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Take my hand and I will guide you to love..

A paradise just between you and me.. Trust me with all your heart.. Because all you need to know is I LOVE YOU .. =`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=` Because of her will she was able to be with him, and because of force he is bounded together with her. Will she succeed onto making him love her? But will her concious taken over her and not strive for a future with him? No matter what the outcome is she will never regret her decisions of doing anything that involves him in it Even though her outcome with him may end in sorrow or joy she will still accept the outcome because she loves him. The only thing left to know is Will he love her back? That is the question that she have to find out herself. Also along the way, it might not only be her who has a perpetual love but indeed someone else might also be like her too. Main Character: Raymond Lam Tavia Yeung Ron Ng (Lam) Minor Character: (Will show up in the story somewhere) Michelle Yip Myolie Wu (Lam) And so on..

Chapter 1
Take my hand and I will guide you to love
Standing at the pier in anguish he banged his fist on the metal railing. Leaning on it and looking out at the sea with the cold breeze blowing at him to relieve his stress. He sighed loud to calm himself down, but somehow it is not helping at all. Talking to his mind What am I to do now? Raymond Lam you are stuck in a pit hole! Damn you for being so stupid!

Suddenly a voice ranged in his ears. It isnt angelic nor is it sweet but it is a voice that would capture any heart of a man. He turned over to face a woman in her mid twenties looking at him with an amusing look. He looked around wondering if she was calling him or somebody else. Hey! Look at me. He frowned in confusion. Do I know you miss? She smiled brightly. I dont know. Do I look familiar to you? No. I dont think I have ever seen you in my life before. Then you dont know me. He gave her a really confused look but very innocent. So innocent that a smile couldnt help but crept itself to the rear of her lips. Seeing that he is embarrassing himself he decided that the best escape is just to leave and go to another place and relieve stress. But before he could take a step to get out of her sight she spoke once again, and once again it had caught his attention like the first time he had heard her voice. What are you stuck at? Do you need any help to get out from the pit hole? He turned around to look at her. This time instead of seeing a normal girl her whole image was illuminating with the beautiful background behind her. She was no ordinary woman at all. Something about her just draws him to her and he doesnt now why. Why would it concern you? I have to go. I can help. I really can. He gave an unbelieving smirk. Thinking to himself how can anyone help him? The only person who can help him is someone that can be accepted by his parents. He turned to look at her once again and for some reason the question popped out so easy. He never thought it could have until now Will you marry me then? She smiled sweetly. Yes Her answer sends electricity to his eyes. It popped open like a wine cork from a wine bottle. A girl who he doesnt even know for no more then five minutes just said yes to his proposal. How is that possible? Is it? Can it be possible? (Her POV) After so many years I finally see him again. My first crush my first love. I would call it love because it has been so long that I like him. I cant even remember if it had been five or ten years. But here is my chance, my one in a lifetime chance to make him realize that I exist in this world. And yes I have made myself known to him, because he had proposed to a girl who he never knew had exists. I will try my best to make him feel happy because I love him Yes

That is my answer. A thousand times I would say yes to his proposal. He gave me a really goofy but cute look. His looks are always so handsome but it is his cuteness that makes me fall deeply in love for him. You heard me. I said yes. He laughed nervously. Uh Thank you for not turning me down. But um lets just forget everything. Its a joke. Well nice talking to you. Goodbye! He turned his foot to the opposite of where I am standing. I stood there giggling to myself. Yes. The man who I love truly does not know my existence. That only means I have to show him that I am here in front of him and I am real. No longer do I need to fear about expressing my love for him no longer. (End POV) Hey! Didnt you say you need help? She smirks. She knows that he want to leave but she knows for sure he would not turn her offer onto helping him. Immediately he turned around and looks at her. He has no clue why she is toying with him. But there is one thing for sure that he knows, it is that he is drawn to her. You wont regret?! Nope. I cross my heart He gave a deep heavy sigh. Then he looked at her seriously and walked over to her. Her heart began to beat slowly. She had never imagined having to be this close to him. Thinking to herself she might even passed out in a few seconds. Okay. I need a wife because my parent is forcing me to get married. I will hire you as my wife for a year. After- Before he could even finished his sentences she already gave him a look that had stopped him completely from speaking another word. It is just something about her look that made him stop. What? Why cant you find a wife that you love and get married with her? He turned away from her and walked toward the metal railing. Again he leaned onto it being stressed as he was just a few minute ago. His expression is full of sorrow and even fear. This time she had the courage to approach him and leaned against the railing near him. Because there is no such thing as love. Love is just a bunch of crap. Thats not true. She gave him a deep disagreement expression. He gave a short chuckle and stood up straight. I guess you cant help me then. Thanks for the offer anyways. Goodbye. Wait! If I can get you to love again, will you try? He gave her a surprised look. What?

Smiling at him proudly, she reached her hand out at him with her palm facing the sky. Take my hand and I will guide you to love. Looking at her hand and then turning to look at her sure expression. She looked so sincere but he doesnt know if he should trust someone who he had just met. He had been hurt so much in the past that he doesnt even believe that love can still exists in him anymore. Should he take her hand? Apart of him have no faith in love but his unconscious mind is making him move his hand to join hers. As you can see the glimmer in her eyes she was in joy having to know that he would accept her help and to even have her in his life for even a day or so. But as her dream was to finally come true it was also to vanquish in a split. Another voice had interrupted their session together. It was a voice that had made him pull all his attention to this persons voice. Raymond Lam. Do you miss me? Michelle? There stood a beautiful maiden. Michelle walked elegantly over to him and like always would give him her great smile. But her smile soon faded when she spot a girl standing next to him. Michelle turned to look at the girl and then look at him. You havent answered me. Do you miss me? He only smiled back at her. He doesnt know how to react now. Seeing her makes him happy because he had once loved her. And they had once shared a wonderful time together. It was due to her indulgence to other things that had turned their relationship into a dieing flower. She took his hand by surprise and suddenly stuck a business card in his palm. He read it slowly, Michelle Yip CEO of London Cosmetic. Call me sometimes. I would really want to reconnect back with you again. He looked at her in confusion because her statement of reconnecting has so many meaning that he doesnt know which one would apply as the correct meaning. Raymond and Michelle were so caught up in their conversation that they had not noticed a single person is standing near them. And this single person was in pain to find out she no longer existed in her crush mind anymore. Slowly she began to walk away from the two who is staring into each other mind. And just as she was walking away she felt like her heart had sunk to the bottom of the sea. Thinking to herself should she really give up all this hope of being with him? Had it all come to an end till this day? Even though her will is telling her not to but her heart seems to have failed her will. But her will is what makes the magic for her. Just as she was to be totally out from their sight he had called for her. Hey! Wait up! He rushed over to her and took her hand gently. She turned to look at him in amazement. She felt the shock from his hand that had traveled throughout her whole body. He stuck Michelles business card in his pocket. I will call you sometimes. As for now I already have reservations. Nice seeing you again. Goodbye. Raymond could see Michelles disappointing look. He knows that she expect him to run to her no matter what, but time change and so would a person. He no longer needs her to be his pill of life. Or at lease

that is what he believed so. He turned to look at the girl who he still doesnt even know her name yet and smiled at her. Lets go. She happily obliged and walks hand in hand away with him to wherever he takes her. While they were walking he whispered to her. What is your name? Tavia Tavia. Tavia I hope you will succeed because you now have my hand.

Chapter 2
Lets go princess before your carriage leave...
Dream Link Caf Raymond and Tavia are sitting across from each other. Raymond is concentrating on his coffee but at the same time is having a sad expression. Instead of feeling sad with him Tavia felt really giddy and happy inside. She kept smiling and staring at him. Thinking to herself no matter what kind of expression he gives it makes her just happy looking at him and knowing what his moods are. Finally he spoke. Im sorry. Why? Her eyebrows fused together with disappointment. Actually I dont even know what I was thinking. Just forget everything. My mind wasnt functioning. But I have your hand now. You cant take it back. I wont let you take it back. Hey! What are you talking about? Its my hand. I can take it back anytime I want. Wrong! You gave it to me willingly; I didnt do it by force. So it is like giving a present that I am receiving. Didnt your parents ever teach you not to take back what you give? He groaned. Tavia laughed at him. This is the first time she had teased him and she enjoyed it. She looked at her strawberry lemon drink and began sipping on it while giggling at the same time. He was rummaging his hand through his hair. Then he turned to look at her straight in the face and leaned close to her. Fine. Then dont regret. You can have my hand but you have to listen to me. And do what? Go see my parent!

He reached over to grab her hand and was going to pull her out from the shop. She followed him once again freely. Because time is always valued by him he wont waste anytime to wait for the bus. He took her hand and jogs to a taxi area to holler for one. Tavia was wearing a skirt so her skirt was blowing behind her like a tail. Shes running breathless because she was never a good sport or athletic person. Raymond having held onto her hand could feel her pulse beating rapidly. He is always a fast runner since he was in a cross trek team during his college years. Turning back and look at her breathing heavily. It made her looks so adorable having to try and catch up with him. He couldnt help but smile and even laugh because this felt so good. It had been so long since he ran that it had relieved all the stress that he had before. Tavia within seeing this couldnt help but smile herself to. Although shes exhausted like a mad puppy that would drown in a pool but inside her heart is blossoming with joy because he is smiling truthfully and happily. And just before they hit the taxi area he had changed his direction which surprised her because they are now heading back to the pier when they first chatted. Then he stopped and let go of her hand and leaned on the metal railing. WOOO!!! Im free! I havent felt this for free ages already! Woooohhh!!! He jumped onto the lowest railing bar and learned closer to the water. Tavia immediately rushed over and grabbed him by the waste hoping he doesnt fall. Are you crazy? Get down! Its dangerous! Raymond look at Tavias scared expression and he immediately got down but to her surprise. He went behind her and lifts her up from the ground from the behind and put both of her leg onto the same bar that he was standing on. Tavia screamed with all her might. Although she is happy that shes in his arms but she is more scared of heights. Holding tightly onto him and closing her eyes while screaming at the same time. Everyone around was looking at them weirdly. Open your eyes. Are you crazy! Put me down! Raymond just laughed her childish scream. Seeing her being scared makes him so giddy and happy. It has been years since he had this much of a fun with anyone. Yet this feeling felt so familiar to him and he doesnt know why. Wrapping his arms around her waist and looking out at the sea. His heart was relaxed as a new born baby that is sleeping peacefully. Trust me Look. Once she heard him telling her to trust him her heart immediately fell to be calm. She can not trust anyone else but him because she had entrusted him with everything she had. Squeezing her eyes tightly together she spoke to herself. Here goes. As the light hit her eyes so did the beautiful scenery. The wind was soothing and strong. It blew her hair back also the ruffles of her skirt. Her lips parted as she gasp with surprise. It felt like she was flying in the air and what is even more wondrous was that she felt like she was flying with Raymond by her side who would hold onto her and never letting her go.

Its beautiful. He chuckles at her cuteness. Then with a little lift he brought her down to the ground and once again takes her hand. Lets go princess before your carriage leave. Huh? Before she could even ask why they were once again on their journey on what you would call Hong Kong runaway couple. And this is just the first beginning of taking a hand to be guided to love. Although the beginning is easy to start but coming up to the middle part is the most difficult part of all and Tavia knows it for sure. Though she will still do her very best because she loves him. +==+

Chapter 3
As the taxi reached at his driveway he immediately got out of the taxi and left the door open for her. She happily accepted his kindness. She knows by hear that he is kind but she had never thought he would have been this sweet. Was it because she was doing him a favor and that is why he is so kind to her? But nothing matters to her anymore because she is now bathing with his sweet kindness which already made her fall into a fantasy world that she never knew about. Be careful okay. My parents are nice people but they are picky on who I go out with. He guided her to the front door and reached in his pocket for his keys. Once he unlocked the door he turned around to look at her then grabbed her hand once again. She felt like she was in some kind of a Korean series. The guy always tends to surprise the girl like how he is surprising her. But she isnt mad about it at all because she loved every single action that he does. His family isnt rich but just average enough to afford a house that has a staircase. And once he opened it he guided her towards the stair case. While she was following behind him she felt like she was in a romantic movie where the two main characters is sneaking home from a romantic date. It feels so mysterious and adventurous that she hoped it wouldnt have stopped. But just when her imaginations were to run even more wildly she had bumped onto Raymonds back. Rubbing her forehead and looking at the man who stood before her and Raymond. She gasped in fear. Remembering from her background he always had this cold expression on his face. She wanted to be friendly with him but she never could have the guts to approach him. He is no other then Raymonds younger brother by one year, Ron. Tavia immediately face down onto the ground. Ron who noticed her weird action turned to look at her with his dead look. Luckily Raymond was right in time to help. Mom and Dad up there?

Yeah. You came home in time. They wanted to see you. Raymond turned to the scared Tavia and nudged at her to continue following him. Still hand in hand she grabbed onto him much tighter and rushed up to be by his side. Even though they are far from Ron, Tavia could still feel Rons stare on her. She slowly turned her head around to see if her instinct is right, and it is true. He is still staring at her. She gave a small yelped which caught Raymonds attention. Are you okay? Did you almost trip? No I am fine. I am fine. Slowly as she was walking him in the hall way, her heart is beating more rapidly. It had been years since she had seen his parents. And it is more awkward to see them now when they were the one to call her to go see them. She know that if she were to really go see them not it would be hell for her because she will be deceiving the one whom she loved so dearly. But then there is no other way to get to him unless she accepts this mission. She looked at Raymond passionately. Tavia whispered softly. Forgive me Though she knows that his parent is expecting to see her she really wonders if they would remember her. Her memories will always rush back to her. They were such kind people like her parents. She really hoped they would like her so there would then be a higher chance for her to be with Raymond. Shutting her eyes tightly and she prayed. Dear god Please let it be. They finally reached up to the door. Raymond took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. And once Tavia peaked her head to have a good look at his parents a smile was spread on her face. She bowed politely at them. Raymond spoke with his kind voice. Im home. His mom and dad didnt have their attention on him at all. Their full attention was on Tavia. His mom walked over to Tavias side. Tavia bowed again. Raymond had already guessed that his parents would do that. This is my girlfriend. She will be staying with us for a while, is that okay? In surprise instead of his parents screaming out of surprise it was his sister instead. WHAT?! GIRLFRIEND?!! A head popped out from his parents closet. Tavia studied her face really closely. Her eyes widened in surprise. His sister has grown up to be so beautiful. She hadnt changed at all. She still have the vibrant look of a teenager and beautiful as a swan. She rushed over to Raymonds side and immediately pulled him out of the room. But before she closed the door she peaked her head and look at Tavia. Excuse us for a moment.

Afterwards she closed the door. Tavia giggled due to his sisters cute action. And as she turned to look at Raymonds parent again she saw them looking at her. We are so glad you have come and agreed to our request. said Mrs. Lam. She smiled weakly. You dont have to be so formal with me. It is my joy to help you. Mrs. Lam walked slowly over to her side and took her hand gently. My you have grown up to be so beautiful. I hope your parents aren't mad at you coming from America to Hong Kong and help us. Dont worry we are only asking for a month. Tavia weak smiled existed no longer. She remembered her agreement with his parents and the whole mission will only last up to one month. But it disappoints her a lot because she only have one month to spend with him. She was hoping for at lease three. But what hurt her even more was when Mrs. Lam once again repeats their agreement. Michelle is back in Hong Kong now. And she has established herself well here. I just need your help to pull the two together and your job is done. I will graciously help your parents with their business after this. Dont worry I will never forget your help to guide Raymond through this depression. And since you are their matchmaker I would definitely want you as my adopted daughter and Michelles bridesmaid. While Mrs. Lam was giving her speech Tavia wanted to cry so badly. Not because of Mrs. Lam generosity for agreeing to help her parents out with their fallen business but the fact that Mrs. Lam wanted Tavia only to be her adopted daughter. But in reality Tavia dont want to be the adopted daughter, she wanted to be the daughter in law. What is more important is she doesnt want to be the bridesmaid on Raymonds wedding but she wanted to be the bride. After Mrs. Lam speech Tavia cant do anything but stay silent because she cant bring herself to say anything. The pain having to not only deceive Raymond but also having to endure a one sided love is even worst. She tried so many times to convince herself not to bring herself onto having hope they will be together but when he had proposed to her and she throwing all of her love at him. It wasnt controllable. Outside Raymond was taken by surprised due to his sisters action. He wondered why she reacted so vigorously. It even made him laugh at her and that is what he had done. His sister gave him a grumpy look and crossed her arms together while she spoke. What is wrong with you?! You cant lie to mom and dad! They know! Know what? Why are you overreacting Myolie. Me?! Overreacting?! I only cared about your benefit mister! Who did you bring home? How much money are you going to spend on her? What are you talking about? I am not spending any money on her. Did you think she was a prostitute?

Myolie immediately blushed. She knew her brother was a flirt but she hated for the fact that he would always say those inappropriate things to her. He knows that she is innocent and she felt really uncomfortable when those words are spoken. Raymond knew that his tease would work and even laughed louder. Myolie smacked him hard on his shoulder. Dont laugh at me! Its common sense! His laughter began to fade slowly. Well does she look like one? Myolie stood there and thought about it for a while. Well No she looked innocent like me. Then she isnt. Trust me your brother wont lie to you. Then why is she helping you? Is she your friend? He thought about it for a second and recalled back to the memory when they first had their encounter. Then he smiled and tried to shorten the story as best as possible. Shes not a friend. Shes an angel who is lending a helping hand. Just when I am in desperation she showed up. Myolie was surprised by his answer. You know Michelle is back. She called me today to ask about your whereabouts. It seemed like she is still hooked onto you. Yeah I saw her today. And? And And I took Tavias hand and walked away. Myolies head tilted to the right side. I dont get what the meaning is. Can you be simpler? Raymond gave a silent but at the same time charming expression. I think it means I am giving love a second chance. Myolies eye once again popped open. With Michelle? Raymond chuckles and he then whispered softly to his sister. No with Tavia Inside Parent Room Mrs. Lam was having a really happy conversation with Mr. Lam. She was proud of herself to think of such a plan to help Raymond over his depression. As she so believed that Raymond still love Michelle so dearly and the only way to make him happy again is for them to be together again. And since Raymond cant seem to trust any girl again, if plotting Tavia to be close to having him trust her then it would be much easier for her to help him bring himself to get back with Michelle. Mrs. Lam in the middle of the conversation turned to look at Tavia who is sitting quietly on the guest chair. For chance does Raymond recognize you?

