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The articles a/an and the in Englisch - Exercise

The article

Fill in the article >a<, >an< or >the< where necessary. Choose >x< where no article is used. 1) I like blue T-shirt over there better than hour. red one.

2) Their car does 150 miles 3) Where's 4) Do you still live in 5) Is your mother working in 6) Carol's father works as 7) The tomatoes are 99 pence 8) What do you usually have for 9) Ben has

USB drive I lent you last week? Bristol? old office building? electrician. kilo. breakfast?

terrible headache. whole afternoon free to explore the city.

pair of shoes. movie last night. hotel. man over there is very basketball. problem I told you about. night is quiet. Let's take a walk! price of gas keeps rising. Mexico. Spanish. amazing story chicken. love is such beautiful thing.

10) After this tour you have

1. I bought 2. I saw 3. They are staying at 4. I think unfriendly. 5. I do not like 6. That is 7. 8. 9. John traveled to 10. Juan is 11. I read yesterday. 12. My brother doesn't eat 13.

14. I live in apartment is new.


15. I would like 16. I was in

piece of cake. Japanese restaurant. restaurant served good food.

17. Sara can play

a the


Please wait for __________ hour for the test results.

an none of the above


India is the second most populous country in ___________ world.

an none of the above



Amit is __________ M.B.A. from Rajdhani University.

an none of the above



Do you have ____________ pen?

an none of the above



Is this _____________ pen given by Mr. Singh?

an none of the above



How do I go to ____________ Lajpat Nagar?

an none of the above



Mr. Reddy is wearing ___________ blue shirt.

a the

an none of the above


This is ____________ unique coin.

an none of the above



I saw ___________ elephant on the road today.

an none of the above


a the

The headmaster was talking to ____________ parents.

an none of the above



Sally has been running for three hours and now she is My brother had an accident and his situation is quite When we visited that abandoned house it was really I think he was That film is not Your bathroom is Are you What is the most It was the most because he called me Mary and my name is Rose despite being a comedy ! Couldnt you clean it a little? in reading one of my novels? story youve ever heard? meeting I have ever attended.

When we broke the vase, we felt very


Is the book you are reading very The new James Bond film is really We were both

? Interest . Thrill

that she hadnt heard the news. Surprise . Depress . Bore . Encourage

The images of the war were very

I nearly fell asleep in the cinema. The film was so She had such good marks that she was very Can you tell me where that They were My sister was

noise comes from? Annoy

the weather wasnt good yesterday. Disappoint by my old toys. Fascinate to stay in bed all day. Tempt

When you are not in good spirits, it is

-ed / -ing adjectives

Many English adjectives of emotion/feeling are formed from the -ed / -ing forms of verbs:
verb -ed -ing How _____! amazing amusing astounding bewitching captivating challenging charming comforting noun What _____! amazement amusement astonishment bewitchment a captivation a challenge charm comfort

You ____ me! I'm _____! amaze amuse astound bewitch captivate challenge charm comfort amazed amused astounded bewitched captivated challenged charmed comforted

concern convince encourage enchant energize entertain enthrall excite exhaust fascinate flatter fulfill gratify gratify humiliate interest intrigue move please relax relieve satisfy soothe surprise tempt touch thrill titilate

concerned convinced encouraged enchanted energized entertained enthralled excited exhausted fascinated flattered fulfilled gratified gratified humiliated interested intrigued moved pleased relaxed relieved satisfied soothed surprised tempted touched thrilled titilated

concerning convincing encouraging enchanting energizing entertaining enthralling exciting exhausting fascinating flattering fulfilling gratifying gratifying humiliating interesting intriguing moving pleasing (pleasant) relaxing relieving satisfying soothing surprising tempting touching thrilling titilating

concern conviction encouragement enchantment energy entertainment enthrallment excitement exhaustion fascination flattery fulfillment gratification gratification humiliation interest intrigue

a pleasure relaxation a relief satisfaction

a surprise temptation

a thrill titilation

verb -ed -ing noun

You ____ me! aggravate alarm annoy bewilder bore confound confuse depress devastate disappoint discourage disgust dishearten dismay displease distress disturb embarrass exasperate fatigue frighten frustrate horrify insult irritate mortify mystify overwhelm perplex

