Question No.15

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Question No.


Read the following passage and make notes using heading and sub-headings:
1. An elephant herd has only females and baby elephants. The oldest female is the leader of the herd. A herd may have 10 to 12 female elephants and young ones. Male elephants live in the herd till they are 14-15 years old. Then they leave their herd and move around alone. 2. Every beehive has one queen bee that lays eggs. There are only a few males in the hive. Most of the bees in the hive are worker-bees. These bees work all day. They make the hive and also look after the baby bees. They fly around flowers in search of nectar. They collect nectar from flowers for honey. The worker-bees are very important for the hive. The male bees have no special role as worker. 3. Madhubani is a very old form of folk art. There is a district in Bihar called Madhubani. Here, during festivals and happy occasions, the walls of the houses and their courtyards are painted with such pictures. These paintings are made out of paste of powdered rice in which colour has been mixed. The colours used in Madhubani painting are very special too. To make them, indigo (Neel), Turmeric (Haldi) colours from flowers and trees etc., are used. The paintings show human beings, animals, trees, flowers, birds, fish and many other animals. 4. In the hills of Uttaranchal there is a place where there are flowers everywhere. This place is called the Valley of Flowers. In some places, one sees red flowers blooming on bushes, while in others one finds white flowers peeping out between the stones. There are wide areas carpeted with the brightest yellow flowers, elsewhere, blue flowers shining like tiny stars between the grass. 5. Desert oak is a tree that is found in Australia. It grows almost as tall as your classroom wall. It has very few leaves. The length of about 30 such trees laid down in a line end to end, one after another. The roots go deep into the ground till they reach water. This water is stored in the tree trunk. Local people knew about this. When there was no water in the desert, the local people use to put a thin pipe into the trunk of the tree, to drink this water. 6. Pochampalli district is in Andhra Pradesh. Most of the families in this district are weavers. That is why the special cloth that they weave is called Pochampalli silk. They put the bundles of threads in boiling water to wash away the dirt and stains. Then the threads are dyed with bright colours. These threads are then dried and rolled into bundles. They are then put on to looms and the cloth is woven. Silk cloth is woven from silk thread and cotton cloth from cotton thread. 7. Sloth is an animal that looks like a bear but is not. It spends almost 17 hours a day sleeping while hanging upside down on a tree branch. The sloth eats the leaves of the same tree on which it lives. It hardly needs anything else. When it has eaten enough leaves from that tree, it moves to the nearby tree. Sloth lives for about 40 years and in that time they move around only eight trees. Once a week it comes down from the tree to relieve itself. 8. High up on a tree, a langur warns others of dangers like a tiger of leopard. The langur does this by making a special warning call. Birds also give alarm calls to warn about the danger. Some birds even have different sounds for different kinds of dangers. For example, there is a different warning call if the enemy is on the ground. When any animal gives the warning call, all the animals in that area understand the danger signal. 103