Tavia slowly shook her head. Mrs. Lam became even happier. Tavia POV I wished he had recognized me, if he had then maybe we would have something. But then this is all supposed to be a scam, deceptions on him. I am supposed to make him love me but then hurt him at the end to bring him to another girl. I call myself cruel for bringing myself up to accepting this mission. My dear Raymond when I asked you to take my hand I am in joy when you had; however, I am in depression now to come back to reality. I will not guide you to love me but to love another girlIm sorry End POV Mrs. Lam spoke happily again. Michelle and Raymond will get married soon I can sense it! Outside the Room Raymond spoke sweetly when reminiscing the moment ago when he and Tavia first met. I think I will really love her to really Marry her. =`=`=`=`=`==``=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`==``=`=`=`=`=`=`

Chapter 4
Rosed Lips
===`=``=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=` Raymond and Myolie came into room after their conversation only to find their parents happily talking and Tavia sitting there and listening. Although she looked normal but Raymond can sense that she isnt normal at all. Her joyful aura is no long there. The beautiful girl that he saw in the morning was a completely different person. He suspected that it was his parents and he immediately charged up to them asking for an answer. What is going on? Mrs. Lam was surprised with Raymonds harsh voice. Thinking to herself it might be that her sons depression mood had kicked in. Nothing son. We agreed that Tavia can stay. Take Tavia to the guest room. I would gladly do that. He turned to look at the motionless Tavia. He reached for her hand and guides her out to the door. Then he closed the door behind them and groaned in anger. I knew they would do something to me. Tell me what they did. He looked at her straight in the eyes. She looked at his sharp fiery eyes and her heart melt. She never thought to herself that he would be so protective of her. It made her nearly fall down in tears but she had to hold it in. She had to be strong to not blow her cover. What are you talking about? They treat me just fine I am just a bit tired. I need some rest that is all. He looked at her with a disbelieving expression. He stood in front of her and took her other free hand with his. She gave a little shock reaction when their hands touched. The wonderful feeling rushed through her whole body. Turning to look at him again he had a really calm and charmed look. Then lets get you to your chamber now shall we princess? She giggled at his statement. Him calling her a princess really made her feel like one. His every word, his voice, his lips when he spoke of those words had made her want to fall onto a soft cloud. She never thought that this beautiful man would call her princess in her whole life. She no longer has a thought of her mission at this very moment. All she could think about was how much more can she describe on how much she love him. Since young when their family first met, till her teenage year when he last visit for new years, and now. This man had never failed to attract her to him.

Raymond draws his attention away from her eyes to the room near the window at the end of the hall. Then he guided her to the room. Slowly when they walk over he kept making her feel more and more like she is being loved. Now watch your step princess. You wouldnt want to fall and rip your delicate outfit She giggled lightly as he slowly turned to look at her with his exotic eyes. That wonderful sound you make I want to hear it everyday. Once again she giggled and he closed his eyes to listen closely as he smiled sweetly. The talk would continue on if they hadnt already reached up to the door. Tavia was reaching for the door knob and once she opened it. When she finished opening it widely she turned around to look at Raymond, but only to find him looking at her engagingly. He then slowly pinned her onto the wall. He smirked slowly. You know that red lips of yours Its to die for. She blushed uncontrollably. This had been the first time she had ever been this close to a guy and nonetheless it is him. She tried looking at him courageously acting as she isnt a newbie at this at all. He plays the flirty type and she will never lose to him because it isnt her duty to lose. Then kiss it then. Its right in front of you. I am here to guide you to love. Kiss me His eyes glimmer with interest. He thought she would back out or even more scold at him. However, she had offered herself to him. Thinking to himself is it true that she really wanted to guide him to love. He somewhat hoped that it is true but he also hope not to since he is afraid to be heartbroken again. But then looking at those beautiful lips, he wasnt lieing. He would die to have kissed it. Leaning towards her lips without knowing he began to slowly move closer and closer to her passionately. Tavia slowly closed her eyes to prepare for her first kiss. Although wasnt prepared and planned for but it is still something cherish able to her if he was to be the first to kiss her virgin lips. And just when Raymond was just inches away from Tavias lip his mothers voice was heard from her room. They immediately pulled away from each other. His mother walked out of her room with his dad. Tavia breathed in shocked as she was so glad that his parents hadnt seen what was going to happen. She knows that his parents expect them to be known as girlfriend and boyfriend but in reality they are to have really lived up with that title. We are to have dinner. Remember to come down in time. Myolie who tagged behind them stuck her tongue out childishly at Raymond. Yeah! Dont forget to come down on time! Stop flirty or she will think you are a player and will dump you!

Raymond immediately gave Myolie a dead kidding look. She immediately laughed and ran downstairs before he chased after her. After when everyone is gone he turned back to look at the blushing Tavia and then scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Uh Ill go downstairs and help them prepare. Come down when you finished touring, okay? She nodded as a response because she is totally speechless right now. He then slowly walked away from her and walks towards the staircase. And she then walked into the room and just when she was going to close it completely and explore it for a while she heard running footsteps in the hallway. She wondered who it was and then opened it slowly onto find Raymond standing there huffing and out of breath. She gave him a confused expression. What is it? He slightly smirks. I forgot one important thing that I havent finished. Still confused she looked at him innocently. What? This. He reached his left arms over to the back of her neck and lean his head to the side and having to lean closer to at the same time. And within seconds he closed his eyes and kissed her softly on her lips. At the same time somehow it was like a normal reaction for her also to close her eyes and let him kiss her. Maybe it was due to the fact that she dreamed of this moment for years and now it is finally here that it was just so normal for her to be prepared for this one blissful moment. Tavia POV God forgive me for I have sin. I cant help express how much I love his lips on mines now and I cant forbid myself from wanting more. My first time to love, my first time to kiss is all given to him. What first time is there else that he will steal from me. No sooner or later he will also suck the life out of me. But god, I cared no more of what he does to me because I will do even worse to him. I pray time will never end especially this moment I love you Raymond Lam and I will always do forever. But please forgive my selfishness to save my family.

Chapter 5
Another scheme
===================================================== Finally have the will to update!! ehehe. Hope everyone like these two chapters!! I'm trying to continue all of my fanfic as best as possible. Enjoy!! =====================================================

The kissed ended no longer than a minute but no less then 30 seconds of her life. He slowly removed his arms over the back of her neck. She immediately pulled out from the kissed once she felt the loosening up between them. Tavia turned around quickly and touched the crest of her lips. He smirked at her shyness as he knew that she would be blushing even with her back facing him. Come out when youre done okay. Taking in a deep breath and trying to act as brave as she can. She turned around to look at him but her eyes immediately fell to the floor because he was looking directly at her. Their eyes met for nearly a second and she couldnt stand not blush. Ill remember. See you later bye! She walked over to the closet as she was trying to act as though shes calm. Raymond smiled sweetly and left the room while closing the door very lightly. Once he had closed it, he looked at the door knob and smiled even wider. It has been a long time since he had kissed any girl except for his mother on the cheeks. The feeling of love rushed through his veins as they kissed. Somehow he wants it to be for eternity but she had pulled away before he can feel like he was actually on cloud 9 for hours. Although it is disappointing that their moment wasnt long but he knows that there will be a lot of more chances later on. (In the Kitchen) Mrs. Lam began to wash the chinese cabbage while she waits for the water to boil. Usually it was just her in the kitchen and working her magic. Sometimes Raymond and Myolie would show up once in a long while but never would Ron. But today was different, he showed up and it gave her a scare. Mom She turned around to see Ron behind her with a cold expression. AHHHH!!! One of his eyebrows rose up on one side. What are you screaming for? What are you doing behind me? Of course anyone would scream. Why are you in here anyways? Dont tell me you want to help me make dinner, if that happens one day then even pigs can climb trees. Youre really letting the girl stay? You dont even know who she is. Mrs. Lam smiled at Ron and then continued on with her cooking. I see nothing wrong. She is Raymonds girlfriend. You should trust who your brother dates. I wont and would never. First it was Rain and then Michelle. They are all wrong for him.

Mrs. Lam turned around and looked at Ron having to be very disappointed at him. Dont say that about Michelle. Rain maybe an accident but not Michelle. She is a sweet girl and Im sure she must have something serious to have left Raymond like that. What other reasons are there? Shes just a girl who loves money and fame. Anyways, Im just warning you so that history wont repeat itself. Not like I ever do any good anyways. Ron. Im going out. Dont wait for me on dinner. Ron! Ron! He left the kitchen quickly and headed for the door. Mrs. Lam wanted to call him back but her water was boiling quite high now. Raymond heard a slam at the door knew exactly who had left the house. It wasnt normal for Ron to ever stay at home and eat with the family. Since the day he was arrested for lingering on the streets with an exacto knife in his pocket everyone had enlisted him as a bad child. They fear that he joined the gang and do illegal things. Raymond had tried to talk to Ron and had tried helping him to seek a better future instead of roaming around with no life. Ron on the other hand yelled back and would always pick fights with Raymond. The two brothers used to be such good friends but for some reason the two turn odds towards each other. Raymond walked into the kitchen to help his mother. He went over to the sink and began washing the pork meat. Mrs. Lam finally acknowledges him and looked over at him wanting to scold at him for helping her. She believes that no man should help in the kitchen unless they are to fix the pipe or chat with her. Drop everything. Go play with Myolie. I want to help out. You wont do any help, if you really want to help then get Ron to come back home for dinner. Raymond sighed heavily as his mother mentioned Rons name. He really wants to talk to Ron again like the olden days but that never happened since Rons arrest on the street incident and he doesnt even know why. (Tavias Room) Tavia finally finished washing up and touring around her room, so she would make sure that she wouldnt look stupid at night wondering what is located where and would have to search around and lose her sleeping time. Just when she was going to open her door and leave the room the door opened by itself. There stood a curious Myolie. Tavia smiled at her joyfully. Hi Myolie.

Hi. Is everything going well? Yes. Umm so you want to sit and chat? Tavia wanted to jump with joy having to know that Myolie would like to chat with her. It has been since a long time that they have chatted. She misses those olden days so much. Tavia really wondered if Myolie would have figured out who she is. Instead of receiving the joy and fun that she thought she would receive it turned out to be the opposite. Myolie gave a deep sigh and look at Tavia seriously. Look I may sound mean but. I hope you are true to Raymond. He is my dearest brother and I dont want him to get hurt anymore. I mean what happen with his ex-girlfriend have left a deep scar in his heart. I love him. That is the truth. I will guarantee you that my love for him is endless. Myolie smiled at Tavias answer. She signaled for Tavia to come downstairs. Tavia gladly accept her offer. Myolie walked downstairs first before Tavia had. Tavia would really want to keep up with Myolie and hang out with her like the olden days when their family met on new years. The two would always hang out and have so much fun with each other. But now it is totally different. The feelings cannot come back anymore because Tavia knew her reason here isnt to re-live those wonderful times. Tavia stared at Myolies path and could only feel guilty. Tavia know that she cared so much for her brother. Myolie wanted to protect him but she would have never guessed later on that it would be Tavia the one whom guarantee the love for Raymond is endless, would then be the one to create another scar in his heart. After walking down the stairs Myolie and Tavia was surprised to see Raymond reaching for his keys on the lamp table looking quite irritated. Where are you going? Tavia finally came down and you are going? So considerate you are Myolie crossed her arms while at the same time cocking her left eyebrows up. Raymond looked at the blushing Tavia who knew he would look at her straight in the eyes. He really didnt want to leave her but to find Ron he will. Im sorry, I have to go find Ron. Myolie eyes shot opened. OHHH!! Ron! He is always the trouble maker. Why dont you and Tavia go together. Spend more time you know. I think you guys want it. Both Raymond and Tavia stared at Myolie in disbelief. It is true the two have a thing for each other and they do claim to be boyfriend and girlfriend. But nevertheless it is still the beginning of the romance. Raymond was going to yell at Myolie but she was saved from their mother. Mrs. Lam came out and looks at the three oddly.

What are you guys doing here? Myolie arent you going to help me in the kitchen? She points at herself. I can? Like wow! Really?! Mrs. Lam then turned to look at Raymond. You dont have to go find Ron. She turned sweetly to look at Tavia. Tavia feared of what would come. Somehow she felt the whole purpose of her coming here wasnt only to break Raymonds heart and help him reconcile with his ex-girlfriend. But yet she cant put her finger to it

Chapter 6
Kiss number 2
Mrs. Lam was looking at Tavia and was waiting for her to offer to go and search for Ron. Tavia doesnt know why but she had a feeling that it was what Mrs. Lam had in mind. Walking down the stairs slowly she took the courage to speak up. How about I go look for Ron? Raymond and Myolie look at Tavia in surprise. Never would they have thought that she would offer to go and search for him. They thought it would have been really awkward for a stranger to go look for Ron when Ron himself doesnt know her. But truthfully Tavia isnt a stranger at all. She knows who he is and she even feared him. But to please Mrs. Lams request she will do it. That is a great idea! Thank you so much Tavia. You are such a nice girl. Raymond turned to look at his mom with a displeased expression. She shouldnt be going. He wouldnt even listen to her. And he would listen to you? Raymond let Tavia try. You will never know. Ron might be softer on her. You can go Tavia. Raymond turned to look at Tavia. Unable to do anything Tavia headed towards the door and turned the knob. She felt sad that she had just entered a comfy home and yet she was kicked out sooner than she had imagined. Raymond hadnt want to listen to his mother order but she pulled him back before he could do anything. Myolie also want to stop Tavia but she was also pulled back. Tavia stepped out of the door and waved goodbye happily to the family. Once she closed the door the smile had faded away. Clearly she can tell that Mrs. Lam is only using her as a puppet. Walking on the sidewalk she doesnt know where to go. How was she able to find Ron when she doesnt even know where he goes usually. Walking around the block and looking from left to right she hadnt noticed but a park was just around the corner and there was a person playing basketball all by themselves. Walking up closer she noticed it was Ron. He was shooting at the

basket and it went in everytime. It seems like he was a pro to her. Walking closer to him she accidentally stepped on a twig. It had snapped and it had caught Rons attention. Turning around he looked at her while breathing heavily. Tavia looked at him and didnt know what to say. She stood there with her hands in the front and she was literally pulling her fingers and trying to figure out what to say. Ron stopped looking at her as he could see her uneasiness and then turned back to the rolling ball. He went to it and picked it up as he bounced the ball onto the hard floor and tried shooting again. Hey He missed the basket. Once she spoke he had paid no attention to the goal anymore. The ball bounced away and he ran after it to catch it. She ran after him and nearly bumped into him as he stopped out of no where and turned around to look at her. What do you want? Yo.. you your mother wanted to call you back home. I said I am not coming back for dinner. Leave me alone. But- Turning to look at his cold eyes she was fearful again. She didnt know what to do now. She has to pull Ron back into the house. If she doesnt then Mrs. Lam would be angry at her and would even dislike her. The last thing that she wants to do was to make Mrs. Lam dislike her. Ron looked at her scared expression and was sick and tired of it. He turned towards the rolling ball that landed on the grass and walked over to get it. However, just when he was going to reach down and pick it up Tavia had picked it up for him. He looked at her surprised. While he was walking up to pick the ball she was running to do it before him. Breathing heavily Tavia nearly felt like she was going to faint in an instant. Will you follow me back into the house if I win? What? How about we play a game? If I shoot the ball into the basket will you come back with me? He smirked at her silliness. Looking at her like shes some crazy girl he darted his eyes directly at her. He doesnt want to play with her. He wanted to reach out and grab the ball but she threw it before he could grab it. The two both look at the ball and it totally missed the goal. Tavia immediately rushed over to grab it again, and leave the unhappy Ron standing there watching her. She grabs the ball and turned to look at him. Showing Ron her index finger while the other fingers are rolled into a fist position she looked at him unwilling to lose. One more try.

She missed once again. That one doesnt count. One more. She had missed the goal up to four times already. Ron was sick and tired to watch her any longer. He turned around and started walking away from the basketball court. She grabbed the ball again and look at him go. Breathing heavily she tried catching up with him but her legs cant carry her that close to him. Where are you going? I can make the shot. Im going home. Smiling joyfully she ran with all her might and had finally caught up with him. Looking at him with a bright smile, this was truly her real smile. She was so happy inside that she had left all her fear behind her when standing next to Ron. And just as they were near the house Ron stopped and turned to look at her. She still had her smile on and looked back at him. She wondered if he wanted to say anything. So she kept looking at him and waiting for him to speak. But instead of a word coming out from his mouth, Ron grabbed both of Tavias shoulder and pulled her in for a rough kiss. In shock she didnt know what to do but have her eyes widen as a marble. She wasnt breathing at all. Her mind was a total blank. And within seconds Ron had pulled away quickly and looks at her with a stern expression. Slut. He let go of her and wipe his lips. Walking towards the house and leaving Tavia behind. Tavia still wasnt able to move as she still couldnt believe what had happened. After hearing a slam at the door she knew Ron had went into the house. Turning to look at the house with tears in her eyes, she truly could not have believed that in one day two guys kissed her. Her first kiss was taken from the one whom she loved and her second kiss was taken by the one whom she feared. She is in a lost trance as she doesnt know what is going on and mostly how would her life be like, when she has to control her emotion for Raymond but at the same time avoid Ron as best as possible because he hate her so much.

