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Mexican American Studies 074 Public Address

(Satisfies Area A1: Oral Communication)

Phillip Tabera Office: Student Services Building 1st floor Office Hours: M-TH 730 845 am Telephone: 924-5855, Email address - COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn techniques of effective oral communication. They will also become familiar with principals of rhetoric through analysis and critique of contemporary issues concerning the Mexican Americans and other Latino(a)s. COURSE GOALS The course shall cultivate an understanding of social, psychological, political and practical significance of communication with special emphasis on the roles of public communication in a free society. Students will give oral presentations and be encouraged to develop their sense of voice, which means speaking with confidence in public forums in ways which reflect their unique perspective and identity. Students will learn and appreciate a range of public speaking styles and forms of eloquence, while respecting the freedom of expression of all members of the community. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students shall be able to identify and assess socially significant and intellectual topics, then compose and deliver extemporaneous oral presentations on these topics. To achieve this SLO, in Speeches #3, #4, and #5, Students are required to research, write an outline, and deliver a speech before a student audience on socially significant and intellectual topics. Students shall be able to engage in critical and analytical listening. In order to successfully meet this SLO, students are required to evaluate student speakers orally after each presentation and must also do a written evaluation. In addition, students are expected to attend a public presentation by a speaker and submit a written critique of the speech. Students are expected to analyze audiences, adapt oral presentations to audiences and use that information to accomplish the purpose of the speech. To show a mastery over this SLO, students are expected to know the different types of speeches (entertainment, informative, and persuasive) and develop and deliver speeches according to their intended purposes. Students are expected to assume the ethical responsibilities of a public speaker, including a basic understanding of economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the access and use of information. To successfully complete this SLO, students are required to research their speeches well and ensure that when they deliver their speeches they are being ethical and honest with their audiences.

GRADING AND COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1 written assignment 5 Speech outlines: 1 @ 15 points #1 1 @ 20 points #2 1 @ 40 points #3 1 @ 50 points #4 1 @ 65 points #5 5 Speeches: 1 @ 15 points #1 1 @ 20 points #2 1 @ 40 points #3 1 @ 50 points #4 1 @ 65 points #5 2 Quizzes @ 20 points each 2 Quizzes @ 25 points each 1 Final Examination @ 100 points points


15 points


190 points

Total: Total: Total: Total

190 40 50 100

points points points points 585

Approx. Total Course Points:

COURSE POLICIES: 1. Late assignments will be reduced by 3 points for each class day late. 2. No points will be credited for outlines unless oral presentations are actually given during class sessions. 3. All test questions will be taken directly from the course text and lectures. 4. Any "make-up" work will be by arrangement only. 5. Incomplete grades may be awarded only if 75% of the course work has been completed with a grade of "C" or better. 6. All written assignments must be type written and must follow formal academic format with proper annotation and documentation. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at SJSU and the Universitys Academic Integrity Policy requires you to be honest in all your academic coursework. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The policy on academic integrity can be found at http;// conduct. DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER FACULTY TEST ACCOMODATIONS GUIDELINES If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 9703 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with DRC to establish a record of their disability. REQUIRED TEXT BOOK: Samovar and Mills. Oral Communication: Speaking Across Cultures. Dubuque. Iowa: Brown & Benchmark Publishers. 11th. Edition ISBN 1-891487-28-0

(This book is very inexpensive if purchased on-line) =================================================== ======== Week/Date Activity/Reading S&M ='s Samovar & Mills =================================================== ======== Week 1 Course Overview (Green Sheet) 8/21 S&M, Chapter 1. Communication: Overview and Preview Week 2 8/26 & 8/28 Week 3 9/2 No class 9/4 Week 4 9/9 & 9/11 Week 5 9/16 & 9/18 Week 6 9/23 & 9/25 S&M, Chapter 2. Your First Speeches: Getting Started S&M, Chapter 10. Organization: Assembling Your Ideas Video S&M, Chapter 3. Audience Analysis: Understanding Your Listeners WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT #1 DUE Wed. SPEECH OUTLINE #1 DUE Wed. S&M, Chapter 4. Sound and Action: Presenting the Message SPEECH #1 S&M, Chapter 5. Listening: Evaluation and Criticism SPEECH #1 SPEECH OUTLINE #2 DUE Wed. S&M, Chapter 6. Evidence: The Foundation of your Ideas S&M, Chapter 7. Visual Aids: Displaying your Ideas SPEECH #2 Quiz #1 S&M Chapter 8. Research: The Content of Your Ideas S&M, Chapter 9. Critical Thinking: The Appraisal of Your Ideas SPEECH #2 S&M, Chapter 11. Language: The Medium of Your Ideas S&M, Chapter 7 Review SPEECH #2 SPEECH OUTLINE #3 DUE WED. S&M, Chapter 12. Informative Speaking: Being Understood S&M, Chapter 8 Review, Content of your Ideas SPEECH #2 & #3 Quiz #2 S&M, Chapter 13. Persuasive Speaking: Changing Attitudes, Values, and Behavior S&M, Chapter(s) 2-3 Speech # 2 & 3 SPEECH OUTLINE #4 Due Wed.

