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Booklet 1

Wednesday 29 June 2011


2 hours 30 minutes

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This paper consists of 2 booklets and an MCQ answer sheet. Booklet 1: Section A Booklet 2: Section B and Section C DO NOT open the booklets until you are told to do so.

Section A Answer all questions. For each question, there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and shade the box with the correct answer using soft pencil on the MCQ answer sheet provided. This section must be completed in 45 minutes. The MCQ answer sheet will be collected from you at the end of the first 45 minutes.

Sections B and C Answer all questions in the spaces provided in booklet 2. At the end of the paper, please hand up only booklet 2. For numerical answers, all working must be shown.

INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. The values of physical constants and a list of formulae are given on page 2.

This booklet consists of 12 printed pages.

2 Data
speed of light in free space, molar gas constant, the Avogadro constant, the Boltzmann constant, gravitational constant, acceleration of free fall, c R NA k G g = = = = = = 3.00 x 108 m s-1 8.31 J K-1 mol-1 6.02 x 1023 mol-1 1.38 x 10-23 J K-1 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2 9.81 m s-2

uniformly accelerated motion, s v2 work done on/by a gas, hydrostatic pressure, W p = = = = ut + at2 u2 + 2as pV

g h

3 Section A (24 marks) This section consists of 24 multiple-choice questions

1 The magnetic flux density B is given by the equation

F qv

where F is the force experienced by the charge q moving at velocity v perpendicular to the magnetic field. What are the base units of B ? A kg A-1 s-2 B kg s A-1 m-1 C kg s-1 A-1 m-1 D N C-1 m-1 s

In measuring a pressure of 50 kPa, the following pressure readings are obtained from four different barometers with each reading taken five times. The table shows the values obtained together with their mean. Which barometer has the smallest systematic error but is not very precise? Barometer A B C D 1 50.002 50.011 50.012 49.993 2 50.001 49.999 50.013 49.987 Reading / kPa 3 50.002 50.001 50.012 50.002 4 50.000 49.989 50.014 50.000 5 50.000 49.995 50.014 49.983 Mean / kPa 50.001 49.999 50.013 49.993

The resistivity of a wire is given by the expression: d 2V 4L I where d = 1.40 0.01 cm I = 2.50 0.05 A L = 50.0 0.5 cm V = 12.0 0.1 V

The resistivity of the wire may be quoted as


(0.15 0.08) m (150 8) x 10 m



(0.148 0.008) cm (150 10) x 10-3 cm

A student measures the time t for a ball to fall from rest through a vertical distance h. Knowing that the equation h = gt 2 applies, the student plots the graph shown.

Which of the following is an explanation for the intercept on the t-axis?


Air resistance has not been taken into account for larger values of h. The student should have plotted h against t 2. There is an error in the timer that consistently makes it run fast. There is a constant delay between starting the timer and releasing the ball.

A solid Y is in thermal equilibrium with solid Z. Solid X is at the same temperature as solid Y. Solid X is in thermal contact with solid Z. Which of the following statements may be correct?

Solid Y is not at the same temperature as solid Z. Solid X is not in thermal equilibrium with solid Z. The internal energies of solid X and solid Z are not equal. There is net transfer of energy between solid Y and solid Z.


The statements below show the characteristics of four gases. Gas A: Average magnitude of the potential energy of one mole of the gas is 0.1 mJ. Gas B: The internal energy of the gas is directly proportional to its temperature. Gas C: Forces of attraction between the molecules changes as temperature changes. Gas D: Internal energy increases when work is done on the gas at constant temperature. To which of the gases can the ideal gas equation be applied correctly?

Gas A Gas B Gas C Gas D

An immersion heater takes 30 minutes to raise the temperature of mass M of a liquid from 25C to its boiling point of 100C. In a further time of 10 minutes, a mass m of the liquid is vaporised. If the specific heat capacity of the liquid is c and heat losses to the atmosphere and to the container are ignored, the specific latent heat of vaporization of the liquid is

25 M c 3m

25 m c M m 25 M c

25 M c m

In the figure below, flasks X and Y are connected by a thin capillary tube. The volume of flask X is twice that of flask Y. The system is filled with an ideal gas. X 200 K Y 400K

If the mass of gas in X is m, the mass of gas in Y is

m 8 m 4 m 2


Which statement about the first law of thermodynamics is correct?


The heating of a system equals the increase of its internal energy plus the work done on the system. The increase in the internal energy of a system equals the heating of the system plus the work done by the system. The increase in internal energy of a system equals the heating of the system plus the work done on the system. The work done on a system equals the increase in thermal energy plus the heating of the system.