Chapter 7
The cancellation
Ron entered with a loud entrance. Once he slammed the door everyone turned to look at him. Myolie was carrying food on dishes and Raymond was setting the table. His mother came out of the kitchen with a soup spoon. His father came downstairs and stared at him in surprise. He knew his son would not have been home this early and especially at this time when its dinner. Ron ignored everyone and just went upstairs. Raymond look at his brother go upstairs and wondered where Tavia is. Immediately he ran out of the house and closed the door while he stood at the

sidewalk to find Tavia aimlessly walking towards the house slowly. Walking up to her she stopped at her track and look up at him. Are you okay? Did he do anything to you? Tavia POV Raymond my shining night in armor, you came at a time when I am in most confusion and depression. Yes Raymond, he did something to me. He took my second kiss away. He devoured my lips like any crazy maniac would. I dont like him and I am scared of him. Why cant you be with me all the time? Maybe its because you cant and should not have. You should be with the one that I am meant to pull you together with. Smiling weakly I reassured his care. I should be happy at this moment for he cares for me. No nothing. Good Im really scared that he would. Dont bother about him. He is like that a lot. Lets go into the house and eat dinner. Okay He turned around and left me. Like I was just another stranger. Am I doing the right thing to even do this to him? Deceive him like he is a fool? Go into a trap that will hurt not only him but me? But what can I do? I love him too much. Raymond my love have you not sensed my love since high school for you? His footsteps stopped as he turn around to look at me. And slowly his words broke me into parts. Lets not get married. No Raymond. Dont ask me that. I dont want to answer it. I want to marry you. Okay. Really? Youd accept? Its up to you. Im just doing you a favor. Im really okay with anything. No Im not. Im not okay with it. I dont want to not marry you. All my life Ive dreamed of marrying you. Dream of walking up the aisle in the cathedral to be wed to you. To spend this eternal life with you. Even if it is for a moment of lies that we arent marrying for love but I truly want my dreams to come true. Good. I am glad. I am sad and bummed out of the results. But who am I to blame? He purpose to me out of anguish and stress. Who am I to get marry to me when he doesnt even love me or know my

existence at all. My dreams are no longer meant to come true anymore. Even an ounce of hope is longer there. We will only live up to the title of girlfriend and boyfriend but his parents already know that its fake. I will always be unknown in his eyes and he will never know of my love but only of my kindness to help him. End POV Raymond look at her sadden expression and couldnt understand why she would be. He thought that his cancellation of the marriage plan would be a great idea for her. Although, it would be his lost somehow in his heart but he knew its better that the lie that should only extend to the relationship rage and not marriage. But even though he knows what is reality and what is between him and Tavia; he still want her to keep her words. Because he is a risk taker, and she changed him to be one. Walking over to her and reaching out for her hand. As Tavia felt his fingers trying to make its way between her fingers and intertwining his hand with hers she looked up in surprise. He had a smirked on. The moment she felt his touch it was when the feeling of love had rushed through her. It had washed away her sadness and the disappointment of the marriage news. He stared at her and could only smirk as he see her sadden expression turned into a happy one. Hey even if we dont continue with the marriage plan but you still have to keep your promise. She smiled widely. And what promise is that? I dont remember anything at this moment. He smile sweetly and leaned closer to her ears. It tickled her a bit as his breath was brushing on her earlobes lightly. It even made her giggle in joy as she heard his every words. Because at this moment she felt like the happiness women in the world as her love is with her now right at this moment. Like you said, you have my hand now. So you better guide me back to love. If you fail then I wont forgive you Tavia. As happy as a lamb she was joyful as he called her name. Speaking slowly she also remembered their conversation in the morning. And almost his every word because his voice rang in her mind and would never disappears. What do you want me to do? Since I have to listen to you? Raymond looks back at her and again smile. It seems that he is also pleased and happy that she had remembered his words. It had made his heart jump and beat fast to as he stared at her under the moonlight. It was a cold night but he didnt feel cold at all. He felt warm inside and this was a feeling in which he hadnt felt for so long. Go inside and eat dinner.

Unison of laughter was heard from the two. Still hand in hand they walked into the house like any happy couple would be. But as the two walked into the house they hadnt noticed another person had existed in the picture and the person was staring at them from inside the house. He was at the window and was looking at them with his eyes. Although he couldnt hear what they are saying but he dislike the couple already. From the time they stepped into the house and up till tonight. When they had disappeared into the house, he turned back to looking at his room. There was only a small dim light on his desk and he walked over there. Taking out an exacto knife and a squared mirror he began carving onto the mirror glass. It was an artwork. His artwork... ...

Chapter 8
Experienced of Cloud 9
The sun shines brightly into her room as she slept like a baby. Her eyes twitched as the sun reflects it powerful light on it. She smiled as she could smell the early fresh air in her room. The air in which you cant smell when you were sleeping. The smell that makes her heart jump with joy. It is not only joy for the beautiful morning but the joy of knowing that Raymonds is not far from her. He is just a few steps and a few walls away from her. Pulling up into a sitting position she looked out of the window and look at the mirror near it. Her reflection is like a sleepy child. I wonder if Raymond is awake. She giggled to herself as she stared out at the door. Getting off her bed and heading straight to it she grabbed the door knob and twitch it to open the door just a bit. Peeking outside she couldnt see anything. Opening it a bit bigger she heard a door opened and immediately closed the door. Somehow she was scared to let people know that she is awake at this time. However, once again she opened the door to peek out and to her disappointment it wasnt Raymond but it was Ron. He had something in his arm and left his room. She closed her door and wondered what was it that Ron was holding onto. Suddenly her cell phone rang and she ran over to pick it up. With her sleepy voice she answered it gently. Hello Tavia? Are you still sleeping? She smiled brightly as she heard the other persons line. It was Raymond. He called her. This is the second time in her whole life that the two actually talked on the phone. The first time was when she called him for directions on how to go around finding his families home. Since her family just came back from America and do not know the roads in Hong Kong. She doesnt know what he is calling for but just hearing him on the other phone line made her heart feel hyper. No, I just woke up. He chuckled at her answer. Do you want to have breakfast?

Uhuh. Okay, Im going to go back home and pick you up for breakfast. Get ready okay. Okay. See you later. Bye Uhuh Bye. She sounded just like a child. Ending the phone call she held the phone close to her heart. Just seconds ago they were on the phone and he was talking to her but she had already missed him. And minutes later she knows they will go breakfast together but she still cannot put away the fact that it is quite unbelievable that they are having breakfast together. Rushing to the bathroom to get ready she wanted to make her look beautiful as best as possible. While she was getting ready Ron and his father was downstairs eating breakfast with each other. They hadnt noticed that Tavia was still in the house. They thought that she would have gone out just like Mrs. Lam, Raymond, and Myolie. Those three all had stable jobs while the two of them are the home people. Mr. Lam was always quiet and doesnt talk to his son that much. Although it may seemed that no one cared for Ron but Mr. Lam does a lot. He knows that Ron dislike talking so; therefore, Mr. Lam doesnt say much to Ron but just words that should be kept in mind. Are you going out today Ron? Yeah. When are you coming back? You should have dinner with the family and Tavia. Ron looked at his father and knew what he meant. His father doesnt want Tavia to have the uncomfortable feeling towards anyone in the family. Ron hadnt told anyone this but he already knew that the people in the family knew about it already. Ron never liked Raymonds girlfriend. Because to him they will always be the bacteria while Ron to everyone in the family is the irritating one. Almost done with his breakfast he heard some movements upstairs. He looked up and then looked at his dad. Is someone still home? I dont know. Usually everyone is out already. Could it have been Tavia? Ron stood up from his chair and then went upstairs. As he got closer to the bathroom he could still hear the water running. When it had stopped he stepped closer to the door and was going to reach for the knob and open the door. However, Tavia had beaten him to it and she stepped out of the door only to face him from inches away. The two look at each other in shock. They were frozen and didnt know what to do. Ron remembered what he did last night and was expecting

some kind of a mean reaction from Tavia right now but instead he didnt. She was quiet and then she began to stutter. D Do Do you need to use the restroom? No Oh Okay. She moved over to the side slowly and walked passed by him. Although she seemed like she wasnt in any fear but in the inside she was. She wasnt even breathing normally. Ron turned around to look at her back and when she had gone into her room he wondered. He wondered why she didnt blow up at him. He wondered why she acted like nothing had happened when something really had. He insulted her last night and she didnt do anything. Ron stood there and couldnt put the thought away of why hadnt she done anything. Could it have been that shes faking the whole thing and later would blow at him? Suddenly his thinking was stopped mid-way. Raymond had entered the house. Ron looked at the stairs and began walking down. While he was walking down he can hear his brother talking to their dad. Is Tavia downstairs Dad? No. So it was her. I wondered who was the one left in the house except me and Ron. Raymond smiled. He turned to look at the person walking downstairs and hoped it was Tavia but instead it was Ron. He gave a slight smile to him. Ron in return had no reaction and just continued walking down and over to the breakfast table chair. Raymond stood over near the stairs and gave a depressed sigh. He didnt know why Ron acts as though they were strangers. It is killing him inside in a way. This I when he had really wished Ron would open up to him and tell him something. His thoughts were disturbed when he heard a closing door upstairs. A smile light through his face as he looked up at the stairs. Raymond? Her voice was like sweet music to his ears. Although it was faint and very little he could still hear it clearly. She was calling his name and it made his heart flutter. Standing at the stop of the stairs he can see her fully and she could see he was downstairs waiting for her. She gave him a sheepish smile as she walked down slowly and only to find out that Raymond wasnt the only one downstairs. There was also Ron and Mr. Lam. It made her blushed uncontrollable since she remembered calling Raymonds name so randomly out like that. Once down near the few steps she bowed as a greeting to Mr. Lam. Mr. Lam smiled back at her. She was a cute lady to him. Always cute and adorable like a child. Mr. Lam, good morning. Good morning to you to Tavia. Would you like to join me and Ron for breakfast?

Tavia turned to look at Raymond who was staring at her the whole time. He was staring at her because she still reflects the beautiful attractiveness that he hadnt notice till now. Till the moment that she step down the step paths. Raymond wasnt the only one who noticed this attractiveness as Ron too was staring at her. Tavia wondered why Raymond looked at her but she noticed his action and could only blush. It made her flushed with joy but nervousness at the same time. Raymond staring at her is one of the dreams in which she had. Knowing that everyone is so quiet Tavia knew she should say something. It is only polite to answer Mr. Lam question. Umm Ray- Raymond interrupted and finished her sentenced for her instead. Sorry dad, Tavia and I are going to go for breakfast. Maybe another morning. Lets go Tavia. She looked at him and smile. They are going to have a private and couple breakfast. Raymond intertwined her hand with his and guided her out of the house while she turned around and wave goodbye to the two people sitting at the breakfast table. Mr. Lam waved goodbye back while Ron just stared at her. Outside of the house the two was walking towards his car. He opened the door for her and she got in. He went over to the driver seat and turned over to look at her. You played the role pretty well. I think everyone believed that you are really my girlfriend. Oh. Well you should be happy and I should get a reward in return. I would give it to you but Im wondering if you would accept it. I would accept anything from you. Really? Tavia nodded. It is true. She would accept anything from him. A single flower, a candy, a piece of paper. Anything. As long as it is a gift from Raymond she would take it and cherished it for life. A memory in which she cant erase from her mind. A smile crept up on the corner of his lips. She looked at him and couldnt help but smiled back. He looked so adorable and handsome. Really she want to embrace him and be in his arms right now. If it had really happened than she would be satisfied at the moment for life. But what she had gotten was much better than what she had expected. He quickly leaned over to her and pressed his lips to her sweet pink lips. She was surprised but happy at the same time. He kissed her. He inches away a bit and smiled. She smiled also as she enjoyed their second kiss. It was so daring because he wasn't sure if she would accept it and sweet in a way by how he had surprised her. Slowly he leaned in for another kiss but this time it is deeper and tender. She reached her right hand over to his left cheeks and caressed his face as they kissed intimately. Although, this is her first French kissed but it just feels so naturally to her. The kiss was so sweet and beautiful to her that it makes her feel like she is flying pass by so many clouds in the air. Not by herself but with Raymond Lam. Raymonds award to her had made her experienced the expression of being in cloud 9 is, and his award to her had proven his

first step to falling in love again. Because truthfully at this point. Raymond cannot deny for the fact that shes making quite an affect on himself.

Chapter 9
Our Paradise
A restaurant floating on a beach. It was a place that she had never gone to and never knew such a place had existed. She had been to Hong Kong for vacations and shopping but never had she gone out for such a luxurious and beautiful restaurant to eat before. As he pulled his car up to the rear end of the parking lot it was facing right at the line where the water and sky met. Tavia stared at the view in front of her and her lips parted in awe of the place. Raymond chuckled as he saw her reaction. He leaned over to his driver wheels and stared at the view. Beautiful, Huh? Its so beautiful! Oh my gosh, I never knew this place existed. You want to eat first or take a stroll down the sandy beach first? He looked at her while he was still leaning onto the wheels. This time he wasnt admiring the view in front but he was admiring Tavias beauty. She wasnt dressing in elegant clothes but whatever she is wearing had reflected her natural beauty inside. In anyway, Raymond knows that Tavia is a beauty who owns a unique feature. Even if someone were to look like her they will never possess the beauty that she have. She directed her attention from the view to him. Biting on her lower lips and having a childish eye she must admit. Her stomach is craving for food. Eat. Then what are you waiting for. He winked at her. Lets go. Tavia giggled as the two both got out of the car. She nearly rushed towards the restaurant and would beat him to the door but he had reached his hand out for her in time. He grabbed onto her hand and just laughed at how childish and adorable she is right now. She laughed at her own self for letting her hunger get to her. It was quite embarrassing to let the one you love know how much you love food over him at this moment. The two went in to order the food. During their meal Raymond couldnt help but look at Tavia all the time. She was enjoying ordering the food, eating, and chatting with him. This vibrant energy from a person that he never knew had existed. He thought between them it was the promise is what ties them together. But maybe now that he is thinking about it. Maybe and really it can be more. After the meal Raymond had paid and the two walk out together hand in hand. They began to walk down to the sandy dry area. Tavia nearly tripped over due to her foot seeping into the white sand. She yelped out a scream as she was unbalanced. Raymond quickly caught onto her whole

arm and balanced her back. She laughed whole heartedly to how silly she must have looked. Its like an imbalanced monkey on a rail line performing in a circus show. Hang onto me. I dont want to pick you up from the ground. Raymond laughs at her silliness while he carefully guided them through the sandy beach. Tavia looked at him and smiled brightly. Tavia POV I dont care how silly I may be in front of you. I love you so much Raymond. Strolling along the beach side with you is another dream comes true for me. Whenever I listen to a soothing song on the radio I would imagine us spending a wonderful spring day like this. Just you and me together privately like this. I am greedy God I am too greedy. I have a mission to accomplish but I dont care. At this moment I am too in love with Raymond. He is giving me the best moment of my life. If I were to die I would chose to. I rather die than hurt him in the end. I want to be more close to you Raymond Ray Huh? Can I have a piggy back ride? He nods his head as he smiled at me. The smile that I love. No matter how many times he had smile I will love each and everyone of it. He moved to the front of me and let go of my hand. The hand in which he had given to me. The hand that I will take and guide him to paradise. As I wrap my arms around his neck area and lightly got on his back he use both of his strong arms and lift me up from the ground. I leaned onto his back as I put my head on his shoulder. His cologne scent had sent me nearly to heaven. It was like a drug affect that everyone describe when they take actual drugs that makes them happy or healthy when they are sick. I giggled softly as we strolled down the beach with me on his back. I love the feeling. He could hear my giggle. He chuckled at it and stopped moving. I pouted and look at him. He was looking at me behind on the side. He had a smirked on his face. The smirk melted my heart. Will he ever try not to kill me with the smirk? Whyd you stop? Youre too comfortable on my back. Why dont I give you a bit of a spinning ride. Huh? Immediately he started running while I screamed into the air. Then he started twirling. I grabbed tighter onto his neck. I closed my eyes. I love the feeling; however, I am afraid I will fall. If I

would then I will be away from him. The contact will not be there anymore. I dont want to let go of him. I dont want to leave Raymond. Suddenly he stopped. Dont worry. I wont let you fall. Trust me. I smiled. I trust you Raymond. No matter what I trust you. If you tell me I wont fall then I will trust you. If you tell me anything I will trust you. I opened my eyes and giggled. And with my giggled he continued our adventure down the sandy beach side. Laughing and playing. We enjoyed this moment. Well, that I is how I viewed it to be. But even more I would call it a paradise between me and him right now. End POV ====

Chapter 10
A born Artist
======+ After finishing breakfast Ron had driven to his own secret place. It was a place that no one knows of. He kept it a secret because this is nothing to brag about. As he entered a building he turned to look both side and smiled. A true smile that doesnt show up on Rons face casually. Walking down the hallway he knocked onto the door. The door slide opened and there stood a middle aged women. Teacher Ron, youre here again? Your not welcoming me? Of course not. I am more than happy to see you here. And especially the children in elementary school. Ron laughed as he peek his head inside the room. There were about ten kids and they were painting happily on a white piece of paper. Its what artist would call finger painting. He went into the classroom while the teacher closed the door lightly. The kids all turned to look at him and jumped over to his side. Some even had paint smudge onto his shirt. Ron kneeled onto his floor and look at each and one of them. Do you guys miss me? Or are you sick of me already? In unison they spoke. No, we love Ron gor!

