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Raj Devinder Kaur (1977-78) in her dissertation titled A study of job satisfaction among primary school teachers in relation

to teaching attitude uses a combination of random, purposive and a cluster sampling method was employed to obtain a representative sample of the population of primary school teachers, both male and female from urban and rural backgrounds, working in government district Patiala. The researcher found that there are no sex differences on attitude score of the primary school teachers and there are no significant differences in the score on job satisfaction between the teachers in the high teaching attitude and teachers with low teaching attitude irrespective of the fact whether the teachers are male, female or both. Raj Rani Tewari in her A Study of behavior problems of primary school children of Patiala city deals with the childrens behavior problems so as to enable them to develop harmonious and well-integrated personalities. It is found that the parents of primary school children, both male and female, considered lying, absent mindedness, boastfulness, greediness, defiance, abusing, talkativeness, revengefulness, destructiveness, dishonesty, backwardness in studies, truancy and bullying, sex problems, disturbing the class and lack of responsibility as the most frequently observed behavior problems in primary school children. It is recommended that teachers and parents must realize that a problem child is first a child and then a child with a problem. Teachers have to develop an attitude of helping or love and understanding towards the problem children is of foremost importance and discover the childs qualities and abilities, and then should work on them. This will help the child to overcome his/her problems.

Maninder in her Thesis TV viwing behavior of urban primary school students of Punjba examined the type, kind and size of TV, the place where these children view TV programmes, duration of viewing TV, company and what kind of TV programmes are preferred by the primary scholar children in the urban social space. The study is confined to 415 primary school students which include 210 boys and 205 girls. The study has found that more govt. school students viewed the ordinary antenna and students of private schools viewed Cable and Dish Antennea. The most commonly viewed TV was of medium size and the percentage of children watching TV for 1 to 2 hours came out to be 42.65 percent. Students from private schools, both boys and girls, prefer the company of their brothers or sisters. The study recommended that children should view TV programmes in the company of their parents who should clarify the ambiguous and confusing situations, that is, violence, anti-social actions, cultural conflicts etc. and students should be encouraged to discuss the viewed programmes with the teachers and amongst themselves. Anita Rani in her thesis Behaviour problems of primary school children as perceived by their Teachers and Parents examines the delimited perceptions of rural and urban teachers and parents regarding the behavior problems of primary school children. The study found that there exist some affinity between the perceptions of urban male and female, and rural male and female teachers regarding the behavior problems like jealousy, stubbornness, truancy, temper tantrums, lying, stealing, quarrelsomeness, talkativeness, destructiveness, shyness and revengefulness which seem to be the most frequent behavior problems of primary school children.

The study recommends that behavior problems of primary school children should be studied in relation to specific home related and school related factors and perceptions of different groups such as teachers, parents and students and should be compared. Sat Narain in his dissertation entitled Teacher Attitude of Primary School Teachers in relation to their Age and Teaching experience uses the method of random sampling. Narain has found that neither sex nor age becomes a factor that affects the attitude of teachers at the level of primary schools. Moreover, the author has not observed any marked difference between the attitude of rural and urban primary school teachers. Hence, it can be said that the attitude of teachers improve with experience but only uo tp a degree and after a certain number of years in service. Reference: Rajinder kaur A Study of Job satisfaction among primary school teachers in relation to teaching attitude dissertation Masters of Arts (education) Punjabi University, Patiala.

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