A constant resultant force acts on an object at rest. The diagram below shows the variation with time t of a particular physical quantity Y associated with the object. Y

t Which of the following could represent Y?





work done


The graph shows the variation with time t of the velocity v of a bouncing ball, released from rest.


At which time does the ball reach its maximum height after bouncing?


A ball is dropped from the Physics lab of a school building. One second after the first ball is dropped, another ball is thrown vertically downwards with an initial speed of 15 m s-1. The two balls strike the ground at the same time. What is the height of the Physics lab above the ground?

13 m

19 m

23 m

27 m


A ball is dropped from a very tall building. Considering the presence of air resistance, which of the following statements is NOT true?

Zero acceleration is only achieved after the speed becomes constant. The speed does not decrease during the fall. Both the speed and the magnitude of the acceleration increases during the fall. The final speed is larger if the ball is of the same size but made of a higher-density material.


The diagram shows a sign of weight 20 N suspended from a pole, attached to a wall. The pole is kept in equilibrium by a wire attached at point X of the pole.

The force exerted by the pole at point X is F, and the tension in the wire is 40 N. Which diagram represents the three forces acting at point X?


Two 8.0 N forces act at each end of a beam of length 0.60 m. The forces are parallel and act in opposite directions. The angle between the forces and the beam is 60o.

What is the torque of the couple exerted on the beam?


2.4 N m

4.2 N m

4.8 N m

9.6 N m


A ball is falling at terminal speed in still air. The forces acting on the ball are upthrust, viscous drag and weight. What is the order of increasing magnitude of these three forces?

upthrust viscous drag weight viscous drag upthrust weight viscous drag weight upthrust weight upthrust viscous drag


A beaker of fluid resting on a weighing scale gives a reading X. A solid object suspended from a Newton-meter indicates a reading Y when in air.

Newton-meter beaker of fluid solid object weighing scale

The solid object is then fully immersed in the beaker of fluid. If the Newton-meter now indicates a reading Z, what is the new weighing scale reading?





The variation of the force F with time t acting on a body of mass 0.20 kg is shown below. F

t t / ms Given that the velocity of the body at t = 75 ms is 10 m s-1, what is the velocity of the body at t = 200 ms?

29 m s-1

35 m s-1

39 m s-1

55 m s-1


Two blocks of masses m1 and m2 are connected by a light rod as shown. a rod m1 m2

If the blocks are moving with acceleration a down a smooth slope, what is the tension in the rod?

(m1 - m2)a


(m1 + m2)a



Two identical objects, each of mass m, are traveling at equal speed v and in the opposite direction along a smooth horizontal surface. They collide head-on and stick together. Which of the following statements is true?

The impulse delivered to each of the object during the interval of the collision is mv. The total kinetic energy of the two objects after collision is always greater than zero. The total momentum of the system consisting of the two objects is not conserved. Each object will rebound with a speed lower than v in opposite directions after the collision.


Which of the following pairs of forces is an action-reaction pair?


The force a ladder leaning on a smooth wall exerts on the wall and the normal contact force from the wall. The force a ladder leaning on a smooth wall exerts on the rough floor and the normal contact force from the floor. The weight of a parachutist and the pull of the parachute on him when he is moving with terminal velocity. The weight of a floating object and the upthrust acting on it.


A ball thrown vertically upwards rises to a maximum height at to and then falls to the starting point. Air resistance may be taken as negligible. Which graph best shows the variation of the kinetic energy Ek of the ball with time t ?










A small sphere is attached to one end of an inelastic string of length 0.850 m. The other end of the string is fixed in position at point O. The sphere is swinging between two extreme positions X and Y where the angle XOY is 16.0o.

0.850 m 16.0o


What is the velocity of the sphere at the lowest point P of the swing, assuming there is no air resistance throughout the motion?
A 24

4.08 m s-1

3.80 m s-1

0.804 m s-1

0.403 m s-1

A constant force F, acting on a car of mass m, moves the car up a slope through a distance s at constant velocity v. The angle of the slope to the horizontal is .

Which expression gives the efficiency of the process?


mg sin F

mv Fs

mv 2 2Fs

mgs sin Fv

Solutions: Section A 1 A 13 C 2 B 14 B 3 B 15 B 4 D 16 A 5 C 17 B 6 B 18 C 7 C 19 D 8 B 20 A 9 C 21 A 10 C 22 D 11 D 23 D 12 B 24 A

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