Week 7 9/30 & 10/2

Week 8 10/7 & 10/9

Week 9 10/14 & 10/16

Week 10 Beliefs, 10/21 & 10/23

Week 11 10/28 & 10/30 Week 12 11/4 & 11/6

S&M. Chapter 10 Review (Organization: Assembling) SPEECH #3 S&M, Chapter 12 Review (Informative Speaking) S&M, Chapter 8 Review (Research) SPEECH #4 SPEECH OUTLINE #5 Due Wed. Speech 3 & 4 Quiz #3 S&M, Chapter 13 Review (Persuasive Speaking) S&M, Chapter 14. Special Occasion SPEECH #4 S&M, Chapter 12 Review (Informative Speaking) S&M, Chapter 13 Review (Persuasive Speaking) S&M, Chapter 15. Discussion: Group Communication S&M, Chapter 4 Review (Sound and Action) S&M, Chapter 5 Review (Evaluation) Quiz #4 TUESDAY SPEECH #5 Speech 5 & Makeups Speech Makeups

Week 13 11/11 No class 11/13 Week 14 11/18 & 11/20 Week 15 11/25 & 11/27

Week 16 12/2 & 12/4 Week 17 12/9

Note: This schedule is subject to change. FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE

090 Thursday, December 12 0715-0930 0

103 Wednesday, December 11 0945-1200 0

MAS 74 Mexican American Contemporary Rhetoric Assignment Descriptions =========================================== Written Assignment #1 (15 points) We will be viewing a video of a speech which was given by Chicano actor Edward James Olmos which was recorded at Hartnell Community College after the Rodney King trial and the subsequent riot in Los Angles, California. Prepare a brief two-page written essay (double-spaced) in which you identify the following elements of his presentation. (Reading: S&M Chapters 1, 2, & 3). The essay must include a cover page which includes a title, your name, instructors name, and the date of submission. What is the speaker's general purpose? That is, what message do you think he is trying to convey? What is the speakers specific purpose? What does he want from his audience? What audience is Mr. Olmos addressing? Why does he select this occasion to convey his message? Has some important event taken place? In a brief paragraph, explain whether you agree or disagree with Mr. Olmos and the reasons why?

=========================================== Speech Outline #1 (15 points) Using the outline entitled "Vacation Afloat" as an example (see Chapter 10., pp. 235 - 236), prepare a one - point speech outline ( 1 - 2 pages) for a two - minute speech. Select a topic of your choice, but your speech outline should follow the format of the recommended model, including the use of single complete statements for each designated space in the outline. Include a similar Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Do not forget to include a cover page! The information provided in Chapters, 1, 2, and 3 of S&M should serve as a guide in preparing the assignment. =========================================== Speech #1 (15 points) Give a two - minute speech on a topic of your choice and in the

format described in Speech Outline #1.

Assignment Descriptions, con't. pg. 2 =========================================== Speech Outline #2 (20 points) Select a topic of your choice and prepare a two - point Full Content/Sentence Outline for a three - minute speech (#2). The outline must be typewritten (double spaced) and must include a cover page with the title, instructor's name, course and assignment number, your name, and date submitted. The outline must include: The elements required for good speech outlining : Title, Introduction, attention getter*, general/specific purpose, core statement, body, two main points, conclusion, and bibliography. Two main points, each supported by at least two subpoints . NOTE: Each sub-point must be supported by a minimum of one statement providing supportive evidence. A bibliography with no less than three (3) different sources. The sources must be written texts (one website address only is acceptable for this assignment, however, it must be properly documented in the bibliography). Use the appropriate format for documenting sources ( see examples in S&M Chapter 8, pp. 193 - 195).

=========================================== Speech #2 (20 points) Prepare and deliver a three - minute speech on the topic outlined in Speech Outline #2. In your speech, you are expected to: Demonstrate a clear and complete sense of organization. Refer to Speech Outline #2 for appropriate criteria. Apply an attention - getting device (*) to help engage the audience. Use statistical or other forms of evidence to support your arguments and cite your authoritative sources.

Assignment Descriptions, con't. pg. 3 =========================================== Speech Outline #3 (40 points) Speech Outline #3 is intended to engage you in an examination of your own family's ethnic/racial heritage . For this reason, you are expected to select a topic relevant to you ethnic/racial heritage and prepare a two - point Full Content/Sentence Speech Outline (#3) for a four minute speech. The outline must be typewritten (double - spaced) and must include a cover page with a title, instructors name, course and assignment, your name, and the date of submission. The outline should include: The elements required for good outlining: Title, Introduction, attention getter*, general/specific purpose, core statement, body, two main points, conclusion and bibliography. (refer to S&M Chapter 10). A minimum of two (2) main points , each supported by at least 2 sub-points. NOTE: Each sub-point must be supported by at least two support statements providing statistical or other forms of evidence. A visual aid (not blackboard) prepared outside of class. Indicate within the body of the outline in the left hand margin (**) where the visual aid will be used. You must indicate, at the bottom of the page where the visual be used; What the visual is and Why it is important to your speech. An attention getting device for attracting the audience's attention. Indicate in the left hand margin (*) where it will be used and footnote at the bottom of the page; What this device is and Why it is important to your speech. A bibliography with a minimum of four (4) different sources . At least three of the sources must be written sources. All sources should be authoritative. The appropriate format for documenting sources should be used (refer to S&M Chapter 8).

