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People (Singular and Plural) General Vocabulary for People












men 1



old man

old men

old woman

old women

Practice 1: Label the people in the pictures below.

Practice 2: Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

There are three _____________ in the picture.

A __________ is serving the food. There are many _____________ in the picture. A __________ is taking photographs.

There are three _____________ in the picture. The ______ is sleeping with a newspaper on his face. The ____________ is cooking in the kitchen.

*NUMBERS AND QUANTIFIERS 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven 8 Eight 9 Nine 10 Ten Several Beberapa Some Beberapa A few Sedikit Many Ramai / Banyak

Exercise 1: Label the people in the pictures below.

Exercise 2: Label the pictures below.

(Pictures from KBSR textbooks, Year 5 and Year 6)

Other List of Vocabulary for People Occupations

Family father mother son daughter brother sister cousin nephew niece uncle aunt grandfather grandmother bapa emak anak lelaki anak perempuan abang / adik lelaki kakak / adik perempuan sepupu anak saudara lelaki anak saudara perempuan bapa saudara emak saudara datuk nenek

Animals, Plants and Objects (Excerpts from Spotlight UPSR English, Sasbadi) Vocabulary for Animals (Year 5 Unit 4: Animals and Us)

Exercise: Find the plural form for each animal above.

Vocabulary for Fruits and Vegetables (Year 4 Unit 3: Healthy Living, Year 6 Unit 3: Fit as a Fiddle)

Exercise: Find the plural forms for each type of fruits and vegetables above.

Vocabulary for Objects in the Home (Year 5 Unit 1: Family First)

Exercise: Find the plural forms for each object in the home above.

Vocabulary for Transport (Year 4 Unit 6: Moving Around)

Exercise: Find the plural forms for each transport above.

Vocabulary for Musical Instruments (Year 6 Unit 5: Sounds of Music)

Exercise: Find the plural forms for each musical instrument above.

Vocabulary for Food and Drinks (Year 5 Unit 6: Glorious Food)

Exercise: Categorize the food and drinks above into countable and uncountable. For the countable items, find the plural forms.

Vocabulary for Places

Homework: Find more names of places from the dictionary / Pictionary and write them down in your vocabulary book.

Feelings (Year 6 textbook, page 5)

Find the meanings in Bahasa Malaysia Feelings angry anxious bored shy scared puzzled surprised happy sad excited gloomy joyful sleepy tired hungry ill worried confident hungry Perasaan Character arrogant brave clumsy courageous diligent hardworking intelligent clever smart funny strict selfish pleasant rude polite talkative quiet humble friendly Sifat

Word Aquarium Bag Balloon Basket Book Brush Bulb Button Camera Card Chess set Comics Computer Crutches Dart Desk Dustbin Eraser Fireworks Football Gas stove Gloves Hammer Hockey stick Iron Lamp Lock Magazine Nail Newspaper Oven Pen Pencil Pin Plug Pot Present Raincoat Rope Saw


Word Arrow Ball Baton Blackboard Bow Broom Bucket Cage Candle Chair Chalk Compass Cotton wool Cupboard Dartboard Diskette Duster Fan Fire extinguisher Flag Gift Gun Helmet Hoop Knife Life jacket Mat Mask Needle Oil-lamp Paper Pail Piano Pliers Polish Prayer mat Radio Racquet Ruler Scissors


Screwdriver Sharpener Socket Spikes Swing Tank Thread Tools Watercolours Wire Wood

Sea-shell Shuttlecock Spanner String Table Television Torchlight Umbrella Wheelchair Wok

Underline the correct answers. 1. Mr. Lee Mohan : : What did you use to cut wire? I used a ( knife, scissors, plier )

2. My mother used a __________ to wash clothes. ( washing machines, blender, vacuum ) 3. My father always watches __________ at night. ( radio, television, lights ) 4. He used a __________ to hit the nail. ( hammer, wood, stick ) 5. Please pour the hot water from the __________ into the flask. ( jug, kettle, bowl ) 6. Can you switch on the __________ . Today is very hot. ( fan, light, tap ) 7. Please throw the rubbish into the __________ . ( pail, dustbin, drain ) 8. We use a __________ to cut wood. ( knife, scissors, saw ) 9. Ahmad is using a __________ to sharpen the pencil. ( sharpener, hammer, screwdriver ) 10. I need a pair of __________ to cut the clothes. ( scissors, hammer, tool )

Fill in the blank with the correct answer. 1. You must use a __________ to straighten the line. ( ruler, pencil, pen ) 2. You can eat with a ___________ and a __________ said my mother. mother. ( spoon, fork, scissors, knife ) 3. We use a __________ to sweep the floor. ( broom, duster, hockey stick ) 4. You can use this __________ to tighten the screw. ( pliers, spanner, screwdriver ) 5. I need an _____________ to rub off the error, said Ruby. ( eraser, axe, umbrella ) 6. She is carrying a __________ of water. ( bucket, basket, cage ) 7. We need an __________ if it is raining. ( raincoat, umbrella, oven ) 8. Mr. Chong keeps his money in his __________. ( purse, wallet, diskette ) 9. He is sitting on the __________ . ( chair, camera, fireworks ) 10. The teacher is writing on the __________ . ( cupboard, blackboard, dartboard )

Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks.

racquet chopsticks

cupboard knife

pot comb

glass needle

bowl plate

1. Mother put the fried fish on the ___________________. 2. To play badminton you must have a ________________. 3. We always keep our clothes in the _________________. 4. Please get me a _____________ of water. 5. People usually plant flowers in a flower _______________. 6. Usually porridge are served in a ________________. 7. She needs a ______________ to cut the fish. 8. Chinese people usually use a ______________ to eat. 9. He wants to comb his hair. He needs a ________________. 10. Maznah pulls the thread through the __________________.

Words Bank Bridge Bungalow Bus station Church Cinema Clinic College Condominium Factory Fire station Flats Hole Hospital Hostel House Hut Jail Lighthouse Longhouse Market Museum Pagoda Palace Parliament Petrol station Police station Post office Prison Railway station Rest house School Semi detached Shop Shophouse Shopping complex Single-storey Stall Temple Terrace house Warehouse Island Light House


BUILDINGS Words Beach Apartment Bookshop Stadium Taxi stand Minaret Office Canteen Storeroom Staffroom Living room Sitting room Airport Garage Workshop Hangar Quay Gymnasium Cabin Dormitory Sty Den Coop Gallery Igloo Aviary Barn Web Byre Studio Quarry Theatre Roof Camp Kindergarten Burrow


Kennel Nest Kitchen Arch Court Tower Ranch Port Planetarium Platform Tent Cannery Classroom Wigwam Abattoir Orphanage

Write the meaning in Bahasa Melayu next to the given phrasal verbs.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. account for add in admit to agree on agree upon agree with aim at aim for argue about arm with arrive at ask about attend to bear with believe in belong to blame for blow up borrow from break up break down break out bring down bring up burn down call off call on calm down carry away carry out change into charge for catch up close down come across 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. come after come off cope with cross out cut down cut out deal with depend upon dip into do with doze off dream about dry up end up fall out fill in fill up finish off forget about free from get away get on get through give in give up go about go against grow up gun down hand over hold up keep off keep out leave behind let off

71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110.

light up listen to live on look at look for look into look up make out marvel at meet with mistake for mix up move on noted for object to open up pack with part from pour out pay for pay up piled up pick out plan for play with pleased with plunge into point out pour in pull out put down put off put on put up queue up read out receive from reduce to rain down run down

111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140.

regard with return to ring up round up send for set aside settle down show off set up smash up speak for spread out stand by stand for start with stay up step in take away take off take over tear down turn down turn into turn out wait for wake up wrap up write down work out wind up

DIRECTIONS AND LOCATIONS English 1. Above 2. Across 3. After __ 4. Against 5. Along 6. Among 7. Around 8. At 9. Away 10.Back 11.Before 12.Behind 13.Below 14.Beside 15.Between 16.Bottom 17.By 18.Centre 19.Corner 20.Down Malay

21.Downstairs 22.East 23.Edge 24.Everywhere 25.For 26. From 27. Here 28. In 29. In front of 30. Inside 31. Left 32. Middle 33. Near 34. Next to 35. Close to 36. North 37. North east 38. North west 39. Of 40. Off 41. On 42. Opposite

43. Out 44. Outside 45. Over 46. Right 47. River mouth 48. Round 49. South 50. South east 51. South west 52. Straight 53. There 54. Through 55. To 56. Towards 57. To the left 58. To the right 59. Under 60. Upon 61. Upper 62. Upstairs 63. West


WORDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.





41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.


Choose the best answer for the following questions. 1. She ordered a ring and a chain from the A. B. blacksmith goldsmith C. D. mechanic grocer


The .. gave away the prizes to the excellent students. A. B. butcher Minister C. D. cobbler plumber


The sentenced the murderer to death in the court yesterday. A. B. lawyer doctor C. D. judge manager


The . in that restaurant is very polite and courteous. A. B. waiter cobbler C. D. hawker butcher


My car broke down. I need to take it to the A. B. barber mechanic C. D. technician electrician


My aunt, Maria, who is married to my . became a lawyer last week. A. B. brother father C. uncle D. nephew


Puan Rahamah hopes that her son will one day bring home a good A. B. mother-in-law grandmother C. D. son-in-law daughter-in-law


Faizs father is my uncle. So, I am Faizs A. B. nephew cousin C. D. son-in-law brother-in-law


My grandparents took care of me after my . died at an early age. A. B. sister-in-law grandmother C. D. niece mother


Both my nephews look very much like my , their father. A. B. brother grandfather C. D. cousin father


My sister slipped the ring onto my . finger and smiled. A. B. brothers brother-in-laws C. D. uncles fathers


Our uncles and aunts are our .. A. B. family siblings C. D. parents relatives


The pretty girl in the red dress is my .. A. B. mother brother C. D. nephew sister.