I'm _____! aggravated alarmed annoyed bewildered bored confounded confused depressed devastated disappointed discouraged disgusted disheartened dismayed displeased distressed disturbed embarrassed exasperated fatigued frightened frustrated horrified insulted irritated mortified mystified

How _____! aggravating alarming annoying bewildering boring confounding confusing depressing devastating disappointing discouraging disgusting disheartening dismaying displeasing distressing disturbing embarrassing exasperating fatiguing frightening frustrating horrifying insulting irritating mortifying mystifying

What _____! aggravation alarm annoyance bewilderment boredom

confusion depression devastation disappointment discouragement disgust disheartenment dismay displeasure distress disturbance embarrassment exasperation fatigue fright frustration horror an insult irritation mortification mystification

overwhelmed overwhelming overwhelmingness perplexed perplexing perplexity

perturb puzzle shock sicken terrify threaten tire trouble unnerve unsettle upset vex

perturbed puzzled shocked sickened terrified threatened tired troubled unnerved unsettled upset vexed (vext)

perturbing puzzling shocking sickening terrifying threatening tiring troubling unnerving unsettling upsetting vexing

perturbation puzzlement a shock sickness terror a threat tiredness trouble



'My holiday was relaxing. I felt really relaxed.' Few, but common, adjectives end in either -ed or -ing: worried/worrying, interested/interesting, excited/exciting

'-ed' adjectives
Adjectives that end in -ed are used to describe how people feel: 'He was surprised to find that he had been upgraded to first class.' 'I was confused by the findings of the report.' 'She felt tired after working hard all day.'

'-ing' adjectives
Adjectives that end in -ing are used to describe things and situations. Compare these example sentences to the ones above: 'Being upgraded to first class is surprising.' The findings of this report are confusing.' 'Working hard all day is tiring.'

example table:
Feel '-ed' annoyed bored confused describe '-ing' annoying boring confusing depressed excited frustrated frightened depressing satisfied exciting frustrating frightening shocked satisfying shocking

Dogs often feel ___ during fieworks.

frightening frightened The metro can be ___ the first time you use it.

confused confusing Satoru was ___ to hear about the earthquake.

shocking shocked I think that rainy days in winter are ___.

depressing depressed She's ___ of doing the same thing every day.

boring bored It was the most ___ I have been watching a film.

exciting excited The meals at Immigrant's Cafe are ___.

satisfied satisfying

Adjectives with -ing / -ed Matching exercise

What word do you need to complete the sentence?

I do the same thing every day. My job is very ______ . I have nothing to do. I'm ______ . My job is very varied. I find it ______ . I'm ______ in applying for the job. I heard some very ______ news. I'm going to lose my job. I feel terrible Cheer up . Don't feel so ______ . There are plenty of other jobs. I heard a very ______ story. It will make you laugh. It's not ______ that you failed the exam. You never did any work. I don't understand this exercise. I'm very ______ . I thought your behaviour at the party was ______ . You were sick in the middle of the room. My trip to Paris has been cancelled. I'm really ______ . I really wanted to go. The performance of the English team was very ______ . They played much worse than expected. There are a lot of road signs. It's all very ______ . I am very ______ in this subject. I find it fascinating. The lesson was really ______ . I almost fell asleep. I was ______ by her behaviour. It was very funny. I was ______ by the news. I didn't expect it. I was ______ by his behaviour. It was outrageous. I'm ______ in finding out more about this. Where can I look? When the students did badly, the teacher became really ______ and didn't smile for weeks. Adjectives -ED or -ING Exercise at Auto-English

-ING the cause -ED Fill the gaps with the adjectives in brackets. 1 He's such a monotonous speaker. I was ________________ stiff. (bored / boring) the effect