Ron laughed whole heartedly as he heard the children yelled out their answer. He then stood up and guided the children over to the table and put the item onto the table. It was his artwork. And artwork in which he had done throughout the night and had done for the whole week. It had taken him quite awhile because having to complete the project it took quite a lot of courage for him. It brought him sad memories of the past. Ripping the covering sheet the children all awed together. Is it beautiful? A little girl thats only five turned to ask him a question. Ron Gor! It is art on mirror glass! Yup. It took me a long time to do. I had to use an exacto knife to carve the picture onto the mirror itself. Can we do it too?! Another boy thats older than the girl had spoke. Ron kneeled down to him and gave him a little frown. No, you are too young. How about this, when you are older Ill teach you. Knives should not be used at your age. Oh Okay. The teacher went over to all of them and put her hand onto Rons shoulder. He stood up and the two both look at the children. The teacher ordered for them to continue on their artwork. Then the two went out of the classroom and to the elementary garden. They took a seat at the bench and look through the glass window of the classroom. So you finally had the courage to put away the past? No. You were able to complete the artwork. Its something that you love so much. I complete it. But I still cannot put the past behind me. I dont think I can come here anymore Mrs. Yim. What do you mean? Did you find a job already? No its just that. I should find a job. I cant always stay at home and do nothing. How about you come and be a teacher aid in our class? Although the pay isnt high but it is something Im sure you would love to do. Kids are great. But I cant take the pressure of touching another artwork. Ron truthfully. When I first met you I thought you were a troublesome child. You were sentenced for community hours service. I thought having you here and helping me would do no

good. But the more I communicate with you I realize that you love doing artwork. You are artistic. You should not hinder your artistic ability like that. Maybe it is a good idea you shouldnt be working here. Instead, you should work in a big artwork company. I dont want to mention about it anymore. Ron if you were able to pick up an exacto knife that had got you in trouble when youre in high school. Then you are able to put the past away and carry on with your life fine into the future. I know you are a good kid Ron. You just need to express it more. Think about it. Mrs. Yim stood up from the bench and patted Ron on his back. Then she headed to the hallway to walk into the classroom. But before she entered the hallway she turned to look at Ron. Ron looks at her and waited for her to speak. She smiled at him kindly and then spoke. Thank you for the artwork. Its really nice. Ill display it in the honors artwork piece room. Ron smiled back at her. She was the nicest lady that he had ever met. He thought the whole world had locked him out of it. But she instead had brought his faith back. She was the reason why he had continued doing artwork. If it werent for her than he would have gone over to the path that everyone had imagine him to be. A gangster or a drug addict. Instead he had chosen the path of being a silent artist who no one knows of. After hanging out with the kids for awhile he had left the elementary school. Deciding that there is no where else that is worthy to go he had went back home. Pulling into the driveway he spotted Myolie who is standing in front of the doorway and listening closely at the door. He got out of the car and then walked over to Myolie. He tapped her one the shoulder and was going to speak but she had hushed him to be quiet. He frowned in confused and wondered whats so interesting at the door. Myolie then whispered. Shes inside. Who? Michelle Her name made his heart beat stop. He looked at the door and now he doesnt even want to go inside anymore. Knowing that she is inside he definitely doesnt want to go in at all. Shes inside and he is outside. Although he isnt facing her right now but he felt like he already did. Then as he got his heart beat back again he then wondered. Why had she come back? Why now? Why this time? What is her reason? And suddenly the questions all disappear when he heard a voice. A voice that belongs to his brother, Raymond. What are you two doing out here? Myolie and Ron turned around to look at Raymond and Tavia who is holding hands and walking on the pathway to the door. Myolie turned to look at Ron and wondered if she should tell

Raymond that Michelle is inside. While Ron was looking at Tavia who still had a beautiful happy smile on. Ron could tell that Raymond and Tavia had just gone out on a beautiful date. What Ron couldnt do right now is ruin their beautiful happy moment with the news of Michelle. Raymond and Tavia were both confused as they didnt know why Ron and Myolie is acting abit weird. Myolie then spoke EHH Uh. Suddenly the door opened.

Chapter 11
I believe you
The person who is standing at the door wasnt someone who would make the Lams siblings heartbeat stop. Instead it had made Tavias heartbeat stopped. She immediately let go of Raymonds hand and held it close to her other hand. She looked down onto the floor and bowed as a greeting to Mrs. Lam. She turned to look at all the young ones and smiled. Then she specifically turned to Raymond and motioned for him to come over. He did. Ray I want you to see someone inside. Who is it? Before Mrs. Lam would initially announced who the secret person is the door opened wider and there everyone could see Michelle. Raymonds eyes widen in surprised. This time he doesnt know how to react to this situation. Meeting her out in the streets is okay but at his house. It was more of a shock. Tavia look at Michelle and Mrs. Lam. They had such a close bonding. Michelle placed both of her hands onto Mrs. Lams right arm while Mrs. Lam put her hand over hers and patted her hand. The two smiled in unison and it hurts Tavia. The twitch of pain in the eyes. Ron can see it. Come inside Raymond. I know you and Michelle have many things to tell each other. She pulled Raymond into the house while Michelle walked with him closely into the living room. Myolie, Ron, and Tavia were still outside. Tavia still couldnt surpass the surprise in front of her. Nor could she handle the pain. She stood frozen and didnt know how to react. Myolie grumbled with disappointment and walked into the house. Ron look at Myolie go into the house while he then turned to look at the frozen Tavia. He walked up close to her and then took her by her wrist and pulled her away. Tavia gasped in surprise but continued following him. At this moment she doesnt even know what is going on. As the two disappear, no one had noticed their disappearance. In the living room

Raymond and Michelle sat next to each other. Raymond stared at the happy Michelle who kept looking at him. It was like as though they were back to how they were years ago. The same energy and aura as they were in years ago before the two had broken up. Raymond looked at his parents and could see the smile that they have on their face. The conversation between them and Michelle. It was just as though it was a repeat of a regular day and time when the two were still dating. Raymond doesnt understand what is going on at all. Until his mother spoke Raymond, dont make Michelle feel left out like that. His dad look at him and then at his wife. I think we need to give them some time alone. Lets go. Oh yes, I am sorry to intrude. Sometimes I just get carried away for no reason. Im just really happy that Michelle is back and I am sure that Raymond is too. Right? She turned to look at Raymond. Raymond looked at her with a confused look. He doesnt know by what she means. Then the parents both left and they left Raymond and Michelle alone in the living room. Once they thought they were alone Michelle turned to look at Raymond directly and then embraced his arm while she put her head on his shoulder. She smiled sweetly as she spoke. I miss you so much. I am glad that your parents still like me. He sat there unmoving. Her touch was familiar and again it had an affect on him. He would adore her touch and had dream of this moment during the months of their breakup. She had left him with a broken heart and now she had returned. It was hard for him to accept and he should be mad at her; however, in his heart he cant be mad at her. Therefore, he hadnt moved away from her and hadnt blamed her for their breakup. Instead he sat in silence with no reaction because he is still confused. Confused about everything that is happening now. Then she rose from his shoulders and look at him. He turned to face her slowly as she spoke. Ray Lets start over again. Raymond stared at her disbelieving to what he is hearing. Myolie who is near the living room heard everything. She gasped in horror. She couldnt believe what is happening and looked around trying to find Ron, but she finally noticed he never went into the house. Then Tavia images flashed through her mind. Myolie looked at Raymond and wondered if he remembered that Tavia is currently involved in their lives now. Tavia is not a stranger in Myolies mind. Even if Myolie only knew her for a few hours. At the Basketball Court After going for what seems like nearly half an hour Tavia hit Rons hand away from her wrist. He turned around to look at her. She was breathless. He can tell that shes not athletic at all. He walked over to her and gave her a serious look. He doesnt have a good impression of her when he first saw her but since this morning he thought otherwise. And he had no clue why. Maybe it

was the fact that he doesnt know her as much as he knows Raymonds ex-girlfriends which are Rain and Michelle. Game over. Tavia stared at him in confusion. She doesnt know what he means by game over. She tried to catch her breath as she was still tired from walking quick and fast. She noticed that they are in the same spot as last night. Ron rummaged his hand through his hair as he look at her frustrated. He is trying to say something but she had no clue what it is. She wanted to know, but when he spoke she had wished he didnt. Thats Michelle. Raymonds ex-girlfriend. He will get back with her. She looked down slowly onto the ground. She wanted to cry. She seriously and horribly wants to cry right now. But she wont cry in front of Ron. She would not cry in front of anyone from the Lams family. But her tears formed and she couldnt help it. Looking up at Ron she spoke directly towards him. So what? Even if she is his ex-girlfriend it doesnt mean that they will get back together. Im his current girlfriend. We love each other. We wont end just because of her. Have more faith in your brother Ron. Now I need to go back. Turning away her eyes began to cringe in sorrow. She reached her hand over to her eyes and wiped away the tears that fell incontrollable down her cheek bones. Tavia POV Lies my words are all lies. Ron you bastard. You made me fearful of you since young and now you are just being a bastard for making me feel horrible even more. I know the truth. I know that Raymond and Michelle will be together at the end. Me and Raymond arent madly in love. I am not even his real girlfriend. Everything is a lie. Why do you have to tell me directly about everything and pull me back to reality? I was brought up into the air like a bird and you just had to shot me down like that. Are you that evil? I wished that Ron would leave me alone because I dont want to see him anymore. Not at this moment where I feel like trash. But he disturbed me no matter what. He wants to now the truth. He wants confession. Confession not of about the mission I have to complete but the confession of my feelings. My feelings for Raymond. Because he had ran up to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face him. Why are you so stubborn?! I am not! I shout it out loud. I can shout that out as many times as he want me to. I am not stubborn. I dont want to be stubborn and I am not. If I am then I would have kept Raymond for myself. I would

have pulled him back and not let him go with his mom into the house with Michelle. I would have entered and disturbed their moment together. I am not a stubborn person. Why do you keep hanging onto my brother?! What is your intention?! I LOVE HIM! I broke down and cried. Ron you bastard. You made me cry. I cried in front of you and fell onto the ground and cried on my knees like a pathetic girl. My reasons to hang onto Raymond is because I love him. Im pathetic. I knew there is no good feature between us and I still do it. Im a slut. Yes, just like Ron had said. I am a slut. But I cant help my feelings. The feeling of loving someone secretly is painful. Raymond was my first crush and love. You really love him? I looked at Ron with my teary eyes. I really want to slap him. Had I not confessed to him my love for Raymond? Do I look like a liar to him with my tears? Or was it that he thought of it has being fake. What do I have to do to prove to everyone and show everyone how much I love Raymond? If I were to choose I wouldnt have wished to love him so much, but I do. My innocent heart loves my first love. I nodded. I have no more strength and voice to tell Ron anymore. And he had surprised me. I believe you. Huh? Had he just said he believed me? His words just made my tears stop. I looked straight at his eyes. Those eyes were true. It was true he believes me. End POV Ron stared sadly at her. He made her cry and it triggered his heart. It twitched in sorrow as he saw her break down in front of him. He regretted for making her cry. But what he regrets more is hearing her confessed to him how much she loved Raymond. Her confession brought pain to his heart and he had no clue why. It was maybe the fact that he had feelings for her. A feeling in which he hadnt even known about it blossoming until this moment. At this moment he doesnt know what to do but just help her ease the pain inside of her heart.

Chapter 12
Ice Cream Love
Raymond moved away from Michelle and slid her hand away from his arms. She stared at him with confusion but she was also hurtful at the same time. He had rejected her and she could feel it by his actions. She knows that he still have feelings for her but he chose to brush it away. She was on the verge of tears. He stared into space onto the ground as he too was also on the verge of

tears. They were exactly in the same situation as years ago. The two heartbroken ones in a single room together. Raymond was the first to break the silence. We cant go back to before It was my fault I know. No it was mine. I was selfish. I hadnt thought on what you really want. No, I should have thought about you. But I had my reasons. Believe me. She hanged onto him again. Her eyes were sincere. He looked into her eyes and doesnt know how to respond to it. But once again he knows that the person who is in front of him had hurt him deeply. She left him when he had begged her to stay. She came back when he had finally healed in some ways and dug up the pain again. He was tired of it. He had enough and he wants to go away. He doesnt want to listen to her reasons, because he knows that whatever she says he cannot forgive her. That is what he believes and had felt like. But he might be wrong. As he grabbed her hand and tried to pull it away from his; she refuses to do so. Forcefully Raymond pushed away from his arms and she nearly fell back onto the sofa as tears flow from her eyes. He looked like a heartless person. He even feels like it too You arent going to even listen to me? Im sorry. Walking away slowly he refuse to listen to her. He doesnt want to remember anything from the past. What is the past should be the past. He only wishes for it to go away. Heading towards the door he thought she had given up but she hadnt. I love you Raymond. I never want to leave you. But you did Goodbye Michelle. Grabbing the doorknob and turning it. He was just going to open the door when her words stopped him mid-way. As he heard her words loud and clear his heart broke to even more pieces than it had already been. What if I told you my reason of leaving was because your mother forced me to? Turning around slowly he looked at her unbelieving to what she was saying. She turned to look at the floor. She was ashamed. Ashamed for the fact that she had to tell him the truth. She had to expose the truth to him in order for her to be back with him. But she find no fault in herself for doing so, because the truth was, Mrs. Lam had forced her to leave Raymond. On the Sidewalk

Tavia was walking ahead of Ron. She clutched tight onto her hands because she was nervous and uncomfortable. She always feels that Ron was looking at her right now. She doesnt want to look around and see his eyes. She walked slower and slower and hoped he would have caught up with her but he wont. Unable to withstand it anymore she turned around with her eyes closed and just yell at him. Why are you always behind me?! Instead of him yelling back she had a knock on her forehead instead. She cursed as she felt the pain and then opened her eyes. He was right in front of her and had his left eyes cocked upward. He looked at her like she was a puny little ant that he can just squash anytime. He tucked both of his hands into his pockets and continued walking. She pouted as she rubbed her forehead. It is better that he is ahead of her instead of she is ahead of him. Walking once again she wondered what will she do when she return back to the house? What will the outcome be? Will Raymond and Michelle have already gotten back together? What will happen to her? Suddenly she felt his icy cold hands on her wrist and looked up. He was pulling her somewhere and she had no power to stop him. She could only yell out questions that he would ignore. Within seconds they are in front of a mini-mart. She looked up at the sign and then at him. He pulled her inside and they went to the frozen section. She followed slowly and looked around at the place. This was her first time being in a Hong Kong mini-mart. Looking around the place it doesnt differ that much from America. Suddenly an oreo-cookie mini ice cream bucket was in front of her. She looked at it and smiled. Here. Eat it. huh? But we didnt pay for it yet. I said eat it. She looked at him and was a bit afraid. She wasnt afraid of his voice for forcing her to eat ice cream. She love ice cream and no one would be able to force her to eat it because she will be willing to eat it herself. However, the only fear to her was the paying issue. If she it is without paying it is illegal. But never had she know that you can eat and pay after. Tavia kept shaking her head and would not take the ice cream. Ron took the initiation to break the ice cream lid. She gasped in horror as a pop was heard. He put a plastic spoon onto the top of the ice cream and gave it to her. She shyly and embarrassing accept it. She knows it is wrong in a way to her but she couldnt resist it. Also knowing for the fact that she wont be reliable for breaking the law she was even more okay to accept the ice cream. He had his own and popped the lid and eats the ice cream right in front of her. She looks at him and slowly scooped the ice cream and devoured it happily. It tasted so good to her that she giggled out of joy. Not afraid to break the law?

Well I wasnt the one who break the law in the first place. Slut. A laughter evoked from her voice box. She smiled at his comment. This time she wasnt sad nor mad at him for calling her that. She takes it as a normal word expression that he would used for her. A smile spread on the corner of his lips as he watched her laughing silently and also was trying to hide the laughter inside of her. He turned and walked over to the money register area. She followed behind him and was still giggling cutesy to herself. He turned around and points at her playfully. Dont drool. Im not responsible for a ruined shirt. Who said you would be? Even if you want to I wont let you. Scooping more ice cream and putting it into her mouth she noticed another ice cream. It was vanilla ice cream. Just plain vanilla. It was sitting nicely inside a mini freezer. She was eyeing it while Ron was paying for their ice cream. She had then decided that she want to buy it for him. And just when she was going to speak Ron had beat her to it. Can I also have that vanilla ice cream? Sure. The register man got the ice cream for him and put it in a bag. Tavia wondered why Ron had gotten the ice cream when they both have an ice cream. And what is more interesting is when he turned to look at her and gave her the bag of ice cream. She then knew who he had bought it for. It was for Raymond. She looked at it sweetly. This is a show of brotherly love. Ron wasnt thinking of her benefit to get it for Raymond but Ron himself knows that Raymond love vanilla ice cream. She smiled sweetly as she looked at it. Dont think that I am that nice. Its for you to make up with him. He immediately left the store and Tavia followed close behind while she looked at Ron from behind. Somehow he wasnt scary anymore. He turned to a completely different person. He no longer is the distance person that she knows and has seen at her house since young. A caring aura had formed around him. She doesnt know why she had felt like so. But maybe, it could be for the fact that she was fortunate to see his kindness that others might not see. Even Raymond himself. Suddenly Ron turned around to look at her. I mean it. I have no good intention about the ice cream for Raymond. I didnt say anything. She giggled and walked off like a little girl. He followed behind with a worried expression. He really wondered how she can be still be so happy now when they are almost home. Wasnt she

afraid that her and Raymond would end just like that? As they got near to the house Tavia was walking slowly and Ron was following her slowly. Then he couldnt withhold it and asked her. Arent you slightly worried? Tavia smiled and turned around to look at him. Tavia POV No Ron No I am glad that you had asked that. No I am not worried. I expected this day to come. Eventually I will get hurt. Although, I will be hurt and will be in pain but I never regret it even for a minute. Because. at least. at lease I have my moment with Raymond. Thank you for asking Ron. Thank You. If you hadnt then I wouldnt have figured it out. I dont want Raymond for myself, I want to make Raymond happy. My whole purpose was not to win his heart but to make him happy when your mother approach me to ask for help. I accepted because I love Raymond Lam and wanted him happy. No! Why should I be? I can even dance happily now for you to see! I got on one foot and danced around the steps and up to the pathway of the door like a little child. I look drunk but I am happy. Ron rushed over to me and was scared I might really trip. I didnt care. I am happy. In minutes I will see Raymond. He will be happy and that will make me happy. Watch out you dork! Ron ran up to me and wanted to catch me from falling. But I had fooled him. I wasnt falling at all. It was all my trick. His face was so funny. I laughed hard. I held onto my stomach and laughed while he grumbled angrily. Never would I have imagined me and Ron and having to have this much of a fun in my whole life. Ron the cold hearted guy who looked so mean when I was young. He was much more scarier than the closet monster. What are you laughing at?! You are crazy! A maniac!! I wiped the tears from my eyes away. It was tears of happiness but also sadness. I enjoyed this moment of bonding with Ron. Having to bond with Raymonds siblings made me even happier right now. Because I feel like I am within their family. I love the feeling. The feeling of being connected to them and having to share the same experienced as Raymond. It is wonderful. But Im scared it will end. End really soon. God must have not forgiven me. Because he had brought Michelle back to Raymond End POV The door began to creak opened a bit. Tavia stopped laughing and she turned to look at the door. She held her breath right away and Ron had done the same thing. The two waited to look at who is at the door. Could it have been Raymond and Michelle together hand in hand? Or one of them walks out alone? What is the result? How is the day going to end?


