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Question No. 16 Read the following passage and prepare notes.

Q. Read the following passage and preapre notes. There are three kinds of substances; solids, liquids and gases. Solids have specific shape and they occupy specific area. Wood, bricks and rock are solids. Liquids do not have any specific shape. They get the shape of the container they are poured into water, milk and kerosene are liquids. Gases do not have specific shape and occupy a lot a space. Vapour and air are gases. Now, complete the boxes Substances

solids specific shape & area

liquids do not have specific shape, get the shape of the container


vapour and air Ans : I. Dont have specific shape and occupy a lot of space II. Wood, bricks and rock III. Bad, water, milk, kerosene Q: Study the information given in the table and write a paragraph. Poisonous Snakes Non-poison-ous snakes Found in forests and dry-land found in gardens Two scratches where they bite many scratches whey they bite Cobra and viper green snake and water snake

Now, write a paragraph about the types of snakes Ans : There are two types of snakes 1) Poisonous snakes 2) Non-poisonous snakes Generally poisonous snakes are found in forests and dry - land. When they bite two scratches appears, example of poisonous snakes are Cobra and Viper. Non-poisonous snakes are not dangerous. They are found in gardens. when they bite many scratches appears on the body. Examples are green snake and water snake. 113


Study the information given in the table and write a paragraph. Object Ladies umbrella Size 6 inches Shape Looks like a closed flowers on top Colour Green spotted with red and yellow flowers white handle Function Protests against rain

Ans : The object is ladies umbrella. It is 6 inches long. It looks like a closed flower on top. It is green in colour. It is spotted with red and yellow flowers. It has a white handle we use umbrella to protest against rain. Q. Study the information given in the table and write paragraph about our late Prime minister Lal bahadur Shastri. Year 2nd October, 1904 1927 1928 1951 1955 to 63 Details born in a poor family, Mughal Sarai U.P. married Lalitha Joined Congress Party, active worker at the call of Mahatma Gandhi elected as a member of the Rajya Sabha minister in Central Government

Ans : Lal Bahdur Sastri was born on 2nd October 1904 in a Poor family at Mughal Sarai, U.P. He married Lalita in 1927. Then he joined the Congress party as an active worker at the call of Mahatma Gandhi. Later on, in 1951 he got elected as a member of the Rajya Sabha. From 1955 to 1963 he remained minister in the central government. Q: Study the information given in the table and write a paragraph. Metals Gold & Silver aluminium steel More valuable huge amount of electricity scrapped and recycled Ornaments vessels, utensils vessels, utensils

Now write a paragraph about the types of metals. Ans : Gold and silver are most valuable metals found in the nature. They are used for making ornaments. Aluminium consumes huge amount of electricity while recycling vessels and utensils are made from Aluminium. Steel is also used for making vessels and utensils. It is also used after recycling.


Q : Study the information given in the table and write a paragraph. Domestic animals Wild animals Found in houses Found in forests They are soft in nature They are wild in nature both herbivorous and carnivorous carnivorous and herbivorous

Now write a paragraph about the types of animals. Ans: Animals are of two types : 1) Domestic animals 2) Wild animals Domestic animals are found in houses. Ex : Cow, buffalo, dog and cat. They are soft in nature. Some animals are herbivorous and some are carnivorous. Wild animals are found in forests. Ex: Elephant, tiger, lion, bear, fox. They are also both herbivorous and carnivorous. Thye are wild in nature. Q : Study the information given in the table and write a paragraph. Name of the religion Hindus Festival Celebrated Sankranthi Deepavali Dasara Christians Christmas Boxing Day Muslims Ramzan Moharram September Month January October September December

Ans : Hindus celebrate festivals like Sankranthi, Deepavali, Dasara which fall in the months of January, October and September. Christians celebrate Christmas and Boxing Day which comes in December. Muslims celebrate Ramzan and Moharram which comes in the month of September.



Study the information given in the table and write a paragraph. Type of Snakes Cobra Hog. Nosed snake Garter snake Python Hot regions Anthills Bushes, trees Place Uses Five leather Snake poision in medicines

There are different types of snake, found in hot places, in ant hills, bushes and trees cobra, hog-nosed snake, garter snake and python are some. These are useful in giving good quality leather and some life sailing medicines. Ans : There are different types of snakes, found in hot places, in ant hills, bushes and trees. Cobra, hog-nosed snake, garter snake and python are some. These are useful in giving good quality leather and some life sailing medicines. Q: Study the information giving in the table and write paragraph Vehicles buses, cars trains aeroplanes helicopters ship boats water ways air ways very speed less time slow, madetime Transport land ways Time/Speed moderate

Ans : There are three types of transport facilities 1) Land ways 2) Air ways 3) Water ways Buses, cars, trains etc., move on road and tracks. The time consuming is moderate. Aeroplane, Helicopters come under Airways. Time consuming is very less but fares are very high. The transportation through water ways is by ships and boats. It takes more time.


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