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SPM BIOLOGY TRIALS REVISION 1. Compare ruminants and rodents cellulose digestion Ruminant Differences Type of nutrition No.

of stomach chamber Caecum Presence of cellose digestion bacteria and protozoa Cellulose digestion Regurgitation of food Ingestion of faeces No. of times food pass through alimentary canal 2. Ruminant digestion of cellulose When a cow feeds on grass, it partially chews the grass. This partially chewed food is swallowed into the _____________, the largest compartment of the stomach. Here, cellulose is broken down by the _____________ produced by symbiotic microorganisms such as bacteria and protozoa. As the food enters the _____________, the cellulose undergoes further hydrolysis. The content of the reticulum, called the _____________, is then regurgitated bit by bit into the mouth to be thoroughly chewed again. This process helps soften and break down cellulose, making it more accessible to further microbial action in other parts of the stomach. The cud is then re-swallowed and moves into the _____________. Here, large particles of food are broken down into smaller pieces by _____________. Water is removed from the cud. The food particles finally move into the _____________, the true stomach of the cow. Here, _____________ juices containing digestive enzymes complete the digestion of proteins and other Rodent

food substances. The food then passes through the _____________ intestine to be digested and _____________ in the normal way. 3. Rodents digestion of cellulose Rodents have big and well developed ______________ to make digestive process of cellulose efficient. It is large as it contains bacteria and protozoa that secrete ______________ for digestion of cellulose. However it present after the small intestine. Absorption of nutrients only occurs in the small intestine. So, the digestion and absorption of nutrient for the 1 st time is incomplete. Thus rodents will ______________their faeces to ______________ more nutrients from the faeces. Faeces for the 1st time is ______________, contain lots of nutrients and undigested food. They are produced at ______________. Faeces for the second time are ______________ and ______________. They are released during the ______________. 4. Effect of rate on the rate of photosynthesis __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________ 5. Dark and light reaction

6. Mechanism of inhalation and exhalation

a. Respiratory centre is stimulated by 3 factors; _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _______________________ b. Sequence of respiratory regulatory mechanism

c. Inhalation mechanism

d. Characteristics of alveoli; ____________________________________________________________ e. Explain oxygen deficit and oxygen debt

7. Definition Colonisation is the process whereby living organisms move into a _____________ formed area which is devoid of life. Succession is the gradual process by which one community _________________ its environment so that it is __________________ by another community. Colonization and Succession in Mangrove Swamp The pioneer species of a mangrove swamp are the

______________________ and ______________________. The presence of these species gradually changes the physical environment of the habitat. The ______________________ root systems of these plants trap and ______________________ sediments, including organic matters from decaying plant parts. As time passes, the soil becomes more ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ and ______________________. the pioneer of the This condition The sp favours the growth of the ______________________. Gradually, the replaces root species. Rhizophora system

______________________ silt and mud, creating firmer soil structure overtime. The ground becomes ______________________. As a result, the soil is ______________________ because it is less submerged by sea water. The condition now becomes more suitable for another mangrove species, the ______________________, which replaces the Rhizophora sp. The ______________________ root system of the Bruguiera sp forms loops which extend from the soil to ______________________ more silt and mud. As more sediment is deposited, the shore extends further to the sea. The old shore is now further away from the sea and is like terrestrial ground. Over time, terrestrial plants like the nipah

palm and Pandanus sp begin to replace the Bruguiera sp. The gradual transition and succession from a mangrove swamp to a terrestrial forest and eventually to a tropical rainforest, which is a ______________________ community, takes a long time.

8. a. Acid rain Acidic gases such as nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide released from the factories and motor vehicles dissolves in rain water to form __________________________________________________________________ respectively. These fall on the ground as acid rain. Effects of acid rain are In ____________________________ plant it causes __________________________________________________________________ _______________________. ___. b. Greenhouse effect __________________________________________________________________

c. What is greenhouse in actual? In actual, a greenhouse is used to grow vegetable and plants in temperate climate especially during _________________. A greenhouse is designed to trap __________________ energy.

Sunlight penetrates the glass roof of a greenhouse to warm the ______________. However the heat given off by soil cannot pass through the _________________. Thus the heat remains inside the greenhouse. This is suitable for _________________ and _____________________ activity of plants.

9. Synapses

The transmission of information is by no means electrical but chemical in nature. When the nerve impulse reaches the end of the presynaptic end of the neurone, it will stimulate the release of chemicals named neurotransmitters in the synaptic vesicles. The synaptic vesicles then fuse with the cell membrane, releasing the neurotransmitters through exocytosis. The neurotransmitters then cross the synapse where they may be accepted by the next neurone at a specialised site called a receptor. The neurotransmitters then fuse with the receptor thus transmitting the nerve impulse to the next neurone. Vesicles containing the neurotransmitters are only in the presynaptic end and the receptors are only on the postsynaptic end, therefore the synapse ensures that the flow of impulses in one direction only.

Spinal cord

a. Indicate using arrow the nerve impulse pathway. b. State the type of action involved. __________________________________________________________________ _______________________ c. Name the impulse transmission pathway. __________________________________________________________________ _______________________ d. State the function of this action. __________________________________________________________________ _______________________ e. State the reason why this action only involves spinal cord and not brain. __________________________________________________________________ _______________________ f. State three examples of this type of action. __________________________________________________________________ _______________________

Test for Biochemical Oxygen Demand 1. Add methylene blue solution to the water sample. 2. Record the time taken for the sample to be decolourised. 3. The shorter the time taken to decolourise the water sample, the more polluted the water sample is.

Determination of vitamin C content in fruit juices

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