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Hi Giles. My comments are in blue. Hi Liam. I am updating my assignment in yellow. Hi Giles. My new comments are in green.

XN1DE5 GLES MOD 2 V1 PART 1 Points to consider 9 The first class may cause problems because; The age difference between 34 year old Maria, and the class of 14 year olds could be too wide. 14 year olds generally, may not be particularly dedicated to learning English. The level of maturity amongst the 14 year olds would probably not be that high, in comparison to Maria. In a class full of young learners there would be more disruption during lessons. Maria would most likely not fit with the class dynamic and may become frustrated with the rest of the class. Maria would need to learn different things for her job at the bank than 14 year old children would be taught in a general english class. The teacher may try to keep control of the young class by using games or watching videos, to keep interest. This again, would most likely not be relevant or challenging for Maria. The second class may get along slightly better, Ming, spending much of his childhood in English speaking countries, may be at a fairly advanced level of English, in comparison with the 19 year old counterparts. Ming being placed in that class implies that he is at that particular level, in English. This class may have problems because Ming may be left out slightly or teased by the rest of the class. Ming being a 10 year old would be at a different level of maturity than the 19 year olds, regardless of his English speaking abilities. Therefore the subjects covered in the class preparing for exams, would probably be above Ming's knowledge of subjects beyond English. The 19 year old exam class would be a much more serious learning class than Ming would probably be used to. This may lead to Ming loosing concentration and his learning suffering as a result. This is a great start! Both classes would certainly be challenging, as the Ming and Maria would de interested in different subjects to the rest of the class, given their

ages. However, as the ss. are in the minority, it would be best to simply try to fit them into the classes.

Points to consider 1 Marco, who starting work in international offices, would need to be learning English tailored for a business environment. His lessons would need emphasis on; Reading reports, business statistics and figures. Writing reports, presentations, business letters, memos and emails. Listening for note taking and meetings. High level of speaking to converse with bosses and other employees, for presentations, negotiating skills, telephone calls and portraying potentially complex ideas in meetings. Kumiko, just arriving in London, would need a general English class to give her enough understanding of the language to communicate. She would probably like to make new friends in her area, understand programs on the television and so on. Kumiko, would need to become fluent enough in English, to eventually join in with her age group at an English speaking school in London. Good. You recognise the ss. needs and make appropriate suggestions. Also, Kumiko would need to learn English which would help her to understand and follow classes in English. Good.

Points to consider 6 I think my ideal classroom would have good use of natural light, and no neon strip lighting. The toilets would be adjoined to the class, meaning that students could use the facilities without going too far. This may stop students leaving the class for long periods of time and disrupting other students. The classroom would be painted in bright uplifting colours, which are known to affect mood, but not too bright to be distracting. The classroom would be as sound tight as possible, leading to less distraction from noises coming from outside or from other classes. The chairs would be padded for comfort and the individual tables could be adjusted for the correct hight of the student. The temperature would be not too hot or too cold for comfort, so that students are not distorted by temperature.

The classroom would also have a Television and dvd player, Computer with internet and speakers and a projector with white board. This equipment would help to keep things interesting by using alternative media to teach. My favourite teacher at school was quite strict but very fair, he kept things interesting by using different media to teach, but would not take any messing around in his classroom. Because of this there was no peer pressure to mess around in class, leading to more learning taking place. I don't know if i would adopt his strictness, as it is not in my character, but I would definitely try to stop any messing around in class, so that students can feel safe to learn. I would also adopt his use of different teaching media, such as videos, games and pictures. Good. I like your suggestion of having a toilet adjoining the class. I also like to have a computer, internet, projector and speakers in my class, so I can use the internet, as well as youtube and google images. Your description of your favourite teacher is also good. Good.

PART 2 Question 1 What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? How long have you been studying English? Which parts of the language do you find the most difficult? Which parts of the language do you find the easiest? Which skills do you use/ need/ lack most? Can you please rate your English speaking abilities on a scale of 1 to 5? Can you please rate your English listening skills on a scale of 1 to 5? Can you please rate your English reading abilities on a scale of 1 to 5? Can you please rate your English grammar skills on a scale of 1 to 5? Can you please rate your English vocabulary skills on a scale of 1 to 5? Are you doing anything to improve your English? How often do you watch English Language films? Do you travel to English speaking/ other countries? What are your short term and long term aims for English speaking/ reading/ writing? Do you enjoy studying English? What have you thought of your previous lessons? Have you had much experience of pair work and group discussion in your previous lessons?

What's the best way to learn a language? How much time do you have during the rest of the week for homework/ studying?

