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This plug-in allows you to create/modify OpenERP Reports into OpenOffice Writer.

OpenERP Report Designer

OpenObject Download Report Designer Plug-in

Installation and Configuration Steps

* Save the OpenERP Report Designer plug--in. * Follow these steps to install plug--in. 1. Open Extension Manager window from Menu Bar of Openoffice writer, Open Tools > Extension Menu. 2. Click on "Add" button. 3. Select path where the is located. 4. On the completion of adding package you will get your package under 'Extension Manager' and the status of your package become 'Enabled'. 5. Restart openoffice writer. * Follow the steps to configure OpenERP Report Designer plug--in in Openoffice writer. 1. Connect OpenERP Server from Menu bar , OpenERP Report Designer > Server parameter. 2. Select Server url, database and provide user name and password 3. Click "Connect". 4. if your connection success, A message appears like 'You can start creating your report in current document.'.

Document management

Configure Directories
OpenERP's Document Management System supports mapping virtual folders with documents. The virtual folder of a document can be used to manage the files attached to the document, or to print and download any report. This tool will create directories automatically according to modules installed. When executing this wizard, it will configure your directories automatically according to modules installed.

Configure FTP Server

Indicate the network address on which your OpenERP server should be reachable for endusers. This depends on your network topology and configuration, and will only affect the

links displayed to the users. The format is HOST:PORT and the default host (localhost) is only suitable for access from the server machine itself..

Manufacturing Operations This module adds state, date_start, date_stop in manufacturing order operation lines (in the 'Work Orders' tab).
Status: draft, confirm, done, cancel When finishing/confirming, cancelling manufacturing orders set all state lines to the according state.

Create menus:
Manufacturing > Manufacturing > Work Orders Which is a view on 'Work Orders' lines in manufacturing order.

Add buttons in the form view of manufacturing order under workorders tab:
start (set state to confirm), set date_start done (set state to done), set date_stop set to draft (set state to draft) cancel set state to cancel

When the manufacturing order becomes 'ready to produce', operations must become 'confirmed'. When the manufacturing order is done, all operations must become done. The field 'Working Hours' is the delay(stop date - start date). So, that we can compare the theoretic delay and real delay.

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