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Hi Giles. My comments are in blue.

Hi Liam, My corrections are in green XN1DS Giles A3 V1 PART 1 QUESTION 1 Points to consider 5 I would think that some teachers would prefer to get the students working in small groups rather than as a class for certain elements of the lesson, because: A small group, would encourage the shyer members of the class to be involved in dialogue, or acting out scenarios that they may not feel comfortable doing in front of the whole class. In a large class it would be easier for students to not participate and not get noticed, or be left out and fall behind on their studies. Therefore small groups are more likely to involve more students as it will be more obvious who is, and who isn't participating. The teacher can also walk around the class and listen into each group individually to make sure that everyone is involved and understanding what they are supposed to be doing. Small groups may be easier to manage as the teacher could separate known trouble students or chatterboxes into different groups so that the class would less likely be interrupted. The teacher could also put students that seem to have a better understanding of a certain subject with students that don't, so that the students that have a better understanding could help the struggling pupil. This is a great start! There are several advantages to group work, which you point out in your answer. Also, groupwork allows several ss. to speak at the same time, so groups are good for speaking practice.

Points to consider 1 You could bring in a selection of local fruit and vegetables, for children, this may be better than using photographs or pictures of fruit, they could also eat some of the fruit afterwards. We could go on a short trip to a local market and practice with the food that they stock there. I could use the OHP as a fun way of testing the class by putting, say, a banana on the OHP, the children would have to say the name of the fruit in English with only the silhouette of the fruit. You make some interesting suggestions here. I especially like your idea to put

objects on the OHP.

Points to consider 3 We could talk about where we would be and what we would be doing now, if we had won the lottery. We could talk about how the world would be different if we didn't have money. I think that I would prefer to use 'what would we be doing if we had won the lottery', I think that I prefer this because I suspect that most people would have thought about that at some point, they may have plans and dreams of things that they would have achieved if they had won. Therefore, I think that it would enable everyone to practice with the 3rd conditional. Having said that I really like the idea of the action maze, if I had a good idea for teaching the 3rd conditional with an action maze, I may prefer to use that. You suggest a number of good ideas here in order to get ss. to practice the 3rd conditional. You also pose some good questions.


Question 1 Class 1 - A Multilingual beginners class: By the end of this course the class will be able to hold basic conversations in English, they will have enough knowledge of the English language to be able to function day to day in an English speaking country and Will have enough knowledge to possibly have get a job in their chosen profession. This lesson aim, while good, may be a bit too ambitious for this level of ss. Class 1 - A multilingual beginners class: By the end of this course the class will be able to hold basic conversations in English, they will have enough knowledge of the English language to function in most basic day to day activities.

Class 2 - A Monolingual upper-intermediate class;

By the end of the course the class will be able to hold complex discussions in English, they will have fine tuned their speech and have better vocabulary to do with more complex issues and discussions. This is a good aim, however, it is quite broad. Class 2 - A Monolingual Upper-intermediate class: By the end of this course the class will raise their current standard of English speaking reading and writing, with focus of vocabulary and

Question 2 Lesson Title: Basic conversation - First class Class: Basic English - Tuesday Afternoon - 17 students. Level: Beginners class Length of lesson: 90 minutes Lesson Target: Basic introductions, get to know the class, basic vocabulary. Materials/Resources: Selection of fruit and vegetables, selection of clothes, soft foam ball or bean bag, paper and pens. Preparation: Handout with introductions, handouts with vocabulary and homework handout. Possible Problems: Fairly large class make sure everyone understand and make sure no-one is left out. Introduction: Welcome the class, go around shaking the students hands and say "Hello, my name is .." and ask "Whats your name". Activity/Exercise 1(10-20 mins): Give out handouts with the introduction phrases 'Hello, my name is' and 'Whats your name'. Use soft ball or beanbag, Introduce myself, then ask "whats your name", pass the ball to nearest student, student should answer the question with "Hello my name is..", pass the ball and ask the same question to the next student until everyone has had a go. This activity would be too difficult for the ss. You need to use more pictures in order to explain visually what each sentence means. You also need to explain step by step and simply. e.g. To teach "Hello" - wave and say "Hello". Draw a stickman on the board waving. Draw a speech bubble

which contains the word "Hello". get ss. to repeat as a class. Get individual ss. to repeat. You can even walk outside class, walk in and say "hello". Also teach "goodbye" Also, by giving ss. a handout, you presume ss. can read and understand English, which is not the case, as ss. have little if no English. Your idea to use a ball is good. You need to include all handouts etc. with your assignment. Activity/Exercise 1: When all the class are seated, I will say "Hello my name is Giles" whilst waving