Chapter 13
My Past I
The door opened and it had been Michelle. She opened the door and was surprised to find Ron and Tavia. The two of them both felt relieved that it hadnt been a couple that was in front of them. Tavia smiled weakly and tried to act as though she know nothing about Michelle. She stepped forward and reached her hand out for a handshake. Hi, my name is Tavia. Michelle looked at her sternly and then passed by her like she hadnt even existed. Tavia could see the anger and sorrow in Michelles eyes. Those eyes of sadness. She felt a tinged of hurt inside of her when Michelle had ignored her. Staring at the opened door she wondered what had happened between Raymond and Michelle? And where is Raymond? After Michele had stormed out to her car Ron immediately walked quickly over to her and catch up, while Tavia entered the house and looked around the place having to not find Raymond anywhere insight. Then out from the corner of the kitchen she saw Myolie. Myolie had her arms crossed and her eyes sadly looking at Tavia. She pointed to the stairs and sighed. Tavia understood. Raymond had went upstairs and that is why he wasnt in the living room anymore. Then seconds afterwards Myolie also went upstairs and leaving Tavia now alone in the living room with a cold ice cream bucket in a plastic bag. Outside Ron caught up with Michelle and grabbed her by her left arms roughly. He twirled her around to look at him and she gave him a growling look. They stared straight at each other and at this point Ron really despise her. She spoke angrily. What do you want? Why did you come back? Does it matters to you? Does it matter that much? Yes Why? Is it because you still love me? Her anger had already been built up inside of her. Ron frowned at her question. The questioned that triggered his heart to bleed. The heart in which she had tarnished and had broken. She herself doesnt even know that she had hurt him worse than she had been hurt. What is more

painful wasnt that you had broken up with your boyfriend, but it was the fact that you as a sibling were to witness the girl. The girl who you wanted to love chose your brother over you and had took your heart and toy with it like trash. I beg you. Dont. I only want Raymond. She went into her car afterward and left her cruel words for him to listen and hear. The voice and the way she had left. It was just similar to years ago. Her rejection to him was like a gunshot to his heart. He could recall the memory of the event like it had happened right in front of him. Her voice was vibrating against the walls in the classroom. She was speaking with her hands crossed over her chest having to become irritated. Rons Memory POV I dont think it will work out for us. I rose from my school seat and stood in front of her. She was a girl that I had my eyes attached onto when our art class first began in the fall season. We had many fun moments together just doing artwork and we enjoy each others company. I really wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend but right now she had given me a direct answer. Why? We are happy with each other. It is only you Ron. Im sorry but Im not in for that relationship. What do you mean? Are you insecure of my feelings for you due to my reputation? What do you think? I smiled at her. She must have been jealous when people kept saying rumors about how I am a number one play boy in the school. But I am not. I held onto her shoulders lightly as I stared straight into her eyes and answered her truthfully. I am not a guy who fools around with girls emotions. I have you in my heart right now and only you. Fine. Prove it. Fine. I will. Wait for my art piece. It was meant for you. I immediately rushed out of the school and ran home to get the mirror art piece. I wanted to start on it but I had forgotten that I dont have an exacto knife. So I had to ran back to school and try to get one. It was already late at night and while I was carrying the exacto knife in my pocket a man had attacked me. It was a cop and I had use the knife as a defend object. However, I would never have known that I am to be convicted as to possess a weapon in hand. The case was taken into court and I wanted to let everyone know I am not the person who they think I am. But I had

lost every single faith to explain to everyone. Because, one my first day of trial the one who I had so hurried want to prove my love to was sitting with my beloved brother. It was during the visiting place that I had known. Why did you have that knife in your hand Ron? Are you crazy? You are just seventeen! Ray. What? Who is the girl beside you? Oh, shes Michelle. My girlfriend. We just started dating for a few while. I just never took her out to see you guys. She heard about your condition and was worried. I sat there and thought to myself. How foolish I can be. She was two timing between me and Raymond. I cant believe that Raymond would have been so foolish to have been fooled by her. I really want to tell Raymond about her bad deed. But I cant. She came in and I can tell how much he loved her. I can tell how happy they were. However, there will always be a chance to talk to her and private and it had happened. Raymond excused himself and we were alone. She spoke first. I know what you are thinking. You do bitch? I wasnt two timing. I had feelings for both of you but in the end. I chose Raymond. I sat there questioning to myself. Why? I love my brother but I still cannot accept the fact that I wasnt chosen. What is it that I had lost out to my brother? Did I not love her as much as Raymond does? Or was it something else? And my question was answer. At first I was still debating. But I hadnt regretted it at all. I was glad I picked Raymond. Because you are just like how I expected to be. You are just like any street guys out there and would cause trouble. Im sorry, you may call me selfish. But I dont want to be with someone who causes trouble. So that was her reason. Her reason was because of my impression of giving her insecurity. So why tempt me? Why tempt me and treat me like a fool? I rather you tell me this earlier and not make me love you to the point that I am hurt like now. My effort to try and run back to school just to get the material to finished my artwork to show you my love. It was all wasted. It was stupid. And so instead of telling the judge the exacto knife was used to do artwork for my beloved girl I told them nothing. They speculate that I am from a gang, since there was a current gang event that happened at the same time. I had not denied and cared nothing about what they think about me now. Because simply I am just Ron Lam. A guy who everyone see as a bad boy. No one would love a guy like me nor appreciate me. So why should I do it to people or try

to prove to others what kind of a guy I truly am. Maybe this is what I get for ruining Raymonds relationship. I hate myself I dont deserve you as my brother Raymond. Im sorry. End of Rons Memory Ron formed a tight fist and gritted his teeth. The past hurts so much. He cant withstand it anymore. He needs to go and to escape from here. From this spot where the memories came back. He immediately ran away from the house. And right at that moment Tavia hand went over to the door and saw Ron running down the streets madly. She wondered what had happened to him but seeing how angry he must have been she felt a surged of fear and confused. She wanted to go after him but a hand was placed on her shoulders to stop her. She turned around and found Mrs. Lam standing next to her and shaking her head. Suggesting that Tavia dont go then Mrs. Lam disappears. Tavia looked back at the path that Ron had taken off. She hoped he was okay.

Chapter 14
My Past II
It was already night time. The house was very quiet and everyone seems to be isolated in their room. There was no family dinner. Myolie hadnt even stepped out of her room while her two brothers hadnt even. Raymond refused to leave the room even when Mrs. Lam had encouraged him to. Ron ignored everyone when he return from his take off and just lock himself in the room. Tavia is now standing at the mini backyard and look inside the house. It was so deserted. She expected a more vibrant family to be happily chatting and having fun together. This had brought her to remember her memories with her family. They were really happy. The four of them having a happy family night playing game boards and chatting. Caressing her two arms she felt a little cold standing in the misty night. Upstairs Raymond was sitting on his bed and was looking at two pictures on the bed. Both of them were with his exs. Looking at the first picture he felt a tugged of pain as he remembered what Michelle had told him today. Never would he have thought that what she said is true. This makes him feel like a failure. Her words still rang in his ears like she was actually present. He held onto his head as he couldnt get it out. Your mother forced me to leave you so Ron and you wouldnt have to fight over me. Why would I fight with Ron? Ron also likes me. Your mother found out. She wants to avoid a fight between two brothers so she forced me to leave. Do you know how hurt I was? I was forced! Forced to say mean things to you. Forced to do everything. Think for me Raymond

Forced. That was the word he cannot let go. It came out from her mouth so casually. Never would he have thought Ron would also have a liking to Michelle. His beloved brother like Michelle yet hadnt spoken anything to him about it. He failed to be a true brother and regret every moment of it. Also he hadnt failed as a brother but also as a boyfriend. He felt pitiful for not having to protect Michelle like he was supposed to. Tears trickled down his eyes as he was speechless and motionless throughout the event. He had no reaction towards everything and Michelle had left afterward. A cringed of pain appeared on his face and the only questioned he could have asked between anguish and anger for himself was- Why? Having to remember another past of his the tears wont stop trotting down from his eyes. It was when he first started high school. He met a girl for no longer than one month and they had started a relationship. It was only four months and their breakup occurred. She broke up with him on the phone but he wanted explanations and waited after school for her at the front gate. She was irritated by him but he wont let her pass him at the gate unless she explained why the break up happened. Her words had kept a deep scar on him. Why Rain? Can you at lease give me an explanation? Raymond its enough. Stop being so childish. I want to know. What had I done wrong? I gave you my first love. Well let me tell you something. First love doesnt last. And I dont love you. That is all I have to say. Can you move now? Why? Why toy with my heart then? Why were you so kind to me and everything? Truthfully, you are a nice guy. But I I dont love you. I like your brother. I thought that getting near you would get me closer to Ron but it hadnt. Also, I thought I could flirt with you and make Ron jealous. But none of it had worked. I never knew you would take it that serious. Wha- Ron? What? Suddenly out of the blue Ron stormed to where the two were and slapped Rain right across the face. Raymond watched his brother in anger as he started cursing at Rain. It was too hard to take in to what is going on. It had then hit him that his first love was using him to get to Ron, his only brother. He felt betrayed but also hurt. He never knew that it was because of Ron that all of this would happen. He wanted to blame Ron but he couldnt. Now having to refer it to this situation it was once again related to Ron but not directly to him. Raymond doesnt know how to react now. Outside of the Hallway Ron had left his room just a few minutes before Raymonds cries had escaped from his throat. Having to hear the painful cries he can see his brother is in pain. He held his fist tight together. He doesnt know what had happened between Raymond and Michelle but knowing that his brother is hurt Ron cannot stand it. He listened closely and couldnt bear the pain anymore. He

headed straight to the kitchen downstairs and opened the fridge to find a drink to calm his anger. One drinks after another he devoured himself in a pool of alcoholic drinks. Tavia who is outside had enough of the cold and decided to re-enter the house. Once she had she noticed the clattering sound in the kitchen. Closing the slide door behind her she walked over and found Ron sitting on the ground drunk. Running over to him he seemed to have been totally knocked out. Counting the beer cans on the floor she doesnt even know how many he had drink. Tapping him lightly on his cheeks and whispered his name. Ron... Wake up Ron Suddenly Ron grabbed onto Tavia and embraced her. She was stunned and had wanted to push him away but instead she cradled him. Why? Because he had called her mom. He sees her as Mrs. Lam who is with him and is bawling in her embrace. Mom Mom You have to help Ray. I dont want to see him hurt anymore. Why does Michelle have to hurt him? Shes just like Rain. Those two bitches hurt him. Help him Mom. You have to help him. I dont want to see my brother hurt. Its all because of me I hate myself. Maybe its true I am the trouble maker for everything Im sorry sorry sorry. so His sorry words had faded away as he slowly drifted into a deep sleep. Tavia was surprised to what she had just heard. It was then that she knew how much Ron loved his brother so much. Ron isnt the cold hearted person everyone in the family thought he was. He was very gentle and thoughtful. Tavia had then tried helping him over to the sofa to rest. Though it was tiring but she still managed to. Going back to the kitchen she decided to clean up. It was already half way through the night. Ron was already sound asleep and Tavia had already finished cleaning. Going to the restroom to wash her hand she walked out and was surprised to see a little light in the kitchen. She knew that she had already turned off all the night and checked everything twice to see if its on. Walking close to it she heard a scooping of a spoon digging into a bucket. Standing right at the entrance there she saw Raymond eating vanilla ice cream. A light smiled formed on her lips as she watched Raymond eat like a child. He stopped as he noticed her shadow. Immediately he took the spoon away from his mouth and closed the fridge door. She let a little giggle escape her mouth. You dont have to be hiding. Sorry. Did I disturb you? No. She walked over to the table and sat right next to him. Looking at him eat she was really relieved that he still had the energy and thought to eat ice cream at this time. She smiled sweetly while staring at him eating. She wondered if he knew that it was Ron who bought him the ice cream. It was then that Rons imaged flashed through her mind and wondered if Raymond noticed that Ron was sleeping on the couch. She stared at Raymond in a shocked but questionable expression.

Is this ice cream yours? No. Oh cause from your look its like Im stealing it from you. Ron bought that ice cream for you. Raymond slowly turned to look at the almost fully eaten ice cream bucket. Then a smile was lightly spread on his lips. Putting the lid on he put the ice cream away. Tavia stood up and was scared that Raymond hadnt want to eat it anymore because Ron bought it. She wanted to tell him how much Ron doesnt hate Raymond but on the other hand he loved him a lot. But before she could speak Raymond had already left the kitchen and went over to a closet and opened it. Tavia whispered. Raymond Raymond turned around and places a finger on his lips to hush her. He turned and pulled out a blanket in the closet. Tavia smiled at his nice gesture and thought of Ron. Turning to look at the sleeping Ron she chuckled at bit. Thinking inside he must have never guessed that Raymond cared for him as much as Ron cared back for his brother. Raymond went over and placed the blanket over his brother and tucked in him. Afterwards he turned to look at Tavia. The two was staring at each other for nearly minutes and Tavia turned away. She couldnt resist his eyes and blushed at the sight of his eyes. Raymond then went over to her side. You going to bed now? Oh.. yeah are you? yeah. Oh.. okay Tavia slowly walked over to the stairs with Raymond on her track. The two walked up the stairs in silences. Even in the dark Tavia was still blushing a deep red shade of color. Once they reached the hallway Tavia walked further down and took a turn to the left while Raymond took turn to the right side when he got to the hallway. The two stood at the door and turned to look at one another. Distance from each other they could still clearly sees one another in the dark. Goodnight. Goodnight. Afterwards Tavia opened the door and entered the room. Closing the door she could hear his door open and closing. He had already gone into his room. She was relieved to see that Raymond was still fine. It made her happy to see that he was fine and what even makes her happier was that she was able to understand the Raymond and even Ron more. Now she no longer feels that

she had no right to claim her love for Raymond. Because having to encounter with Raymond and know him a bit more, she can say he is the love of her life. She went to bed right afterward. In Raymonds room he hadnt gone to bed yet. He walked over to his bed and picked up the two pictures with him and his exs. Looking at Michelles picture he touched it. Knowing inside even though whatever Michelle hand told him today he still cannot put himself into being in a relationship with her again. He doesnt want to hurt Ron as his beloved brother. But what is more important is that he cant be in a relationship with someone whom he had no more trust anymore. He trusted her to go through every hardship with him but in the end she hadnt. Because if they hadnt broken up before and she had told him about how his mother forced her to leave then he would have fight to be with her no matter what. But she hadnt. She had chosen to risk their own relationship and buried his trust for her. Slowly taking the two pictures he ripped it to pieces and trashed it into the trash bin. Going over to his bedroom window he opened it and a gush of clam wind rushed it. It brushed the sides of his cheeks and he smiled. Finally he had put down the torched that he had held on so tightly with him for the few years. He had made his decision. His family was more important and he would think about them more from now on. As he stood there he closed his eyes and remembered the wind of the place where he and Tavia had stood at. Their touch and their moment were real. Opening his eyes he smiled happily. The only one in which he can think of right now is Tavia, the girl who brought smiles to his face that hadnt been there for so long. Softly he whispered. Tavia. Downstairs Ron was in a dazed dream mode. He didnt know what he was dreaming but he was dreaming of a moment that was blissful to him. It was a figure of a girl walking ahead of him happily and jumping on the road path like a child. Her smile was as bright as a sunflower and beautiful as daffodils. She looked so beautiful that even the sunshine cannot outshine her beauty. Looking at her in his dreams he smiled. A very sweet sensitive smile. It was then the he had realized who the girl in his dream was and spoke of her name. Tavia. ===-

Chapter 15
The True Plan
Another night had passed and a new morning had begun. Tavia opened her eyes this morning and felt worried. Shes worried on how to act now. Michelle had returned and she doesnt even

know if she would continue with the plan that Mrs. Lam had sought out for her. Turning to the side and looking out at the window the birds were chirping and it was a really beautiful day. She smiled as she dreams of how wonderful it would be to be spending a day with Raymond outside right now. She giggled at the thought but her delightful dream was disturbed with a knock at the door. She flung herself up and nearly ran over to it. Stopping right in front of the door she stood there and calmed her breathing down. Turning the door knob she looked at the person standing out there. To her surprise it was no one other than Myolie. Myolie had a big smile on her face and turned jumped into the room like a little kid. Tavia! Myolie? Did you need something? Nope! I just want to ask. Do you want to go shopping? Shopping? Tavias eyes blinked many times in disbelief. At this moment Myolie is in a mood to shop? She thought it was weird but she also liked the idea. Since being in Hong Kong she hadnt gone shopping yet. One of her favorite places to shop has to be Hong Kong. She smiled at the thought but then it hit her. She doesnt have money. Pouting she shook her head slowly. How bout we do something else? Why not shopping? I mean, Raymond did leave his credit card for you. I want some benefit from it too. What? He left me a credit card? Yeah! Giggling joyfully Myolie took out a credit card from her pocket. It was gold and it was real. Tavia gasped in surprise that Raymond would have actually done that. Going back to reality she looked at Myolie to see if she was serious. She wouldnt have imagined that Raymond would have done such a thing. Ever. Myolie knew that Tavia wouldnt have believed her so she took out a note for Tavia to read. Reading it a smile immediately had formed on her lips. It was true. It was for her. The note had been written clear and smooth. It said, To Tavia. Holding it she felt like kissing the item. It was a first gift that Raymond had given to her. She doesnt even want to use it for she feared it might be dirty. Myolie looked at Tavias action and couldnt help but laugh. WAh Are you that happy to know that my brother actually did that? Huh?

