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Me: I'd be embarrassed that one of the forms of our entertainment is named "Honey Boo Boo!

Friend 1: Yep, you got it Reggie. 20 hours ago Friend 2: add in R & B divas and Basketball Wives. 8 hours ago " Reginald L. Goodwin The EM signals from all of our television and radio broadcasts may logically explain the SETI silence...they are NOT impressed! Name Omitted We should be riding bicyclles like they do in China 7 hours ago Reginald L. Goodwin Understand the sentiment but actually, the Chinese are increasing their usage of fossil fuels with no EPA controls (as in, no Sino EPA). Smog is the 12th leading cause of death there. 7 hours ago Name Omitted To Contrast that we need to get rid of the Humans we are the one's screwing up the planet even though we try we make up only a small fraction of the Earth's Population even if we all rode bicycles it would not make the much difference in compared to India and China which don't give

a Hoot. My reformation is coming from above in the Person of JC I will be gone before the planet destructs. 6 hours ago " Reginald L. Goodwin "get right of the Humans"...unless you are extraterrestrial Name Omitted, you are a part of that unfortunate set. 5 hours ago Name Omitted I don't destruct the planet others do and they are not part of our Country 5 hours ago Reginald L. Goodwin Part of the globe and the set, Name Omitted. Unless you've mastered interstellar travel, you're stuck with them. 5 hours ago Name Omitted I agree with that sentiment but the Planet will not be destoyed by Humans reference the Bible 4 hours ago Reginald L. Goodwin There has been 6 mass extinction events. I agree, the seventh is on path to be caused by humans: biological pandemic, climate change, nuclear conflagration, etc. But, if God is a "good parent," I don't think he'd want to clean up the mess of our room/planet after we've wrecked it. Oblivion is a path; any path taken is a choice. 4 hours ago Name Omitted I agree we should be stewards of the Pllanet but not everybody is on the same page and to boot the biggest polluters. But that being said the Planet will not be destroyed by Humans but by the Creator himself that is why we need to Repent and turn to Him he is the only choice. Man will self destruct because of Sin 4 hours ago Reginald L. Goodwin I have a physics degree; pursuing a masters at Stevens University and eventually a research doctorate. Obviously, I'm a proponent of science (blog about it daily), but you're determined to have a debate, for reasons I cannot fathom other than something...See More 4 hours ago Name Omitted I agree to your point I don't know how old the Earth is or care. But I do know what will happen in the end and it is not mere theory. But have a Faith in the one who Created it. I might not have advanced degrees but I do have a reliable Source and good luck in you Study's 4 hours ago Reginald L. Goodwin Goodbye Name Omitted: you are un-friend (ed). I have better things to do. Conversation started today

3:25pm Name Omitted I have no pride other then my faith. I see you question and have a heart ask and you shall receive? I am sorry we could not have conversation

3:29pm Reginald L. Goodwin You inspired a recent blog post: Care to inspire another?

Cool Physics: Confronting Willful Ignorance... This blog will attempt to keep the viewer abreast with the current events and current topics in all branches of physics and the fields impact on society and the world. Also, out of sheer whimsy, have fun as well!

3:42pm Name Omitted Hi Reggie I am sorry I offended you. I do want you to know God Loves you and has offered you provision in his Son Jesus. I know this goes against your scientific background but it is true just ask for truth God can reveal it to to you good luck and best wishes. Matt

3:46pm Reginald L. Goodwin

Dude: sermonize someone else, please? I was youth minister at TWO churches; finance director at one and usher and Sunday school teacher at the other, AND a certified HS physics and math teacher. Your diatribe goes against common sense, logic and the competitiveness of this country. Arrogant people prove it by not knowing when to quit. Good job.

3:52pm Name Omitted Hi Reggie I did not mean to offend you in anyway. I just want you to know the same person as I do. good Luck in your study's I will not bother you anymore God Bless

3:54pm Reginald L. Goodwin You don't read so read this: I'm reporting you to Facebook. Deal with that. You're insulting beyond measure. If the pews are emptying in our respective houses of worship, it's probably invasive, divisive, ugly, non-Christian actions such as this. I don't think Christ would follow your model. But I'm following Facebook's to report abuse. Keep emailing. I'm putting together quite an impressive report.

3:56pm Name Omitted okay God Bless you .

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