9. Ahmedabad, January 26,2001 Atleast a thousand people are feared dead in the earth quake that struck Gujarat this morning many thousands have been injured. Army jawans have been called in to help. Atleast a hundred and fifty buildings have been fallen in the city of Ahmedabad. In these there, are a dozen multi-storeyed buildings. By this evening, around 250 bodies have been removed from these buildings. It is feared that several thousand people may still be trapped. Rescue efforts are on. There is perhaps no building in the city which has not developed cracks. 10. In a child, the heart beats from 90 to 100 times a minute. In an adult, heart beat varies from 70-72 per minute. Heart beat increases when you do some extra work, such as running, cycling or when you are excited or under stress. This can be felt as an increase in the pumping of the heart. 11. Circulatory system is a transport system moving substances in and out of cells with the help of blood. It consists of the heart, blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries) and blood. The heart in the human beings is four chambered, consisting of two auricles and two ventricles. The blood consists of a liquid called plasma and cells of corpuscles. Blood cells are of three kinds - Red blood cells (RBCs), White blood cells (WBCs) and platelets. 12. Seeds of different plants vary in size and shape but their basic structure is similar. A mature seed consists of two parts - the seed coat and the embryo (baby plant). The seed coat is the protective covering of the seed. The embryo is the young of miniature plant enclosed within the seed coat. 13. There are some plants which trap and eat frogs, insects and even mice. The pitches plant (Nepenthese) is one such plant. It is found in Australia, Indonesia and Meghalaya in India. It has a pitcher-like shape and the mouth is covered by a leaf. The plant has a special small that attracts insects to it. When the insect lands on the mouth of the plant, it gets trapped and cannot get out. What a clever way to hunt. 14. 17 November, 2007 - Thousand of children studying in the Muncipal Corporation schools in Delhi suffer from anaemia. This is affecting both their physical as well as mental health. Due to anaemia, children do not grow well, and their energy levels are low. This also affects their ability to study properly. Now health checkups are being done in the schools and health cards are being made for all the children. Anaemic children are also being given iron tablets. 15. Are you inviting mosquitoes? Beware! They spread Malaria, Dengue, Chikengunya! Dont let water collect around you. Fill up the pits. Keep the water pots, coolers and tanks clean. They should be dried every week. Put fish in the ponds, so that they eat mosquito larvae. Use mosquuito nets to protect yourself. Spray oil if water has collected at some places. 16. Each tiger has its own area which may cover several kilometres. Tigers mark their area with their urine. The tigers whiskers are very sensitive and can sense the movements of vibrations in air. They help the tiger move in the dark and fit its prey. Tigers can make different sounds for different purposes like when it is angry or to call out to a tigers. It can also roar of snarl. Its roar can be heard upto 3 kilometres away. The ears of the tiger can move in different directions and this helps to catch the sounds from all around.


17. The khejadi tree is found mainly in desert areas. It can grow without much water. Its bark is used for making medicines. People cook and eat its fruit (beans). Its wood is such that it will not be affected by insects. Animals in this area eat the leaves of the khejadi and children play in its shade. 18. My name is Anita. I live in Bochaha Village. This is Muzzafarpur District in Bihar. I stay with my parents and two younger brothers. I study in college. Besides studying, I teach younger children. I also keep honeybees. All this has not been easy for me. When I was young, I used to spend all my time with my goats as they grazed for food. I always wanted to go to school but my parents did not like the idea of girls going to school. But when one of teachers in my village explained to my parents why it is important to study. Then my parents agreed. I started going to school. 19. Ants live and work together like honeybees. The queen ant lays the eggs, the soldier ants look after and guard the ants homes. Worker ants are always busy looking for food and bringing it to the nest. Termites and wasps also live like this. 20. There are many girls who get married before they are 18 years old. Many of them have to even leave school. There are many true stories of girls like Susheela of Ranga Reddy district who are going back to school. She also got the help of the Panchayat. The panchayat said that young children should play and study and not be married off. A group of people of Andhra Pradesh holds special camps to help married girls to go back to school. Jangamma and Chitti say, We would like to study and stand on our own feet. 21. Karnam Malleswari is a weight lifter. She lives in Andhra Pradesh. Her father is a police constable. Malleswari started lifting weights when she was 12 years old. Now she can lift a weight of 130 kilograms. Karnam has won 29 medals in International events. Her four sisters also practise weight lifting. 22. I am Baswa my father is a farmer. We live in Belvanika village in Karnataka. It is the month of July. Like every year, Appa, my father is preparing the field to sow the onion crop. There are so many things to be done at this time. To help him I too go to the field with Appa. In the last few days, Appa has been using the Khunti (an iron rod) to dig the soil, loosen it and make it soft. 23. My name is Vaishali my father is a vegetable seller. My whole family Amma, Anna, Chhotu and I, help him with his work. We begin our work at 30 clock in the morning. When most people are fast asleep, we start our work. Our day work begins when my father, amma, anna, and I take out the previous days vegetables from the gunny bags and baskets. This is to prepare for bringing the fresh vegetables from the market. Sometimes choutu also help us. 24. A leaf is a laterally, flattened structure borne at a node. It usually has a bud in its axle leaf constitutes the main photosynthetic organ of plants owing to the presence of chloroplasts and chlorophyll. A leaf consists of three parts, namely 1) Lamina, 2) Petiole, and 3) Leaf base. The expanded position of the leaf is called the lamina. It has a number of veins and veinlets. Prominent vein in the middle is known as the midrib. 25. In some animals like cockroach, grasshopper, blood is colourless. In animals like crabs, snails etc., blood is blue in colour. While in animals like earthworms, frogs, reptiles, birds and mammals the blood is red in colour. In earthworms, there are no red blood cells and the haemoglobin is dissolved in the plasma. Blood vessels are absent in insects. Animals like cockroach have 13 chambers in their heart while man has only four chambers. 105