A . is a mammal. A. B. dolphin shark C. D. crocodile snake


A . is a carnivorous animal. A. B. cow goat C. D. zebra tiger


Nocturnal animals are animals such as the rats and the .. A. B. parrot eagle C. D. owl ostrich


A python is a member of the .. family. A. B. lion crocodile C. D. snake bird


A .. carries its young in its pouch. A. B. monkey kangaroo C. D. gorilla deer


The is the largest bird that cannot fly. A. B. ostrich turkey C. D. goose cock


Insects like mosquitoes and can cause harmful diseases. A. B. butterflies houseflies C. D. spiders dragonflies


The is a female horse. A. B. bitch cub C. D. mare stallion


A . is a reptile that can change according to the surrounding. A. B. chameleon crocodile C. D. snake lizard


The are hunted by poachers and illegal hunters for their tusks. A. B. hippopotamus deer C. D. elephants buffaloes


Jamal, the farmer, uses a . to dig a hole in the ground. A. B. rake hoe C. D. saw axe


You need a to add up the figures quickly. A. B. compass calculator C. D. calipher camera


He cannot see well if he does not wear his.. A. B. spectacles stethoscope C. D. telescope microscope


The cashier uses the to sum up the cost of the things. A. B. rice-cooker can-opener C. D. cash register measuring tape


A policeman on duty will always carry a pistol and a pair of with him. A. B. knife chopper C. D. axe handcuffs


The gardener uses a to cut the long grass in the garden. A. B. cutter spade C. D. sickle knife


Mum needs some thread and a to sew the torn dress. A. B. nail pin C. D. needle spoke


To seek information, most students rely on their . nowadays. A. B. handphones televisions C. D. computers radios


The maid kept the extra food in the . A. B. refrigerator incinerator C. D. generator pressure cooker


Mother could not have a hot water shower because the water was not working. A. B. boiler heater C. D. machine tap


My sister uses a . to scrape out the mixture from the mixing bowl. A. B. pan fork C. D. ladle spatula


The painter attached a .. to a long pole to paint the ceiling. A. B. broom cloth C. D. brush mat


Dead people are buried at the . A. B. sanatorium sewerage C. D. cemetery monastery


The children who lost their parents in the accident were sent to the . A. B. orphanage cottage C. D. garage prison


Birds are kept in an open space called the .. A. B. cage nest C. D. kennel aviary


The monks live in a A. B. monastery temple D. C. church



The poachers were caught hunting animals in the A. B. zoo jungle C. D. bushes park


On the Kings birthday, people of all walks of life get a chance to visit the Kings .. A. B. house hut C. D. apartment palace


If you want to have a look at some historical items, it is best to visit a . A. B. castle haunted house C. D. museum library


We have to rush to the. before the football game starts. A. B. stadium cinema D. C. studio hall


Dont disturb mother. She is busy cooking in the .. A. B. porch toilet C. D. kitchen bedroom


Before we reached the , the plane had already taken off. A. B. bus station railway station D. C. airport

taxi stand


I need to go to the to have my hair cut. A. B. barber mechanic C. D. technician electrician


From Butterworth, we took a .. to the island. A. B. ferry trishaw D. C. car



The .. has to make two trips to transfer our furniture. A. B. taxi lorry C. D. bicycle boat


A is an underwater transport. A. B. submarine hovercraft C. D. ship yacht


Malaysian astronauts will have a chance to travel in a soon. A. B. space ship aeroplane C. D. helicopter jet


He was riding his in an illegal race and was stopped by the traffic police. A. B. trishaw car C. motorcycle D. tricycle


As there were no means of transportation, they gathered small logs of wood and made a . A. B. raft boat C. D. ship jet-ski


Encik Zurhan owns a He ferries students to and fro from school. A. B. lorry bus C. D. car trishaw


A . has a crown-like feature on its outer skin. A. B. papaya pineapple C. D. durian mangosteen


The .flower is the national flower of Malaysia. A. B. rose hibiscus C. D. orchid balsam


are also called ladies fingers. A. B. Aubergines Okras C. D. Cabbages Potatoes


The .. tree has a thin, long stem. A. B. papaya mango D. C. durian



. can be baked, fried and even steamed. A. B. Tomatoes Potatoes C. D. Cabbages Chillies


A.. looks like a fruit, but actually it is a vegetable. A. B. watermelon jackfruit C. D. pumpkin pamelo


Mandarin are very popular during Chinese New Year. A. B. oranges apples C. D. papayas durians


plants have thorns on their stems. A. B. Hibiscus Rose C. D. Orchid Dahlia


A moss does not produce .. A. B. flowers roots C. leaves D. food


A .. has a hairy-like structures on its outer skin. A. B. pineapple grapes D. C. guava rambutan


The pupils held the banana over their heads like an umbrella. A. B. leaves branch D. C. fruit trunk


The .. is bitter. A. B. bitter gourd cauliflower C. D. carrot tapioca

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