This is a good list of questions, which asks most of the most useful questions. I would however ask ss. to rate their listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary on a scale of 1 to 5. Also, you could also ask the ss. if they are used to pairwork, group discussions etc. You added some good questions here. . PART 3 Question 1 1. This lesson plan would most likely be aimed at mid teens in a general English class, as a way of getting them excited and interested in learning. The first draw for the students would be using the lyrics from a popular boy band. The second draw would be focused on dating, because most 15-16 year olds would have an interest in this subject. This lesson plan may also appeal more to female students. Great answer. You make some well observed points. I would certainly avoid teaching this lesson to male ss.

2. This lesson plan would most likely be aimed at business English students or advanced mature students, the subject of a national election would probably be an interest to these students and may even be related to their work or be used in conversations with colleagues. This lesson plan may also be used by an EAP class especially if they plan to study politics at university. Good. This would also be suitable for EAP ss., especially if they plan to study political science at University. Good.

3. This lesson plan would probably be aimed at a young beginners general English or possibly EAP class. The use of this book would keep things simple. Many students may know the fairy tale in their MT, promoting interest in learning. The book may have a good use of bright illustrative pictures, which would help to teach certain words or help in understanding plots.

Good. I would also suggest however, that this lesson would also suit an adult beginners class. 3. This lesson plan would probably be aimed at any beginners general English class or possibly a young EAP class. The use of this book would keep things simple. Many students may know the fairy tale in their MT, promoting interest unlearning. The book may have a good use of bright illustrative pictures, which would help to teach certain words or help in understanding the plot. Good.

Question 2 "Favourite things" - We could discuss the things that give us pleasure whether it be a toy car/ doll, computer game, watching a sport or playing with a pet. We could also discuss things we used to like when we were younger. Language functions would include independent clauses (I love, I like) and using the past (I used to like). Good. This topic is certainly broad, however, I'm sure the ss. would be eager to discuss their likes and dislikes. "Favourite food" - We could discuss the food that we enjoy the most. We could also discuss the food that we do not like and the food that we used to not like, when we were younger. Language functions would include independent clauses (iI love, I like) and using the past (I used to like). This is a good general subject.

"Aliens" - We could discuss whether the students thought there would be any possibility of intelligent life on other planets. We could also discuss favourite alien films and look at the proof for and against the possibility of aliens. functions would include expressing possibility (might, could) and opinion (I believe, I think). Your description here is a bit limited. However, you could broaden it by discussing famous aliens in movies, as well as alien sightings. Good.

"Goals"- We could discuss the students goals/plans/dreams in life whether financial, career based or educational etc. We could also look at the reasons why. Language functions would include talking about the future (I would like to, I want to)

This is a good suggestion and an ideal topic which would require ss. to talk about the future.

"Which famous person or celebrity, dead or alive, would you invite for dinner." - We could discuss the people that influence or interest us and why we would choose them to go out to dinner with. Language functions would include choice ( I would invite) and opinion. (I think) This sounds like a very interesting lesson.

PART 4 Question 1 By the end of the course, the class will be able to be involved in accurate communication with their new colleagues, in a technical manner. The class will also need to get by with day to day activities in English and improve their pronunciation. This is a good general outline for the course.

Question 2 General conversation. Very broad topic. Ordering from restaurants and checking in to hotels. Below ss. level. Conducting meetings and presentations. Good. Motivational talks. Possibly Giving directions. Below ss. level. Negotiating skills. Possibly. Working with different nationalities. Good. Do as 2nd class and possibly call the class Cultural Differences. Engineering and building technical terms and phrases. Good. I would suggest however that these be used in a lesson called Problem Solving. You make some good suggestions here, however, you need to be more aware of the ss. level of English, which is quite high, as most ss. are Upper-Intermediate.

At Upper-Intermediate level students have an effective, but not perfect, use of the English language. They can take part in extended conversations on a wide range of topics. If they don't know the appropriate term for something they are able to find a way of describing it. They have a knowledge of some idiomatic English, phrasal verbs, and colloquial expressions. All main areas of English grammar have been covered at this level. Here are some classes which would be suitable for this level of ss.: Describing Jobs, Working Conditions, Cultural Differences, Meetings, Progress Reports, Problem Solving, Health and Safety, Instructing and Teaching. Question 2 Health and safety Instructing and teaching Conducting meetings and presentations Problem solving Working conditions Progress reports Cultural differences Describing jobs This is a good, progressive syllabus.