Activity/Exercise 2 (10-20 mins) : Bring out Fruit and vegetables, hold one up and ask the class "Whats this?", if no-one knows say "This is a .." then ask "whats This" and give it to a student. The student should respond and pass it along the class in the same manner. This would be too difficult for the ss. You need to use the board more and be more detailed in your description. Also, what fruit and vegetables would you teach? You need to include a list of vocabulary. Write sentences on board. You need to use the board more. Activity/Exercise 3 (15 mins): Once all fruit, veg and clothing items have been given out, have the students get together in to groups of same categories, ie/ all the vegetables. Then give the students the name of the whole category. Talk about other categories and objects within them such as flowers, animals, vehicles. Provide a list of all vocabulary. Also, ss. cannot 'talk about' subjects at this level. You could possibly add a bit of variety by playing a game at this point. This activity would not take 15 minutes.

Activity/Exercise 4 (10-20 mins): Have students stay in their groups and draw 2 more items in the same category each, if they do not know the name in English I will help them. Have the students ask the rest of the class "What is this", if the class do not know then have the student tell the rest of the class "This is a..", the class should repeat. Give the class vocabulary handout and get them to add the extra vocab to it. You need to include all handouts. Also, state what words you will teach. You could add variety by asking ss. to complete an activity e.g. match words with pictures etc. The activity you suggest here is very similar to activity 2, as it teaches "This is a ..." You could possibly teach size and colour here.

You could play a game with flashcards. Put flashcards around the room. Call out 'orange', 2 ss. compete to get the card first. (or call out 5 items and time the ss. as they rush to collect the 5 flashcards) Assessment: Students may find vocabulary slightly easy, if this is the case go through the names of the items, then hand out items randomly to test if the students have remembered. or have a work sheet with pictures of the objects used and have students fill the names in. This lesson is good, however, you need to add some more detail, include all materials, add more variety and use the board more.

Lesson Title: Top Story News Class: English for pleasure - Monday Evening - 6 Students Level: Upper Intermediate Length of lesson: 90 mins Lesson Target : New vocabulary and understanding through the use of news items. Materials/Resources: 6 daily papers, handout 1 (fill in the blanks) sentences from article with missing words, handout 2 (questions to check understanding of the article), an English dictionary. Preparation: Buy the 6 morning papers, choose article for use that evening, Make fill in the blanks and questions handouts from the article. Possible Problems: Some students may have more to say in discussion than others I should make sure everyone has a say and try to find topics which will spark debate. Introduction: Welcome the class, Hand out the news papers and show the class which article that they will be using as a topic of discussion give them time to read over it themselves. Ask the class whether anyone would like to read out the chosen article. Activity/ Exercise 1 (10-20 mins): Define 'veneer'? Can you use it in a sentence? Define permeate? Can you use that in a sentence? Define repression? Can you use it in a sentence? Discuss these words, look at the dictionary definitions and see whether the class have any words that they do not understand fully.

How exactly would you do this activity? Will ss. work on their own or in pairs? How will ss. answer questions? The 1st activity of any lesson should be as interesting and engaging as possible, in order to catch the ss. attention. I would begin with a mindmap on the board. Beginning with 4 definitions is not very engaging. Ss. have no context from which to guess the words. As the question stated that the ss. enjoy debating, I would focus on having a debate on class and preparing ss. for this debate by teaching them useful TL they can use to debate. Choose a topic with 2 sides e.g. The Death Penalty, begin with a mindmap, look at 2 opposing articles, ask comprehension questions, ask ss. their opinions, teach ss. words and phrases they can use to debate. Choose a new argument, split the class in 2, give each side time to prepare, hold a debate. Also, there are several different ways to teach vocabulary other than giving definitions: Activity/Exercise 2 (10-20 mins): (Reich invented the Orgone Energy Accumulator, a wooden cupboard about the size of a telephone booth, lined with metal and insulated with steel wool. It was a box in which, it might be said, his ideas about sex came almost prepackaged. Reich considered his orgone accumulator an almost magical device that could improve its users' "orgastic potency" and, by extension, their general, and above all mental, health. He claimed that it could charge up the body with the life force that circulated in the atmosphere and which he christened "orgone energy"; in concentrated form, these mysterious currents could not only help dissolve repressions but treat cancer, radiation sickness and a host of minor ailments. As he saw it, the box's organic material absorbed orgone energy, and the metal lining stopped it from escaping, acting as a "greenhouse" and, supposedly, causing a noticeable rise in temperature in the box). Do you think that it is possible that Reich harnessed an energy that treat cancer and mental illness? Discuss. Do you think that it is right for books to be burned, if a government does not agree with their content? Discuss. If there was no basis for his organ accumulator, why did the US government consider him such a danger? Discuss.

