just those to the intranet. So we have real editorial control over the content, and our colleagues dont waste time having to sift through irrelevant stories.


Actionable media intelligence for the management group

Senior executives are able to make more informed decisions thanks to editorially monitored industry news The Corporate Communications team saves employees time and effort by presenting only the most relevant news articles Powerful filtering options allows the Communications team to tailor business news for different groups within the company Providing near real-time business news makes the intranet a more useful resource for employees

The Moreover client services team has been excellent! Our dedicated account manager Leslie was personable and very quick to respond to any questions.
- Caitlin Larwood, Corporate Communications Manager, L'Oral USA

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To find out what Moreover Technologies can do for you, contact us at: US: +1 937 485 2906 UK: +44 (0)20 7253 5003 Email: Or fill out this quick form to ask for a live demonstration of our service!

About Moreover Technologies

Founded in 1998, Moreover Technologies is an industry-leading content delivery service that tracks and organizes global business news and media coverage. Moreover gives companies a customizable delivery channel for enterprise-wide media access, turning global media coverage into actionable media intelligence through powerful media monitoring and news distribution tools. Organizations have access to millions of new articles a day for a 360 view of the media landscape, in any industry, language or region, and across open and licensed content, news and social media, print and broadcast. Moreover's Newsdesk service scooped several industry awards including Dual Codie Awards 2011, Stevie Business Award 2011, and Digital Impact Award 2011. Leading international media evaluation agencies rely on Moreover's unique, near real-time news index for in-depth coverage and quality data. Worldwide, Moreover Technologies clients include Shell Oil, BP, Citigroup, Siemens, Reuters UK, Hill & Knowlton, BBC, Kingfisher, Simon & Schuster, LOral, and Grant Thornton.

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