Out-Reach and Impact of The

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ANALYSES OF OUT-REACH AND IMPACT OF THE MICRO CREDIT SCHEME This chapter analyzes the data collected on the

impact of the micro credit scheme of the NACRDB on the vulnerable groups. The data were fully tabulated and scored in chapter four but it appeared tedious to discern the pattern of relationships from the tables of raw numerical entries. To understand better and enable draw conclusions some relevant charts and graphs were employed to create meaningful representations of the impacts. Moreover, some stronger statistical analyses were employed to enable empirical assessments of the achievement of the objectives at statistical levels of significance. The data illustrated by the charts and graphs in this chapter include the projects types supported by NACRDB micro credit scheme, the physical and social impediments qualifying vulnerability of the study target groups, the borrowing and investment patterns of the micro credit. The investments capacity pattern and the changes in agricultural investments pattern among the vulnerable groups are graphically presented. It illustrates the impact of investments inputs on productions and entrepreneurial productivity of the Vulnerable Groups. The effects of micro credit on banking culture which cover bank account opening and savings capacities of the vulnerable groups were also graphically illustrated. The side effects and free comments on micro credit scheme were portrayed diagrammatically.

The stronger statistical analyses employed include Multiple Regression Analyses and the Double Difference Estimator (DDE). The Multiple Regression Analyses is used to analyze the impact of independent variables of micro credit input on the dependent variables which are productivity, income and living standard of the vulnerable groups, while DDE estimates and compares micro credit impact on the borrower and the non- borrower for the periods of before and after micro credit use (difference in the differences). The side effects of the micro credit and the free comments on the scheme are equally analysed.

5.1. Analysis of the Project Types Supported by Micro Credit Scheme The project types supported by NACRDB micro credit scheme in Borno State is portrayed by figure 5:1. FIGURE 5:1, PROJECT TYPES SUPPORTED WITH MICRO CREDID










15 10.98 10 9.15 6.1 5 6.1 4.26 3.05 9.75 6.71 3.66


0 0 Arable Fadama Cassava Vegetables Animals Poultry Fishery Storage Cottage Services Trading

Source: Data analyses 2013 As shown by figure 5:1, agricultural projects take a total of 79.88% in this study area have taken the largest supports of the NACRDB micro credit. Only a total of 20.12% goes to non-agricultural projects. Among the agricultural projects arable farming carries a significantly highest supports. Fadama projects are given priority next to the arable farming, while storage takes the least support. Priority project in the non-agricultural enterprises is the cottage productions which takes 9.75% while the least supported is the trading sector having 3.66% of the fund.

5.2. Vulnerability of the Study Groups Analysis The physical and social impediments qualifying vulnerability of the study groups is illustrated by figure 5:2. FIGURE 5:2, IMPEDMENTS RESPONDENTS QUALIFYING VULNERABILITY OF




20 7.93 15 7.62 10 8.84 5.49 14.02 5 5.49 1.22 0.3 0.61 1.52 6.1 0 9.45 2.44 2.13 2.13 1.52 7.01 1.22 0.61 0.61 0 2.44 1.52 3.05 1.22 1.52 0.3 0 0.91


2.74 0

Source: Data analyses 2013 From figure 5:2, victims of violence and of disaster together constituted 32.01%, forms the greater proportion of the respondents. Underemployed persons followed by deformed body parts are moderately high. Loose of ones job, outcaste, victims of HIV/AIDS and unemployed were the lesser benefiting groups while the least were aged people, those with visual problems and orphans. Those with no noticeable impediments apart from just being poor constituted 21.95% of the respondents. No person with psycho-disorder found benefited from the micro

credit offer although it was specified that such group including paraplegia and blind would be excluded from the assessment since the bank management has excluded them on the ground that such group cannot manage any business on their own.

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