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Romeo & Juliet Setting Lesson Plan 9th Grade English Aim: How do we analyze the characteristics of setting

and their impact on a play? Thinking aim: How do we discuss and uncover the impact of setting on a play? Performance objective: Students will be able to reinterpret the text in different settings to discover how setting informs a play. Students will be able to write, edit, present, and reflect on their work. Standards:
Standard#1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information & understanding. Standard # 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response & expression. Standard# 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.

Do now: 5minutes
What would you change to make the story more relevant to a person living in New York City? Ex. Character Names

Students will work independently to generate their list. After 3 minutes, the students will turn and share their list with a classmate. The teacher will start at one side of the room and have each student share an item on his/her list. The teacher will record the responses. Motivation: Students will be shown the beginning scene of the Baz Lurhmann video of Romeo and Juliet. How would the story change if Romeo had Facebook, or Juliet had a cell phone? How would technology change the feud between the Montagues and Capulets? Activities: 25 Minutes: Students will be broken into 5 groups Group 1: The opening fight scene (rewritten in the Roman days as if the characters were gladiators) Group 2: The fight scene where Mercutio and Tybalt are killed (rewritten as if the characters were American Indians in the 1700s) Group 3: The balcony scene (rewritten as if the characters were living in the American suburbs in the 1950s) Group 4: The party scene (rewritten in the year 2011 in the United States) Group 5: The death scene (rewritten as if the characters were in a soap opera)

Each group will pick a new time and place from one of the teacher provided choices, and rewrite the scenes of Romeo and Juliet to fit with the new setting. Each student will choose a specific role within the group to complete the assignment. They will have 20 minutes to complete the task, after which, the class will reassemble and present their work. The students in each group may pick from the following jobs (2) Reporter: Responsible for reading the report and presenting it/also responsible for generating ideas for the script. (2)Writer: Responsible for recording ideas for the script and writing the first draft (1)Editor: Responsible for editing the draft and typing up the final draft that is handed in/also responsible for communicating with the teacher 10 minutes: Students will present their work Summary: 5 minutes: Respond to the following prompt: Ticket out How does using different elements impact the story of Romeo and Juliet?

Methods of assessment: -Checklist for students ideas in part 1 -Group performance -Peer evaluation forms

Homework: Reflection How is the language of your characters affected by the new setting? How are the actions of the characters affected by the new setting? How are the reactions of the characters affected by the new setting? How is the plot affected by the new setting? How do your opinions about the story change after your revision of it? What did you like best about your project? What did you find most difficult about the project? What grade would you give yourself on the project? Evaluate your classmates using the following rubric:

Name: ____________________________ Do Now: Examine the setting of Romeo and Juliet Act I Scene I. On the right hand side of the chart list specific elements of the setting that you feel has an impact on the story line. On the left hand side of the chart using the elements you listed as important in Act I Scene I adapt those elements to fit someone your age living in present day New York City. Romeo and Juliet Act I Scene I New York City (Present day)

Briefly explain which factors you took into consideration as you tried to adapt each element to fit the life of someone your age living in present day New York City. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

9th Grade Seating Plan Tracking Discussion Participation Group 1 Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Name: ______________________ Group #_____________________

Date:_________________ Modern Medium:______________

Directions: Recreate your assigned scene from Romeo and Juliet using the modern means of communication you have chosen to deliver the story. Original text Reinterpretation

Questions to consider: 1) How is the language of your characters affected by the new setting? 2) How are the actions of the characters affected by the new setting? 3) How are the reactions of the characters affected by the new setting? 4) How is the plot affected by the new setting?