Question 3 Class: Engineers (Monday 4 - 5.30) Lesson: 1 of 8 Level: Upper-Intermediate Target language: General English Activities: Introduce scenario: Meeting new people, bosses or team leaders; Group work including the correct way to introduce yourself and use acceptable topics for discussion. Group work, practicing in pairs with conversation. Target language: Health and safety Activities: Introduce scenario: Dialog on safety topics- what to do in certain situations. Poisons and toxins vocabulary list, medical words vocabulary, workplace safety. The lesson is fine, however, it could do with a bit more detail. You could mention if ss. work in groups, pairs etc.

Class: Engineers (Monday 4 - 5.30) Lesson: 2of 8 Level: Upper-Intermediate

Target Language: Cultural Differences Activities: Introduce scenario: Discussing cultural differences between countries and how best to approach this in a working environment. Good. However, you need to suggest more activities. You could do a mindmap or have a team quiz.

Class: Engineers (Monday 4 - 5.30) Lesson: 3 of 8 Level:Upper - Intermediate Target Language: Conducting meetings and Presentations. Activities: Introduce scenario: Conducting a meeting within groups based on engineering. Good idea. Needs more detail. Ss. could be taught useful words and phrases. They could also do a roleplay of a meeting and do a presentation in pairs.

Class: Engineers (Monday 4 - 5.30) Lesson: 4 of 8 Level: Upper-Intermediate Target Language: Motivational Skills. Activities: Introduce scenario: Practise with positive phrases and ways of motivating staff. Target Language: Problem solving Activities: Introduce scenario: Students could discuss in groups solutions to various problems given to them, using identification of options, clarity of judgement, firmness of decision, and effective implementation. Working on terms related to engineering and building. Good. This would be a useful lesson.

Class: Engineers (Monday 4 - 5.30) Lesson: 5 of 8 Level: Upper-Intermediate Target Language: Giving Directions. Activities: Introduce scenario: 2 staff needed to rebuild a wall. Practice in groups, ways of directing people to this task without being rude or disrespectful. Target Language: Working conditions

Activities: Introduce scenario: Start discussion with the class about work/life balance, working conditions, training, working time and well being. Learn new phrases and vocabulary related to this. Good. Ss. could also look at working conditions throughout the world. Ss. could do a mindmap, have a discussion group and you could have a quiz.

Class: Engineers (Monday 4 - 5.30) Lesson: 6 of 8 Level: Upper-Intermediate Target Language: Negotiation skills. Activities: Introduce scenario: Pricing of two steel girders at $400, practice in groups negotiating cheaper prices for the girders. Target Language: Progress report Activities: Introduce scenario: Create a work situation for the class, where data would have to be collected and relayed as part of a report, as practice. Good. However, you could have added a few more activities. You could have asked ss. to work in pairs or looked at sample progress reports.

Class: Engineers (Monday 4 - 5.30) Lesson: 7 8 Level:Upper- Intermediate Target language: Ordering from restaurants and checking in to hotels. Activities: Introduce scenario: Checking in to a Hotels and ordering from menus. Group work including practicing in groups the art of role playing and checking in to hotels etc. Target Language: Instructing and teaching Activities: Introduce scenario: Practice within groups teaching building and engineering based topics. Good lesson. Brief description. Ss. could teach in pairs. As a class you could write up a list of useful ways to teach, as well as suitable language. Class: Engineers (Monday 4 - 5.30) Lesson: 8 of 8 Level: Upper-Intermediate Target Language: Engineering and building technical terms and phrases. Activities: Introduce scenario: Working on terms related to engineering.

Target Language: Describing jobs Activities: Introduce scenario: Going through various different engineering based jobs and description of the roles. Good lesson, lacks detail and activities. Ss. could talk in groups or pairs. Also, you could have a quiz etc.

Overall, this assignment is good. The answer you gave to the Points to Consider were well written. The Needs Analysis contains a lot of good questions and I suggested a few more questions which you could include. You are aware of which types of subjects suit different types of ss. You also suggested a number of good general subjects for ss. to study. The syllabus you suggested was good, however, you will need to make a few changes to some of the classes. I made several comments and suggestions which should help you to do this.

Overall, this assignment is good. You took note of my comments on v1 and made the appropriate changes. You added some great questions to the Needs Analysis, which would yield some very useful answers. The new syllabus you suggested was also good and the class outlines fine. However, your descriptions of the lessons were too brief at times. If you had added some more activities, you would have received a higher grade for this assignment. Good luck with module 3.

Grade: 16 [As with all ICAL assignments, a pass mark is 16/20. If you grade less than this then you are allowed to re-work and re-submit the assignment as many times as you wish to reach a pass mark. If you grade 16 or above then you move automatically on to the next Module.]

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