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Most sequels are ________________. (disappointed / disappointing) I had such a ________________ day I went straight to bed. (tired / tiring) Everyone's very ________________ about the news. (excited / exciting) That lamp produces a very ________________ effect. (pleased / pleasing) The whole school was ________________ by the tragic event. (saddened / saddening) I don't like watching ________________ films on my own. (depressed / depressing) I was ________________ when she told me she'd got divorced. (amazed / amazing) He's such a ________________ guy. He only ever talks about himself. (bored / boring) I'm very ________________ in films and theatre. (interested / interesting) No one knew what would happen next. We were all ________________ . (intrigued / intriguing) It was a very ________________ situation. (interested / interesting) There's been some very ________________ news. (surprised / surprising) His mother was ________________ by what she found under his bed. (disgusted / disgusting) Their hamburgers are ________________ . (disgusted / disgusting) Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly ________________ . (exhausted / exhausting) He's always showing off. It's really ________________ . (annoyed / annoying) I think Alex is one of the most ________________ people I've ever met. He can't keep still for a second. (annoyed / annoying) I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed really ________________ . (embarrassed / embarrassing) She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather ________________ . (embarrassed / embarrassing)



Some, any + -body / -one, + -thing, + -where

The compounds of some and any behave in the same way as someand any, that is to say, some-, in affirmative sentences and,any-, in negatives and questions, although we use some- in the interrogative to offer something, to ask for something or when we expect a positive response, as we saw in the previous unit. Examples: I saw somebody there. I did not see anybody there. Did you see anybody there? Would you like something better?

Instead of I did not see anybody there, we can say I saw nobodythere, but we cannot use two negative words: *I did not seenobody there.

Anybody, nobody and somebody mean the same as anyone, nooneand nobody respectively. No-one can also be written no one.

Any can also mean "every" or "it does not matter which / who": You can take any pencil. Anybody can do it. It's very easy.

Let's see the following examples to end with: Somebody told me you were abroad. Nobody came to the meeting. Was there anybody in the house? I want something to eat. I don't need anything. I need nothing. Would you like something to drink? Is there anything in that drawer? I want to go somewhere else. I didn't go anywhere. I went nowhere. Have you seen my car keys anywhere?

Exercises: Fill in the gaps with somebody, anybody, nobody, something,anything, nothing, som ewhere, anywhere or nowhere. 1. I know __________ about this issue that you may find interesting, but if I tell you, you must promise to keep it (a) secret. 2. 3. __________ lives here. There is no water. I spent the night __________ near the beach.

4. __________ could have jumped over this wall, and stole your rake. It's very low. 5. __________ scares him. He's very brave.

6. There is __________ to park here. Let's go __________ else to park. 7. 8. 9. Would you like __________ to wash your hands?. May I have __________ for dessert, please? They took him __________ in London, and he never returned.

10. Please don't leave __________ behind at home. We'll be away for a fortnight. 11. She needs __________ to love. She's very lonely.

12. They will not sing __________ in this city. They said that they would never come back. 13. There isn't __________ you can do to help them. __________ can help them. 14. We do not need __________ else to run this department. We can do it ourselves. 15. __________ is ringing the bell. Go and see who it is.

16. __________ phoned while we were out, but they did not leave a message. 17. on . __________ tells me that there is __________ fishy going

18. They are looking for __________ to settle down and have children. They want to find a quiet place to lead a quiet life. 19. "Where would you like to stay?" "__________ will do provided it is a clean place." 20. "Is there __________ at home?"

"I don't think there is __________. Mum and dad must have gone out." Please remember that instead of anybody, nobody and somebody, you may use anyone, no-one and someone respectively. 1. something

2. Nobody (Nothing is also possible if we wish to make it more drastic.) 3. 4. somewhere Anybody

5. Nothing / Nobody (The first alternative may be better, but it depends on the context.) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. nowhere, somewhere something something somewhere anything somebody anywhere anything, Nobody anybody Somebody Somebody

17. 18. 19. 20.

Something, something somewhere Anywhere anybody, anybody

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