He doesnt actually do that. And oh yeah, Ron left you another note. He demands that I dont read it. Myolie handing Tavia another note and read it. It said, Thank You for everything, Tavia. And once again another smiled had appeared on her face. She felt so much loved today that it even brought her to tears. But she hadnt actually had tears until Myolie had her part to loving Tavia too. Myolie after seeing Tavia read both of her brothers note she embraced Tavia softly and thankfully. Tavia was shocked but embraced her back. Myolie smiled and softly spoke. Thank you, Tavia. I dont know what you had done to my brothers but they are just like how they used to be. Thank you. I am really glad you had showed up in our house. Even if you are not really Raymonds girlfriend I really like you as a person. Thank You. Tavias tears dropped immediately at the last word. She embraced onto Myolie tightly as she heard her thanks. Finally, her dreams had come true partly. She was accepted by Raymonds siblings. They all liked her and Raymond had liked her too. She existed in his mind now and is no longer just a person who is unknown to her. But what makes her the most happiest was to know that Raymond and Ron were to be good brothers again. Currently she hoped to stay here even longer than she was expected to. Because the love that she is getting from the three siblings was more than she would have ever asked for. So after the touching moments come the fun part right? Tavia wiped her tears away. Shopping? Where Myolie jumped with joy because Tavia had agreed. I know the best place to go!! Get ready! Meet you downstairs okay! She hurled away into her room while Tavia laughed at her. Myolies sweet childish personality still lives within her. Tavia still remembered their childhood and how they play so well with each other. Myolie was always attached to Tavia, therefore, their parents always let the two go off to play together. They were like best friends. The best friends that anyone could have asked for. But after Tavia had moved away to America their friendship hadnt lasted because of the distance. Tavia always missed it and wondered if Myolie had too. But she wouldnt mind about it too much because it was the past. As long as they can be best friend again she is happy. After getting ready Tavia went downstairs and saw Mr. and Mrs. Lam. Tavia greeted them and went over to sit next to them. She know that eventually she had to talk to them about the whole situation. She is responsible to know that fairy tales will never last. Taking the chance of Myolie getting ready she decided to have a private talk with him. But before speaking Mrs. Lam had spoke first. Would you like some breakfast before leaving? No Thank You. Mrs. Lam about about

Without Tavia asking Mrs. Lam had already know what Tavia wanted to ask. She sat down at the table and look at Tavia. She isnt sure to how she wanted to put this to Tavia. She knows that making Tavia do this would be difficult for her but she also know that it might jeopardize her relationship with her son. But, to her a promise is needed to be kept. We still need you Tavia. Raymond and Michelle are at a crucial moment right now. You need to make Raymond forgive Michelle for leaving. Tavia POV My fear is close. Actually this is my fear. Mrs. Lam was being persistence. She wont give up on pulling Michelle and Raymond together. But, Raymond seems like he doesnt want to be with Michelle. I know it is sad for Michelle but why does Mrs. Lam want to force Raymond into another painful love story? But Why? I have no right to ask that and shouldnt have. But I feel like it and I had to. In place for Raymond. If Raymond were here he would too. I know Raymond would because he doesnt want anyone to plot things out for him. He wants to be free. Free like the time we first met. He showed me how freedom looked and feels like and I like it. I forced Michelle to leave because I want to avoid a brother fight. Ron and Raymond both liked Michelle. I thought that having Michelle leave would save the relationship between the two brothers. But I was wrong. Raymond was terrible when she had left him. I felt so guilty. I have to save my son. The only one who can save Raymond now is Michelle. Shes the only one who can bring him happiness. Really? Is she? But why cant that person be me? So if she is his happiness then why am I here? I wanted to cry and I wanted to shout at her. Why am I here? What is the purpose of me being here if I wasnt his happiness? I wanted to break down and cry. I cant take in the stor y that I am hearing without feeling hurt. Maybe it could be jealousy that I might feel hateful for Michelle right now. Another sad thing that I had known about is that no matter what, I dont think I can ever be accepted by Raymonds parents. But that might not be true..there- I wanted to say there are many other girls who might make Raymond happy. I wanted to tell her I want to make Raymond happy. I wanted to be his girl. I wanted to be her daughter in law. However, I stopped on my track as Mrs. Lam had truly revealed the reason behind the plan in the first place. Another reason to why Michelle should get back with Raymond was I promised if there were to be no fight between the brothers I will help her reconcile with Raymond. Because it was my mistake for pulling them apart in the first place. I cant be too selfish and only think about my family benefits and not hers. Therefore, my only wish now is for the two to be back together.

So it was a promise I am not needed. But that wasnt true. In her mind I was the main character. That is why I need your help to pull the two together. I know that Raymond still loves Michelle. I only need him to realize it. I need you to pull that love out from him. Help him. Hopefully it would be right at the wedding day where he would have an awakening. Michelle would be the brides maid and you will be the fake bride. I have everything planned out already. You and Michelle would then switch place once Raymond confesses his love to Michelle. Thats the only thing I can do for my son now. Make up his relationship with Michelle. So there will be a wedding a wedding of Raymond and me but the outcome wont be like so. I wont be the bride. I will never be Raymonds bride. Im just a brides maid on his special day. Why? God, why did I have to find out about this? Why on such a nice day. Holding onto the gift of Raymonds in my hand. I wanted to cry. My tears wanted to burst out from its shield. The most painful part here isnt that I cannot cry but to know that I will be only and only a fake bride to Raymond is the painful truth I know. I know it will in a way tarnish your reputation but after everything I will make it clear. I will tell everyone you were brave and very nice to have helped me through everything. I will never forget your kindness Tavia. Thank you. What if what if Raymond really decided to marry me? A questioned that had raised their eyebrows. It was a weird question. Yes it is. What if Raymond really wanted to marry me? Can I make him marry me? I dont even know. But her answer had hurt me. If he does then it might be out of responsibility. You have to tell him truthfully Tavia. You have to tell him everything was planned out and you are just acting. Its the truth after all. Yes it is the truth. Im a devil. I had an intention to get near him. That is why I am currently hating myself. The mission in which I am to take had lead me to a dark side. I will hurt Raymond at the end. Tell him everything I do and say is fake. My love for him is fake if he were to like me. He was meant for Michelle. Yes that is what I am suppose to say. But god. I cant I cant its painful to even think about it to myself. I cant say that I never like him. I cant say that I dont want to marry him. I cant say I am a fake bride and he doesnt need to take any responsibility. Because truthfully I loved him and wanted to be his bride. He needs to take responsibility because of my love for him I had sacrificed many feelings of my own. God, why am I punished like so Why?... why cant I be with Raymond?.... End POV

Chapter 16
Believe Me

Bam! The door closed shut as the three turned to look at the one standing at the door. It was Ron. His eyes were in raged as he had been there the whole time while listening to his mothers confession. He could have never imagined his mother to have ever done such a thing nor even asked Tavia to do such a thing. Mrs. Lam immediately stood up and ran over to her son. Ron saw her coming and once she touched him he immediately knocked her hands away. It had shocked everyone. His angered eyes stared straight into hers and she could feel the raged from him. Her voiced quivered as she spoke. Ron. Listen to me I can- No mom. You cant you can never explain your actions. I hate you. Ron immediately directed his attention over to the breakfast table and stared right into Tavias eyes. He could see her sadness and could see the tears that wanted to escape from her eyes. A color of red flushed her cheeks as Tavia look at him. Somehow inside of her she was embarrassed and felt really uncomfortable to let Ron know the real her. Ron couldnt stand looking at her no more and ran over to her side. She was stunned that he had grabbed her wrist and pulled her swiftly away from the kitchen to the living room. His dad cried out in anger. What are you doing?! Ron! Ron didnt answer his father at all. He gave his mother a last glare and stormed out of the house just like that, with Tavia trailing behind him. As the door closed Myolie came downstairs in shocked as she didnt know what was going on. Seeing her mother crying Myolie rushed down and went over to her side. Helping her up she was worried about her mothers weak body. Mom, what happen? Are you okay? What is going on? Where is Tavia? Her father only looked at Myolie and looked away. He was too shameful right now to look at her or talk to her. As a paralyzed person he couldnt do anything nor make any decisions in the house. All he could do was drown his sorrows by himself as he watched how torn his wife and child are. Also how mistreated and wrong his wife had brought Tavia to the house. He regretted ever to agree with his wife. But what can he do? He isnt the man of the house. Myolie looking at her mother crying she didnt know what to do but cry after her mother. Just when she thought everything will be back to normal it isnt. Myolie missed her childhood life and wished it would be just like before. She wished that they would have never grows up at all. As she hugged onto her mother the door opened. Mrs. Lam turned abruptly, hoping it was Ron but it wasnt. It was Raymond. Raymond entered the house with a smile on his face as he placed his keys onto the table and set a mini bouquet on the side table near the door. Innocently he had walked into the house but was caught up with the sad scene in the front of him. Rushing over to his mothers side she cried on his shoulders. What happened?! Why are you crying mother?!

His mother cant say anything. She refuses to say anything. Myolie instead had spoken for her but her words had brought yet a trouble to Raymond in which she never intended to do. I dont know what happened Raymond. Tavia and I were supposed to go shopping. I was getting ready and I heard shouts and a loud door shut. I came down and I already see mom in tears and Tavia is gone. Raymonds eyes rose as he heard Tavias name. He doesnt know what had happened nor does he have a clue but he knows that if Tavia isnt near him he was scared. Immediately he looked around the house for clues but he couldnt find any. He wanted answers. He wanted to know where Tavia is. It is killing him right now. And finally he received his answer. His mother had finally had spoken. Ron took Tavia and left. Ron? Immediately Raymond let go of his mother and rushed out to find the two. He doesnt know why but at this time he was suppose to be with his mother; however, he had chosen to go look for Tavia instead. He was scared for Tavia. He doesnt like the idea of Ron and Tavia being together at this moment. He felt that shes going to be in trouble. Running and running he hoped and pray that he would be able to find them. Basketball Court Tavia flung her wrist away from Rons grip. Once again he had dragged her away. And once again she had to run breathlessly to a place that he wanted to go. She was tired of his actions. It was repetitive and she was tired. Especially now. Ron turned to look at her feeling very outraged. He wanted to ask her questions and he wanted answers. I cant believe your true color is to be such a girl like that. Tavia POV What are you talking about? I believed that you love Raymond. GODAMIT!! I believed you?! I do love Raymond!! How many times do I have to shout at you Ron Lam?! Are you deaf? Can you not see how much I love Raymond? Oh wait. Maybe you cant. You are just like your parents and ever yone else. You treat my love as though it was childish play. No one had believed me when I had told them I love Raymond Lam. Even my sister wont believe me. Do I not look serious to you people? Or was it the fact that it was too unbelievable? A girl who rarely talks to the guy claims to love him. That doesnt sound believable at all. But couldnt you people think of the possibility that it might

happen. There are many things in this world that are unbelievable. I dont even know why I am so drawn to Raymond myself but I am that girl. That girl who loved him unconditionally because of who he is. I interacted well with him enough to say I know him. You LiAR! He kept shouting. Why?! Why doesnt he believe me? I only need one person in this world to believe me. He has to believe me. Why dont you believe me?! You Bitch! You Liar!! You planned onto getting Michelle and Raymond together! You dont love him! How can you call that love you bitch?!! I cant hold onto my tears any longer. I cant take this anymore. Why am I accused of my love for Raymond? I dont want to do the mission. I dont want to but I have to. It was the only reason for me to be here. If I had not accepted this mission I might ever have a chance to get close to Raymond. Since moving to America my dreams of being with him had faded because I think of it as a zero possibility. I can never return back to Hong Kong and be with him whilst leaving my family. Also knowing that Mrs. Lam called for a fake girlfriend of Raymond who wouldnt be tempted? I am crazy and I brought everything to myself. I cant go on like this anymore.. I cant its hurting too much.. I cant All I want was for someone to believe me. I cant be left on my own like this. I cant. End POV Ron had enough of everything. He was disappointed in everything that he had heard and scene. What is more disappointing is that he was able to trust Tavia. He thought better of her but in the end shes just like Michelle and Rain. They both disappointed him and even hurt him deep to the core of his heart. He hated himself for his judgment more now than everything. Unable to stand and look at Tavia anymore he rushed away hurriedly. And right at this moment Raymond had spotted them. He ran to them quickly because he was hurt to see Tavia in tears while she was on the ground feeling hurt. But his footsteps slowed and finally he came to a full stop. Tavia had stood up quickly and rushed over to Ron. She had surprisingly embraced Ron tightly behind. Her arms wrapped around his chest and she held onto him as though he was her life savior. Ron froze as he felt her touch, felt her embraced. Through tears she had spoken her words. Ron listened as he his heart beats faster. Ron you have to believe me believe me you are the only one who I can depend on now you are the only one I can entrust my deep true emotions toono one will trust me but you, please. Dont stop believing me. The two stood as a statue. Slowly the wind blew a cold air and the sky began to sprinkle. There were no cloudy skies but it still had tears fall from the sky. Raymond watched over the scene that he had witnessed and doesnt know how to react to it at all. All that he knows is that he was hurt

by the scene. Hurt by everything. But he doesnt know why. He doesnt know what kind of a feeling he is having. After all, Tavia and him only play as fake lovers. He had no right to feel hurt if there were something between Ron and Tavia. Slowly he had turned around and walked away on the wet sidewalk. ==========================+-

Chapter 17
Wish of an Endless Road
Ron slowly reached up to Tavias cold hands. He touched it and it was soft as he had expected it to. It hurts him to have done this but he knows he has to. Up till this moment he had finally realized what had been happening to him. Tugging her hands away from his chest she was hesitant but he was stronger than her. Turning around to look at her he could see the tears surpassing the sprinkled rain water. He could see her sad eyes and the eyes who called out for another soul to believe her. Slowly he caressed her cheeks and brushed the strands of hair that hides her beautiful face. Rons POV How could she have done this to me? The face of an angel had carved a part of my heart and had stolen it from me. My heart skipped when she had laid her fingers on me. It was like thunderbolt sent from the sky that called me to stop where I am at. Stop what I am doing and turn around to face you. Tell you how much I believe that you love Raymond. It hurts me because I finally found my answers. An answer to why I had this feeling for you. What is it that you would have called it? If I had asked you what is the feeling you would have answered me. Love. Yes, Love. That is what it is. I once again can feel love. But why does it have to be you? Why you had to be the angel that I had fallen in love for? I believe you. I spoke silently. I know what the truth is and I wont deny it. I wished you were a liar at this moment but you werent. I was just lying to myself and had hurt you so much for pulling back my trust. Its just the truth hurts Why is it that Raymond and I tend to be so alike? The only thing that I can blame now is that why had it that you are the angel that is in my heart. Your eyes twinkle in delight. You do? I do. I believe you. Im sorry. Immediately she embraced me once again. Thanking me over and over again. Her smile was once again on her face and I was happy and glad. I dont deserve an angel like her. Raymond does. They are meant for each other. My angel Ill help you do anything. As long as you are

happy Ill do anything and everything for you. Although, I felt regretful for doing so but I know what is the cause of happiness for everyone around me. End POV Thank you Ron Thank you for believing me. You are the best and can you promise me something. Ron nodded his head slowly. He doesnt know what she wanted him to promise but he will. If it came out from her mouth then he will listen to her. Tavia gave him a reassured smile and her eyes possessed a still sad expression on it. Ron wondered why. And even as she spoke he was still confused. Tavia looked down onto the floor and closed her eyes as more tears fall from it. Promise me that whatever happened you will believe me and forgive me. Ron didnt know what she mean by her words at all. He really wanted to ask her but felt that he shouldnt. Because he sensed that she wont tell him at all. So in the end he just nodded as compliance. The two let go of their embrace and Tavia wiped away the tears and rain water on her face. Ron looks at her and smiles. He never thought she would know that it had rain during this whole time. He thought she was too caught up in her crying mood. Unbuttoning his outer shirt he put it over their heads. Tavia was surprised at his actions. She saw that he only had a tank top on and was afraid that he would get cold Immediately she refused the shirt umbrella. No, you are going to get sick. Lets just hurry home. Hey its not only for your benefit. Common, lets go back together. I dont want my brother to stress out more having to take care of you. Tavia smiled sweetly and got closer to him and both began to walk under the rain together. Rons arms were above her head as he shields her. Looking at her walking and smiling near him it had made him really happy. He hoped that the road never ends and that they would go walking like this till the end of the endless road. As for Tavia, she was really happy to have Ron near her right now. With his touch and his strength Tavia nodded. He had given her the courage that no one had before. She had consulted to her friends and sister about her feelings and they had always discouraged her. It had taken her this long to be with Raymond because of their discouragement. At this moment she was thankful, really thankful that Ron was there for her. She was really happy and glad. Even though she might lose his trust later on but she will cherished this wonderful moment together with him. Its a friendship bond for her in which she will never forget. At Home Raymond had gone home and entered the house. His parents and Myolie was sitting there looking at him. He gave a light smile and closed the door behind him as he walked upstairs. Mrs.

