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: by Floyd Hard:in. :
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, We. predict .. that the. pr.ojecte.9. Debate 0 Will
international publici ty by press--ahd. radio throUgh a series of hews
releases to be sent out .to _ all pa:rts of the wor:J..d 0 Will be brought . to
of leading in many lands and open up new
nues of research in certain- branches of general lingul.stics 0 Will e-stab-
lish the fundainental .. "criteria upon which. a world auxiliary .language.
be based 0 Will awaken tp.e interest of an apathetic. public to the vital .
importance of the movement fr a world-tongue 0 Wil'l work to coordinate:
and unify the effort's of. 'interlinguists .in all camps to pre$ent a u.ni1;ied
front for an international auxiliary l .a.rJ.guage.
Details of the debate are now being w:orked ,.out 'by the .Committe_e on
Arrangements. Further announcements will .be made in this Review as the
work of the Committee goes forward; Important a.nci signii'icant 'corre-
spondence relating to .. the debate will be pub],,_ished in our next issue,
by unanimous consent . of tho'se directly concerned: . . .
Dr. Alexander Gode," author of Interlingua
D-ro Profesoro .Ivo-Lapenna, Executive Secretary, _Universal Esperanto
-- . .
Association . _
William Auld, retiring. Editor of Esperanto
Dr. Victor . sadler, ;,the -new Editor of Esperanto
-i:j .' Floyd Edi of the International Language
. .... .
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All Esperantists and other students of the wo;ld-- language pro"bi'em
should obtain the three issues of the International La.Iiguage ' Review'1h
which this important di.scussion., appears .. These i .ss.u;Ss wi.11 afford nearly
300 pages of important stud.y an-Cr riference interia:'l "tsii the sub"ject of a
world language. We advise that you order promptly before the present
suppl:y is exhausted. A remi ttance of $2 . 00 (.qr .i.ts in .foreign
money) should accompany the: .. (18 :rei>..;Ly.' couports' w:ti1

or Esperantists may send us 27 EsperEi:rl.1f "Stelo.j" .) Address: Floyd Hardin,
P.O. Box 393, Denver 1, -:: C.o,lorado", u.s.A .. ; - '
. . ' . . . . .......
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