=========================================== Speech #3 (40 points) Prepare and deliver a four - minute oral presentation on a topic of your choice which is relevant to your family's ethnic/racial heritage. In your speech, you are expected to:

Establish your authority: (A.) Assume a role appropriate to the subject and topic of your speech: (B.) Establish the relevance of your speech by defining your audience. Demonstrate a clear and complete sense of organization. Refer to outline examples for appropriate organization criteria. Apply an attention - getting device to help engage the audience. Provide a visual aid to help explain the main point of your speech.

Assignment Descriptions, con't. pg. 4 ============================================== = Speech Outline #4 (50 points) This assignment is intended to engage you in applying your public speaking skills to researching and preparing topics which are relevant to the Chicano(a)/Latino(a) experience. For this reason, your task is to prepare a three - point, Full Content/Sentence Outline for a five minute speech of information. (Refer to S&M Chapter 13). The outline must include: All elements required for speech outlining in previous assignments. (See S&M Chapters 10 & 12). A minimum of three (3) mainpoints, each supported by two (2) or more subpoints. All subpoints must be supported by at least two (2) statements providing statistical or other forms of evidence. A core statement which includes a proposition of fact, value, or policy. Be sure to identify the type of proposition you select at the end of the core statement using the following example; (Proposition of ? ). (refer to S&M Chapter 13). A visual aid (not blackboard) prepared outside of class. Indicate within the body of the outline in the left hand margin (**) where the visual aid will be used. You must indicate, at the bottom of the page; Where the visual will be used; What the visual is; and Why it is important to your speech. An attention getting device for attracting the audience's attention. Indicate in the left hand margin (*) where it will be used and footnote at the bottom of the page; What the device is and Why it is important to your speech. A bibliography with a minimum of five (5) different sources . At least three of the sources must be written sources. All sources should be authoritative. The appropriate format for documenting sources should be used (refer to S&M Chapter 8).

============================================== =

Speech #4 (50 points) Prepare and deliver a five - minute informative speech (#4) on a topic related to Chicano(a)/Latino(a) experiences. In your speech, you are expected to: Establish you authority:(A.) Assume a role appropriate to the subject and topic of your speech and (B.) Establish the relevance of your speech by defining you audience. Demonstrate a clear and complete sense of organization. Refer to prior written assignments for appropriate organization criteria. Apply an attention - getting device to help engage the audience. Provide a visual aid to help explain the main point of your speech. Provide statistical or other forms of evidence and cite your sources to support your arguments.

Assignment Descriptions, con't., pg. 5 ============================================== = Speech Outline #5 (65 points) This assignment is intended to engage you in applying your public speaking skills to researching and preparing topics relevant to Chicano(a)/Latino(a) experiences. For this reason, prepare a three point Full Content/Sentence Outline for a seven - minute speech of persuasion (refer to S&M Chapter 14). This outline must include: All elements for good outlining as required in previous assignments. Refer to S&M Chapters 10 & 12) A minimum of three (3) main points each supported by two or more subpoints. All subpoints must be supported by two or more statements providing statistical or other forms of evidence. A one sentence core statement which describes a problem, cause, and solution. Be sure to identify the type of proposition you select at the end of the core statement using the following example; (Proposition of ? ). (refer to S&M Chapter 13). A visual aid (not blackboard) prepared outside of class. Indicate within the body of the outline in the left hand margin (**) where the visual aid will be used. You must indicate, at the bottom of the page; Where the visual will be used; What the visual is; and Why it is important to your speech. An attention getting device for attracting the audience's attention. Indicate in the left hand margin (*) where it will be used and footnote at the bottom of the page; What the device is and Why it is important to your speech. A bibliography with a minimum of five (5) different sources . At least four (4) of the sources must be selected from texts, journals, magazines, etc.

============================================== = Speech #5 (65 points) Prepare and deliver a seven - minute speech of persuasion #5 on a topic related to Chicano(a)/Latino(a) experiences. In your speech, you are expected to; Establish your authority: (A.) Assume a role appropriate to the subject and topic of your speech: (B.) Establish the relevance of your speech by defining your audience. Demonstrate a clear and complete sense of organization. Refer to written assignments for appropriate organization criteria. Apply an attention - getting device to help engage the audience. Provide a visual aid to help explain the main point of your speech. Provide statistical or other forms of evidence and cite you r sources to support you arguments.

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