Lam could sense a sorrow in her eyes and didnt know why. She wanted to question Raymond if he had seen the other two but somehow she couldnt ask. Raymond continued stepping on the floor and walked up the stairs while holding onto the stair rail. Myolie looked at her brother and it reminded her so much of when the time Michelle had dumped him. Raymond walked up to his room and closed it. He walked over to his bed and lay down slowly. His wet clothes begun to damp the bed sheets and he felt cold. But not cold as his heart is feeling. His heart no longer possesses that warm feeling anymore. He doesnt want the warm feeling to leave but mostly, he doesnt want Tavia to leave his side. Ron and Tavia finally came home wet as a puppy. The two entered the house in a happy mood. Once Ron entered the house his smile fade as he saw his mother coming over to him. He didnt say anything because he knows that Myolie is still present. Looking at his mother he turned away afterward and then headed over to his father and Myolie. Ron reached into his pocket and got out two chocolate bars. Myolie, look what I got for you at the store? Chocolate? She grabbed hold of it and then cuddled it to cheeks. She loves chocolate and Ron had bought her chocolate. It was such a long time ago that he hadnt bought her anything. But as she remembered the whole event today she wondered why Ron came back with Tavia and with chocolate. She turned to look at Tavia who was standing next to her mother. Myolie wanted to ask what happen when she wasnt downstairs but looking at Ron. It is best that she doesnt remind him of the event since he was involved. Ron hates people being so into his relationship. And so to lighten the mood up she got back to her happy self again. How dare you take Tavia?! I was supposed to go shopping with her today! You are? Yes! And oh my gosh! The chocolate isnt edible! Its WET!! Well are you getting it or not sis? Myolie thought for a while and then opened the seal of the chocolate. It was edible and she was glad. Tavia look at Myolie and was so thankful to her. She changed everyones mind to become less agitated about the whole event today. Myolie is so innocent about everything that Tavia too wanted to be like her. Tavia wanted to no know about anything and continue life happily but too bad. Too bad that Tavia isnt Myolie and cant be like Myolie. She knows what is going on and cant act like there is nothing that is going on. Ron smiled at Myolie and then dragged her upstairs because he said he wanted to let her see something but truthfully he wanted Tavia to stay with his parents. And once the two left Tavia and Mrs. Lam walked over to Mr. Lam. Tavia gave them a weak smile and then reassured them. Dont worry Ron is okay.

Oh thank god Thank you so much Tavia. I dont know what to do if you werent here. Mrs. Lam is it true that you are planning the wedding? Mrs. Lam and Mr. Lam turned to look at Tavia. Upstairs Myolie was in Rons room and was looking at every art piece that he had done. She was really surprised at how artistic Ron can be. While observing the artwork Ron had already left his adorable sister in his room while he walked over to Raymonds. Knocking on the door lightly he wanted to have a talk with Raymond. It had been a long time since he knocked his door and he had to admit. He enjoyed it very much. Bugging his brother is a very wonderful feeling. The door opened and Raymond stared at Ron painfully. Ron smiled and walked in. Raymond wondered why his brother is here. Ray why are you so wet? I I was outside. For what? Are you crazy? Anyways get dry already. Why? You and Tavia have a wedding picture appointment. What? Raymond was confused as he listened to Ron. He didnt know what Ron is saying and he is even surprised that Ron is telling him this. He would expect Rons confession to him about Tavia and him. But on the other hand he hadnt. Instead he went in here to tell him to get ready to go to a wedding photo appointment. But this had brought another question to him. When was this appointment which he never knew about? And hadnt it been that he asked Tavia if she want a cancellation? Then it hit him. He had never told his parents about not wanting to get married and they might be the one behind it. There must be a mistake, Im going to tell mom and dad Im not marrying Tavia. Just as he was going to exit the room Ron grabbed his brothers arm back. Raymond turned to look at Ron shockingly. Ron looked down onto the floor and swallowed hard. Then he looked up at his brother with a light smile. Bro, Tavia is a very nice girl. I hadnt believe that she love you until just a few minutes ago. Ill be really happy if she was my sister in law and not another girl.

Raymond was confused about everything right now. He was lost about what is going on. Was it that what he saw was just in vision or an illusion in his eyes. Werent Tavia and Ron just hugging each other? What is going on? Why is Ron telling him all these things? But what had hid all those questions away was Rons word of how he believed that Tavia love him. Tavia love me?

Chapter 18
Our Moment
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Raymond and Ron both turn to look at the door and there stood Tavia who opened it. She was smiling happily at the brothers. Ron let go of Raymond and then walked out to the door to where Tavia is. Standing in front of her he winked and smiled at Raymond. Ill leave you and my bro alone. Dont go home too late. We wont. Tavia giggled as Ron went over to his room and began teasing at Myolie. Raymond looked at Tavia and was surprised that she was also wet. He immediately rushed over to his closet and got her a towel. Tavia smiled as Raymond handed her the towel. She couldnt have imagined Raymond being that caring about her. But as she noticed her wet attire she also knows his wet attire and hair. She looked at him and then laughs. Raymond looked at her innocently. Then she began to point at him up and down. I think you should get a towel for yourself too. Embarrassed Raymond walked over to his closet and got himself a towel. Wiping the wet rain water from his body he turned to look at her shyly. While she was drying her hair she was also blushing. They are like two wet puppies standing there like a dork and while drying themselves. Then Raymond had remembered about where they were to go. He looked at Tavia and then spoke. Tavia about the wedding Oh yes, about the wedding. We have to go take pictures. I know that you dont want to continue it but your mother was really pressuring me. So I agreed to it. I mean. It wont hurt getting married right? Unless. Im not a good candidate for you to choose. And besides its just a few minutes throughout the wedding. Its not going to kill you. Huh? No. I dont mean it that way. Its just

Then thats good! Hey. I just won over Rons appreciation and trust. It took me quite a while. Playing this part is not easy. What? Rons appreciation and trust? Uhuh. Ron dislikes me because he was afraid that I would hurt you. But he doesnt know that we are just faking everything. So in order for me to continue doing my part of the role I have to win Rons trust and appreciation for me. And I did. You dont like Ron? Tavia looked at Raymond in a very shocked but confused expression. She wasnt sure if she had heard right. What does that question really means? She was going to ask but as Raymond saw her expression he knew it was a wrong question. Quickly he scratched the back of his neck and started stuttering. Tavia giggled even more as she realized how embarrassed Raymond is right now. Whatever he is stuttering and mumbling it did go into Tavias ears because it was too hard to understand. She walked over to him and then zipped with lips with her finger. Hey. I dont understand a thing that you just said. So are you up for the wedding or what? uhh Just nod. Raymond was really speechless. He just nodded and does as he was told. Tavia smiled and his heart felt warm inside once again. The feeling of looking at her smile melts the ice berg inside him. She then let go of her fingers and he wished she hadnt. Because he really wants to kiss her fingers because having any contact with her is more than everything that he had wanted now. He wants to even embrace her and kiss her precious lips. Tavia looked at him straight in the eyes sweetly and then reached out for his hand. Their hands intertwined as they look at each other lovingly. Lets go before the store close. Raymond smiled and nod. He was happy at this moment. The thing he wanted most to do is to be with her. Hold her hand and go with her wherever they are going. Leaving his room they went out of the house. Once they got into their car Raymond started the car and turned on the heater. The two was still wet but they know for sure once they get to the studio the employer there will help them get dry. So the wet couple cared less if they were wet as a duck. They were still holding hands and leaving the home without any care on their backs. Ron whos at the top near the window saw the two left and leave the parking spot. He smiled weakly. This is the best that he can do to help Raymond become happy again. It is also very good to see Tavia smiling happily to. Although, he is alone at this moment he didnt regret it. As long as the people who he love is happy then he is happy too. Myolie whose on the other side of the room jumped over to where he is and surprised him.

Hey Ron! Why didnt you ever show me these things before? Myolie you see how nice these things are? Yeah! Its gorgeous! Yeah thats why. What do you mean? You are the queen of ruining things. What do you think? Myolie immediately hit her brother playfully. Ron laughed at his sister. She tried hitting him as hard as she can but shes just too weak. The two shared their own brother and sister moment. Myolie no doubt had really missed this. She loves this sibling bonds because it reminded her so much of her childhood. Ron used to be such a loving brother to her when they were young. Even though a lot of people questioned her if he mistreats her due to his cold expression. She would always answer them, no. Ron treats her as though she was his beloved sister and just like any beloved sister to a brother. Mrs. Lam saw her beloved siblings and it brought her to tears. Ron saw his mother from the corner and felt a tugged of pain in his heart. He knew inside that he was too cruel to his mother. After all, what she had done was all because of her love to her sons. Slowly Ron went over to his mother. His mother wanted to run but he spoke before she could. Im sorry mom. She turned around to look at Ron. His sincere apology. She could see the happiness in his eyes now. He no longer possesses the cold stare or sadness in his eyes. Slowly she came to embrace her son. Ron embrace her and was thankful that she was like his loving mother again. The only thing that he had to set things out straight was that he only wanted one promise from her. Mom stop what you are doing. That is all I am asking of you. Mrs. Lam look up at Ron. She winced in pain as she didnt know how to answer him. She really wants to but she cant. She cant stop because she promised. Promised Michelle everything. How can she take back her words? But then looking at Ron she could only nod as an answer. She continued embracing him. Ron smiled and hugged his mother as he looked at his father coming out of the room and into the hallway. It was like a family reunion to Ron. Slowly his eyes darted out to the hallway window. Ron is truly happy now. And he had set his ground to do what he wanted to do. Now remember what Mrs. Yim and him had talked about in the morning he had decided to agree on her suggestion. He had received an early call from her in the morning and woke up immediately. Reaching to the classroom Mrs. Yim greeted him joyfully. Before he even steps into the room she already handed him an acceptance letter. He looked at it quite confused.

There was a flyer that advertised an art program in England University. Without hesitant I submit an application for you. And I was really surprised that they had accepted you. huh? I never send in an art though. The mirror art piece you gave us last week was the one I sent in. So does this mean I get to go to the school and be their student? Uhuh. Its a great chance Ron. You should take it. Ron was standing there stunned that they would like his artwork. It hadnt came across his mind to ever pursue that career. He was still deciding throughout the whole time. But at this moment where he is inside with house with his beloved family. He had decided, the best way to ease this sorrowful life is to leave and go to the university. Its not only the best for his life but also for his heart. Because he knew for sure he couldnt quite yet cooped with the idea that Tavia would become in sister in law so soon, when he had noticed his feelings for Tavia. Photo Studio Raymond parked his car right in front of the studio. He turned to look at the Tavia. She was like a child going to Disney Land. Letting go of his hand Tavia jaws dropped as he looked at the place. It was so beautiful. The wedding dress and the sampled pictures. Raymond went out of the car and walked over to her side and opened the door for her. Immediately he took her hand and guided her into the studio. Tavia look at their interlocked hands and smiled sweetly. It was as though they were like a real couple to her. Once again their moment of happiness had rushed through her. Raymond and Tavia went up to the registry table and signed their name in. Raymond was really surprised that they actually had an appointment. Tavia on the other hand knew about everything. She knows about her wedding with Raymond would happened. Their fake wedding day is what should be known more. Looking at Raymond, Tavia smiled even more brightly. He was so adorable looking as innocent as a little child. And especially handsome with his wet hair and soaked clothes under the bright lights and beautiful scene outside of the studio. The rain had dried and the beautiful air vibrated throughout the whole city. Raymond and Tavia were both taken to a different room to change. As their hands slid away from each other both didnt want to let go. They dont want to let go of each others warmth and touch. Raymond was of course finished before Tavia and was sent to the studio area. He stood around and wondered if what he is doing is right? And if he should really be doing this. Pacing back and forth he decided to talk Tavia out of the whole act. He helper hand came out with the soon to be bride and Raymond would turn around to tell her, Lets not do it. He is like a runaway groom. But once he had turned around he was speechless. Under the beautiful bright lights that possess the sense of a kingdom and the beautiful background and props around them. He felt like they are in a real kingdom and Tavia was a

princess, even more a beautiful princess to be married. Her hair was long and wavy on the bottom a bit as she wore a tube bridal dress. Her lips were light so light in make up. Its not pink or red, its just perfect. And her eyes exposed a beautiful hazelnut color from the light. She walked elegantly over to his side. The closer she got the more it was hard for him to direct his attention or even to think about anything else other than how beautiful she is. She giggles at his sight. So howd you think? I dont look horrible right? Her voice woke him up as he look at her lips speak. He smiled sweetly. She was so beautiful that his heart nearly skipped a few step like a stone on the padded water. Slowly he reached out his hand to have her placed hers on top of it. She happily did so and he took her hand and guided her to their spotlight area. Slowly he lead her to stand in the front of him and embraced her waist from behind. Placing his head on her shoulders it was soft as cotton. She smiled as he put his head on her shoulders. Their skin contact was amazing. It was a really amazing feeling to her. The photographer wasnt ready yet but as he saw them pose he immediately got the camera and did his job. Wait up! Okay Im ready. Continue your posing! Raymond POV As I held her in my arms and snuggled on her clavicles I felt loved. I felt love and is giving love. The camera man said that I am posing but I am not. I really wanted to do that. She is beautiful just like a flower. A white rose is what I would call her. A beautiful, soft, and delicate rose. I had such a warm feeling inside. Is this..? Is this a feeling of love? Had she really taken me to a feeling of love when she put this wedding dress on? If it is then I wish that she would wear this dress forever. Youre beautiful Thank you A giggled escaped from her lips. Turning her to face me I dont know how to say it but I really want to tell her. Tell her my feelings inside but instead of saying anything I leaned in for a light kiss. A kiss that seals this beautiful moment. A kiss between us. A kiss that others would describe as a kiss between two lovers. Instead I describe it as a kiss between two strangers who are caught up in this wonderful moment. A moment of love. Maybe, I am developing something for Tavia. End POV Tavias POV As his lips pulled away from mines I felt like my soul had been sucked away from him. My charming prince is wearing white. He is more than a shining knight in armor to me. He is my

love. At this moment I am very happy to be in his arms. He called me beautiful and that is all I need to hear from him. He noticed me Raymond Lam finally noticed me and he called me beautiful. Gosh, Im just like a little girl who is happy just hearing his praise on me. But I deserve it. Because Im being beautiful for him. Everything I do is for Raymond. I want him to feel love at this moment and as much warmth as he can get from me. The photographer told Raymond to sit down and for me to wrap my hand around his neck. I did as I was told and I can see his eyes closed. He was like a sleeping angel under my hand. I put my head on the top of his head and leaned over to him. This moment was dedicated to us. I had dreamed of this scene for so long and with so many versions. Finally it had happened and it was just as how I imagined it to be like. This moment I will remember for life. And I will remember all of the following moments after this moment. For the next few days I will remember everything between me and you, Raymond. I will do my best to let you feel the love that you deserve and is suppose to have. Because my time is limited sooner I have to depart from you Raymond. The day will come so soon that I need to do everything with you now. Hold you, touch you, kiss you, and love you. All needed to be done before I go. End POV The two smiled sweetly as a couple while posing this last photo. It was calm and sweet and the photographer smiled as he took their last picture for the session. He was satisfied with the picture. Very satisfied. +++========

Chapter 19
Moon River
After the photo shoot Tavia and Raymond was fortunate that the studio had donated to them some nice clothes to wear. Since their clothes is wet and it wont be good to wear anymore Tavia and Raymond both agreed to wear the clothes that was donated. Raymond wore a black tux with inside white shirt like any regular grooms outfit. Tavia on the other hand had a more exquisite look. She had a dress more of a Victorian old style design. Although, it is old but it is nice a nice dress and a nice tuxedo that makes the two look loving under the moonlight sky. Raymond had paid for the cost expense of the whole session and even left tip behind. They walked over to his car while blushing at the same time. Wow its quite late. We better head home for some rest. Raymond used his automatic remote control to open the lock of his car. Going over to her side he opened the door for her to enter. Tavia smiled and gladly accepted his offer. She went inside like a princess and sat there while he closed the door. Opening his trunk he put their wet clothes in it

and closed it. Then he rushed over to the drivers side. While he was getting in the car Tavia was staring at the beautiful moon. It was a very bright and round moon tonight. Looking at it she knows what she wants to do. Raymond was looking at her and then wondered what she was staring at. What is it? Raymond. Turning to look at her she turned her head to look at him. Then smiled sweetly while she leaned her head to the side. He looked at her and smiled too. She was so adorable right now. Just like a ten years old child. She giggled as she saw his reaction. She knew he must have think that she act just like a young child. But how can she blame him? He is older than her and no matter she will always be like a child to him. I dont want to go home lets go out to a lake or river or somewhere. A river? Uhuh I want to go to a water place and go on a boat. Really? Really. Please She placed her hand on his arms while she plead at him. He look at her and then at her hand. Her touch once again had done magic to him. Usually he would of course decline to such an offer but he cant say no to her. His heart cant say no to her at all tonight. Looking at her he smiled and nodded his head. Then turning on the car engine he looked at her laughing when she squealed excitedly. Victoria Harbor Arriving at their destination there was no one working at this hour of the night. The lights were still on though. Raymond got out of the car and opened the door for Tavia. Tavia was in awe of the scenery as she wasnt able to get out of the car herself. She was so caught up with looking at the place that she doesnt even know where shes stepping at. Raymond looks at her and chuckled as he had to help her out of the car and to the wooden area that extends onward to the lake. Holding her hand he stood there with her looking out at the beautiful lake. Beautiful? Of course Its so nice. Sorry to disappoint you princess

Tavia turned to look at Raymond in surprise. Tavia POV He called me princess Im his princess once again. Raymond you dont know how much I adore you at this minute. After all that had happened and even after Michelles return you still chose to call me princess. I really wish I am your princess. God, let me be his princess for this past few days. I dont mind if it is just a few minute or second. I smiled happily at him. He doesnt know how much I love standing here with him now. Why my prince? He laughed as he heard my answer. I laughed along with him. We are like two dorks standing here in the cold at this hour and laughing. I truly hope that we can go on the boat and float above the water. Swaying under the gentle water. I hope we can but I know we cant. Because it was already late and the boat isnt even here. We came too late. Yes we came too late. But that is okay. I clutched onto his hand and walked along the side of the rail with him. Hand in hand we walk like a romantic European couple together. There were couples around the place but we stood out the most. Why? Because at this moment there is only me and him. Looking at him, I can see the peaceful eyes. I noticed that whenever he is near a water area he is always calm and is in peace. Seeing him like so I cant help but ask him to do me a favor. He has too. Because I am dieing to hear his voice Ray can you sing to me? Huh? I want to hear you sing. Can you? Umm uhhh. Err. Your voice isnt that bad right? He shook his head. I knew his voice isnt bad. His voice is very sweet to me. I could listen to his voice a lot and never get sick of it. And I never want to get sick of it nor forget about his voice. I want him to sing to me and let me remember this moment with him. One moment meant for each day. End POV Raymonds POV