How exactly would you do this activity? Will ss. work on their own or in pairs? How will ss. answer questions? How does the previous activity relate to this? I would focus on having a debate, rather than a general comprehension.

Activity/Exercise 3 (10-20 mins): Fill in the blanks sheets. Surveillance, Ridiculous, Liberation, Injunction, Activism, Influence. A: The orgone box was celebrated as a ( that would lead to utopia. ) machine, the wardrobe

B: While to conservatives it was Pandora's box, out of which escaped the Freudian plague the corrupting ( ) of anarchism and promiscuous sex. C: Because of his radical past, Reich was placed under ( ) almost as soon as he arrived in America and he was interned at the outbreak of war under suspicion of being a communist (his FBI file is 789 pages long). D: In creating a morality out of pleasure, Reich allowed postwar radicals to view their promiscuity as political ( ) and justify their retreat from traditional politics. E: When Reich broke the ( ), continuing to profit from the sale and rental of accumulators, he was sentenced to two years in prison. F: If his claims for the orgone accumulator were no more than ( ) quackery, as the FDA doctors suggested, and if he was just a paranoid schizophrenic, as one court psychiatrist concluded, why did the US government consider him such a danger? How exactly would you do this activity? Will ss. work on their own or in pairs? How will you check the answers. Will you teach the words? If so, how?

Activity/Exercise 4 (10-20 mins): Questions Handout. True or False !: Reich believed that the orgasm made the difference between sickness and health. (True or False) 2: Reich was a student of Einstein. (True or False) 3: Reich suffered from paranoid delusions that the world was under attack by UFOs. (True or False)

4: Reich's theories of sexual repression, seemed to offer the disenchanted left an explanation for large numbers of people having submitted to fascism. (True or False) How exactly would you do this activity? Will ss. work on their own or in pairs? How will you check the answers.

Questions 1: According to the article why was Reich placed under surveillance almost as soon as he arrived in America? 2: In creating a morality out of pleasure, how did Reich enable postwar radicals to view their promiscuity? 3: Why was Reich imprisoned in the United States? 4: Which author wrote in the preface to his 1946 novel " As political and economic freedom diminished, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase. And the dictator ..will do well to encourage that will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude which is their fate" Assessment: The chosen article is interesting to me, but, may not interest the class, although there are some good discussion topics it may be a bit advanced for this group.

Question 3 Homework for basic English beginners class: Choose 3 more categories of objects that have not been mentioned in class today. Find at least 5 objects in each category and learn the English word for it. How? Complete homework handout.( sheet with various pictures of fruit, vegetables and clothes that we looked at in the lesson, the student has to name the item) Include handout.

Homework for upper intermediate class: Choose a different article out of the newspapers given in todays class, pick out 10 words in that article that you do not have a good understanding of, research the meaning of those words, then bring in to the next lesson to explain to the rest of the class . This is very general. I would ask ss. to write a 1000 word essay debating a topic.

Overall, this assignment is good. You gave some great answers to the Points to Consider. You also suggested some good lessons, however, you will need to make a number of changes. The first lesson needs to be more detailed and it also needs more variety. The instructions in each lesson plan should be explicit and clear. You also need to include all pictures, handouts etc. and use the board more. In the second lesson plan, I would focus on teaching the ss. TL they can use to debate and have a debate at the end of class, as this is what they would enjoy. Grade: None Yet [As with all ICAL assignments, a pass mark is 16/20. If you grade less than this then you are allowed to re-work and re-submit the assignment as many times as you wish to reach a pass mark. If you grade 16 or above then you move automatically on to the next Module.]

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