Name: ______________________ 9th Grade English Peer Evaluation


Directions: read each question and rate your fellow group members on the following scale: 3) Excellent 2) Good 1) Poor 1. Did this student work well with all members of the group to evaluate the text and effectively apply the concept that was learned? SCORE: ______ How did he or she help the group? ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Did the student demonstrate self-control and respect to peers during this activity? SCORE: _____ How did he or she provide encouragement and/or constructive criticism during this activity? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

3. Was this student vigorously engaged in the task that was assigned? SCORE _____ Did this student remain focused and participate actively throughout the course of this activity? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Overall, did this student put forth his/her best effort during this activity? Overall Score: _____ Overall Score: Use your scores from # 1-3 to find the average

Lesson Plan Aim objectives:

Rationale for Each Aspect of Plan How do we analyze the characteristics of setting and their impact on a play? This relates to the standards because students will read to gain knowledge and understanding. They will create a literary response. - Standard#1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information & understanding. - Standard # 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response & expression. - Standard# 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation. By completing the lesson, the students are unknowingly analyzing how setting impacts a play merely by editing the story to conform to the new settings they were assigned. Students will be able to reinterpret the text in different settings to discover how setting informs a play. Students will be able to write, edit, present, and reflect on their work. The performance objectives in this lesson are designed so that students will be able to look at a piece of literature in the future and decipher how the setting informs the story. By reinterpreting the text themselves, the students will have written their responses which will enhance their understanding of setting. Based on what you read in Act I Scene 1 yesterday, list what would you change to make the story more relevant to a person living in New York City? Ex. Character Names This is so the students are able to relate to the literature and become more involved.

New York State Standards:


Do Now anticipatory set:


Being able to adapt the text into modern language and creating a modern setting for the text will show that the students can interpret the events of the story. Also, by using modern means of communication students will have to interpret events to make sure they are updating the events properly without changing the meaning. This method is chosen so as to once again have the student relate the literature to their lives and become more involved.

Development teaching/presentation including input, modeling, checking for understanding, questioning, guided practice, independent practice:

25 Minutes: Students will be broken into 5 groups Group 1: The opening fight scene (rewritten in the Roman days as if the characters were gladiators) Group 2: The fight scene where Mercutio and Tybalt are killed (rewritten as if the characters were American Indians in the 1700s) Group 3: The balcony scene (rewritten as if the characters were living in the American suburbs in the 1950s) Group 4: The party scene (rewritten in the year 2011 in the United States) Group 5: The death scene (rewritten as if the characters were in a soap opera) Each group will pick a new time and place from one of the teacher provided choices, and rewrite the scenes of Romeo and Juliet to fit with the new setting. Each student will choose a specific role within the group to complete the assignment. They will have 20 minutes to complete the task, after which, the class will reassemble and present their work. The students in each group may pick from the following jobs

(2) Reporter: Responsible for reading the report and presenting it/also responsible for generating ideas for the script. (2)Writer: Responsible for recording ideas for the script and writing the first draft (1)Editor: Responsible for editing the draft and typing up the final draft that is handed in/also responsible for communicating with the teacher 10 minutes: Students will present their work This method of development was chosen because it is differentiated. The students are in cooperative learning groups which will aid in the learning of their fellow students through discussion with peers. They will aid their fellow students understanding and provide ideas which will spark creativity. 5 minutes: Respond to the following prompt: Ticket out How does using different elements impact the story of Romeo and Juliet?

Final Summary closure:

Methods of assessment: -Checklist for students ideas in part 1 -Group performance -Peer evaluation forms The students learn how to relate literature to the modern world. They also learn how plays are impacted by the setting. Reflection: How is the language of your characters affected by the new setting? How are the actions of the characters affected by the new setting? How are the reactions of the characters affected by the new setting? How is the plot affected by the new setting? How do your opinions about the story

Homework independent practice:

change after your revision of it? What did you like best about your project? What did you find most difficult about the project? What grade would you give yourself on the project? Evaluate your classmates using the following rubric: The homework reinforces the lesson. The students are given a chance to evaluate their work. By answering the reflection questions, the students will truly understand how setting impacts a play. The next day in class, the answers can be discussed to reinforce the previous days lesson and ensure the class is ready to move on to the next lesson.

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