26. Any healthy person (both male and female) between 16 to 60 years of age can donate blood. At the time of blood donation, the donor should not have any infectious disease, fever and they should be free from diseases such as hepatitis, leukaemia, AIDS etc., same person can donate blood once in 3 to 4 months period. Blood collected from the donor is stored under sterile conditions in specially constructed places called BLOOD BANKS. Blood is stored for three months and if it is not used within three weeks after collection, it is discarded.

15. Read the following passage and make notes using headings and subheadings: 1. In each elephant herd The leader of the herd : : only females and baby elephants The oldest female 10 to 12 female elephants and young ones only till 4-15 years old one queen bee, a few males and worker bees. laying eggs

No. of the elephants in a herd : The male elephants in a herd : 2. In a beehive The work of worker bees i) making hive ii) looking after the baby bees :

The work of the Queen Bee :

iii) collecting hectar from flowers for honey The work of the male bees 3. The name of the folk art The state in which it is done The district after which it is called The paintings are made of The colours used The colours made from The paintings on fish etc., 4. Name of the place The place is also called The colourful flowers found in the 106 : : : : : : : : no special work Madhubani Bihar Madhubani the paste of powdered rice mixed with colour indigo and turmeric flowers, trees etc., human beings, animals, trees, flowers, birds,

: :

hills of Uttaranchal valley of flowers


red flowers, white flowers, yellow flowers and blue flowers.

The places where these flowers are found, The red flowers White flowers Yellow flowers blue flowers 5. The name of the tree Found in No. of leaves The depth of the roots The water is stored Uses 6. Name of the district Located in Famous for Most of the people are : : : : : : : : : : : : : : on bushes between the stones in wide areas like carpets between the grass shine like stars desert oak Australia very few 30 very deep till they reach water in the tree trunk people drink the water stored in tree trunk when there is no water in the desert Pochampally Andhra Pradesh Pochampally silk and cotton sarees weavers i) wash away the dirt by boiling the threads ii) dye the threads with colours iii) the threads dried and rolled into bundles iv) the threads are put on looms for weaving 7. The name of the animal Looks like The time spent mostly in The no. of hours it sleeps a day Place of living Food Life-span The no. of trees on which it lives in its life-time Takes relief : : only eight once a week : : : : : : : sloth bear sleeping 17 hours hangs upside down on trees eats leaves 40 years

The no. of trees in each line :

The steps in weaving sarees :


8. The name of the animal Its work Langur warns animals by The warning calls are given when 9. The incident is about The place of the earthquake The date on which it happened Resulted in

: : : : : : : : -

Langur warns other animals of dangers like a tiger or a leopard special warning call the enemy is on the ground The earthquake Ahmedabad, Gujarat Jan 26,2001 many thousands injured, a hundred and fifty building have fallen including a dozen multi-storeyed buildings several people died several others trapped army jawans about 250 bodies removed from the buildings

Rescue operations take

10. Topic The no. of times the heart beats In a child In an adult The heart beat increases with extra work running cycling excitement stress