As we stroll along the side of the water I felt very clam. Being with Tavia is like a very comfortable feeling. Holding her hand and walking on the hard surface felt like I am walking on a cloud. Its soft and so is my heart. It was as though the whole world only composes us two. I would sometimes glance at her and she still had that vibrant beautiful smile on. She was still beautiful even under the moonlight where no lights were on her. She was still in the spotlight of my heart now. She asked me to sing her a song. Im shy I dont know what to sing to her. Im too embarrassed to sing to her and let her hear my voice. Please I want to hear a song. Do you really want to? Yes. I turned to look at her directly. She had puppy eyes and I cant resist. Shes something that I never have encountered before. Shes so special and delicate in a way that I cant help myself but obliged to all of her request. Twirling her around she was lost to what I was doing. I guided her to a nearby bench and sat her down. But she jumped as she felt the cold stone. I chuckled and sat down as I pulled her down onto my lap. We both leaned backward onto the cold stone square pole stand. She was blushing red as a tomato as I cuddled her closer to me. Her head leaned onto my chest as I wrapped my arms around her and embrace her. I could sense her shyness as we had a lot of body contact with each other. But I hadnt minded it at all. She was too delicate that I have to shield her from the wind and everything else. She was a secret and delicate rose of mines. An angel had brought her to me and I need to protect her like so. Her hand wrapped around my arms as she lay gently as a lamb. We both stared out at the water surface before us. Breathing softly my voice began to drift onto a melody. Moon River wider than a mile I'm crossing you in style someday Oh dream maker you heartbreaker wherever you're going I'm going your way Slowly I can feel her soft breathing and she had drifted into a light sleep. I can still sense the smile on her face as it hadnt gone away yet. Continuing my melody quietly I hoped this is her lullaby tonight. Two drifters off to see the world there's such a lot of world to see We're after the same rainbows end Waiting round the bend My huckleberry friend Moon River and me While singing this song I can picture me and her drifting on the water surface. We are free to go see the world. Just her and me. At this moment I truly want to drift away with her. Whenever she goes or want to go I want to go with her. Is this what you call love? Having to be unable to stay

away from each other? Am I really falling in love with you Tavia? I know I have told Myolie Id give love a chance but is this really it? Because if it is. I really dont regret stepping into love again and believing it again. As long as long as you are the girl to step into the love circle with me. End POV The two drifted into a beautiful sleep in the night. Embracing each other to sleep. It was a moment that both cherished and wished that it would have never ended. Both smile pleasantly as they sleep till the night is over and the sun rise for another morning to begin. ==============+

Chapter 20
Tavia POV As the sunlight reflects onto my eyes I had woken up in a warm embrace. I could feel the cold sleeves of his shirt. He was still holding onto me and had protected me from the cold wind last night. Turning my head to look at his face he was still sleeping peacefully. I raised my hand up as I slightly caress his jaw line with my finger tips. He looks so wonderful like this. I really want to wake up every morning and be in his arms like how I am right now. But I know that it will only be my wishful thinking. Gently I tilted my head forward as I give him a slight touch of a kiss on his lips. Slowly I moved away from him and moved myself away from his embrace. Moving his hands away from my shoulders and waist. Now standing up from the bench and looking at him I wanted to cry. Our night is already over. The sun is out and I no longer can be selfish. Slowly I departed from him and walked over to the metal rails. Slowly and further I had walked away from Raymond. He was still sleeping and I know for sure he wouldnt know about my departure. How would he have known? He is sleeping and wouldnt be able to sense me at all. Dont worry Raymond soon soon you wont know my existence. I will be just like before. A person who never exist from your past nor your future. Finally taking a little walk further from the harbor and away from Raymonds car I was able to leave without running back to Raymond. Walking over to the telephone poll ahead of me, I went in and used the coins that I had stolen from Raymond when I slip away from his embrace. I dial his house number. His mother had picked up and I knew she would have been the receiver on the other line. Taking a deep breath I spoke with bravery. End POV

Mrs. Lam, may I have Michelles number. Huh? Why? Trust me I know what I am doing. Oh.. Okay Mrs. Lam had given her Michelles number. Afterwards Tavia thanked Mrs. Lam and ended the phone call. She looked at the phone once again and her nerves had gotten to her. Half of her doesnt want to call Michelle but the other half she wants to. She wants to and has to. It is her duty. So Tavia did dial Michelles number. Michelle had picked up and was surprised that it was Tavia who had called her. She would have ignored Tavia but with the mention of Raymonds name Michelle listened like a hawk. Tavia had told her about her existence in the Lams family. Michelle finally knew about the plan and she was shocked that everything was planned out for her. Raymond is at Victorias Harbor. Come and see him and reconcile and afterward just leave everything to me. Michelle was happy that she had a chance to get back with Raymond. But her happiness fades away as she could hear the sadness in Tavias voice. Then she had wondered why Tavia would have done all of this and try to re-create a love for her and Raymond? Usually people dont do things for free and if a person who do it willingly they would not have sounded as sad as Tavia is currently right now. Michelle wanted to ask why Tavia is doing this but the phone call had already ended. Tavia ended the phone call as she was too hurt to continue talking to Michelle. The truth is. Tavia is giving Raymond up. She doesnt want to fight for Raymond who wasnt hers in the first place. No matter how much she loves him and no matter how much she wants to be with him. In the end she will never be his lover for three reasons. First off, Raymond doesnt love her like how she loves him. Second, she doesnt want Mrs. Lam to feel guilty for life if Raymond had been with her and not with Michelle, whom she kept a promise with. Finally, the third reason is that without her completing the favor that Mrs. Lam had asked her to do then family would not get the money that was promised in the first place. Which also leads to why Tavia herself believed that she doesnt deserve to be with Raymond. Slowly walking out of the phone booth she hulled for a taxi cab. Victorias Harbor Raymond had finally awoken from his sleep. His hand twitched a bit and his eyes began to flutter open. As he stared out at the scene before him he smiled. Then turning to look around he wondered where have Tavia disappeared to. He knows that she had already awoken for a long time ago since her warmth was not on him for a while. The chill was what had awoken him also. Walking around the harbor he looked from east to west and north to south. She was no where to be scene. Suddenly a clattering sound of heels was heard. Turning around smiling inside his head

he thought it was Tavia. But instead it was Michelle. He stared at her surprised. She saw him and ran over to him happily. Raymond, you finally woke up. Michelle? Howd you know I am here and was sleeping? Tavia had told me so. Oh... You know Tavia? Do you know where she is? No. But she only told me to reconcile with you. Huh? Michelle smiled at him. He had this dorky confused look on his face. Remembering Tavias words she knows that she should take everything slow. Although, she really wants to be back with Raymond and hold his hand but she knows that it takes time. She has to make him love her again. She was really determined to do that and the only way to do so is to be like the old Michelle whom he had loved. Walking up close to him she reached her hand out for a handshake. He looked at it was still confused. Truce? Im still confused for what? I want to start over. I dont want you to hate me nor do I want any hate between us. Lets forget about everything that had happened when the last time we meet. Im sorry to have said such cruel things. I was off my mind and I truly dont intend to hurt anyone. Its just that having to lose you from my life just is painful. Lets be friends again Ray You dont hate my mother anymore? No. She had her reasons. I just want us to continue hanging out like before. After hearing her words he smiled. This was what he had wanted from Michelle. The happy Michelle who would admit her wrong. He should have been mad at her and would have never accepted this friendship she is offering. Since, after all she did dump him horribly. But after everything he was really glad that she had and loved the feeling how they are just right now. Friends. Holding his hand out he took hers and they shook hands. Both laughed. They were just being like little kids again. This was how they had first met during high school and this is how their new friendship would begin. But that is only his thinking. Michelle on the other hand only hoped for more than just being friends. They let go of their hands and Raymond continued looking around for Tavia. He was still wondering where she had ran off to. He didnt want her to go off being lost or anything. After all

he is responsible for her. Having to take her out the whole night and not taking her home. Also he would really want to see her and know how did she get Michelle to be like this in front of him. Michelle could see the worries in him. She knew that he would care too much about a persons whereabouts. Especially since the person is a girl, he would always worry more about them since he feels that they are less strong to protect themselves. Michelle would always get angry at him when he was worried about his female classmates in the past. She was jealous but she grew out of it already. Raymond I think she might have already went off. She should have told me. Why dont we go to your place and check if shes home. Yeah, maybe you are right. Lets go. He smiled and began walking to their car. Michelle car was parked right next to Raymond. He still used the same car that they both had chosen years ago. Looking at it she smiled. She was really happy inside to know that he kept things that is in memory of them. The two both went into their car and drove off back to his house. When both finished parking Raymond rushed into the house with Michelle trailing behind him. He left the door opened and walked in while looking around for Tavia. Myolie and Mrs. Lam came downstairs at the same time and was surprised to see Michelle. Myolie gasped with surprise and rushed down near Michelle as she speaks loudly. Michelle?! What are you doing here? What? I am not welcome? No but I am glad that you still welcome me Myolie. But but Raymond he he doesnt mind? Raymond heard his sister mumbles. He knew that she must have felt uncomfortable for him. Walking over to his sister and holding onto her hand he reassured her. Myolie look at him and could see the happy side of him. Michelle and Raymond had finally ended their sadness and it seems as though they are friends. This reassured Myolie a lot because after the last time of hearing how Michelle wanted to be with Raymond it gave her a heart attack. Myolie had just gotten used to the idea of Raymond being happy again, she doesnt want her brother to end up being sad twice and hurt by the same women. Michelle and Myolie had been friends since she had gotten with Raymond. But since their breakup the two never really talked anymore. Myolie was happy to regain an old friend. What makes her even more happier to know is the wedding between Raymond and Tavia. Myolie had really grown to like Tavia after these few days. From

observing Tavia she felt as though they had known each other for so long. Tavia reminds her of her young friend who used to live in Hong Kong but their family members moved away. Mrs. Lam having to see Raymond and Michelle she felt really happy. Finally what she had been wishing and hoping for years had happened right in front of her eyes. Its like they are all a family. She walked up to Michelle and held tight onto her hand. She was grateful that everything had worked out fine between Raymond and Michelle. She doesnt know how Tavia had gotten Michelle and Raymond to reconcile but she was really thankful to Tavia now. All that is left is to wait for the wedding day. Every broken piece will be put back into its own place. As the four shared a joyful moment together Tavia was in the kitchen corner the whole time. Looking at them being so happy she was in pain inside. Turning back to the stove she took the pan off the stove and placed the eggs onto the clean plate. Wiping the slight tears from her eyes she tried clearing her face and then grabbed two breakfast plate as she walk out of the kitchen to the breakfast table. Hey, you guys are finally here. Raymond hearing Tavias voice immediately turned to look at her. She was smiling brightly and was wearing a cooking apron. He looked at her and smile. She was so adorable looking; it was like he was staring at his future wife. She looked at him and smile. Truthfully she was in pain from the inside but for him she would do anything. Even to act as though she is happy right at this moment. ===

Chapter 21
As Raymond was going to rush over to Tavias side Mrs. Lam had already pulled him back and guided him and Michelle to sit down on the sofa. Ron came downstairs at this time and was shock to see Michelle. He was going to go over there and asked why she is here. But as he saw how Tavia rushed over to him and stop him before he could do anything. Raymond stared at Tavias reaction and was shocked at how fast she was to rush over to Rons side. Somehow inside of him he felt a bit jealous of the scene. He was expecting Tavia to run over to his side and sit right next to him. Mrs. Lam turned to look at the young ones and spoke happily. Michelle you should stay for breakfast. Im going to get ready okay. Wait for me. Myolie also shouted out. Wait for me too! Ill be back. As the two went upstairs happily Tavia looked at the three having to feel an awkward tension between them. She doesnt know why but she feels that in order for everyone to loosen up she needs to bring Ron out of here. It is a great idea because this also created a great chance for

Raymond and Michelle to hang out together. Slowly she took off the apron on her and put it on the coat rack. Ron looks at her and wondered what she was doing. Same goes with the other two. Raymond turned to look at Tavia and really want to ask her why she left without telling him anything but she hadnt given him a chance. Tavia spoke up quickly. Raymond, Im sorry about this morning. Its just that I remembered that I needed to go home quickly and do something. Raymond smiled. He understood that he shouldnt butt into her business. After all she does have her own life. He still doesnt even know what her occupation is nor does she know what he does. He will be willing to wait for the time when they both can sit down together privately and talk to each other. Because he truly wants to know his fianc more. Ron really didnt want to leave Michelle and Raymond together and wanted to really butt into the whole situation but Tavia had dragged him away with her. He was shocked as she took his hand and guided him to the door. Raymond was surprised that Ron was going with her. Come on Ron, come with me. We have to hurry. What? The two had already stormed out of the house before Raymond was able to call them back. Michelle thought it was awkward but she was happy that now it is just the two of them. She really wants to spend some quality time with him because days without him were really depressing. She wanted to go where they always used to go. She stood up and walked over to where he was standing at and tap on his shoulder. He turned around and smiled at her. Hey Ray, if you are free. Can you take me to Ocean Park again? Raymond nodded. He knows that she had left Hong Kong for so long and she surely missed that place. It was her favorite place to go for every summer. Since they just reconnected again he wanted to have a friendship day. Also, since he supposes that Tavia is occupied with her time today then it wouldnt be a waste to go out and hang with Michelle at the Park. Michelle was really happy that he had agreed because for sure she wanted to do everything with him again. She wanted him to remember how happy they were when they were still together. Ocean Park was one of the most memorable part of their memory. Outside Tavia was walking and was staring out of space the same time. Ron looks at her and really wondered why she should give Michelle and Raymond a chance to be together. He than remembered about what his mothers plan was and grabbed Tavias hand to turn her around and look at him. She was surprised by his action because he scared her while she was in her thoughts. Looking at him she was blinking innocently. Tavia, you arent going to switch with Michelle during the wedding right?

Tavia stared into his eyes. He was lost and is in confusion. She gave him a smile as her eyes showed expression of touched emotions. Ron cared for her and it made her really happy. She slowly reached her hands to pat on his arms to reassure him. What he is saying is true but she will not tell him that. She will keep on making him believe her words until she reveals the truth to him. Ron after receiving her conformation had let go of her. Then they continue walking again. But he was still wondering with question. So whyd you leave the two in the house? Nothing. I want you all to feel easy with each other. Michelle is a good friend of the family so I dont want everyone to dislike her. Youre too nice Tavia. No Im not. Yes you are. Tavia stopped walking and stood there looking at Ron. Ron turned to look at her. Her eyes were sadden once again. He wondered why she always give him the sad expression. Looking at her more makes his heart beats faster. He doesnt want to have too much contact with her or be too close to her. He wants to forget his feelings for her as best as possible. He looked away quickly and continued walking. Not to you. She once again had drawn his attention. What does she mean by that? He wonders. He really wanted to ask if she was okay but she had smiled instead and caught up with him like a little girl. Then suddenly she wraps her arms around his. He was frozen with surprise as she had done so. He was even blushing, but with the help of the sun in their it had blocked the skin color. Tavia giggled as she guides him to walk further. He looked at her smile and couldnt help but also smile. He liked this contact and it felt really comfortable to him. He knows that he shouldnt be having such a feeling but he cant hold it in. Ron POV We are like a couple taking a walk together in the early morning of the day. I wish we could do this every single day. But I know I am too greedy to ask for that. She will be my sister in law in less than two weeks. I should get used to having her as my sister in law and not a girl who I have a crush on. But I truly cant control my heart. Seeing her smile and feeling her touch. It was as though I was in heaven and she would always make the butterfly in my stomach go crazy. God, just let me be greedy and happy for this time. Or until I leave, afterwards I will forget her. Where are we going? I want breakfast.

Then you should eat at home. Didnt you cook breakfast when I came downstairs? She giggled and pouted while she was thinking. I dont know what she was thinking but looking at her expression makes me chuckles. She thought and thought for a while and then answered me. I really wish her answer was true but I could sense that it was an excuse, or more like a joke. But I hadnt care. As long as we are going to eat breakfast together I was happy inside. I want to eat breakfast in private with you. Arent you happy? We both laughed. Walking for awhile we ended up near breakfast coffee shop. Entering we sat at a two person table. She was sitting directly across from me and immediately got the menu. As I look at her order she reminded me of a young girl I have met from the past. Actually this young girl was known by everyone in the family. We had gone out to a family dinner with her family before. But it was too long ago I couldnt remember anything. That was the last time I remember her and had visited her family. My parents had more chance of seeing her family more than me. I want the pineapple bun. What would you like Ron? Same here. Also I want ice coffee. I want tea with my bun please. Tavia placed the menu on the table and turned to look at me. She was giggling and I had no clue why. She was like a child who never went to a coffee shop before. Everyone at the restaurant was like an amusement to her. For me, she was amusing to me because her actions and personality. Everyone of her had amused and attracts me. The food came out and we had eaten the food. Afterwards I needed to head over to Mrs. Yim. She wanted me to spend as much time with the students before I leave. I still hadnt chosen the day yet and I was planning to today. As I wanted to depart from Tavia she didnt leave. I looked at her and wondered why she was still standing next to me while I was waiting for the cab. She can just walk home without my escort right? Although, I would like to escort her but seeing her and Raymond close together was something I cant bare to do. Where are you going Ron? Im going to do something. Can I come with you? Dont you want to spend time with Raymond? Um Why cant I follow you? I looked at her and thought that she was really odd. Just yesterday she claims how much she loved Raymond and now it seems like she doesnt want to spend time with him. But I wouldnt mind much at this point. Im really happy to be spending time with Tavia. Sorry b ro, let me be

greedy for today and take your wife away. I smiled at her and nodded my head. She jumped with joy as a taxi cab had parked right in front of us. I opened the door for her and we got in. While we head up to the school I couldnt take my eyes off of the drivers mirror. Her reflection was in it. The window was down the wind was flying in from the outside. Her eyes were closed as she felt the fresh air hit her skin. Her hair was flying like a birds wings. It was wonderful seeing her like so and I would give up anything to have her in my arms or caress her cheeks while touching her silky soft hair now. But it was all my wishful thinking. End POV

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