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AVERAGE COURSE EVALUATION SCORES, 2012-2013 Following are average scores for nine sections of Mosaic: Humanities Seminar

I, taught in the 2012-2013 school year and the 2013 summer session. Scanned evaluation forms are available on request. Evaluation of Instructor Clear Organized Available Open atmosphere Useful feedback Graded fairly Taught well overall Average score* 4.5 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.7 Performance level** U U U U U U U

* Temple employs a five-point scale, where 5 equals Strongly Agree and 1 equals Strongly Disagree. ** U=Upper-level performance, meaning the instructors ratings are significantly above average. Amount of Work Required Average number of hours per week spent preparing for class In my sections 4.8 Dept. avg. 3.6 University avg. 3.9 Grades Percentage of students expecting to receive an In my sections Dept. avg. University avg. A 44% 50% 50% B 45% 45% 42% C 11% 5% 8%

Note about Ds and Fs: Because students must receive at least C- to pass this course, I tell all failing students to withdraw. Student Level of Interest Level of interest in course before enrolling In my sections University avg. High 9% 38% Moderate 56% 46% Low 36% 16%

(N.B.: Mosaic is a required course, not an elective.) Summary Despite doing more work for lower grades in a class they often did not want to take, students rate me a superior teacher across the board.

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