: : :

heart beat 90 to 100 times a minute 70 to 72 per minute

The increases in the heartbeat can be felt : in the pumping of the heart



Circulatory system (Transport system) in our body

heart four chamber arteries

blood vessels veins capillaries

blood plasma (liquid) corpuscles (cells)

two articles

two ventricles

red blood cells (RBS)

whiteblood cells (WBC)


12. Seeds of different plant vary in

size, shape and basic structure

A mature seed

seed coat (protective covering) 13. Some plants eat Example It is found in Its shape The important part It attract insects The insects trap in 14. The problem The place The time The affects : : : : : : : : : : :

embryo (baby plant) (the young of miniature plant) frogs, insects and mice. pitchet plant (nepenthese) australia, Indonesia and Meghalaya in India pitcher like the mouth covered by a leaf with its special smell the mouth of the plant children suffering from anaemia municipal corporation schools in Delhi 17 November, 2007 children do not grow well - energy levels are low - inability to study


: : :

health check ups are done health cards are made iron tablets are given


15. Topic


The diseases spread by mosquitoes malaria, dengue and chikungunya The steps to be taken to control Mosquitoes : keeping the water pots, coolers and tanks clean and dried every week putting fish in the ponds using mosquito nets spraying oil 16. Topic The area owned by each area The tigers mark their area Its whiskers are Its roar can be heard The purpose of roaring The ears are useful in 17. The name of the tree Found in Speciality Uses : : : : : : : : : : : tigers several kilometers with urine moving the dark finding its prey useful in upto 3 kilometers when it is angry to call out a tigers catching the sounds from all around khejadi dessert grows without much water i) bark : for making medicines ii) fruit (beans) : people cook and eat iii) wood : not affected by insects iv) leaves : animals eat them v) shade : children play Anita Bochaha village Muzzafarpur district in Bihar parents and two younger brothers college teaching young children keeping honey bees when the girl was young, with goats going to school one of the teachers in her village 110

18. Name of the girl Lives in Located in The family members Studying in Hobbies

: : : : : :

Spent most of the time : Desires (likes) : One who helped in Sending her to school :

19. The topic Look like The queen ants The soldier ants The worker ants The other insects work like Ants

: : : : : :

Ants honeybees lays eggs look after and guard the ants homes busy looking for food and bringing it ternites and wasps

20. The problem : girls getting married before they are 18 years old Example : susheela of Ranga Reddy district She got the help : from Panchayat Result : she is going back to school The steps taken by a : holiday special camps group of people The purpose : helping married girls to go back to schools The other two girls who want to study : Jangamma and chitti 21. The name of the girl Profession Her father She can lift : : : : Karnam Malleswari weight lifter a police constable at 12 years old 130 kgs 29

Started weight lifting :

The no. of medals won in international events :

The family involved in weight lifting : her four sisters. 22. Name of the boy Father Live in The crop grown The month in which it is done every year The use of the iron rod 23. My name My other family members Our work begins everyday Our work Chotus work : : : : : : : : : : : Baswa a farmer Balvanika village in Karnataka the onion crop July to dig soil, loosen it and make it soft Vaishali amma, anna, chotu at 3 0 clock in the morning taking out the previous days, vegetables from the gunny bags and baskets taking out the previous days vegetables from the gunny bags and baskets 111

24. Topic Structure Located Function Important parts

: : :

A leaf : : laterally of lattened photosynthesis leafs parts at a node chloroplasts and chlorophyll




(the expanded portion)

veins The prominent vein - Midrib 25. Topic The colourless blood The blue colour blood Red blood No red blood cells No blood vessels 13 chambered heart Four chambered heart: 26. Topic The people who can donate The age of donors The condition of donors The donation period Blood is stored The storing period : : : : : : :


Blood in cockroaches and grasshopers in crabs, snails etc., frogs, reptiles, birds, mammals in earth worm in insects in cockroaches in man : : : : : : : Blood donation both male and female between 16 to 60 years of age no infections diseases and free from hepatitis, lukaemia, AIDS etc., once in 3 to 4 months in blood banks only three months


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